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Howdy-do, Patron-o-jects!  Here are the stories Kyle and I spoke about just especially for you guys.  Hope you enjoy them!  :)


Movie News 2


Adelia Chamberlain

One of the few things I liked about Batman v Superman was the different take on Batman. It's not that it's Ben Affleck - I honestly could care less about the actor playing him - as much as it was the take on the character, and so to hear that they're basically going back to the same kind of Batman that I can find if I open up a comicbook is disappointing. I understand that I'm in the minority when it comes to that opinion, or at least it always feels like I am, and so that's why they're reversing course on this take on Batman, but it's just another thing to add to the list of things about this upcoming Justice League movie that is making me not look forward to it. And I'm just rolling my eyes at the Casey Affleck quotes about Ben. I mean, I generally roll my eyes at everything I hear about Casey Affleck that isn't related to his acting, so this is just an automatic response at this point. I really love the Guardians vol.2 being the Age of Ultron for the Guardians films comparison that Kyle came up with. That fits is perfectly. I had fun with it, but it definitely wasn't as good as the first one. I am looking forward to seeing how James Gunn does with vol.3 though. And I've admittedly never seen Galaxy Quest, so I should probably get on that.


Can definitely see where you're coming from when it comes to Batman. Generally speaking, I often prefer newer ideas or things that broaden out the worlds and all that. Although here, I sorta just want them to get their act together and give us something cohesive, if nothing else. Sorta not sure how I feel about Ben anymore, but I deeefinitely hear ya on Casey. Real shame there. And now I'm super conflicted because I really wanted to see Ghost Story 😭 And Kyle's a sharp one! I'm not sure which I like more between GOTG2 and Age of Ultron, but I'm certainly fascinated to see where Vol. 3 goes. And the next time you get a night off, Galaxy Quest is super fun and full of familiar faces!