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Thanks for the question, House Heisenberg!!! And oh yeah...I definitely have felt the shame lol

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Top 3 Movies We're Ashamed We Haven't Seen Yet (December Q&A)

Thanks for the question, House Heisenberg!!! And oh yeah...I definitely have felt the shame lol



I have never seen beetle juice 😂


Haha I will man thanks!


Greg you've never seen Shawshank Redemption?? The fuck man! I don't consider it one of the best of all time like everyone else in the world but it's really damn good. John I didn't like Fight Club but it's a cult classic so you will probably enjoy it more than I did.


Also I haven't seen Forrest Gump from start to finish (only bits and pieces) so that's definitely another one I'm ashamed about


haha yup! Those 3 I listed are the ones I easily get the most crap for not having seen yet lol. Doesn't make me look too good especially since I'm a 90's child and they're all from that era. I think John would really dig Fight Club too!


As someone who's only became truly passionate about film within the past few years, (basically around when I discovered you fellas) there are a plethora of classics I've yet to see. I'm SLOWLY making my way down the roster, but it's difficult to find the time among the endless stream of new stuff.


Yeah...trust me, as someone who has been passionate about film since I was like 4 years old, I'm still catching up haha. It's probably a never ending process lol