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Myst yawned as he woke up, wishing he could go back to sleep as he wasn't sure how well Elia was actually taking things. It had taken a few hours and a knife to prove that he wasn't some shape changing monster that had stolen her son's body after he'd admitted to having more knowledge than he should. Things had been more than a little tense after that and finding out that he'd basically read a 'history' of how things might have gone hadn't really helped, especially when he'd admitted that they'd died in that version of history.

"Morning," Selena said as she placed another block on the castle she was helping Rhaenys build so her dragon could knock it down.

"Morning," Myst muttered as he opened his gacha menu and looked at his options. 'Huh, two minion wheels, a magic user and a ranged combat specialist, boots, skill books, elixirs and magic rings?' He bought the various wheels then tapped his macro to increase his mana, knowing it would be regenerated by the time the wheels stopped spinning or close enough that it wouldn't matter. "I grabbed two minion wheels, so don't panic if people appear."

"Okay." Rhaenys stared at the naked woman with dark green skin and long pointed ears that appeared out of thin air. "Hello?"

Laurena Shadows of Death glanced around the room then looked down at her clothes or rather her lack of clothes. "That's the last time I grab a 'free' portal in Orgrimmar," she complained.

"Orgrimmar? As in orcs?" Myst asked warily, hoping to hell the Burning Legion couldn't reach Westeros because it would sweep over the land like a tide of death as he doubted anything they had would be able to stop them.

"Of course," Laurena replied. "Does that mean I'm in Alliance territory?"

Myst shook his head. "No, though you're in human lands. You're a long way from Azeroth."

"Shit!" she cursed when she realized she didn't have her backpack or any of her belt pouches or even her belt then glanced at Rhaenys. "Sorry, I just realized I don't have my gear."

Rhaenys giggled. "Bad word."

"She's heard worse," Myst said, not particularly concerned about the elf's language. "Sorry about your gear."

"I don't suppose you have extra clothes I can borrow?" Laurena asked Selena, figuring the adult would be the person to ask.

Selena smiled at the attractive elf then got to her feet and headed for the door. "I'll see what I can find."

"Thanks," Myst said as he caught the skill book that dropped from the book wheel. He checked the book with his upgrade ability and quickly opened the book when he realized which skill it taught. He smiled as he read the description of his new skill, 'Conjure Food, this spell allows the caster to conjure magical food that heals the person or creature that eats it. Warning, the exact form and taste depends on the caster's cooking skill or familiarity with the food in question. That should make winter easier to deal with.'

"If I'm not in Azeroth, where am I?" Laurena asked.

"You're," Myst paused when a naked busty purple skinned and blue haired elf appeared out of thin air. "As I was saying, welcome to Westeros."

Zara glanced at the green skinned elf then glanced at her own breasts and sighed. "Which one of you is the damned warlock?"

"I'm not a warlock but my ability is probably what summoned you," Myst admitted.

"And you are?" Zara asked as she looked at the kid that felt like he was overflowing with magic.

"Myst Targaryen, prince of the Seven Kingdoms and soon to be king, assuming nothing goes horribly wrong in the next couple of days," Myst admitted.

"I'm Rhaenys, princess of the Seven Kingdoms," Rhaenys offered.

Zara glanced at the nightborne. "Truce until we can figure out what's going on?"

"Sounds good, I don't think we're on Azeroth though the prince seems curiously well informed," Laurena said as she studied Myst, trying to figure out why he felt like a font of magic.

"I've heard some stories, but I don't know how many of them are true." Myst reached up and caught the crystal vial that dropped from his elixir wheel and almost dropped it when he checked it with his upgrade ability and realized it was a Vial of the Sands. "Holy shit!"

"What is it?" Rhaenys asked, wondering why her brother was so excited.

"It gives the person that drinks it an alternate form," Myst admitted, keeping part of his attention on the adventurers as he didn't want them to steal it while reading through the specifics. Thankfully, unlike the game damage didn't cause you to change back to your normal humanoid form and generally fall to your death. 'Nothing against fighting in dragon form either which makes it a lot better than the game.'

