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Myst pulled his attention off the Item World girl and looked at Jen. "How sure are you that my summoning magic won't be affected?"

"I'm a genie, I have nearly phenomenal cosmic power," Jen replied smugly.

"Screw it," Myst muttered, knowing he'd rather have the powers of a builder than the ability to toss people into orbit or move cargo ships since he'd already dealt with the cargo ship in the bay. "I wish for the powers of the best Builder you can safely provide without losing any of my power copying or summoning ability."

"Wish granted!" Jen said as she zapped Myst a blast of purple magic, causing him to shrink.

Myst smiled as he realized that he was back to the size of a normal person. "Yes!"

"Let me check something," Amy said as she walked over and poked Myst's arm with her index finger. "Huh, you're back to being human or at least mostly human."

"Mostly human?" Myst asked as he looked at the healer that was only about half a foot shorter than her.

"There are bits and pieces that my power can't figure out," Amy admitted, glad that she had something to focus on other than flashing back to the firefight and what she could have done differently.

"That's my fault," Jen admitted. "If I hadn't blackboxed things, you'd have ended up getting ashed along with Myst and Shaper."

Myst shivered as he realized that he'd narrowly avoided stepping on a landmine, probably because of the request for safety. "Thanks."

"Ashed?" Amy asked, wondering if it was as bad as it sounded.

"Destroyed, dusted, obliterated," Jen replied with a shrug.

"This is why you always include a safety condition," Tony pointed out as he walked over. "How many powers did you lose?"

"No clue," Myst admitted as he tried to figure out if he could bring up some type of mental interface or something that would tell him. He spent a couple of seconds trying to figure things out then looked at Jen. "Jen?"

"You lost most of your strength, durability and telekinesis," Jen replied with a shrug. "You literally can't be an endbringer and a Builder in this section of the multiverse without someone ganking you and obliterating a couple of planets to make sure you're not coming back."

"You were an endbringer?!" Vicky demanded.

"Technically," Myst admitted as he gave Jen an annoyed look. "I was human before I got summoned in the body of an endbringer."

Amy pulled a bag of fairy dust out of her spatial ring and hit her sister, causing her to sputter. "Relax, he's not destroying the city."

'Just a school,' Taylor thought with a smile.

"Taylor's shard basically changed the orders I was stuck with so that I'd protect her," Myst explained.

[I didn't want my host dead], Admin stated.

[I'm not complaining], Myst replied, knowing that her orders had probably saved him from having to wreck the city.

Vicky scowled as she tried and mostly failed to brush the glitter off her face mask. "Was that really necessary?"

"I didn't want you to accidentally kill Myst, he's basically human," Amy pointed out, not admitting that hitting people with what was essentially glitter bombs was fun.

"Can you fix the rest of the endbringers?" Vicky asked thoughtfully.

"Technically but there's nothing to fix, the rest of the Endbringers are basically constructs, they aren't sapient, the only one that came close was the Simurgh and she's dead," Jen explained.

"She's dead?" Vicky blurted. "How?"

Jen gestured at Myst. "He summoned an angel, it managed to destroy her core."

"Angels exist?" Vicky asked, wondering if that meant she was going to have to reevaluate her stance on religion.

"That depends entirely on the dimension and which part of the multiverse you're from," Jen offered with a shrug.

"Can your new powers make materia?" Yuffie asked.

"Good question," Myst replied as he turned his attention towards the random collection of magical items sitting on the desk and focused on scanning things, not quite sure how his new abilities worked. He smiled when he picked up a pattern for creating materia and realized that the pattern would let him turn any spell he knew into a magic crystal that would let people cast the spell if they had enough mana. "I don't have enough mana."

Amy glanced at Jen. "You should probably fix that."

"Can I wish for the Generic Isekai Upgrade ability?" Myst asked Jen.

Jen tapped into her power and checked. "That depends, do you want your soul to ignite?"

"Not particularly," Myst replied, not particularly surprised that there were limits on what the genie could grant or on what he could safely hold.

"Generic Isekai Upgrade?" Amy asked.

"It's basically a power that lets you improve just about anything other than knowledge by spending mana," Myst explained.

"It's also an extremely powerful ability and Myst's soul is a bit stretched right now," Jen offered.

"Could I wish for the ability without horrible things happening?" Amy asked thoughtfully.

Jen used her power to check. "Technically, but I'd have to restrict the power so that you can't upgrade yourself to start with unless you want to accidently rupture or ignite your soul and using it on Myst would be a bad idea for at least a couple of weeks."

"What about a heads up display that lets her see how much she can upgrade?" Tony asked thoughtfully, figuring that was better than a blanket restriction.

"Not a bad idea," Jen mused as she checked to see if Tony's suggestion worked. "I can do that."

