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"Do you think we should give her some rum to help her forget everything?" Akari asked thoughtfully as she watched Amy flirt with Taylor.

"Pretty sure it doesn't work that way, it's more likely that she'll do something she regrets but remember it anyway," Selena pointed out.

Myst pulled his attention off where Akari was sprawled out on a lawn chair in the coconut bikini top and nothing else and glanced over at where Amy was leaning over one of the conjured lawn chairs, giving everyone in the area a nice view of her bare ass. "She'll be fine, probably."

"Hopefully," Akari replied as she glanced over at where Selena was sprawled on another lawn chair, reading an alchemy book and occasionally 'sneaking' glances at Amy's behind. "At least Selena seems to be having fun."

"Can you blame me?" Selena asked as she turned to look at Myst and Akari. "We're on a tropical island, it's summer vacation, I have people to talk with and we don't have to worry about tourists."

"Not to mention the eye candy, right?" Akari asked with a smirk.

"Nothing wrong with eye candy," Selena agreed as she glanced over at where Peter was rubbing some sunblock on Gwen's back, sort of glad that he'd gone shirtless since the t-shirt he'd been wearing had ripped. "The only thing that would make this better is ice cream."

"That sounds like a job for Ice Cream Man!" Ron announced cheerfully as he walked over, having just gotten back from scouting.

"Sweat!" Selena replied as she turned to look at Ron. "Did you find anything interesting?"

"I mostly just flew around but the volcano's nice," Ron replied as he conjured a bowl of chocolate ice cream for Selena, along with a spoon. "When did you get sunblock and what's with all of the chairs?" he asked, having noticed Peter putting sunblock on Gwen's back.

"I picked it up in the dungeon while you were exploring. I also found a spell that lets me conjure island themed chairs and found a couple of rings that offer protection from sunlight," Myst admitted.

"Cool," Ron replied as he studied the bamboo chairs that were all slightly different and quality.

Akari raised an eyebrow as she looked at Myst, not even bothering to hide her amusement. "Is there a reason you didn't mention them before?"

"I was going to, but the second I mentioned the sunblock, a cute girl demanded that I rub her back and butt, did you expect me to object?" Myst asked with a smirk.

Ron chuckled.

"That's fair," Akari admitted, seeing his point and acknowledging the fact that she'd practically ordered him to rub her back.

"Does that mean if I asked, you'd rub sunblock on my back?" Selena asked, mostly joking.

"Sure," Myst replied, thinking running his hands along her body would be an enjoyable way to pass the time.

"Speaking of needing sunblock, do you have enough rings? My sunblock spell only lasts thirty minutes and it's easy to forget about," Selena complained.

"We're good," Myst replied as he tossed one of the rings to Selena then tossed another one to Ron and Akari. "They're a common drop from the cannibals."

"Thanks," Selena replied as she checked the ring with her magnifying glass, curious how it worked. 'Protects against damage from sunlight and prevents excessive tanning, leaving you looking on the healthy side of pale.'

"Do you think we'll have to worry about cannibals?" Ron asked as he slipped the ring on, wanting to avoid ending up looking like a lobster since he was a freckled blond whom the sun had a grudge against.

"There's always a chance but I doubt it," Myst replied, trying to remember details of a show he hadn't seen in years. "From what I remember, we're a lot closer to Hawaii than any of the islands where cannibals might have been a problem but it's been a couple of decades."

"The wards should prevent people from finding the island," Selena pointed out.

"Cool," Ron replied as he picked an empty chair and sat down. "Have we figured out where we're going to sleep?"

"Not yet…" Myst trailed off as his avatar examined the book that had dropped off the crazy old savage that he'd electrocuted who had been using a bunch of pinned together hundred dollar bills as a skirt. "Huh, I just got a spell for summoning outhouses."

"Seriously?" Akari asked.

"Yeah," Myst replied as his avatar used the book, giving him the ability to conjure over the top outhouses. "Huh, that's a bit more impressive than I was expecting."

"What do you mean?" Amy asked as she walked over.

Myst gestured towards an out of the way spot and spent the mana for his new spell, conjuring a well put together bamboo outhouse with a large plastic water tank above the structure that had copper pipes that ran down to a sink and an outdoor shower. He glanced at the wooden plaque over the bamboo door. "Howel's Throne? Yeah, makes sense considering the crazy old guy that dropped the book was wearing a bunch of hundreds for a skirt."

"Dibs on the shower!" Amy squealed as she quickly pulled her cheerleading outfit off so she could take a shower, showing off the fact that she already had less freckles, larger breasts and shinier hair.

"She's probably going to kill us for not stopping her," Myst muttered as Amy ran over and turned the shower on.

"I’ve risked my life for far less," Ron told him, enjoying the show and the way Amy was deliberately wiggling her behind as she soaped herself up.

Peter shook his head then went back to putting sunblock on Gwen's legs, trying to do the 'right' thing by not looking.

"How long will the outhouse last?" Akari asked, not taking her eyes off Amy.

"Twenty four hours. I can also dismiss it and recast it if we need to refill the tank or if someone stinks the place up," Myst explained as his avatar handed him the spellbook. "I'm just glad that we don't have to jury rig some type of shower or deal with building an actual outhouse."

