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Yeah, I didn't expect this either!

I started writing this chapter of the story almost exactly four years ago to the date, August 10, 2018. I've clearly stepped back from writing as much, but lately I've just had that itch to describe things in detail that cane captured as much through visual art, so after browsing through some of my old works, I decided to add the next chapter of this one.

I'm not sure when I'll add another chapter, I'd like to, but it this was a result of having extra time, and rendering animations in the background limited what else I could do. If you haven't read the first several chapters of Learning LeShae, I highly encourage you to check it out here first. This chapter picks up right where the previous one left off, and there's a ton of context you'll be missing, like coming in during the middle of an action scene. If you think I should upload my old stories here, let me know, and I'll consider it! For now... enjoy this blast from the past!


LeShae’s lip towered over Erin like an archway over a grand canal in Venice, but unlike the floating city, Erin was helpless to resist the pull of the liquid she was floating in toward LeShae’s mouth.  She was never the strongest swimmer, and now, staring into the dark, hungry gullet of another woman’s throat, she regretted not taking what lessons she had learned more seriously.

The temperature of the juice that surrounded her was cold, but not freezing, and was nearly refreshing compared to the oppressive heat of the mouth ahead of her. Despite this being the third time being so dangerously close to one of LeShae’s massive orifices, the fear hadn’t become any less difficult to manage. The towering woman above her was petite by any other measure, her slim waist, tight stomach, and perky breasts provided an athletic, feminine figure beneath the reserved, fashionable clothing that she wore. The woman herself was a sprawling landscape of majestic hills and curves that any man or woman could have spent days exploring to realistically appreciate the intricacies of…and yet Erin was an unwitting captive, destined to explore the most intimate, internal workings of the deity that had been tormenting her all day. It felt almost ironic that in her pursuit to capture and torture Erin, LeShae had done so by accident, and now that lack of awareness was going to be fatal to her, and neither of the two would get what they wanted. f

LeShae’s lip towered over Erin like an archway over a grand canal in Venice, but unlike the floating city, Erin was helpless to resist the pull of the liquid she was floating in toward LeShae’s mouth.  She was never the strongest swimmer, and now, staring into the dark, hungry gullet of another woman’s throat, she regretted not taking what lessons she had learned more seriously.

The temperature of the juice that surrounded her was cold, but not freezing, and was nearly refreshing compared to the oppressive heat of the mouth ahead of her. Despite this being the third time being so dangerously close to one of LeShae’s massive orifices, the fear hadn’t become any less difficult to manage. The towering woman above her was petite by any other measure, her slim waist, tight stomach, and perky breasts provided an athletic, feminine figure beneath the reserved, fashionable clothing that she wore. The woman herself was a sprawling landscape of majestic hills and curves that any man or woman could have spent days exploring to realistically appreciate the intricacies of…and yet Erin was an unwitting captive, destined to explore the most intimate, internal workings of the deity that had been tormenting her all day. It felt almost ironic that in her pursuit to capture and torture Erin, LeShae had done so by accident, and now that lack of awareness was going to be fatal to her, and neither of the two would get what they wanted.

LeShae’s lip towered over Erin like an archway over a grand canal in Venice, but unlike the floating city, Erin was helpless to resist the pull of the liquid she was floating in toward LeShae’s mouth.  She was never the strongest swimmer, and now, staring into the dark, hungry gullet of another woman’s throat, she regretted not taking what lessons she had learned more seriously.

The temperature of the juice that surrounded her was cold, but not freezing, and was nearly refreshing compared to the oppressive heat of the mouth ahead of her. Despite this being the third time being so dangerously close to one of LeShae’s massive orifices, the fear hadn’t become any less difficult to manage. The towering woman above her was petite by any other measure, her slim waist, tight stomach, and perky breasts provided an athletic, feminine figure beneath the reserved, fashionable clothing that she wore. The woman herself was a sprawling landscape of majestic hills and curves that any man or woman could have spent days exploring to realistically appreciate the intricacies of…and yet Erin was an unwitting captive, destined to explore the most intimate, internal workings of the deity that had been tormenting her all day. It felt almost ironic that in her pursuit to capture and torture Erin, LeShae had done so by accident, and now that lack of awareness was going to be fatal to her, and neither of the two would get what they wanted.