"Remember to add safely in there," Myst suggested as he handed Amy Jen's bottle.

"I wish for the best upgrade power and heads up display that you can safely give me," Amy said, figuring that would cover everything.

"Granted!" Jen announced in a booming voice that filled the warehouse as she zapped Amy, giving her the ability to upgrade things.

Amy looked at her sister and focused on her new ability, pulling up an interface that showed her the things she could upgrade.

"Can you upgrade my durability?" Vicky asked hopefully.

Amy frowned when she noticed the mana cost for upgrading her sister's shield or her physical durability. "Technically but I don't have enough mana to increase the percentage of damage your physical resistance ability gives you and upgrading your forcefield is expensive."

"So it's useless?" Vicky asked.

Amy grinned when she realized that she could upgrade Vicky's aura to have an off switch for cheap. "Not exactly." She spent the mana to upgrade Vicky's power, tired of dealing with her aura and lack of focus.

Vicky blinked when she realized she had another mental switch in the back of her mind. "What did you do?"

"I upgraded your power to include an off switch for your aura," Amy replied smugly.

"Sweet!" Vicky replied as she mentally flipped the switch, causing her aura to drop completely.

"Can I make a wish?" Yuffie asked hopefully.

Myst turned to look at Yuffie. "That depends, what are you going to wish for?"

"I want a treasure sense!" Yuffie said enthusiastically then remembered Cloud's wish. "Can you give everyone in my party a treasure sense?"

"Of course," Jen replied with a grin, not seeing a problem with her wish since the ability would only give other people a minor power.

Tony pulled a pen and one of his notebooks out of his spatial ring and started making notes on the best way to frame Yuffie's wish. "You should probably set some limits on it or add the ability to adjust what you consider treasure."

Amy used her upgrade ability to check on her potential and realized that she'd have to wait for her soul to recover to make another wish if she wanted something permanent and useful out of it. She handed the bottle back to Myst. "Thanks, I'll wait on my last two wishes."

"I don't blame you," Myst replied with a smile as he stuck the bottle in his sweatshirt pocket as he didn't want to leave it on the table and his coat pocket wasn't large enough. "Let me find a decent world to drop Rose and Hermione in, then I'll summon Kara and we can get started dealing with Gor-Don's world."

Vicky glanced at the ceiling. "How long do you think it will take Gor-Don and Mon-El to charge up?"

"A couple of hours," Myst replied as he started looking for a version of the Wizarding world that was less screwed up than Rose's world. "Grab the whiteboard," he told Taylor.

"Sure," Taylor replied as she picked up the whiteboard.

Myst focused and summoned a canon version of Lily Potter from thirty minutes before Voldemort showed up in Godric's Hollow.

Lily pulled her wand out of her sleeve and pointed it at Myst. "What's going on?"

'I can see where Rose gets her looks,' Amy mused as she studied the attractive red haired witch that looked like she was four or five months pregnant.

"Do you want the long version or the short version?" Myst asked.

"Start with the short version," Lily said as she carefully shifted so that she could look around the warehouse without taking her eyes off of everyone.

"Sure," Myst replied. "I have the ability to summon people from alternate dimensions. We needed pizza so we summoned a witch from another dimension that needed some help and had a stack of pizzas that she didn't need."

Lily stared at Myst. "You summoned someone from another dimension because you wanted pizza?"

"It's late and we'd just spent a couple of hours running around dealing with crap and everyone was hungry. I gave her enough silver coins to cover the pizzas," Myst assured her.

"Can you teach me the spell to summon people?" Lily asked hopefully.

Myst shook his head. "Sorry, it's not something I can actually teach people. Long story short, the pizza girl is the girlfriend of your alternate's daughter from about fourteen years in the future and their version of the wizarding world is broken enough that they want to jump ship."

"What about their families?" Lily asked, surprised that they'd be willing to leave everything behind.

"Hermione's family was murdered by a corrupt ministry flunky by way of dementors and Rose Potter grew up with the Dursleys," Myst explained.

"Why the hell would any child of mine grow up with that freak?!" Lily demanded, thinking about the idiot that her sister married.

"Your alternate and that version of James died on Halloween when Rose was a baby and Sirius ended up in prison for killing their version of Peter because Peter sold you out," Myst explained.

"He betrayed us?" Lily asked in disbelief.

"I don't know if Voldemort cursed him or if he broke from the stress but he gave Voldemort the location of your cottage in Godric's Hollow," Myst explained.

Lily stared at Myst. "You shouldn't know about the cottage or be able to say anything about it."

"I'm guessing the secret is broken or it only works in your dimension," Myst replied with a shrug, happy that the spell had limits because he really didn't like stuff messing with his mind.

"Do you have any proof that Peter sold us out?" Lily asked, not wanting to believe that one of her friends sold them out.