"Same," Ron agreed.

"Can I have the book?" Selena asked hopefully.

"You can read it, I'm going to want it for my library," Myst replied as he handed her the book.

"No problem." Selena opened the book and learned the new spell then handed the book to Akari.

Akari opened the book then handed it back to Myst once she'd learned the spell. She took the coconut bikini off and set it on the chair. "Okay, while they're grabbing showers, let's find a spot and have some fun, I want mana."

"You wish is my command," Myst replied eagerly as he set the book on the chair and stood up.

"What did you see while you were flying around?" Selena asked as Myst and Akari left, making a mental note to grab Akari when she had a chance.

"Mostly just jungle and the volcano but I saw a creepy totem pole," Ron replied then filled in some details on the things he'd seen while flying around.


'This is worse than the sewer, at least the sewer had something I could eat for mana,' Myst's avatar grumbled as he made his way through the jungle, a touch annoyed that he couldn't find any monsters. The closest he'd come was the orangutan that had waved at him before wandering off. 'So much for the pocket dimension being filled with mobs or having a scattered collection of bosses that I can farm.'

'Open world sandboxes,' he grumbled as he reached a clearing in the jungle, wishing he had a spell for locating people. He took a minute to study a large fallen tree to make sure nothing was going to jump out at him, then picked a good spot and scrambled over it that was wider than he was tall. He froze when he climbed high enough to see the collection of natives that had made camp on the other side of the tree. 'Large spit over the firepit and bamboo cages with a couple of knockoff Gilligans complete with red shirts and blue jeans. Do I save them or do I let them eat them? If they were normal people it would mean the villagers were evil cannibals, but those are Gilligans…'

"Hello? Are you-" He ducked as one of the 'natives' tossed a spear at him, proving that they weren't particularly friendly. "Fuck it," he grumbled then cast his goblin summoning spell, dropping a dozen homicidal goblins on the natives.

'Best of luck,' he thought as he hid behind the log and did his best to ignore the entirely too realistic screams as the groups tried to kill each other. He gave them another thirty seconds to finish each other off then climbed up enough that he could toss lightning at the survivors. He 'walked' the stream of lightning over the group then finished climbing over the log and jumped down.

"Get the key!" one of the Gilligan knockoffs ordered.

"Get us out of here!" another Gilligan shouted.

"How did you make goblins?!" one of the other Gilligan's demanded.

"Magic. Are you going to give me a reward?" Myst asked as he searched through the piles of loot, not particularly amused by the man's tone of voice.

A guy in a red shirt that might have beat the Skipper in girth glared at Myst. "What? No, you'll get paid a silver piece by the quest giver, now get us out of here."

"Where's the quest giver?" Myst asked the fat Gilligan.

"Back at camp. How fucking dense are you?" the man asked in annoyance.

Myst glanced at the rest of the Gilligans. "Is anyone planning on paying me?"

"It's a fucking quest," one of the other Gilligans complained. "Do you think we wanted to get captured? Just fucking open the cages so we can get out of here, fucking holiday shit."

Myst finished searching the piles of loot, not finding a key. "Sorry, no key."

"Fuck, I don't think he grabbed the quest!" one of the other Gilligans complained. "You'll have to run back to town and grab it."

One of the Gilligans smiled as he managed to stick his arm through the bars far enough to grab a piece of loot. "Nice, I got a book."

"Fuck that," Myst replied then blasted the group of Gilligans with lightning, killing them and causing several interesting items to drop, including the book that the man had stolen from his loot pile. Yep, that's a lot better than a silver piece," he mused as he got to work looting the cage, glad that he could reach between the bars to grab it all.

'I should have asked for directions first,' Myst admitted as he glanced around for a trail, wondering if there was some type of scenario to the pocket world that he'd missed. 'Do I circle around to deal with any of their scouts or should I head back and check the loot while I wait to see if they respawn?'

He twitched when a spear went right past his ear, causing him to dive to the ground so he could avoid the second spear. He scrambled behind a tree then stuck his hand out and unleashed a blast of lightning on the general direction the spear had come from.

"Shit!" someone cursed. "What the fuck was that?!"

"Lightning," another voice replied as he started circling around, sounding amused.

"No shit!" the first voice complained. "Since when could natives use lightning?!"

"No clue," the second voice admitted. "Are you human?"

"Last I checked," Myst replied, trying to figure out where their voices were coming from so he'd know when he had to fire.

"Parley?" the man requested.

"What do you want?" Myst asked, resisting the urge to use a certain line from a movie.

"Sorry about shooting at you, I thought you were a native," the first voice said.

Myst snorted. "I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and I'm white. Do I look like a native?"

"I meant native to this world," the man complained.

"You're going to have to explain that," Myst replied, wondering if the people were real or just weird creations of his power.

"You hacked your way in, right?" the second voice asked.

'Hacked? Did someone else get into the pocket world?' Myst sighed as he realized he'd need more information. "What makes you think that?"

"The fact that you can use magic, the Company is usually pretty good about restricting things to the local magic systems," the second man explained.