The citrusy, peachy, pineapple flavored ocean she floated in was the only pleasure provided to the shrunken girl floating in her rival’s beverage, it didn’t burn like the coffee would have earlier, and she imagined that she wasn’t at risk of being chewed alive by teeth the size of her house. Then again, Erin wasn’t sure that she would have preferred a slow, painful death being digested alive over a quick, nearly painless death between two molars. She didn’t want to imagine what the inside of LeShae’s stomach looked like, what it smelled like, or what would happen if she managed to survive the initial digestion process. Would she be conscious enough to experience it? Would she even consider trying to escape at that point? If she survived digestion but did not escape, there was still an endless path ahead, wandering the rest of the woman’s digestive tract. As small as she was, LeShae’s intestines would be miles of walking, days of wandering the endless depths of the cruel, clueless girl’s claustrophobic caverns, all the while, the woman above her carried about her business, probably annoyed that she couldn’t find the shrunken girl currently stranded in her gastrointestinal system, unable to escape or be saved by either of them.

But Erin refused to submit herself to that fate. She refused to be a victim of LeShae’s vicious game of tag, or more accurately, hide and seek, especially if LeShae’s gullet was the playground. Being shrunken by this towering titaness was one thing, but being swallowed alive and dying in her stomach like a helpless fleck of nothing was unacceptable.

And so Erin began to swim harder.

The heat from LeShae’s mouth was punishing, unrelenting, and uncomfortable. Accompanied by the cold juice she swam against and the oppressive winds from LeShae’s massive lungs, the humid, sticky air that Erin was forced to inhale reminded her of how badly she did not want to be trapped behind her rival’s lips. The whole idea was a nightmare incarnate, and it was only reinforced and made into a reality when she turned to check her progress…or lack thereof.

A moment ago she’d been swimming almost in the middle of the glass, only in real danger if LeShae took more than a few heavy gulps. Now, due to her lack of any substantial ability to do more than splash citrus flavored juice, she had floated much closer to the clueless woman’s mouth, and the details of her maw had become much more clear. LeShae’s nose was no longer in view, her lips framed the entire horizon, beyond which held nothing but a dark red chasm of inescapable death. The contrast between those clean white teeth, the pitch black palette of LeShae’s throat, and the sharp reds and pinks of her tongue and gum line painted a noir landscape of glistening wet horror.

A strand of saliva stretched from the roof of the woman’s mouth to somewhere on her tongue, beneath what Erin could see. It wiggled and shifted on the wind from LeShae’s breath, more capable of holding its own in the maw of the massive woman that Erin could ever hope to. She thought about her brief escapade into LeShae’s nose, and how the mucus that had caught her there was impossible to escape from, and she likely would have been trapped within LeShae’s cavernous nasal passageways for the rest of her life.

But that fate was not too dissimilar to the one she found herself careening helplessly towards now. Instead of being lost within LeShae's sinus cavities, she would be swallowed alive, with even less of a chance of escape. At least there was hope that she could have irritated LeShae’s nose enough to provoke a life-saving sneeze, or even simply climbed and crawled to safety and fallen out of her nostril. Being swallowed alive and trying to escape was an exercise in futility. She’d never studied human biology or anatomy very well, only enough to get out of High School. Now, her mind raced with every piece of knowledge she’d ever studied or stumbled upon to remember the acidic level of the digestive fluids in the typical human stomach. Now she wondered what the strength of peristalsis was, and if she could irritate the esophageal lining enough to make her thirsty captor cough or choke. Now she considered how dark the inside of LeShae’s stomach would actually be.

LeShae’s first audible swallow from her glass of abnormally organic fruit juice was enough to send a gentle rolling disturbance through the rest of the glass, causing Erin to disappear under the surface and come back up with a renewed fear of LeShae’s undeniable thirst. The sound of the woman swallowing hundreds of gallons of juice in an otherwise small mouthful, enough to drown Erin multiple times over, was horrifying. A wave of panic washed over Erin as she imagined disappearing into the darkness of LeShae’s gullet, and realizing that LeShae would never even realize what was happening broke the final straw.