"Not exactly but I can sort of scan a timeline to figure out when to summon people," Myst admitted. "Unless things change, you'll be dead, Sirius will get stuck in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit and Peter will spend the next twelve years as a rat with the Weasleys."

"You're saying Sirius failed to kill Peter for betraying us?" Lily asked in surprise.

"Assuming nothing changes, Sirius tracks Peter down to a crowded street and Peter blows up a gas main, surprising Sirius and giving him a concussion or at least that's the only thing that really makes sense as Sirius starts ranting about how he killed you and James when the aurors showed up."

"Because he talked us into swapping secret keepers," Lily mused, knowing Sirius would take their deaths particularly hard.

"Probably," Myst agreed. "In a stupid attempt to increase his political power, Barty Crouch arranges for Sirius to be tossed into Azkaban without a trial."

"That still doesn't explain why Harry ends up with the Dursleys, he should have been sent to a random family in America before he ended up with my sister or her whale of a husband," Lily complained, not even questioning the idea that Crouch would try to profit off things.

"Things basically spiraled because Voldemort used a death curse on Harry after killing you and the ministry basically called him the Boy Who Lived when he managed to survive with nothing but a cursed scar. The wizarding world basically turned him into a hero and everyone grew up knowing his name. Rather than send him to America or hide him in the mundane world somewhere else, Dumbledore basically dropped him off with the Dursleys and used your death to set up blood wards."

"Lovely, I'm surprised he made it to Hogwarts," Lily muttered, knowing her sister had turned into a bitter and jealous bitch because she didn't have magic and because her taste in men sucked.

"There are a lot of dimensions where he doesn't," Myst admitted, thinking about some of the worlds he'd seen while looking for a decent world to send Rose and Hermione.

"What else can you tell me about the future?" Lily asked.

"No clue," Myst admitted. "I can tell you a version of the future but I'm hoping we can change things, which should change a lot about the wizarding world. You've managed to fight him off or escape a couple of times already. If we can give you some decent magic defenses, you should be able to escape or even kill him since Cloud can give you immunity to his favorite spell and Taylor can give you a large if temporary boost to your durability."

"You have a defense against the killing curse?" Lily asked.

Myst gestured toward Cloud. "Cloud has the ability to temporarily give people the ability to permanently pick up powers by touching magical items and we have a magical pin that gives people immunity to death magic."

"And you're doing all of this for free?" Lily asked, wondering if there was a catch.

"Mostly," Myst agreed. "I need a couple of favors, Rose and Hermione have enough gold to rent or buy a place but they don't have paperwork or records and I'm not sure how to fix that short of trying to summon Dumbledore and honestly, I'd rather avoid listening to a lecture."

"Whereas I can send him a letter and call in some favors," Lily mused, not seeing a problem with greasing the wheels for her alternate's daughter. "What's the other favor?"

"If you manage to kill Voldemort, hide the evidence…" Myst trailed off as he realized he could probably cheat and make getting rid of that particular Voldemort easier. "I need to check something." He focused on the Slytherin's locket from Lily's world and summoned it, causing the locket to appear out of thin air and drop to the ground.

Taylor stared at the locket that was giving her the creeps. "Since when can you summon objects?" Taylor asked.

Myst focused on Dumbledore's pensieve and tried to summon it, not surprised when it didn't work. "I can't. Horcruxes on the other hand are apparently alive enough to count as creatures."

Lily stared at the locket, not particularly surprised that Voldemort had resorted to ripping his soul into pieces since he was terrified of death. "We're going to need to destroy it."

"Do you want me to hit it?" Cloud asked.

"Give me a second to summon someone that can toss up a ward," Myst replied as he focused on Kara, trying to figure out a good time to summon her. "I don't want to give the broken spirit a chance to possess anyone."

"I appreciate it," Lily told him.

Myst smiled when he found a moment in time when Kara was lifting a large crate filled with force field generators. 'Perfect.' He held that moment in his mind and swapped to focusing on Zatanna, rather than Kara. 'That works, looks like she's halfway through her coffee and isn't in the middle of anything.' He summoned Zatanna, causing a dark haired busty girl in her late teens or early twenties to appear out of thin air holding a coffee cup and wearing a fluffy white bathrobe. "Don't curse me."

Zatanna took a sip of coffee as she studied the person that had summoned her, comparing his features to the sketch that Kara had shown her. 'Close enough,' she mused, wondering if he'd used magic to shrink. "You're a bit jumpy, you know that right?"

"Yeah, some of the people have started shouting," Myst admitted, relaxing a touch since it didn't look like she was going to blast him.