"Shit!" the second guy shouted as a small army of boars poured out of the jungle.

"Fuck this shit, I'm out!" the first guy said as he used his guild badge to teleport back to base, deciding that he had better things to do than get eaten and lose his gear.

Myst raised his hands as he stepped around the tree and sprayed the boars with lightning, trying to kill as many of them as possible since he doubted he was fast enough to get away.


Amy froze when she realized that she was standing in the shower and had been giving everyone a show without a concern in the world.

"Woo!" Selena cheered as she started clapping.

Taylor couldn't help the blush on her face as she joined the rest of the group in clapping for Amy's show.

Amy reached over and turned the shower off then turned to look at the group, not sure what to say as no one had done anything objectionable and she'd made the choice to put the cheerleading outfit on.

"Feeling better?" Selena asked.

"I'd kill everyone, but I appreciate the applause," Amy admitted as she walked back over to where the chairs were and sat down, doing her best to ignore the urge to grab the cheerleading outfit so that she could forget her concerns, relax and show off for her friends without any modesty or shame. "I think I'm going to close my eyes and pretend that the last half hour didn't happen."

"Aww, you were awesome," Selena assured her.

"Ten out of ten," Ron agreed.

"Even Taylor liked your show," Selena argued.

"No comment," Taylor said, trying to ignore the fact that her ears and cheeks were already beet red and that she had absolutely enjoyed the show.

Amy glanced between Ron, Gwen, and Selena. "Shyness isn't going to last in this group, is it?"

"Nope," Selena replied with a smirk. "Who's next?"

Taylor shook her head when the demoness had looked at her.

"Do you think we'd be able to toss fireballs if we used the bikini and the cheerleading outfit together?" Ron asked thoughtfully.

"Why would you want to?" Amy asked. "The only person in the group with enough magic to make it worth it is Selena and Myst and it doesn't work for guys."

"I was thinking, does the bikini check if you're female or if you have breasts? If it's just checking to see if you have breasts, we might be able to cheat if we use the cheerleading outfit."

"You'd still need enough mana to make it worth it," Amy argued.

"How many bags of mana did Myst grab?" Ron asked, thinking about the description of them oozing out of him.

"He has a couple of shopping bags filled with mana stones, he said I could have some if I wanted to practice, I don't mind sharing," Taylor told him.

"It's a permanent change," Peter pointed out.

"Even if Amy can't fix it, it's magic, it's worth the risk," Ron replied with a shrug.

Amy glanced over at the cheerleading outfit that she still felt the urge to put back on. "Normally, I'd object about you volunteering me for something but I sort of want to see you in a cheerleading outfit."

Selena reached over and picked up the coconut bikini off Akari's chair and checked it with her magnifying glass. "Huh, Ron's idea would probably work, the detection part of the enchantment is a bit twitchy."

"Cool, let's do this!" Ron exclaimed as he ran over and grabbed the cheerleading outfit and headed for the outhouse to change.

"We've lost our minds, haven't we?" Peter asked when he realized that he was actually considering Ron's idea to gain magical abilities himself.

"Yep," Taylor agreed as she walked over to the chest to grab the mana stones he'd need.

"If we're going to be heroes, we might as well grab as many tools as we can," Gwen replied with a grin, "and well, I sort of want to see you in a cheerleader's outfit."

"You don't have any shame, do you?" Amy asked, ignoring the fact that she was sitting there completely naked herself.

"More than Akari," Gwen replied with a grin.

Selena shook her head, thinking about some of the demons she knew who had more shame than Akari. "That's not saying much."

"Let's get ready to rumble!" Ron declared as he burst out of the outhouse wearing the cheerleading outfit. "If one of you lovely ladies could toss me the bikini, we'll get this show on the road."

"It's like a trainwreck, you want to look away but can't,” Peter said.

“At least he has the legs for it,” Gwen offered.

Myst and Akari returned, Myst looking much more relaxed while Akari looked even more hyped up.

“Why is Ron…” Myst trailed off, not sure he wanted to know.

“Magic is worth a bit of a risk,” Ron said cheerfully, “provided I don’t spontaneously combust. That’s not a possibility… is it?”

Akari grinned. “To the shower!” she said, grabbing Ron's hand. “I want the powerup.”

“Okay, she has much less shame then quite a few demons I know,” Selena said with a giggle.

“Are we doing live sex shows now?” Myst asked, before starting to drop packages of pork products onto a chair as they were transferred from his avatar who had survived the pork stampede.

“And ones that are catered,” Taylor said as she looked over the packages that were piling up. “Hey there are hot dogs, someone start a fire and grab some sticks!”

“How much does the cheerleading outfit affect your libido and judgment?” Peter asked as Akira and Ron started the ‘show’.

“He’s horny and she’s willing, we’re on a tropical island paradise with no stress or responsibility,” Gwen pointed out.

“So… it might not be affecting him at all,” Peter said dryly before chuckling. “Help me gather some wood, roasting hot dogs sounds like a great idea.”

“Did you find a supermarket over there?” Selena asked as Myst created another couple of chairs to stack packages of meat on.

Myst shrugged. “Powers are weird.”
