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"I was sort of hoping we'd find a resort," Akari admitted as she glanced around the abandoned campsite that had seen better days.

"Is it really camping if you're staying in a resort?" Selena teased as she pulled her attention away from the bamboo framework of a 'cabin' that had fallen apart over the years.

"At least we're in the tropics," Myst said as he tried to figure out the best way to get started clearing the area so they could use it. "I don't suppose you have a tent in your emergency kit?"

"It's still in the backyard," Selena admitted. "How often did it rain in the show?"

"Whenever the plot called for rain," Akari replied with a teasing grin.

Myst glanced up at the wispy clouds he could see in the distance. "It's tropical and I remember a couple of episodes when they were dealing with a storm so we'll probably want some type of shelter, if nothing else we're going to need something so we don't end up looking like lobsters."

"We should probably work on making an outhouse," Amy suggested, figuring everything else could wait a bit. "Can you still use the mirror world?" she asked Myst.

"I haven't tried, I was a bit distracted and I needed a break from slaughtering goblins," Myst admitted as he looked at Akari.

"Just wait until I'm trying to be distracting," Akari promised, glad that she'd ended up with a decent group of people that didn't treat her teasing as a promise.

"Can I borrow the regeneration necklace?" Ron asked hopefully. "I want to use the flight technique."

"Have fun," Myst replied as he took the necklace off and tossed it to Ron. "Once you're done screaming in agony from having your legs blown off, you can fly around and make sure there aren't a bunch of cannibals running around."

"Cannibals?" Ron asked.

"There were a couple of weird episodes that involved natives from other islands," Myst replied as he walked over to the chest to grab the helmet.

Gwen shook her head. "Considering the state of the ship and the camp, I doubt they're still around."

"Hopefully," Myst agreed as he pulled the Roman helmet out and tossed it to Ron. "You should probably grab someone and walk into the woods a bit, we don't need the smell of blood attracting wild animals."

"Was that a problem in the show?" Ron asked, not familiar with the show.

"Not that I recall but it's been at least twenty years since I caught an episode, everything sort of blurred together. I remember an episode where they found plastic explosive that exploded when you tossed it rather than running an electric charge through it and another one that had mines that had a magnetic field that could pull someone by their necklace from ten to to twenty feet away but wasn't powerful enough to just rip their heads off."

Ron shrugged. "I've seen some weird science devices that could pull it off."

"From an old World War II mine?" Myst asked as he grabbed a bag filled with cursed tiles and closed the lid of the chest.

"Not sure," Ron admitted. "Most of the weird science showed up after the war."

"Do you think any of the professor's notes survived?" Peter asked thoughtfully.

"I don't see any trunks but we could probably check the caves," Akari suggested.

"Caves?" Selena asked.

"There was an episode where they used a cave as a prison because Gilligan had lost his mind and there was something about stone tablets in another episode," Akari offered.

"Something?" Selena asked.

"My parents liked the show so I caught bits and pieces of it," Akari replied, glad that the cast wasn't around to ruin things, if they'd actually ended up on the same island.

Amy shook her head. "It's entirely possible that someone just named their boat after the boat in the show or that it's a coincidence."

"We can…" Myst trailed off as he focused on his pocket dimension power and realized he had the option to send an avatar to a mirror version of the island in addition to the cultivation world. "Huh, traveling to another world unlocked another mirror world."

"Dibs on any coconut bras you find," Akari joked.

Taylor stared at Akari. "Seriously?"

"You're telling me you never thought about wearing a pair of coconuts when you were younger?" Akari asked.

"No," Amy and Taylor replied at the same time Gwen piped up, "Guilty."

Akari gave Gwen a smile then walked over to the remains of one of the cabins and grabbed one of the bamboo stalks that the crew had probably used as a support beam. She frowned when the bamboo broke apart. "So much for reusing the bamboo."

Myst sent his avatar into the island themed pocket dimension, figuring it would be a nice change of pace from the cultivation dimension."We can always cut more," he pointed out as he reopened the chest and started grabbing his avatar's gear.

