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Hermione Granger blinked as she appeared in a strange world next to Harry and a handful of strangely dressed people. "What's going on?"

"I found a magic school that will take us," Harry replied with amusement.

"Seriously?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"Here," Taylor said as she handed the attractive bushy haired girl a whiteboard filled with information.

Hermione skimmed over the information on the whiteboard once before taking a minute to carefully read everything. "Yes!"

"Seriously?" Myst asked in surprise.

"I never got the chance to take my OWLs because of Umbridge and you're offering us a way to get a better education than Hogwarts was ever going to give us and a ticket out of a world where it's acceptable to send giant robots after people just because they're different," Hermione explained.

"You read the part about getting cloned, right?" Myst asked, wanting to make sure she actually understood the deal.

"Of course," Hermione replied as she tapped the section of the whiteboard that talked about clones and children. "I want to wait to have children until I'm at least twenty for health reasons but I'm an only child, this gives me a family and siblings and access to a magical university!"

"It does mean you'll have to have sex," Harry pointed out.

"Wouldn't be the first time," Hermione replied as she watched Harry's expression out of the corner of her eye.

"What?!" Harry blurted.

"I have a cousin, she's hot," Hermione replied, doing her best to keep a straight face and not laugh at the shocked look on his face. She managed to keep a straight face for about five seconds before she started laughing. "Gotcha."

Harry laughed when he realized she was just messing with him. "That was evil."

Hermione snickered as she glanced down at the bulge in Harry's pants. "And yet, you're obviously imagining things."

"Guilty," Harry replied with a grin.

Hermione handed the whiteboard back to Taylor. "When do we start?"

"No time like the present," Myst replied as he handed Hermione the transformation ring that would boost her physical abilities and give her a spandex outfit. "Start with this then we'll swap to the ring that gives you a dress and boosts your magic."

"How do I activate it?" Hermione asked as she slipped the ring on.

"Wait," Amy said, speaking up. "I should probably check her genetics and make some improvements before we let the transformation items boost her."

Hermione turned to look at Amy. "What type of improvements?"

"Denser muscles, increased durability and longevity, along with a boost to your eyesight," Amy offered.

Hermione considered the offer for half a minute, weighing the benefits against the potential side effects she could come up with. "Side effects?"

"You're not the first person I've upgraded and I have a preternatural understanding of genetics and biology thanks to my power. I should be able to fix any problems that come up," Amy assured her.

Hermione glanced at Harry. "What do you think?"

Harry smiled at Hermione. "I wouldn't mind being more durable and being able to ditch my glasses would be great."

"No problem," Amy assured Harry.

"Go for it," Hermione told her before she changed her mind.

Amy walked over, touched Hermione's arm and looked at her genetics, trying to get a baseline so she could apply the upgrades. 'You're nearly identical to the other Hermiones, how come Harry is different but you're not?' she mused as she worked on upgrading Hermione's muscles, bones and durability using what she'd learned from Drax and the kryptonians.

"Is that because of a bloodline or a mutant ability?" Hermione asked, curious about the people helping her.

"Parahumans are more like infected humans, it's not genetic," Myst explained, not wanting to get into the whole alien parasite computer bit while Amy was working on her genetics.

"Pretty sure my friend's powers are genetic and he wasn't born with them," Harry argued, thinking about the science lecture Peter had given him about genetics and biology that he'd only sort of understood.

"Some of the parahuman abilities probably alter a person's genetics, but it's not a requirement or all that common as I understand it," Myst replied, knowing the entities wouldn't want people having powers and abilities they couldn't control.

Amy finished tweaking Hermione's genetics, durability and muscles. "Do you want me to change your eye color while you're at it?"

"Options?" Hermione asked thoughtfully.

Amy glanced at Harry. "Green would be easy, you have a recessive trait that I can copy. I can also give you blue or violet eyes if you want."

"I wouldn't mind green eyes," Hermione admitted, thinking about Harry's emerald green eyes.

"Cool," Amy replied as she got to work upgrading her eyes, happy that she was finally doing something other than just healing people. She finished improving and tweaking her apple green eyes then double checked the rest of her tweaks. 'That should do it.' She focused on her upgrade ability and looked at Hermione, pulling up a display window filled with details. "Give me a minute to double check everything then you should be good to go."

