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"Run from it, destiny arrives all the same," Thanos said as he walked towards his crew and Loki on the alien world.

Myst smiled as he snapped his fingers and opened a portal under Thanos, dropping him into a version of one of his stories right before Lanfear started her rampage with a dark god's power then quickly closed the portal before Thanos could pull off some last minute trick to save himself. "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust."

"You're going with ashes to ashes?" Hermione asked as she turned visible.

"It seemed appropriate," Myst replied with a grin as he turned his invisibility ring off and faded into view. He turned to look at Loki and Thanos' soldiers. "Who's next?"

"Kill them!" one of Thanos' minions shouted.

Myst tossed a starbolt at the quickest minion that burned halfway through his head then flew forward and punched the next minion in the chest as hard as he could, causing the alien's chest to explode.

Hermione opened a portal under the large warrior, dropping him a thousand feet above a version of Krypton that was set to explode in a couple of minutes then closed the portal.

The alien with a nasty looking polearm sneered at Myst and Hermione. "You'll never win, I'm immortal."

Beth smirked as she ripped the alien's polearm out of his hands then kicked him in the nuts hard enough to destroy his chest and head. "Yuck!"

Loki took a step back and held up his hands. "Don't kill me, I'm not with them."

Myst glanced at the unconscious Thor then smirked at Loki. "Tell Thor he owes me a drink when he wakes up."

Loki stared at the strangers that had causally defeated Thanos and his minions for a couple of seconds then started laughing, not sure what else to do. "I'll let him know," he assured them once he got his laughing under control. "Where did you send Thanos?"

"Somewhere the stones won't work and where he won't be able to get back from." Myst used his Save and Load power to 'save' his 'progress' on the off chance that he opened a portal somewhere unpleasant. He opened a portal to a version of Atlantis from his Scooby Gamers story, mostly because it was the only version of the city he knew of that didn't require the ancient gene. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a city to steal."

"You're stealing a city?" Loki asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's at the bottom of the ocean, no one is using it," Myst replied with amusement as he followed Beth through the portal.

"What do I tell people when they ask what happened?" Loki asked, curious if the stranger wanted credit.

Myst took a step to his left so Hermione would have an easier time walking through the portal. "Just tell them that a magic user dropped him into an alternate universe because he didn't want to have to listen to the lunatic try to justify his insanity. With any luck, his soul won't even make it back here to bother Death."

"We can hope," Hermione muttered as she walked through the portal, more than a little horrified by Thanos' plan to destroy half of the life in the universe.

"He did like his speeches," Loki agreed as he studied the portal.

Hermione glanced at Myst. "Are you sure we should leave him running around without supervision?"

"Lokis are best observed from a distance," Myst replied with amusement then closed the portal before he could do something crazy like invite the 'god' of mischief along for the ride.

"Joking aside, how are you planning on stealing a city sized ship?" Beth asked as she glanced around the curiously dust free gateroom.

"You'd think there would be more dust," Hermione mused as she looked around.

"I'm guessing they used magic or had some type of system…" he trailed off as Janus appeared in a flash of light.

"The people from Earth are going to need the ship," Janus pointed out.

Myst sighed in frustration. "So much for hitting an alternate timeline."

"There are a vast number of worlds where the expedition doesn't need the city, this isn't one of them," Janus warned them.

"Can you help me get to a version of the city that isn't going to be needed?" Myst asked, hoping it would be an easy fix as he really wanted an indestructible city ship.

Janus shook his head. "I'm sorry, there are rules about interfering with non ascended lifeforms. You could always copy a gateship."

Myst gave the ascended being a less than impressed glare. "Not the same." He briefly considered arguing about the hypocrisy of Janus showing up to interfere while arguing that it was against the rules to interfere but decided that it wasn't worth it. "In that case, can you show me where the wormhole drive is?" he asked as he walked over to the control chair and poked it with his finger so he could copy it.

"Where are you going to find someone that can fix the design flaws?" Janus asked, wondering where he was going to find people that were better than the Altaran wizard/engineers that had designed the drive.

"I'm sure I'll figure out something," Myst replied as he walked over to the stargate and poked it with his finger so he could duplicate it.

Janus shook his head. "In that case, I'm sure you can figure it out on your own."

