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"Watching?" Rhaenys asked her brother, wanting to make sure he didn't miss the fun.

Myst spent the mana to improve Rhaenys' training aura from 4% a minute to 5% then focused on his sister and her toy dragon. "Ready."

Rhaenys giggled when she let her toy dragon go and it jumped out of her hands and smashed into the block castle her brother had just finished building. "Dragon."

Myst laughed as he watched the toy dragon demolish the last ten minutes of work to the delight of his sister and his amusement. 'At least she's laughing again.' He glanced at the price to upgrade Rhaenys' training aura and frowned when he realized the price had jumped to about ten times what he could currently afford. 'So much for an easy path to victory.'

"Wrong?" Rhaenys asked, noticing her brother's frown.

"No, I was just thinking about training," Myst replied as he started working on rebuilding the block castle, figuring he might as well keep himself busy while he waited for his mana to regenerate.

"Magic?" Rhaenys asked.

"What makes you think I'm learning magic?" Myst asked with a raised eyebrow.

Rhaenys pointed at the dragon that was flying around the room then gave Myst a 'stern' look. "Dragon."

"Fair point," Myst admitted as he opened his gacha menu. 'Potions, Books, Hats, Cabinets, Electronics or Dresses? Interesting selection.' He bought the potion bottle and the book gacha as they were both decently cheap. 'Probably too cheap to be a spell book but I can hope.'

Rhaenys grinned as she grabbed one of the wooden blocks and set it up, glad that she had her brother to keep her safe.

Myst caught the crystal vial with a glowing orange colored liquid that dropped from his gacha wheel and looked at it with his upgrade ability. 'Failed Potion of Last Stand: Causes intense pain, crippled limbs and increases the user's mana regeneration by 3% total mana per second for 30 seconds when consumed. I can see why it's listed as a failed potion.'

"What is that?" Rhaenys asked, looking at the potion.

"Something for later," Myst replied as he stored the potion in his ring. He caught the book that dropped from his book wheel and stared at the cover, wondering why his gacha gave him a faintly glowing book with a naked pink haired woman in an old fashioned hot tub on the front with the title and writing in some type of Asian language or at least it looked like the stuff in anime. 'Great, I have a magic book I can't read, where the hell is Charles when I need him to translate something,' he complained as he stored the book.

"Story book?" Rhaenys asked hopefully.

"No idea, I can't read it," Myst admitted as he glanced at the other gacha wheels. 'The Hats wheel is decently expensive which means I might get something interesting. Dresses, not really which means I might get something or nothing special. The Cabinets wheel would take almost all of my mana and Electronics about half,' he mused as he considered the best way to grab everything.

"Ask Varys," Rhaenys suggested.

Myst shook his head. "He's not all that comfortable around magic. I'll ask Uncle Oberyn the next time we see him, he's been all over."

"Okay," Rhaenys said as she went back to trying to build a block castle, not seeing a point in worrying about it if it wasn't a story book.

Myst opened the alchemy skill he'd copied off Garigus and looked at the reverse engineering option that should let him try to figure out how to recreate a potion or chemical substance. 'I'd need tools and somewhere to work that Mom wouldn't freak out about which means it's probably pointless to wait, I'll have plenty of mana by the time I'd know enough to recreate it. Then again, nothing says I can't save enough to reverse engineer later.'

He pulled the potion back out of his storage ring and looked at it with his upgrade ability. 'Okay, adding seconds to the duration isn't exactly cost effective right now but it should be once I increase by total mana.'

Rhaenys glanced at the potion then went back to trying to stack her blocks.

'On second thought, this would be a decent poison to use on annoying nobles and slavers so I should probably keep some around.' Myst glanced at the 1 next to the number of doses entry on the potion. 'Is it actually that simple? Might as well try.' He spent the mana to 'upgrade' the potion, causing the crystal potion bottle to narrow in the middle until the sides were touching, creating two chambers and effectively splitting the potion in half. He checked each side of the vial, not particularly surprised that each of them only lasted half as long as the original. 'Better than nothing.'

He glanced at the cost to increase the duration for each side. 'Same cost to upgrade the duration which means I should be able to get it back to something with a reasonable duration without too much work,' he mused as he absently stacked a couple of blocks on the table to help his sister.