"Kara said you might summon me," Zatanna replied with amusement. "What do you need?" she asked as she glanced around at the loot that was piled in boxes in a warehouse, wondering if she could talk him out of a nice staff or some defensive gear since she could feel the magic coming off of everything.

Myst gestured towards the locket on the concrete. "We have a couple of cursed items to dispose of but they're basically possessed. Can I talk you into drawing a circle to contain the spirits so we can destroy them?"

Zatanna took another sip of her coffee. "I'll need some chalk and salt."

"Shouldn't be a problem," Myst replied, knowing there was an old bag of salt for de-icing the sidewalk near the door and some chalk on the shelf.

Zatanna turned to look at Lily. "Is there a reason the redhead can't make the circle? She has more than enough magic."

"Different magic traditions," Myst replied as he headed over to grab the chalk and salt.

"We'll have to swap books," Zatanna mused as she walked over to look at the cursed locket, wondering if someone had a warped sense of humor when she got a good look at the locket with a snake on it that looked like an S.

"Do you get summoned a lot?" Lily asked Zatanna.

"Now and then," Zatanna replied with a shrug. "I'm Zatanna Zatara."

Lily stared at Zatanna, surprised that someone would name their daughter after a comic book character. "Seriously?"

"My mother had a sense of humor," Zatanna replied with a smile.

"Lily Potter," Lily offered.

Zatanna glanced at Myst and noticed his smirk as he walked back over with a bag of salt and a piece of chalk. "Did you go to Hogwarts?"

"Seven years," Lily replied. "Where did you go to school?"

"My father taught me," Zatanna replied. "We don't have magic schools in my world."

"Not enough magic users?" Lily asked.

"Not really," Zatanna admitted as she focused on the locket. "Is that Slytherin's locket?"

"Yeah," Myst replied as he focused on summoned Hufflepuff's cup next to the locket then did the same with the Gaunt Family ring and Ravenclaw's diadem. "Don't touch the ring, it will rot your arm off and probably kill you," he warned them as he started scanning the horcruxes.

"I'm aware," Zatanna replied as she studied the cursed magical items. "Laever," she chanted as she gestured at the cursed items, trying to get a better idea of how the magic worked. She stared at the cursed artifacts in disbelief. "Call Constantine, anyone this stupid deserves to be in hell."

"Problems?" Myst asked.

"He bound fragments of his soul to trinkets and didn't bother to ward them against sympathetic magic, a first year novice could screw him over seven ways from Sunday," Zatanna admitted.

"First year?" Lily asked in surprise.

"Different traditions," Myst told her as he finished scanning the horcruxes. He closed the floating window describing the new patterns and focused on Constantine from Zatanna's world, summoning a blond man in a trench coach.

John blinked as he found himself in a warehouse with a bunch of people he didn't recognize and Zatanna. "Did I forget a date or something?"

Zatanna laughed. "No, this is work related."

"Yours or mine?" John asked, thinking of the number of times she'd called him in to deal with something particularly nasty.

"Your side of the tracks," Zatanna replied as she pointed towards the pile of horcruxes. "Warlock with no sense of self preservation and less morals than Faust."

John raised his eyebrows when he recognized the objects. "Voldemort wannabe?"

"Genuine article," Zatanna replied with a grin, knowing her friend would love to have a chance to screw him over. "Myst has the ability to summon people from different worlds."

"I know a couple of demons that would be interested in his soul," John mused as he pulled a small crystal orb out of his pocket that he used for binding ghosts. "I'm going to need a couple of ingredients and a case of beer."

"Case of beer?" Vicky asked, not sure how beer helped with binding souls.

"I'm running low," John replied as he looked through the crystal at the trinkets. "Never mind, skip the ingredients, just grab the beer." He gestured and ripped the soul fragments out of the horcruxes with his left hand while he held the orb out with his right. He waited until the last of the black smoke flowed into the crystal orb then chanted, "Liga hanc animam!"

"Soul binding?" Lily asked thoughtfully as she studied the man in a trench coat that was able to destroy Voldemort's best work with a gesture.

"No point in letting him escape and possess a snake," John replied with a grin as he walked over and grabbed a slice of pizza.

Myst focused on his new power and deconstructed the cursed ring, picking up a small amount of gold and a decent amount of magic. He scanned the Resurrection Stone then floated it up and over to the desk with his telekinesis since it wasn't actually cursed. "I'll summon a specialist to deal with the cursed artifacts once we've gotten everything sorted out, none of the curses are all that dangerous without the soul fragments."

Vicky shook her head. "You know, this was a lot of work for pizza."

"At least it's good pizza," Amy argued.

"True," Vicky admitted as she grabbed another slice of pizza.


Dark epyon

I kinda wanna see Rose go to Lily’s world and as a prank knock on there door and and claim she’s James’s daughter and demand a paternity test without telling him what’s going on lol