"Fair," Myst muttered as he used his magic to release the clamps keeping the city on the bottom of the ocean.

Janus scowled as the ship lurched. "What are you doing?"

"I'm raising the ship so I can shrink it and copy it," Myst replied as he walked over to the control console and poked it.

"What makes you think I won't stop you?" Janus asked.

"Because you haven't," Myst replied with a grin, hoping he wasn't making a mistake.

Hermione glanced between Myst and Janus. "You can't, can you?"

Janus sighed. "Technically, I could."

Beth raised an eyebrow. "Then why don't you?"

Janus adjusted his stance to keep from falling over as the city surfaced. "Because it's a waste of energy when I can talk Myst into putting everything back to the way he found it."

"How about this? If you show us around the city and tell us how to use the computers, we'll put everything back to the way it was before we leave," Myst offered.

"Deal," Janus replied as he walked towards the stairs.


Myst scowled as he found himself back on the alien planet with Loki and Thor after being tossed into a black hole by one of the ascended ancients or at least he was assuming it was one of the ascended. "Change of plans, we need to pick up some better gear."

"Better gear?" Beth asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I need something that blocks scrying," Myst replied as he opened a portal to Taylor's shop and stepped through. He smiled at the white haired man behind the counter. "Do you accept trade or just energy?"

The shopkeeper glanced at Myst then focused on Loki. "I'm flexible, what do you need?"

Myst glanced around the old fashioned shop, pausing slightly when he noticed the grey skinned teenage girl with a shadowy black cloak. "I need something that will protect us from divination."

The shopkeeper pulled a cheap looking watch out from under the counter. "It doesn't look like much but it does the job. What do you have to trade?"

Myst waited for the girls to step through then closed the portal. He pulled an extra copy of the black silk shirt he'd decursed out of his inventory. "How about a magic shirt that boosts alchemy, lets you turn ghosts into cloth and allows you to change your pants or greaves into a skirt that can change appearance?"

The shopkeeper shook his head. "The watch can stop a god from spying on you, you'll have to do better than that."

"How much energy for the watch?" the grey skinned teenager asked, figuring she could make a trade if it wasn't too expensive.

The shopkeeper turned to look at the grey skinned teenager. "Four hundred."

The grey skinned girl turned to look at Myst. "I'm willing to give you the watch if you'll let me study it for a couple of minutes before we make the trade."

"Let me guess, you're an enchanter?" Myst asked.

"I'm trying," the girl replied, hoping she wasn't wasting her energy on something she couldn't duplicate.

Myst shrugged. "I don't care who I give the shirt to, I just need a way to avoid people scrying on me."

"Trouble with magic users?" the girl asked as she glanced between Hermione and Beth.

"Basically," Myst admitted. "Beth has a demon lord we need to deal with and I really don't want him to see us coming."

"Makes sense," the girl agreed then turned to look at the white haired shopkeeper. "I'll take the watch."

The shopkeeper tossed her the watch and charged her 400 energy. "Have fun."

"That's the plan," the girl replied as she opened her enchanting menu, dropped the watch into the box and hit the button so she could try to figure out how to replicate the enchantment.

Myst frowned slightly when he touched a potion bottle on a shelf and he didn't feel a spark or like he could copy it. He glanced at the shopkeeper and noticed the man's slight smirk. 'I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he warded his shop.'

"Where did you learn enchanting?" Hermione asked.

"From an enchanter in another world," the girl replied as she watched the floating progress bar on his enchanting skill fill up. She frowned when the popup told her that her attempt to learn the enchantment was unsuccessful. "Small glitch, I wasn't able to learn the enchantment."

Myst tossed the girl the shirt. "No worries, you can keep the watch and the shirt, just let me see if I can duplicate it."

"Sure," the girl tossed Myst the watch and dropped the shirt into her enchanting menu.

Myst felt like laughing when he easily learned the legendary quality enchant thanks to Dawn giving him her skill at enchanting. 'I need to remember to thank Dawn the next time I see her.'

Beth glanced between Myst and the grey skinned girl. "Anything?"

"Yeah, it's a legendary enchant," Myst replied as he held the bracelet out towards the grey skinned girl. "You should probably keep this."