Rhaenys smiled at Myst then went back to stacking blocks.

Myst frowned when he checked the cost to remove the negative effects and realized it cost more mana than he had to remove the pain quality from the potion. 'At least removing the crippling effect is cheap enough.' He pulled the 'cursed' bracelet out of his storage ring and slipped it on, knowing he'd need it to deal with the pain from the potion. 'Hopefully I won't need the mana regeneration after this.'

"Hey!" Rhaenys complained when the dragon swooped down and destroyed what she'd already built.

Myst laughed when the dragon jumped into his sister's arms. 'If I didn't know better, I'd swear it was intelligent.' He spent the mana to remove the crippled quality on one of the potions as soon as he had enough then went back to absently building yet another block castle as it helped pass the time. He checked the cost to boost the percentage that it was regenerating then went back to working increasing the duration when he realized he didn't have enough mana. He spent the next twenty minutes getting his potion up to thirty five seconds before deciding that he'd wasted enough time.

"If I'm a bit distracted for a minute, don't worry about it," Myst warned his sister who had given up playing with the blocks and decided to sprawl out on the bed and tell her dragon a whispered story that didn't quite make sense from the bits of it that he'd caught.

"Okay," Rhaenys replied as she went back to telling her stuffed dragon the story about the magical princess that rescued dragons.

'At least she's trying.' Myst set up a quick macro on HUD that would use all of his mana to upgrade his maximum mana and a macro for improving his mana regeneration the same way then drank the potion and started spamming the button for his mana macro. He worked on setting up a third macro for increasing the duration of the potion effect then started spamming that when he'd gotten down to five seconds, rather happy that he'd reached the point where he was regenerating more mana a second than it cost to upgrade the duration so that he could start to 'slowly' climb back up to a reasonable amount.

He swapped back to spamming the macro to increase his maximum mana once he hit twenty seconds then swapped back when he hit four seconds left to build up his duration again. Thankfully, it didn't take all that long before he was regenerating enough mana to change his potion macro so that he was buying two seconds with every push which meant it got a lot easier to keep the timer up to something reasonable.

The first couple of minutes were more than a little frantic but after that, it was almost boring as he alternated macros, trying to keep at least twenty seconds on his potion counter while increasing his mana cap and regeneration. He swapped to spamming the macro for the potion duration, building up a nice cushion then let his mana build up. 'Okay, just a little more.'

Myst hit the button to remove the pain effect from the potion effect and grinned when the potion icon changed to reflect the fact that it was a straight up buff. He checked his mana regeneration then took the bracelet off and spammed the macro for more time a few times to make sure everything still worked then worked on setting up a macro for increasing the percentage of his buff's mana regeneration, knowing things would speed up if he could increase the percentage.

He pushed the button and checked the potion's mana regeneration. '3.01%, at least that part works,' he mused as he alternated boosting the duration and the mana regeneration until he reached 10% a second as he got a popup warning him that increasing it further would cause damage. He adjusted the macro for the duration up to five seconds a tap then went to work boosting his mana capacity for a couple of minutes before swapping over and upgrading his sister's training aura, trying to get it to a reasonable level before going back to boosting his maximum mana.


Myst was fairly sure he'd gotten more than a little carried away once he'd gotten to the point that a single macro click was adding hours to the duration of his mana regeneration potion buff and his mana pool was at a point best expressed in scientific notation. He was slightly annoyed that he couldn't boost his personal mana regeneration higher than 10% a second without a warning popup informing him that his magic stat needed to be higher unless he wanted to start taking damage.

He'd very carefully canceled that action and deleted his macro so that he wouldn't hit it by accident before working on boosting his sister's aura. Of course, he'd hit a similar issue when he'd boosted her aura to 10% a second for mana regeneration and a 100% bonus to training while under the aura's effects. Luckily, his mana regeneration from different sources stacked which meant that he had 20% while his sister was sleeping or 30% a second if she was in the room and awake.

'This would be easier if I could just write a script to keep spending mana to increase my maximum mana if it was over 50% but that's a rabbit hole I don't need to jump down,' he mused as he waited for his cabinet gacha to finish spinning while absently pushing the button to increase mana capacity as having mana of yes didn't seem to hurt anything.