"Let's go," Amy told Ron as she headed toward the trees, wanting to make sure the regeneration necklace was enough to keep him alive.

"Cool," Ron said as he followed Amy, looking forward to being able to fly.

Taylor glanced at the bamboo stalks that they needed to move then looked at Myst. "You're not going to help, are you?"

"Nope. We have three people with supernatural strength that need to get used to their powers and my avatar is going to be exploring a new world, I don't need the distraction," Myst explained, not seeing a problem with taking a break while his avatar explored the area.

"We don't need the old guy, we've got this," Selena said as she headed over to get to work.

"That's the spirit," Myst offered as he closed the chest then sat down on it and worked on handing the gear to his avatar.


'Crazy goblins, cannibals or insane cast members?' Myst's avatar mused as he finished putting on the magic gloves that Selena had boosted the hell out of, curious what he'd find in an island themed pocket dimension and if he'd have more like fighting an endless stream of goblins or exploring the sect.

Thankfully, it didn't take all that long to find a group of six dark skinned men walking down the path dressed like Hollywood island natives. He called out, "Hello?" on the off chance that the natives were friendly, then promptly tossed himself out of the way when two of the natives conjured spears like a video game character and threw them at him.

"Die!" Myst shouted as he pointed his hands at the natives and did his best impersonation of a sith lord, unleashing a torrent of lightning at the group with his cursed lightning technique. He held the lightning on the screaming group until all of the natives vanished, leaving several pieces of loot. 'No pain, no issues,' he mused, happy that his electricity resistance had hit a hundred percent from the dragon blood technique.

"Here's hoping the skirt is actually magical," Myst muttered as he walked over and picked up the grass skirt. He checked the description then tossed it to his other half when he saw that it boosted agility, figuring Selena could use it to boost someone's gloves. He glanced at the pointy looking stick that one of them had dropped then picked up the lighter and checked the details. 'Mysterious Lighter, this lighter always seems to have enough lighter fluid, no matter how much you've used it.'

'That should make starting fires easier,' Myst thought as he handed the lighter to his other half and checked the pointy stick. 'It's a pointy stick, what were you expecting, a wand? Someone has a warped sense of humor.'

He tossed the stake off the trail then accepted the tiara from his other half and stuck it on his head, figuring he could use the help with the loot table. He continued walking, wishing he had a map or a way to find the monsters that should be running around as unlike a dungeon this was an open world so they could be anywhere.

Myst was just about ready to give up on the island pocket world when he spotted a group of seven people dressed like Hollywood pirates standing around while a guy was digging a hole in the ground near a tree with a heart carved into it.

"I swear to fuck, the next time you suggest digging a fucking hole near a fucking ass tree, I'm cutting your shit fucking balls off Erik," the pirate that was actually digging the hole complained as he hit yet another tree root with his shovel.

"It was the fucking rum!" Erik complained.

"And that hooker in Barsana that turned out to be male?" the first pirate asked.

"He had tits as large as my head, how the hell was I supposed to know?!" Erik complained as he glared at his so-called friends that were laughing at him.

Myst snuck a bit closer to the group while they were arguing.

"This is why we lock the doors," one of the other pirates offered.

"I thought it was because you didn't want Bart to steal your shit," one of the other pirates suggested.

"I aint no thief," Bart complained.

One of the other pirates swapped Bart upside the head. "You're a fucking pirate."

"That's fair," Bart admitted as he rubbed the back of his head.

The pirate that was digging smiled when his shovel hit something that sounded hollow. "About bloody time."

'Sorry, not sorry.' Myst unleashed his lightning on the group of pirates, having been waiting to make sure the treasure was actually there. He ignored the screams as he pushed mana into his technique, wanting to make sure none of the pirates had a chance to escape or pull a flintlock pistol and shoot him.

