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These past few days I've been doing a mix of working on the right section of Kendra's Palace and checking out / contacting / communicating with artists. One of the artists didn't want their work associated with any material involving rape. I was hoping I could still get them to do a sketch for fun but, unfortunately, I don't think they're going to write me back. Why the sketch? Well I've been "attempting" to get artists to sketch Howleen (of Monster High) when I'm unsure of what they can do. Even if they don't want to be associated with rape content like that found in FSA then I could at least commission them for future games that don't have said content (even some PG stuff I'd love to work on, someday). So far I've only got the one animation in progress. In total it's going to cost about $300 but I'm just having them sketch it out ($25 up front) for now. If all goes well then it will be well worth the $300, but as always I'm skeptical of most artists (which is why the $25). Anyway, about Kendra's Palace. I want to add a large brothel type area to the right side over there. It probably won't be available to players with positive integrity values (unless I find a way to intermingle a quest with it). I want to set up a small map where the player can have Sienna go rest, relax, and have as much sex as she can reasonably handle. I'd really like to set it up so that players can find or buy girls and house them here, and possibly pair them up with npcs, monsters, etc.. Regardless of her personality type, I don't think Sienna would be into whoring out slave girls. I'm thinking more along the lines of her finding, rescuing, buying, etc.. the girls that actually want to stay at the brothel. Previously I had wanted to do a minigame that required  cards with pictures of girls on them. Like a mini Sim Brothel game. I think I like the new idea better. Plus it will be easier to implement as well as instill some more character and story elements into the game. Another use for the brothel, and why it would be called one, would be various denizens of The Abyss going there and wanting to pay to have sex with Sienna, based on her accomplishments. This gives me a use for keeping track of which monsters the player has killed. Killed 25+ abyssian mobs? Then an abyssian wants to have sex (and is then also available for a variety of positions). I may try and think of an alternative way to reward the player for sex in the brothel. If I do pick gold then I'd want to limit the amount. That said, I do want to limit the amount you can get from dancing. Currently it's quite cumulative (albeit slow). I think it should be limited to 100 gold per day at most. Alternatively, I could have the patrons change ona  daily basis, and give each one their own allowance (and even showing them leave as they run out of money). Anyway, back to the brothel sex.. I had an idea a while back to implement a special skill tree that uses points you get from having sex. The brothel sex would suit this perfectly IMO. Well anyway it's all rather complicated and will probably take a while. I'll try to keep ya'll updated as I make progress, and if I ever get any commissions finished I'll post links.



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