Elia opened the door and blinked when a wood and glass cabinet appeared next to her son. Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the dark green silk dress laid out on the bed that looked like it would fit her, the strange purple and blue jester's hat sitting next to the dress and two thin blocks of a shiny grey material she'd never seen before that were hinged together. "Anything interesting?" she asked softly as she didn't want to wake her daughter up.

Myst turned to look at his mother who was holding his baby brother who was slightly less than a year old. "The cabinet holds about double what it should, the dress should resize and helps protect the wearer from adverse temperatures, the jester's cap gives the person a magical effect that encourages other people to ignore them and the box is basically junk unless I get batteries."

"Batteries?" Elia asked softly.

"Batteries provide the 'force' the box uses to work." Myst shrugged. "Don't worry about it, if I find some in another prize wheel I'll let you know."

Elia walked over and ran her fingers over the dress. "What are you planning on doing with the dress?"

Myst absently continued pushing the button for his mana capacity macro as he smiled at his mother. "I was going to ask if you wanted it. If not, I'll boost the durability and give it to Rhaenys."

"As much as I'd like a new silk dress, I have a number of nice dresses." Elia glanced at her daughter that was sprawled out on the bed holding her stuffed dragon. "It would save us a decent amount of trouble trying to find an appropriate dress for your sister given the chaos in the city."

"Sounds good. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll end up with more now that I've solved my mana issues," Myst assured her as he opened his upgrade menu and looked at his mother, less than happy with her low strength and endurance and general health issues.

"Let me guess, it took less time than you thought it would?" Elia asked, not sure what to make of her son's magic.

"Basically," Myst admitted, not seeing a point in mentioning the potion that had jumpstarted everything. "Which also means I have enough mana to improve your health and to make sure Aegon grows up healthy."

"What do I have to do?" Elia asked, trying not to get her hopes up.

"Just say yes," Myst replied with a grin as he set everything up.

Elia studied her son's face then nodded. "I'm trusting you."

Myst spent the mana to boost her endurance, general health and longevity well into the supernatural range, repairing all of the damage living in Westeros had caused her and making her look a few years younger as the worry lines vanished. "How do you feel?"

Elia took a breath and let it out, surprised to find that she wasn't sore and that all of the barely felt pain she'd been dealing with for years was gone. "Better than I've felt in years."

"Happy to help," Myst replied as he upgraded his siblings' endurance and general health, wanting to make sure they survived.

"Can you do that for anyone?" Elia asked thoughtfully.

"Anyone I can see," Myst admitted as he opened his upgrade menu and selected his skill book ability. 'Yeah, that's not even remotely fair,' he mused as he slid the slider up until he ran out of mana then waited a couple of seconds and slid it up some more then hit the button, reducing the time it took to use his skill book ability down to a minute and a quarter then pushed the slider up as his mana pool refilled and hit the button when it reached a second as he didn't need it faster than that. "Do you want regeneration and a boost to learning skills?"

"Is that a trick question?" Elia asked with a grin.

"No," Myst replied as he brought his skill book menu up and selected his regeneration ability then hit the button, conjuring a skill book. He handed the book to his mother. "Just open it."

Elia opened the book and smiled when it vanished. "Can you do the same for your siblings or do you have to wait until they can read?"

"I can hand them a potion, it's basically the same thing in liquid form or make a rune covered stick that they can break," Myst explained as he opened his gacha menu and looked at his options while he absently tapped the maximum mana macro.

"What else can you hand out?" Elia asked, never wanting to feel the same heart wrenching terror as when the soldiers were breaking down her door to kill them.

"How about immunity to fire?" Myst offered as he bought all of the available gacha wheels, not really seeing a point in holding back now that he had the mana, especially since there was a skill book wheel.

"Sounds like a useful ability, does it help with wildfire?" Elia asked, thinking about the old king.

"It should but I haven't tested it for obvious reasons and it won't help with the fumes," Myst warned his mother as he created a skill book stick and handed it to her. He reached up and caught the book that dropped when his skill book gacha stopped spinning.

"A Tragedy in Black?" Elia asked, fairly sure her son didn't need to read about the Night's Watch.

'Why does that seem familiar?' He checked the book with his upgrade ability then opened it once he realized it taught enchanting and that he couldn't upgrade how much it taught him. "It's a book about enchanting, that should let me duplicate some of the magical items once I figure out how everything works." He set the book on the bed next to his jester's cap then grabbed the battery powered drill when it dropped from the tool's wheel. "Nice."