“LESHAE! DON’T DRINK ME! PLEASE DON’T SWALLOW ME!” Despite putting all of her might into the plea for help, it was tainted with a sobbing wail that showed how desperate and helpless Erin had truly become. An hour ago, she would have given anything to escape from the towering woman who did this to her. Now, she would rather be captured and used for whatever nefarious purposes LeShae had planned for her, if it meant not dying alone in the pit of her stomach, never to be seen again. Any other death would have sufficed.

Erin’s scream reverberated through the glass and carried through the handheld biome of the juice glass, then out into the wide world of giants. As it spilled out into the open air, it was enough to catch the ear of a raven-haired goddess, watching some mediocre Netflix show. It was enough to give her pause.

“Hm…?” LeShae’s eyebrows lifted, something had caught her attention. It was barely audible over the TV.

Erin’s heart stopped, she watched LeShae’s lips slowly settle against each other again, and the glass barely shifted away from her mouth. She could still feel the humid breath rustling around in the atmosphere, but the wind currents came to a stop for a moment. LeShae had heard her cries for help, now she just had to get her attention.


She belted the words with all of her lungs, expelling every ounce of air in her lungs to propel her voice up to the woman above whose head had casually swung from right to left, as if looking for something. A few strands of her dark hair teasingly swayed above the glass, but strayed too far for Erin to grab ahold of. The unending restlessness of the juice she floated in was still sapping every ounce of strength from her tiny body just to keep her head above the surface. Even if she didn’t get swallowed, there was still a very real risk of drowning in a cup of tropical fruit juice.

“Please… please just see me…I don’t want to die like this…” Erin prayed to the lips of her tormentor, the only thing she could see. They still glistened, this time with the wetness of the juice she just swallowed, now entering her stomach, the very place Erin was trying to avoid.

The lips parted, and Erin held her breath.

“Ugh…fucking loud-ass neighbors.” LeShae muttered, turning her attention back to her show, and her glass to her lips. The words cut through Erin’s resolve with a devastating finality, and she had no other response but to let out a crying moan of fear and pain. She told her muscles to move, to propel her away from the mouth that was opening yet again, but they could only sway in the undercurrent of the tropical ocean. The glass began to tip much more violently, and LeShae’s casual sipping evolved into something more aggressive.

The tips of LeShae’s incisors could be made out from just beyond her lips, where they were previously hidden behind them for a more casual sipping motion. This time, the mouth had widened to allow a more voracious helping of the beverage to settle into her mouth. The yawning darkness of the oral chasm was towering and powerful, a monolith of LeShae’s girlish features.  There was no hope of sticking to her lips this time, if Erin came anywhere near that haunting, terrible orifice, she would never be heard from again.

As the glass tilted toward the young woman’s eager mouth, the once powerful river of juice had become a raging force of nature, carrying Erin violently towards LeShae’s open mouth faster than ever. Erin could only imagine that the glass had been turned nearly upright, when truly LeShae had only adjusted her wrist a bit more, and widened her lips just enough to get a true mouthful…now that Zoe was gone, LeShae didn’t care as much for politeness or presenting herself more ladylike… not that she ever put on such affairs with Zoe most of the time anyway. Something about being alone in her own home allowed her to shed that final layer of fucks-to-give. LeShae might have had a much different response if she’d known about the two other women in her home, one whose life was in imminent danger by LeShae’s most innocent of actions, the other praying to God that LeShae would find a reason to leave again.

LeShae took a more generous sip from her glass, and whipped out her phone to order lunch.

For Erin, the mouth had become too much to fully take in anymore, she was far too close at this point to see all of it without turning her head. The corners of the lips spanned the entire horizon now, and looking straight ahead, LeShae’s uvula was quietly dangling above, covered in the woman’s saliva, the only possible hope of escape from the doom that could be found beneath it.

A moment later, in the time Erin could blink, the interior of the mouth was all she could see, with the tongue casually shifting and twisting along to guide the juice around to prepare for a sizable swallow. For a moment, Erin imagined she might be able to grab hold of a tastebud to endure the cataclysmic event of LeShae swallowing, but quickly realized that she hardly had the strength to swim, much less grapple soaking wet tastebuds and survive the tongue of a woman able to consume miles of pecan-encrusted caramel tart in a single bite…something Erin now had first-hand knowledge of.