He relaxed when the last pirate vanished, dropping a map. 'Here's hoping they buried something decent,' he mused as he walked over to check the loot, curious about the coin purses that looked like they had actual coins in them. 'Black's Treasure map? This magical map tracks sentient people on the island and has the ability to display their names. That should make it a lot harder for people to sneak around the island.'

"Volcano, caves, gold mine, quicksand, forest, old totem pole and a waterfall. Yeah, if this isn't Gilligan's Island, it's remarkably close…" he trailed off when he noticed the size marker on the key. 'Twenty miles across, roughly the same north and south. That would take the better part of a day to hike across, assuming you're not having to cut through a jungle, yeah, that doesn't really match the show's travel times but it was a comedy and they had radioactive vegetables that gave you super powers, so yeah, they weren't exactly interested in making sure the science was even vaguely realistic.'

Myst handed the map to his other half to worry about then checked the coin purses. 'Seventy-eight gold between seven pirates. Could be worse,' he mused as he checked the rest of the gear. 'Pirate Hat of Mutiny, gives you the ability to conjure bottles of a horrible tasting rum that comes with a wicked hangover and increases the chance of a mutiny on a ship by fifty percent. Is that because of the hangover or because the captain gets tired of them bitching about the taste?'

'Whatever, we can probably use it as a disinfectant,' he mused as he handed the half to his other half. 'Shovel of treasure digging, digging a six foot hole in the ground has a ten percent chance to find buried treasure? Yeah, I'm not sure that's worth it considering the pirates dropped coin purses.'

He jumped down into the hole and worked on uncovering the chest.


"Any trouble?" Myst asked as Amy walked back into the camping area without Ron, not really expecting any since she wasn't running and she didn't look upset.

"Less than I was expecting," Amy admitted as she walked over. "He lost a couple of toes but that was a lot better than we were expecting. He's already flying around doing some scouting and screaming like a little kid on a roller coaster."

"I'd probably be doing the same thing," Myst admitted.

"Here's hoping he can share the improvements," Taylor said as she walked over, wanting a break. "Have you managed to find anything interesting?"

"A pirate hat that conjures bad rum, a shovel that can generate treasure, a map and another dungeon chest filled with a couple of hundred gold coins, three magic rings that improve our defense and a magic coconut bikini," Myst replied with amusement.

"Seriously?" Taylor asked.

Myst had his avatar hand him the treasure chest, dropping it in front of him. He opened the chest and gestured at the coconut bikini. "It gives the girl wearing it the ability to toss bolts of fire and doubles any magic gains you acquire while you're wearing it, temporary or permanent."

"Can I have that when Akari isn't using it?" Selena asked hopefully from where she was leaning up against the treasure chest. "Being able to double my improvements would make training more useful."

Myst turned to look at Selena. "I literally can't use it, try not to fight over it. I'm not sure if the island is cursed or the cast were just idiots but there were a lot of pointless fights on the show."

"That was probably just the fact that it was played for laughs," Amy argued.

"I doubt it's cursed…" Selena trailed off as she pulled her magnifying glass out of her pocket and checked the area for a curse. "Huh."

"Cursed?" Myst asked, wondering if they should try jumping dimensions to somewhere safer.

Selena shook her head. "No, it's some type of ward that prevents people from finding the island and has something to do with putting its location on a map which might explain why the island was uncharted even though it shouldn't have been in the show."

"Considering the plants that gave everyone telepathy and the witchdoctor on the show, I shouldn't be surprised," Myst admitted, wondering if the wards were responsible for the cast having so much trouble leaving. "Is it going to stop us from leaving?"

Selena moved the magnifying glass around, curious if anything jumped out at her. "I'm not an expert but the magnifying glass doesn't say anything about the wards preventing people from leaving so we're probably good."

"Speaking of leaving, how long are we going to stick around and train before we try to get home?" Taylor asked, knowing her father would be going crazy without her.

"I don't want to make another blind jump until we have a decent collection of combat techniques and we've had a chance to get used to our new powers and pick up some better defenses. Just because the technique is supposed to drop you somewhere that's safe, doesn't mean the world is safe or that we'd enjoy being there."

