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Update: Now Available at the $10 Tier!

Hey! So here we are, my first (unofficial) content release since I switched to Reallusion's software for animating. This is about 2 1/2 minutes of content. Couple of things here!

I was originally going to release a solo project about a group of people getting shrunken in a coffee shop, but honestly, I just wasn't proud of it. I didn't want the first thing 'official' I released in this software to be something I didn't think was very good. There were lots of problems with it that I didn't (and still don't) know how to fix yet, features I am still learning...just a ton of little issues. I was going through my folders and realized that though I didn't have a full big project I was proud of, I had a neat handful of stuff I've been working on for almost two months...so if I throw it all together into a cut content compilation, I can rest easy branding the whole thing as 'unofficial', since it won't be sold elsewhere or made public outside of Patreon but I'm still gonna advertise on DeviantArt... this stuff is almost all of my free time!)

I'm not going to make an exhaustive list, but I'm going to point out some general highlights and lowlights of these clips starting with...

  • Clothes clipping/mesh poke-through. Lots of the models clothes aren't quite moving fluidly with the clothes, causing bendy and pointy things (like elbows, armpits, knees, and nipples) to poke through the mesh. Just a learning curve thing.
  • Random, unexplained nudity of tiny people. I learned the hard way that iClone does not like it when you make add clothes to tiny people after they get so small. It was either leave them naked or start their animation from scratch.
  • Preliminary voice acting! ...with no audio? I'm working with a voice actress for an upcoming project, and I used one of her audio clips to practice lip-syncing. However, we haven't signed the paperwork yet (she's a friend of mine, it's more like she's just doing me a favor until I'm ready to release the project) so I removed the audio from the clip for now. I'm hope you'll recognize it, but the model is saying 'Down the hatch!'
  • Wait...voice acting?! What else? Yes! A major reason I switched to iClone was because it does motion capture and lip-syncing really well. Be excited! iClone also has lots of other really amazing quality of life features. It's so, so much easier to have character's pick up an object, put down an object, climb a moving thing (or person), fall off of something it was stuck to, simulate physics in real time. In Shrunken Sunday, there was a clip of a girl throwing a blueberry across to another girl, dropping blueberries on her plate...all of these stuff was keyframed manually. That life is over! So yeah, I named this cut content a 'tech demo' because it's literally just a bunch of clips of me exploring new features in iClone. 
  • Other stuff. There's a ton of other little things that I want to call out for good or bad reasons (lighting continues to be a struggle) but I may just be being overcritical. I've only been using this software well enough to render *anything* for about a month, so I'm pretty happy that I've made even this much progress.

I spent nearly $2000 on software, add-ons, and plugins for all of this, and I could have afforded it without you. Thank you SO much for sticking with me during this transitional, learning, and growth period for my content. Once I've become proficient with all these new toys, my animated content will become some of the best I've ever produced. Cheers, and enjoy!

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Well, patreon is for this kind of 'unofficial' shelf stuff! To me, I am very happy to watch this little behind things I can feel your excitement and I'm excited too

T Taylor

this was amazing i’m excited for the future and what you’ll create i’m unexperienced in the matter but i again saw no problem with the lighting but i imagine your able to notice it good work