"How did you get a Vial of the Sands?" Laurena asked, staring at the crystal vial in wonder that she recognized from the time she'd seen one at the auction house.

"One of my abilities lets me summon or copy things from other worlds," Myst admitted as he looked at his options for upgrading the elixir so that it could turn him into something more impressive than a sandstone drake. 'At least I have a metric fuck-ton of mana, some of these are actually decently expensive,' he mused as he looked through the dragon options.

"I don't suppose you'd consider selling the vial?" Zara asked hopefully.

"Maybe," Myst replied as his boots wheel stopped spinning. He grinned when he grabbed the soft black leather boots before they landed on him and they changed size so they'd fit. 'You have to love shit from video games, one size fits all,' he mused as he checked the boots with his upgrade ability. "I think I just found my new boots, boosted agility, comfort, magic, stamina recovery and run speed."

"They sound perfect for a hunter," Laurena said, wishing she still had her gear.

"What are you offering for the potion?" Myst asked, wondering what he could get out of them.

"Service?" Laurena offered. "I'm an exceptional hunter and adventurer, I'm sure there are monsters that you need dealt with."

"I'm a phenomenal mage, enchanter and tailor," Zara cut in, not wanting to get outbid.

"Herbalist and alchemist," Laurena added.

Myst couldn't help the smile on his face as he thought about all of the interesting skills they could teach. "I'm not sure how many exotic plants you'll find but I'd love to learn alchemy or at least pick up some pointers so I can compare this world's version of alchemy. Same thing with enchanting and tailoring or at least the magical version of tailoring that lets you craft bags of holding."

"You don't have magical tailors?" Zara asked in surprise.

Myst shook his head. "Outside of my strange abilities, there aren't all that many magic users in this part of the world, I'm trying to change that. Are you interested in teaching in exchange for the ability to change into drakes?"

"You only have one potion," Laurena pointed out.

"I also have the ability to create skill books which means I should be able to copy your ability once you use the elixir," Myst explained.

Zara raised her eyebrows, not sure she believed him. "Prove it."

Myst watched his ring gacha start slowing down. "Permission to copy your abilities?"

"Go for it," Zara said, figuring he was bluffing.

Myst focused on Zara's abilities. "Chill of the Night reduces shadow damage taken by 1%, Entropic Embrace boosts your damage and healing by 5% for 12 seconds and activates about a third of the time you use an ability unless it's on cooldown. You're supernaturally calm which means you can basically ignore the effect getting hit should have on your concentration while casting your spells and you can rip open spatial rifts and teleport short distances or at least you can on Azeroth."

"Everyone argues about the exact numbers but that's pretty close," Zara admitted.

Myst pulled Zara's Chill of Night ability up and created a skill book then caught the ring when his wheel stopped. "It should give you a prompt." He handed the book to Zara then looked at the ring's magical abilities. "Inscribed Signet of the Kirin Tor, boosts magic, stamina, haste and the ability to land a telling blow, it also lets you teleport to Dalaran so we can probably get you home."

Zara opened the book and blinked when a floating page appeared in front of her telling her that she already had the ability. "It says I already have it."

"Can I try?" Laurena asked hopefully.

"Go for it," Myst suggested as he created another copy of her Chill of the Night ability. "I can always make more." He used the book which caused it to turn into motes of light and vanish. "Nothing quite like picking up new abilities."

Zara handed the nightborne the book. "If this works, I'm going to want a copy of your abilities."

"Same," Laurena said as she opened the book and read the prompt. She pushed the accept button and stared at the book as it turned into motes of light in her hand and vanished. "Copy something noticeable like my cantrips ability."

Myst quickly copied her cantrips ability then handed the book to Zara. "I'm not actually sure if that works across dimensions."

"It works in Outland and the Twisting Nether," Laurena replied with a grin.