The girl accepted the watch as she watched the progress bar, hoping that she could learn something from the shirt. "Thanks."

"No worries," Myst assured her. "I'd rather stick the enchant on something that doesn't look like I got it out of a happy meal."

"Happy meal?" Beth asked, not sure what he was talking about.

"It's basically a meal from a restaurant that comes with a cheap children's toy in order to keep children entertained," Myst explained.

The girl smiled when her progress bar filled up completely and she learned a nice collection of enchants from the shirt. "This should help with changing my costume in a hurry."

"Happy to help," Myst replied with a grin.

The girl nibbled on her bottom lip for a couple of seconds as she considered the pros and cons of asking the stranger if he had anything else interesting that she could take a look at. "I don't suppose you have more magical items that you'd let me look at?" she asked, figuring he could always say no.

Myst glanced at Beth's bracelets. "That depends, can I talk you into giving me a copy of your magic abilities?"

"What makes you think I've got magic abilities or that I can give people copies?" the girl asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You're in a magic shop and you're an enchanter," Myst replied with amusement as he pointed at Beth's bracelets. "As for copying magic powers, my friend's bracelets come with the ability to give people copies of your powers."

"What do you have?" the girl asked, curious what they were offering before she made up her mind if she wanted to share her powers.

Myst smiled as he started listing off the various enchants he'd picked up from the magic well and from his basic gear, figuring he had something he could tempt her with.


"Is there a reason we're sneaking through a creepy looking lab rather than taking a couple of hours to work on upgrading our gear with the new enchants we got from the strange lady?" Beth asked warily as she studied the disturbing and demonic looking symbols painted on the walls in what looked suspiciously like fresh blood.

"I want a BFG," Myst replied as he headed for the large weapon sitting on the platform in the middle of the room. 'That looks more like the version of the BFG from Doom Eternal. At least it's not in the middle of a laser grid.'

Beth glanced at Hermione. "What is a BFG?"

"It's basically a weapon that shoots balls of green fire that explode and rip things apart," Hermione explained, finishing a second before the door opened and a man in combat armor ran into the room.

"What the hell?" the marine sputtered as he looked at the people that didn't look mutated other than the fact that the girls had blue hair and purple eyes.

"Don't mind us, we're just doing some last minute checks on the BFG," Myst replied as he gestured towards the large gun on the platform.

"Mine!" the marine shouted as he jumped for the BFG.

Myst used his Chrono Break ability, freezing the marine two feet off the ground. "You really need to work on your patience Greg," he muttered as he walked over and touched the BFG so he could duplicate it. He created a duplicate and stuffed it in his inventory then reached up and touched the teen's plasma gun and armor. He copied the plasma rifle then brought it up like he was going to shoot it. 'Yeah, I'm probably better off sticking with starbolts.' He put the rifle in his inventory then walked back to where he'd been standing and let time restart, figuring he'd play with the weapons when there were less people around to see him screw up.

Greg landed in front of the gun then quickly picked it up and started laughing, sounding a bit like a demented donkey. "Finally! It's mine! I'm going to destroy them all then I'm going to vaporize Leet when I get back!"

'Yeah, he's not remotely stable,' Myst thought as he took a step back from the lunatic. "Best of luck destroying the rest of the demons."

Greg blinked when he turned and noticed the portal that obviously led to somewhere on Earth. "Where does the portal go?"

"An alternate version of Earth, do you need a lift back to Earth Bet?" Myst asked, figuring he'd give him a chance to do something that didn't involve dying to the legions of hell until he went completely insane.

Greg considered the question then grinned. "Yes."

"Let's see if this works." Myst focused on the one shot he'd read and opened a portal next to Greg that would take him to Brockton Bay.

"What the hell?" Emily Piggot demanded when a portal opened in her office and she saw someone in high tech armor holding a really large gun. "Guards!"

"Shit, wrong place," Myst lied as he cast a regeneration spell on the director that would have her right as rain in a couple of hours.

"What the hell! Can't you put the portal somewhere else?" Greg demanded, not wanting to deal with the PRT or the sheer amount of paperwork that was going to result from opening a portal to the Director's office.