"I appreciate it," Hermione told her, glad that she was taking things seriously and a bit amazed by the amount of detail she could see when she glanced around.

Amy spent a chunk of mana to make sure all of the upgrades wouldn't cause problems and would pass onto her children. "That should do it."

"Thanks," Hermione told her. "How do I get the ring to work?"

"Just focus on changing…" Myst trailed off as sparkles poured out of the ring and Hermione floated off the ground.

Harry smiled as Hermione's clothes vanished, giving him a decent view for a couple of seconds before the sparkles covered everything. "Not really something you'd want to do in public."

"I'm not sure it matters," Myst replied as Hermione was covered by red spandex. "The costume comes with a 'somebody else's problem field' which means most people can't connect your identities even if they see you transform."

"Weird," Harry muttered as a red motorcycle-like helmet appeared on Hermione that matched the one Taylor was wearing. "How does it feel?"

"The costume is surprisingly comfortable but I could do without the helmet," Hermione admitted as she floated down to the ground. She frowned slightly as she looked down at her breasts, the sheer fabric doing almost nothing to conceal anything. "At least Ron isn't here."

"Yep," Harry agreed, knowing he'd have already put his foot in his mouth.

Amy pulled her attention off Hermione and looked at Harry. "How come the S.E.P. field isn't working? He shouldn't be able to connect her identities."

"This isn't the first time I've dealt with something trying to influence my mind," Harry replied, not taking his eyes off Hermione. 'This is better than catching a glimpse when her towel slipped.'

Myst glanced at Amy. "We have the mental defense tattoos and Harry has a decent amount of resistance to mental control."

'Just think of it like one of Peter's photo shoots,' Hermione mused as she walked over to the free standing mirror and stared at her reflection, feeling like she was looking at a stranger. "I think the transformation added a cup size."

"More like half a cup," Harry argued as he took the chance to study his friend's behind.

"I'll take your word for it," Hermione replied, glad that she had the helmet on as her face was getting warm. She pulled her attention away from her reflection and focused on Myst. "Now what?"

Myst tossed Hermione the magic girl ring that changed a person's clothes into a dress and boosted their magic. "Put the ring on and transform, it should turn the spandex into a dress and give you a decent boost to your magic."

Hermione put the second ring on and activated it, causing multicolored sparkles to fly out of the ring and cover her body.

"Damn!" Harry blurted as Hermione's spandex costume turned into a sheer black mini dress that clung to her curves, soft leather boots and a pair of crimson silk panties that did very little to hide anything. He stared as her bushy and mostly unmanageable hair straightened, bunched up into pigtails and turned dark green. "Nice!"

Hermione ran her fingers through her silky smooth hair for a couple of seconds before looking at her breasts in the mirror, fairly sure they'd grown another cup size, giving her a solid C or D cup. "Am I b-taller?"

Myst glanced down at her boots and tried to judge her height, something the sand didn't help with. "You're probably a bit over six foot with the boots."

Amy pulled her attention off the girl's body and focused on her face. "Let me check your health again."

"Go for it," Hermione replied as she studied her reflection.

"M.J. is going to go nuts when she sees this," Harry teased her as he enjoyed the view.

Hermione shook her head, trying not to think about the sheer amount of shopping that would result if her friend saw her looking like a model. "I doubt Myst is going to let me keep the rings."

"I can make extra," Myst replied with a grin.

Harry smirked at the look of frustration on his friend's face. "Fantastic."

Hermione gave Harry a look of betrayal then focused on Myst. "I'd love to have a copy of the rings to study, even if M.J. is going to take it as an excuse to drag me shopping."

"M.J?" Amy asked as she finished double checking Hermione's genetics, making mental notes of the changes and tweaks the rings had made so she could duplicate them.

Harry laughed as he thought about their crazy friend. "One of our friends and the reason that none of Peter's relationships work out."

"Jealous?" Taylor asked, thinking about Emma.

Hermione laughed as she thought about her friend. "No, she's just a gorgeous redhead without an ounce of modesty, especially when it comes to Peter."

"It doesn't help that her bedroom is across the alley from Peter's room and she has a warped sense of humor or that she's one of the models he takes pictures of," Harry added.