Zara opened the book and blinked as she realized she knew exactly how to conjure an eldritch grimoire. "Holy shit, I think it worked." She gestured and used the unfamiliar ability, conjuring a floating tome in front of her. She quickly wrote out a short message and sent it to her guild leader. "That should help…" she trailed off when a message appeared. "Out of range? How the fuck am I out of range?"

Myst felt sorry for the girls but felt a surge of relief that he wasn't going to have to deal with the Burning Legion any time soon. "As I said, we're not all that close to Azeroth."

"Yet you summoned us here," Zara snapped.

"Or copied you," Myst admitted as he created another cantrip skill book.

"Try to send a letter to me," Laurena suggested, ignoring the part about them possibly being copies.

"Fine, it's obviously broken…" she trailed off as her hastily scrawled message was sent without a problem.

Laurena summoned her own eldritch grimoire when she felt the buzz in the back of her mind that let her know she had mail. "Testing? Yeah, it worked."

"That was fast," Myst said, fairly sure it had taken longer in the game.

"No clue," Laurena admitted, used to it taking longer.

Zara grinned. "I'm not surprised, if we're too far to send mail back home, we're certainly out of range of the wards the mage's guild uses to tax the system."

"Let me guess, it slows things down?" Myst asked.

"Unfortunately," Zara replied.

"Greedy," Laurena glanced at Rhaenys and changed what she was going to say, "mages." She focused on Myst. "You realize more people would burn kingdoms for your skill."

Myst sighed. "Which is why I'd love to have your help training a group of magic using hunters. I'm willing to copy the ability to change into a drake and even improve it if you'll work for me while you try to figure out how to get home."

"You realize that every hunter uses some magic, right?" Laurena asked, thinking about some of the less than amusing things some of the 'proper' magic users had said about her 'lack' of talent over the years.

"Which means there's no reason not to pick up decent magical training at the same time," Myst pointed out.

"Most hunters only have a minor talent for magic, otherwise they'd have done something else," Zara pointed out.

"She has a point," Laurena admitted as Selena walked back in holding two comfortable looking robes. "It takes talent and dedication to be a mage and talent and dedication to be a hunter which is why you don't usually have hunters tossing around fireballs."

"Or arcane blasts," Zara added smugly as she accepted the robe from Selena. "I wouldn't mind learning to tame pets," she admitted as she slipped the robe on, wishing she still had her casting gear.

"I'm more than willing to trade skills," Laurena said as she slipped the robe on, "especially if you let me use the Vial of the Sands."

Zara glanced at Myst then shrugged. "I don't really care who drinks it as long as I get a copy of the ability."

"Go for it," Myst offered as he handed the potion to Laurena. "Just don't change in here, there's not enough space."

Laurena quickly drank the ludicrously expensive potion that would have sold for a king's ransom back home. "I can feel the potential, I wonder if this is what druids feel like?"

"Shit, I should be burning magic. Do you want your mana pool improved?" Myst asked the girls.

Zara raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean improved?"

"I mean I should be able to permanently boost the size of your mana pool," Myst said as he focused on Laurena's new skill, created a skill book and used it. 'One step closer to becoming an actual dragon.'

"Sure, if you can give me a boost, I'll take it…" Zara trailed off in shock when she felt the amount of mana she could hold flex and the walls virtually explode in every direction, going from a rather impressive mana pool for a powerful mage to something straight out of legends that she could barely sense the edges of let alone the depth. "What the hell?!"

"That was me boosting your mana pool. Give me a couple of seconds and I'll boost Laurena's then I can give you a copy of the drake form," Myst said cheerfully as he swapped targets, waited for his mana to recharge then boosted the hunter by the same amount causing her to blink a couple of times and stare blankly at the wall or more likely the potential she could feel.

"Are you a god?" Zara asked Myst, only half joking.

"Yes," Myst lied, thinking about the old Ghostbusters joke. "Sorry, that was a joke," he admitted when the girls in the room stared at him with a combination of awe, suspicion and annoyance in his sister's case as she knew he wasn't a god. "Technically speaking I'm not a god, I just have some really nice abilities."