"What does it do?" Elia asked.

"It's a drill that you don't need to crank," Myst replied as he stuck it in his storage ring, not wanting his family to accidentally hurt themselves. He spent all of his mana to improve the storage capacity of his ring then stared at the glowing soft serve ice cream machine that appeared in front of him. "That's completely use-ful," he said, changing what he'd been about to say when he looked at the machine with his upgrade ability and realized the machine had an endless amount of ice cream and cones and didn't need to be plugged in.

"What does it do?" Elia asked, curious why he was smiling.

"It has an endless supply of ice cream," Myst said as he caught a lightsaber hilt that dropped from the weapon gacha. "I'm not testing that in here." He stuck the lightsaber in his storage ring after checking to make sure that it was actually a lightsaber then caught the glowing red silk halter top. "It's like the loincloth, it provides armor. That and a decent amount of protection from the cold."

Elia laughed. "Your magic is weird."

"Pretty much," Myst agreed as two nearly identical and slightly worn cabinets appeared in front of him when his magical transportation gacha stopped spinning. "So much for a flying carpet," he mused as he checked the cabinets with his upgrade ability. "Vanishing cabinets!"

"Which are?" Elia asked with raised eyebrows, not sure why her son was so happy or where he'd learned about some of the things his ability was creating.

"You step through one and you step out of the other," Myst replied excitedly. "In other words, if we stuck one of these in Dragonstone, we could step through the cabinet here and step out at the cabinet there or we could place one of them in Winterfell and Lyanna could come visit whenever she wanted."

"Instantly?" Elia asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Myst replied with a grin, knowing the ability to instantly move people around the world would change a lot of things. He reached up and caught a broken pocket mirror when the magical trinket wheel stopped. "Weird," he muttered as he looked at the mirror. "Huh, so much for having to wait for ravens."

"What do you mean?" Elia asked.

"Assuming I can figure out how to link a set of mirrors we could have a conversation like we were looking through a small mirror sized box," Myst explained as he mentally reviewed his 'knowledge' of enchanting, looking for a way to make everything work without soul stones.

"That would certainly make talking to family easier," Elia said thoughtfully. "Not to mention make getting reports from spies easier."

"Gasp, we have spies?" Myst teased.

Elia shook her head. "You've met Varys, he has a bunch."

"Fair enough I should probably talk to him about restoring his health. Speaking of health, do you have any objection to starting a group of magical healers?"

"You should wait for any large announcements until after you're crowned," Elia warned him. "I'd rather not give anyone a reason to protest."

"That's a fair point," Myst admitted. "So I should wait to repair the Dragonpit until after I'm crowned?" he teased, knowing it would be better to wait.

Elia shook her finger at Myst. "Considering dragons make people nervous and we don't need any trouble, you should wait before you do anything else overly noticeable."

"Else?" Myst asked.

"The guards or Jamie Lannister talked about the Mountain's death, Varys said there are some interesting stories about the prince that destroyed a mountain," Elia warned him. "It's better to keep everyone guessing."

"I'll try not to do anything else overly noticeable," Myst replied as he worked on setting up a macro to boost his maximum health, regeneration and durability, hoping the combination would keep him from getting killed on the off chance that someone sent an assassin.

Elia glanced around the room at the various strange objects. "We should probably move your projects to a workroom or at least an empty room now that we're not quite as worried about the keep being stormed."

"I wouldn't mind," Myst admitted as he looked at his ice cream machine. "I'm also going to need a step ladder."

"How does it work?" Elia asked as she set Aegon on the bed next to his sister, well away from the various items then walked over to look at the machine.

"You grab the cone and hold it under the nozzle," Myst explained as he pointed at the nozzle for the chocolate ice cream. "Then you pull the lever and sort of move the cone in a circle so that the ice cream makes a cone."

"I'll get a bench, you can show me. Then you can explain how you know things your father wouldn't have had a clue about," Elia said as she headed back into the other room to grab a bench.

"Fair," Myst admitted as he worked on moving everything that had dropped from his gacha wheels into his storage ring other than the ice cream machine. 'It was bound to happen eventually, hopefully she doesn't freak out too much.'


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