Noelle shook her head. "I can see where that would cause issues."

Hermione turned to look at Myst. "How does your cloning power work?"

Myst held his hand out. "I just have to touch something and activate the power."

Hermione reached out and grabbed Myst's hand. "Go for it."

Myst copied Noelle's power and focused on making a loyal version of Hermione, wanting to give her power plenty of time to scan Hermione so the copy wouldn't end up mutated.

[That should do it!] Copycat told Myst.

[Thanks], Myst replied as he activated the power and copied Hermione, causing a naked green haired girl to appear leaning against his left hand.

"Hello world!" Hermione's clone said cheerfully as she stepped forward, grabbed Harry's behind and pulled him into a kiss.

"Seriously? Hello World?" Hermione asked her clone.

The clone kissed Harry for half a minute before she turned to look at Hermione. "It seemed appropriate, I've been alive less than a minute, thus hello world."

Hermione frowned slightly, knowing she didn't usually go for over the top public displays of affection. "I think your power might be broken."

"Let's try again," Myst replied then activated his power, creating another naked clone of Hermione.

"Don't worry, I've got this," the second clone said as she walked over and picked up the other clone by her armpits, enjoying the fact that it was easy.

"Hey!" the first clone complained playfully as she was hauled away from Harry. "I'm just making sure he knows we still love him."

"Liar, you just wanted to grope him in public," the second clone teased.

"And you don't?" the first clone asked.

"Not the point," she replied with amusement.

"Don't worry, I love you too," Harry assured the clones then looked at Myst and Hermione. "How many clones are you going to make?"

Myst glanced at Hermione. "What do you think?"

"At least five more but you should probably give the magic transformation items to a clone and duplicate them unless there's a problem with cloning a clone?" Hermione asked, not sure how his power worked but curious how far they could push things.

"Not that I know of," Myst mused as he glanced between the clones.

"Great, she's going to go mad scientist on us," the first clone stage whispered.

"Wouldn't you?" the second clone asked.

"Yes," the first clone admitted with a grin.

Amy pulled her attention off the naked clones. "I can probably upgrade your abilities to match your clones if you want to change back."

"Sure." Hermione focused on the rings and deactivated the transformation effect, shrinking and changing back to her normal appearance. 'So much for looking like a movie star,' she mused as she compared her breasts to the clones. 'Yeah, Harry was right, I probably only jumped half a cup size with each step.'

Amy smiled as she poked one of the clones on their arm and realized that it shouldn't be all that hard to upgrade Hermione to match the clones. "You're going to have to eat like a pig for a bit but we should be able to copy everything, assuming you want green hair."

Hermione glanced at Amy. "I'm fine with green as long as it's straight and manageable, I can always use magic to change the color."

"Cool," Amy replied with a grin as she took a step closer to Hermione so she could touch her arm at the same time as the clone so she'd have a road map for the changes she wanted to make.

Harry smiled as he thought about having multiple M.J. around. "You should probably summon Peter and M.J. before you get carried away."

"Jen, can we get some robes?" Myst asked Jen.

"Sure," Jen replied as she snapped her fingers, conjuring robes on the clones.

"Thanks," Hermione told her, not seeing a point in encouraging M.J. to flirt with her clones.

Myst focused and summoned their version of Peter Parker and M.J. Watson, getting a teen with wild black hair and a stunning teenage girl with dark red hair and blue eyes that could have stepped out of a movie screen. "Hi."

"What's…" M.J. trailed off when she noticed the extra versions of Hermione and the strange sky. "What's going on?"

Harry smiled at Peter. "We found a job for Peter that doesn't involve putting up with Jameson."

"Doing what?" Peter asked, not sure he trusted his friend's tone of voice or his smirk.

"Here," Taylor said as she handed Peter the whiteboard that explained the plan and about his summoning ability, making sure to touch his hand so she could unlock a copy of his powers.

Peter pulled his attention away from Harry and the extra Hermiones and looked at the board, trusting his spider sense to warn him if anything came up. "How many times have you had to explain things?"

"A few," Taylor replied with amusement.

"Is this a joke?" Peter asked when he got to the part about him getting paid to knock up a bunch of magic users after getting magic.