"I'll say," Laurena admitted once she found her voice. "I don't suppose you can boost my mana regeneration?"

"That depends, can I talk you into training people?" Myst asked hopefully.

"Yes," Laurena replied, not sure what she wouldn't do short of joining the Legion to pay him back for the boost to her mana pool.

"I'm sure we can work something out," Zara said, wondering what else he could improve and wishing he was a decade older and an elf so he could knock her up on the off chance the abilities were inherited.

"Dragon book?" Rhaenys asked hopefully.

"You'll have to ask Mom," Myst said, not surprised when she bolted out of the room to find their mother. 'At least she's enthusiastic.' He focused on Zara and copied her tailoring skill then hit the refresh button on his gacha menu, curious what he'd get. 'Electronic game systems, video games, artifacts of doom, sex toys, cursed items, engineers, electric vehicles?' He bought the first two wheels then climbed out of bed and grabbed his pants. "What do hunter trainers normally look for?"

"Agility and magic for the most part," Laurena replied, trying to dredge up old memories of her own time as an apprentice hunter.

"Where are you going to recruit from?" Selena asked Myst.

Myst finished pulling his pants on. "Dragonstone and the North should have people with the potential for magic for various reasons and it would help mend some fences with the north."

"What's wrong with the north?" Zara asked.

"Beyond the fact that they're justifiably angry at the crown because the old king went crazy and burned the Lord of Winterfell which is basically the king of the North to death along with two of his sons, nothing. Thankfully, the old king is dead and we've managed to end the rebellion without more trouble."

"Nasty," Laurena muttered, thinking about her own people's troubles with rebellion and demons. "We're going to need clothes and basic equipment if you want us to train people."

"I can deal with the clothes, they'll be better than anything we can get locally if they don't have magic," Zara pointed out.

Myst reached up and caught a game system box as carefully as he could when it dropped from the electronics wheel. He quickly put the box game system in his spatial ring when the video game wheel started slowing down. He grabbed the DVD case that dropped. 'Elder Scrolls, Dark Magic Edition?' he mused as he flipped the case over and looked at the back. 'Nudity, violence and suggestive themes? Sacrifice people to the Daedric Princes for power and wealth? Learn to use the souls of your enemies to create twisted abominations and call forth the legions of oblivion? At least I'll have something to kill time with if I can get a screen and something to generate power,' he thought as he put the game in his spatial ring.

"Storage device?" Zara asked, wondering what he'd done with the boxes.

"My ring, I'll make you one if I can figure out how to duplicate it," Myst promised as he bought the engineer wheel along with the cursed items wheel, trusting his supernatural luck to keep him safe.

"I can probably help, I'm a trained enchanter," Zara offered, looking forward to figuring out how to duplicate it.

"I'd love help," Myst opened his upgrade menu and focused on his new Chill of the Night ability and upgraded the shadow resistance to 100%, burning through enough mana to level a city in the process. 'That should help against the shadow creatures the red priests can summon.' He stepped back and let the dark metal bracer fall to the ground when the cursed item wheel stopped spinning.

"Not catching that one?" Selena asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, it's cursed," Myst replied as he looked at the bracer. "Huh, that might actually be useful, it draws ranged attacks towards the person wearing it." He was reasonably sure he could fix the part where it halved the wearer's total armor rating.

Laurena laughed. "That sounds like a good way to get the meat shield dead."

"I can think of a couple of times it would have come in handy when I was exploring some ancient ruins with my guild," Zara admitted.

"Something to play with," Myst finished as the engineer wheel slowed down and stopped, summoning a strangely familiar looking curvy red haired young woman with a pirate hat, tool belt and nothing else. "Welcome to Westeros."

"I'm going to fucking stab Andrew," the young woman complained as she glanced between Myst, Selena, Zara and Laurena and then focused on Myst when she realized what he'd said. "Did you just say Westeros? As in Game of Thrones?" she demanded.

"Ah, yeah," Myst admitted, surprised that the young woman knew about the series.