Another blink, and darkness had taken over. Erin gave another pathetic whimper of defeat as she felt the current preparing to cascade into the maw. This was it…she was being ushered into a strange, terrifying new world beyond the lips of the most evil woman she’d ever met.

A final blank, and this time she felt the climate change blast her harder than ever. The pitch black orifice had a tease of light shining in from beyond the lips, with the teeth hovering above, and waiting below.

And then the lips settled in place behind her, trapping Erin within the mouth of the woman who was preparing to swallow her alive, as if she didn’t exist. For all intents and purposes, she didn’t exist as a person anymore. Just food for LeShae. Just part of another enjoyable mouthful to be washed away into the depths of her body forever.

There was a gentle peace for the next fleeting moments, where Erin fully accepted her situation,, somewhere within LeShae’s mouth, her lips closed, awaiting the violent turmoil of being swallowed. She looked around, but couldn’t make out her hands in front of her face. She could hear the tongue shifting below, slowly, gently, preparing to give Erin the fatal thrill ride into LeShae’s gullet. The motions it made caused the juice to splash and ripple against LeShae’s teeth and gums, and the echoes of those simple interactions could be heard all around her. It became a gentle symphony, accompanied by the sound of her warm breath rushing through the nasal passageways, uncomfortably nearby.

Through the overwhelming smell of citrus fruit, there was almost the deep, musky scent of coffee, still present in the air from hardly an hour ago, as well as a nutty smell, clearly a result of the last time Erin had gotten too close to something LeShae intended to satiate her taste for sweets with.

She wondered where it all went wrong, yet again. She’d never particularly enjoyed LeShae’s company, but she hadn’t been anything that could be described as homicidal. Then again…there had been multiple opportunities to get rid of Erin since she’d been shrunken, and each time, she’d only been tucked away or trapped somewhere uncomfortable, but not fatal.

But it didn’t matter now. As serene as the depths of LeShae’s mouth had become in these fleeting few seconds, Erin couldn’t imagine…

The surface of the liquid was broken violently and without warning, the tongue beneath her swinging viciously into motion, as LeShae’s jaw, previously still open with lips pressed together, closed. Erin screamed as the tongue curled and lifted toward the roof of the mouth, and the jaw shifted to allow everything trapped within effortlessly float toward LeShae’s throat.

“No….no, LeShae, please don’t swallow me… please… please!”

Erin gave the best whimper she could muster as those powerful teeth closed and surrounded her, and the tongue ushered the shrunken girl toward the back of the young woman’s mouth. She kicked as hard as she could at the tongue as she collided with it, grabbing taste buds and digging her feet into the muscle, but finding no leverage or grip strength against the slick surface. Streams of sticky, saliva-infused juice covered both her and every surface she came into contact with, and her descent only quickened.

It was over. LeShae had won. The clueless, uncaring woman had shrunken her, beaten her, and was now sending her to a grim fate deep within the confines of her digestive tract. Erin would rather have died quickly between the teeth, or even drowned in the glass. Instead, LeShae’s gullet overtook her with a terrible, guttural noise that signified the beginning of the end. The final moments of Erin’s life had come upon her, descending helplessly into the depths of the woman she despised the most..all at the hands of a sip of juice. With another muted scream, Erin disappeared into LeShae’s throat, soon to become a permanent resident of the woman's petite stomach, lost inside her forever.

The thirsty, unaware woman herself had taken a moment to browse the delivery options and choose one, before letting a generous sip of the flavorful beverage sit on her tongue for a moment. She sighed heavily, frustrated that she’d likely lost Erin for good, meaning yet more weeks of research to find another like her…and less time to right the wrong she had committed against someone she cared about more than anyone. Placing the glass on the coffee table, LeShae swallowed her mouthful, juice and hairdresser alike, and turned toward her bedroom to deliver some bad news.

To be continued.



Wonderful writing!


Yes! Your stories are back! I love all your other work but this is why I subbed in the first place.


That's good to know! It's really hard to get feedback of written stories, especially since most of the time places like Giantess World just immediately buries your content before anyone really gets to see it. I got pretty discouraged from writing. Always appreciate hearing when people are excited about stuff. :)