"He's got a point, we have a chance to have a vacation and do some training, we might as well take it," Akari suggested as she walked over. "Peter and Gwen need a chance to get used to their powers and Amy could use a break from the hospital."

"True," Amy admitted. "I'm probably going to go a bit insane because I can't use my power."

"There are plenty of plants in the area, some of which you've probably never run into…" Myst trailed off when his avatar saw a red flash out of the corner of his eye before he got hit by something sharp and heavy in the shoulder.

Myst's avatar quickly hit the lunatic with lightning, getting a glimpse of a demented looking Gilligan before the man vanished, leaving behind a book.

"I think I just killed Gilligan," Myst admitted as he handed his avatar a healing potion.

"What happened?" Akari asked.

"This skinny guy in a red shirt jumped out of nowhere and hit my avatar with a machete from behind," Myst complained as his avatar drank the healing potion, repairing most of the damage from the surprise attack. "The bastard is surprisingly stealthy for a clutz."

"Did you get anything good?" Akari asked.

"A book," Myst replied as his avatar checked the book's description with his ability. 'Huh, so much for having to fight over the book.' He smiled at Akari. "It teaches a spell to conjure island themed chairs."

Selena grinned as she thought about using the spell at parties. "That sounds fun, can I borrow the book when you're done learning it?"

"Sure," Myst replied as his avatar handed the book to him. He used the book then handed it to Selena.

Selena opened the book so she could look at how the spell was written and blinked when the book activated, giving her the spell. "I thought you used the book."

"The book doesn't have a limit on the number of times it can teach the spell," Myst explained, looking forward to building a magical library if every book that dropped from the island pocket dimension was the same.

"Do you think it works with ki?" Akari asked.

Selena handed her the book. "Try it."

Akari opened the book and blinked a couple of times when the book imprinted the knowledge into her mind. She signed when she tried to cast the spell using ki and nothing happened. "No dice, we're going to have to do some spell crafting or I'm going to have to get some mana. I'm going to need to borrow the bikini and Myst."

"I've got time," Myst replied, not seeing a problem with having some fun with Akari since she was a blast and attractive.

"Speaking of crazy magical items, can I borrow the cheerleading outfit?" Amy asked, deciding to deal with her skin and hair while she had a chance.

Myst stood up, turned around and opened the chest he'd been sitting on so he could grab the cheerleading outfit. "I don't know how long you'll have to wear it before your freckles vanish completely, should we give you a remedy if you start trying to seduce someone or should we toss you at Akari and run?"

Amy glanced between Akari and Taylor then looked over at Gwen. "As long as you keep me from doing anything with any of the guys, I'll survive. Ideally, shove me towards Akari and don't let her talk me into anything too crazy."

"I'll behave," Akari promised.

Myst tossed Amy the gold and maroon cheerleading outfit which promptly turned white and gold when she touched it.

"Arcadia?" Amy asked in surprise when she saw her school's symbol on it.

"It seems to change depending on the person touching it," Myst replied as he gestured and conjured a lounge chair made out of bamboo. "Nice, it even comes with a drink holder."

"Yep," Akari said cheerfully as she walked over and sat down on the lounge chair. "Almost perfect, I just need a drink and some shade."

"Fair," Myst admitted, then focused on making a beach chair with a shade and recast his spell, causing another bamboo beach chair to appear that had two bamboo poles going up but didn't have a shade. "Hmm, this might take a while."

"Are you going somewhere?" Akari asked, wishing Ron was there so he could conjure some drinks and dinner.

Amy headed for the trees so she could change without giving Myst and Peter an eyeful, hoping that she didn't do anything too embarrassing while under the curse.

'At least we're taking a chance to relax,' Myst thought as he conjured half a dozen chairs, getting a bit closer to what he wanted each time.




Sooo, this world is a double crossover with Harry Potter, right?

Bable Zmith

All hail the pointy stick!!!