The young woman stared when she noticed her lack of clothes then hastily tapped her belt and sighed in relief when she realized she still had it. "I'm not nearly drunk enough for this shit."

"Are you an engineer?" Myst asked, surprised that she wasn't more freaked about her missing clothes.

"Yeah, gnomish and goblin, you wouldn't believe how many goblins I had to shake to get all of the schematics out of them. I also maxed out archaeology, fishing, first aid, cooking, enchanting and inscription," she said proudly. "I don't suppose you know how to get back to Earth or Azeroth?"

"I'm afraid not," Myst admitted, pointing at Zara and Laurena. "The girls haven't had any luck with sending mail back to Azeroth."

"Rats," Dawn grumbled. "I don't suppose this version of Westeros has an adventuring guild?"

"Nope," Myst replied as the door opened and Elia and Rhaenys walked in.

Elia glanced between the half dressed girls and Dawn. "Let me guess, your gacha wheel?"

"Yeah, meet Dawn, Laurena and Zara," Myst said, pointing to each of the girls in turn. "Girls, this is my mother, wife of the former prince and sort of the regent of the kingdom until I get old enough to take over without everyone screaming bloody murder."

Elia snorted. "That's one way to put it."

"Gacha wheel? As in a prize wheel?" Dawn asked warily.

"Apparently, I bought an engineer wheel and it summoned you," Myst admitted, not seeing a point in lying.

"I'm still going to blame Andrew, it was his damned invention that tossed me into the void, this was more like a rescue," Dawn argued.

"Happy to be of help," Myst assured her.

"So, dragon form?" she asked with a grin.

"Yeah," Myst replied as he created a skill book and handed it to Dawn. "Technically it's a drake form, but I can upgrade it. You're welcome to the book and the upgrade if you're willing to trade skills and abilities and help save the world from the white walkers."

"How long do we have?" Dawn asked, thinking about the show.

"Anywhere from months to fifteen to eighteen years? I'm not sure, Robert's rebellion failed and I've been using a lot of magic which might screw the timeline up or might not," Myst said, hoping his magic wouldn't cause an early winter or the white walkers to start early.

"It shouldn't, I'm fairly sure the long winter requires some type of celestial alignment," Dawn mused. "So, you want me to work for you, how long?"

"How does a year and a day or until your friends rescue you sound?" Myst asked with a grin.

Dawn laughed. "Like I'm making a deal with a fey. Are you a trickster or fey?"

"Not really and no," Myst replied. "I'm just a guy that went to sleep at his computer and woke up as a kid in another world that is trying to make the world a better place."

"I'll need a lab and supplies," Dawn pointed out.

"I'm sure we can work something out," Myst assured her.

Elia glanced down at her daughter when she gave a gentle tug on her dress. "Speaking of working things out, are you going to give Rhaenys a potion that lets her become a dragon or are you going to break her heart?"

"I can be good," Rhaenys promised.

Myst glanced at his sister, noticing her trembling lip and puppy dog eyes. 'Yeah, weaponized cuteness.' He focused on his mother. "I was sort of hoping you'd come up with a reason to wait a couple of days until after the coronation and we had a chance to practice flying so we can make sure it's safe and that it was easy to control."

Rhaenys nodded, trying not to dance in place. "I can wait."

"Good," Myst replied with a grin. "Who do I talk to about getting Dawn some clothes or cloth and a place for Zara to work as she's a magical tailor."

"I'll take care of it," Elia said as she left the room with a smile, looking forward to seeing where their projects went as it would make them a lot safer.

Dawn opened the book and grinned as she saw the icon appear on her HUD. "Vial of the Sands?"

"Originally yeah, do you want to trade some of your skills and racial abilities?" Myst asked hopefully, doing his best to ignore the 'artifact of doom' wheel but unwilling to close it and lose something that might actually be useful.

"I'd love to," Dawn replied with a grin, looking forward to picking up more magic.


Robert Buniff

It keeps getting better!


Is this Dawn Summers from after her Warcraft stint in the Scooby Builders story?