"Sorry about the paperwork," Myst replied then used his Chrono Break ability. 'At least no one got shot.' He snickered as he picked Greg up and walked him through the portal and to the edge of his circle of flowing time. He set him down just outside of the circle then walked back through the portal. 'It's for the best, you've got more than a couple of screws loose but you don't deserve to go completely insane trying to kill an army of demons.'

He unfroze time and closed the portal. "Hopefully he'll get some therapy."

"What would have happened if you left him here?" Beth asked.

"He's not Taylor, he would have gone completely nuts in a couple of weeks and turned into a gibbering wreck," Myst explained as he headed for the portal that would take them back to his house.

"Where did you drop him?" Hermione asked.

"I basically dropped him off at the police station or at least the version that deals with capes in his world," Myst said as he walked through the portal. "With any luck, they'll make sure he gets some therapy before he gets worse."

"Why this story?" Beth asked as she followed Myst through the portal.

"He needed the help and I remembered the scene with the BFG," Myst replied with a shrug.

"You realize the BFG is probably less destructive than your starbolts at full power, right?" Hermione asked as she walked through the portal.

"It also doesn't eat into my energy reserves and after we jump to Beth's world, it should have unlimited energy," Myst replied with a grin as he let the portal to 'hell' close. "Besides, I have a couple of ideas for improving the weapon before I let my sword eat it."

"The well?" Hermione asked.

"That or taking a trip to a world where we can pick up the ability to jump into pocket worlds that let us improve gear," Myst mused as he opened his enchanting window. "Either way, we should probably work on enchanting everything with the ability to eat gear then hit Disgaea so we can get enough…" he trailed off as he heard a familiar female voice, "Fuck that! You're already over budget with that damned ship!"

Beth blinked as they found themselves on a dirt trail in front of a familiar wooden sign post. "So much for having enough time to prepare."

Myst raised an eyebrow as he read the piece of parchment duct taped to the wooden sign for the 'Evil Overlord's Castle of Doom!' He glanced at Beth. "Auditions for being an evil overlord?"

"Yeah, you have to defeat the current overlord in magical combat if you're not part of the royal bloodline," Beth admitted.

"Fun…" Myst trailed off as he saw a man that looked like the actor that played Draco walk around the corner of the trail coming from the direction of the evil castle.

"No good idiots, they wouldn't know a proper evil overlord if I bit them," Draco Malfoy grumbled as he stalked down the path.

"Draco?" Hermione asked.

"Mudblood! This is your fault I'm stuck here, I'm going to kill you!" Draco screamed as he drew his wand.

"You should probably check where your nemesis is," Myst suggested in a whisper.

Hermione focused on the power she'd gotten from Genie and focused on her nemesis, not particularly surprised when her power pointed at Draco and gave the exact distance down to an eighth of an inch. "Yeah, it's him."

"Block this!" Myst called out as he pulled his BFG9000 out of his inventory and shot Draco or at least shot in his general direction.

Beth stared as the crackling ball of green fire hit close to the robed stranger and exploded with a flash of green lightning, causing the man to explode and the ground to turn black in a large circle around where the energy ball struck the ground. "You need to work on your aim."

"BFG9000s are like horseshoes and hand grenades, close is generally close enough," Myst explained as he used magic to put the fire out where some of the brush on the edge of the blast had caught fire.

Hermione blinked when she got a popup informing her that her quest to defeat her nemesis had been completed and that her bracelets had been upgraded so they granted the user two more abilities. "I just finished a quest to deal with my nemesis and picked up a perfect memory and the ability to learn things exceptionally quickly."

Beth smiled as she thought about recovering the rest of her powers. "I'm looking forward to killing the chancellor."

"Same," Myst agreed as he glanced at the energy level display on the BFG9000, grinning when he realized that it was still at 100%. "I could get used to this."

Hermione shook her head. "Only if you practice, you missed your target by six feet."

Myst put his gun back in his inventory and started walking down the path. "I'll work on it after we've dealt with the big bad."

"Do we have a plan?" Hermione asked.

"Yep, I'm going to challenge the evil overlord and give the title to Beth if I win," Myst replied.

Beth blinked in surprise. "You don't want it?"

Myst shook his head, not seeing a reason to stay in a medieval fantasy land when he could wander around and have fun jumping into various stories. "Like you said, too much paperwork."