"Nope," Myst replied as he pulled a bag of silver out of his spatial ring and tossed it to Peter.

"Can I watch?" M.J. asked hopefully, rather amused by the entire thing and happy that Peter would have enough money to catch up on bills and put some away for college.

"What makes you think…" Peter trailed off as he glanced back down at the board and looked at the number of silver coins he'd make and did a quick conversion in his head for the price of silver per ounce. "Why me?"

"I might have mentioned your strength and agility," Harry admitted. "You need the money and you need to get away from Jameson, he's toxic."

Peter rubbed the bridge of his nose. "How many clones are you making?" he asked Hermione, trying to give himself time to consider his options.

Hermione smiled at her friend. "At least five more."

"Have you done any blood work to make sure they're stable?" M.J. asked, thinking about some of the journals she'd read about issues with cloning.

"I'm a biokinetic, they're fine," Amy assured her.

"Cool! Mutant power or lab accident?" M.J. asked excitedly, hoping it was something they could duplicate.

"It's not really something I can duplicate," Amy admitted.

"Damn, I'm tired of being the normal person in the group," M.J. complained.

Harry shook his head. "You're not even close to normal, you're a genius."

"Not to mention crazy and hot," M.J. said proudly.

"Don't forget humble," one of the clones lied.

M.J. stuck her tongue out at the clone, knowing she was lying. "Is there a reason you have green hair?"

"Hermione was playing with a magic girl transformation item and I was created when she was transformed," the clone explained.

"You can turn people into magic girls?" M.J. asked excitedly.

Myst smiled at the red haired girl. "I can also give people magic but they'd have to spend time learning to use it."

"How much time?" M.J. asked, hoping she could fit it in.

"You'd probably want a couple of months in the magic school to make sure you're able to control your magic but time moves faster inside the globe so you'd probably only end up spending a couple of hours in the globe unless you want to pick up a free degree," Myst replied with a grin.

"Free?" M.J. asked excitedly.

"With some of the best teachers around," Myst assured her.

"What's the catch?" M.J. asked.

"No dress code," Myst replied with a shrug.

"That's more like a feature," M.J. replied with a smirk.

Harry laughed. "I doubt you'll get rid of her before she gets a degree in magitech, she's as smart as Peter."

"Cool." Myst turned and looked at Peter. "Do we have a deal?"

"I don't…" Peter trailed off when M.J. waved her finger at him. "What?"

"You don't owe the crazy girl anything," M.J. told him. "Just because you didn't want to stick your dick in crazy doesn't mean you shouldn't have some fun, especially since they have people to take care of the kids and this would give you a chance to take advanced science classes and to stop worrying about saving people for a couple of years. You need a break before you turn out."

"Fine," Peter muttered. "One condition, you never tell Aunt May."

"Deal," M.J. replied cheerfully. "I might be crazy but I'm not that crazy."

Myst cast the spell on M.J. to give her magic then did the same thing for Peter. "That should give you enough magic to get started."

"Thanks!" M.J. said enthusiastically, happy about not being the token normal of the group anymore.

Amy finished most of the changes she needed to make to Hermione that wouldn't have to wait until she had a decent source of biomass. "How do you feel about siblings?" she asked the hot redhead.

"Clones?" M.J. asked with a wicked grin.

"Clones," Amy agreed.

M.J. glanced at Hermione's clones. "It would be nice to have a couple of lab partners that could keep up."

"I can keep up," Peter complained.

"When you're actually there," M.J. argued. "Half the time you're running late or half asleep because you were up late saving people or trying to take pictures."

"Sadly," Peter admitted as he handed the whiteboard back to Taylor.

Hermione looked at Amy. "Do you want to upgrade her first?"

"Of course," Amy replied with a grin. "Strength, durability and improved sight?"

"Can I get more details?" M.J. asked, hoping she could convince Harry and Peter to get cloned as well since they could use some backup.

Amy smiled as she pulled out a whiteboard filled with upgrades and handed it to M.J.

"Ooh," M.J. said cheerfully as she looked over the collection of upgrades she could get.

Peter felt a little bit of the tension he'd manage to shove to the back of his mind and not think about vanish when he realized just how durable the upgrades would make her. 'Maybe we'll actually live long enough to retire.'


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