"Yeah, I don't want…" Beth trailed off when they walked around a bend in the trail and saw dozens of naked teenage girls playing with magic sparkles in front of a large castle, making the multicolored sparkles dance and form different shapes. "On second thought, being an evil overlord doesn't sound so bad."

Myst stared as a young woman that looked like a slightly older version of Beth walked out of the castle wearing a blood red silk dress that hugged her generous curves and a gold tiara with a burning halo over it. "Let me guess, she's the current evil overlord?"

"Yeah, she's also my older sister," Beth admitted as her sister started walking towards them.

Hermione glanced between Beth and her sister. "Yeah, we're not fighting your sister. How does the challenge work if you challenge her?"

"There are three parts to the challenge, magic, sex and riddles," she muttered the last part.

"What's wrong with riddles?" Hermione asked.

"Her riddles are annoying and I'm fairly sure she's cheating," Beth complained.

"I can deal with the riddles," Hermione offered.

"Which leaves magic and sex," Selena said as she sauntered up the path towards her sister and her sister's friends. She glanced at Myst then focused on her sister. "I'm not fucking the old guy which means he gets to take the magic challenge."

Myst gestured at the sky and conjured a purple storm of crackling lightning over the valley. "That's fine, I was planning on taking the magic challenge anyways."

Beth scowled when she noticed a creepy man in a cloak standing by the castle. "Hermione, can you check to see if that's the chancellor?"

Hermione focused on Beth's nemesis and grinned when her power gave her the exact distance and direction to the old man that was glaring at them. "Yeah."

"In that case, sorry, not sorry," Myst said, then called down a bolt of lightning and struck the chancellor, causing him to explode. "Better?"

Beth grinned when she got a popup informing her that her nemesis had been defeated once and that she'd recovered her bracelets' ability to edit what people looked like. "Much, we just need to kill him a couple more times."

Selena glanced at the charred remains of her defense teacher. "Did you have to kill him? It's surprisingly hard to hire defense teachers."

"He stole power from Beth's bracelets and is basically hell bent on ruining her life, so yeah, he had to die," Myst explained, absently hitting accept when a popup appeared, asking if he wanted to learn Beth's appearance editing power.

"That covers the magic portion of the test." Selena glanced at Hermione. "Which means you're welcome to try the riddle section of the tests unless you want to let Elizabeth pull out her hair trying to answer the riddles."

Beth scowled at her sister. "No thanks, your riddles suck."

Selena smirked at her sister then smiled at Hermione. "In that case, let's see if you're any good at riddles. There are two sisters, one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first. Who are the two sisters?"

"Day and night," Hermione replied without missing a beat.

Selena stared at Hermione for a couple of seconds then sighed. "Yeah, that was annoyingly anticlimactic."

Beth blinked then stared at her sister. "Wait, that's it?"

"I don't make the riddles, I just pick them off the list." Selena gestured and conjured a queen sized bed. "Lose the clothes unless you want to lose the challenge."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay the overlord and deal with the paperwork?" Beth asked as she started stuffing her clothes in her inventory.

"Not a chance," Selena replied smugly. "I'm going to kidnap one of the girls and take a vacation. Now strip and tongue fuck me until I scream."

'One easy riddle and a magic display, yeah, it's probably for the best that we didn't spend the entire year grinding and slaughtering monsters,' Myst mused as he watched Selena slip out of her dress then tackle her sister, tumbling onto the bed.

"Where are we going next?" Hermione asked in a whisper as she watched the show, fairly sure this wasn't the first time they'd messed around.

"After the show and hunting down the chancellor with a gateship?" Myst asked as he watched the sisters start kissing while their hands wandered.

"Yeah, after," Hermione agreed, unwilling to miss the show if she didn't have to.

"Vegas?" Myst asked thoughtfully, figuring they could make a mint with their save and load ability.

"Sounds like a good place to start," Hermione agreed, looking forward to having some fun and letting her hair down a bit before she tried to figure out what she was going to do with the rest of her life. 'Besides, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.'


An: Thanks for reading, this one is probably done for a bit, the overlord is 'defeated', Beth has a country to run and what happens in Vegas... 


Ken T.

Lol, this was a fun diversion. And at least I can say it's a "finished" story.


"...what happens in Vegas..." makes for really interesting reading? lol