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Genie looked over Mist’s collection of abilities.



Birthsign: The Atronach: Those under the sign of the Atronach recover magicka more slowly but have a 50% chance of any magic cast on them being rendered harmless with the magicka absorbed to compensate.

Race Nord

Battle Cry: [Free] Once a day you can produce a magically enhanced bellow that causes all but the most strong willed of enemies to flee before you.

Clever Craft: [Free]

Training: [200] Increase skill unnaturally quickly up to a trainer's level if you can pay.

Impact: [100] Give your spells physical force if you want.

Progress: [300] Your skills improve quickly.

Dual Casting: [150] Perform magic with two hands at once.

Master of the Arcane: (Enchanting)[300]

Meeko: [150] Irish

Skyforge: [200]

Hail Companion: [200]


Arrow to the Knee: [+100] same old stories and everyone wants to talk about them.

Black Sacrament: [+200] Someone has contracted the dark brotherhood on you.

Ebony Warrior: [+300] A highly skilled warrior with magical gear that wants you dead.


Birthsign: The Atronach


Race Nord:

Birthsign: The Atronach

Clever Craft: [Free]

Battle Cry: [Free]

James, Lily, Cordelia, Fred, Leet, Dennis, Laura, Aisha

Birthsign: The Atronach

Race: Nord

Drop In.

Attribute: Health [Free] Extra health.

Archer: [100] Expert marksmen skills and an eye for weak points.

Clever Craft: [100] Knack for spells and learns magic quickly.

Training: [150]

Progress: [150]

Battle Cry: [Free]

“So you’re basically crippling your mana regeneration in exchange for the ability to absorb magic?” Genie asked curious what Mist was planning.

Mist shrugged. “Taking a small hit to our mana regeneration for 50% immunity to magic seems reasonable to me.”

Cordelia spoke up, “Besides, it’s not like we don’t have mana regeneration on our gear.”

“In that case, no worries, I just wanted to make sure you’d considered your options. Does that mean you’re ready to drop into Skyrim?” Genie asked.

Mist glanced around then nodded when no one spoke up after a couple of seconds. “Sure.”

Genie snapped her fingers and teleported the group to the small town of Riverrun or at least that’s where she was aiming. She frowned as Mist was diverted by an outside force. “What the fuck?!”


Mist looked around the frozen wasteland a blizzard was partially obscuring. “This looks worse than I remember the game looking.”

Abby asked, “Where is everyone else?”

Mist turned and realized that Abby was right, the rest of the group wasn’t there which didn’t really make any sense. He twitched then teleported the girls a few hundred meters away as he felt a spike of danger from his danger sense power that helped keep his friends safe. He scowled as a blast of magical energy slammed into him from out of the blizzard. He cast an absorption spell to increase his magic immunity. “You’re going to have to do better than that!”

A male voice shouted, “I’m going to kill you then I’m going to get her back!”

Mist activated his ability to turn invisible then shouted, “You’ll have to be more specific!” He floated up then moved to the left a bit so that whoever was after him couldn’t target him directly.

“You stole Noelle from me!” Trickster shouted.

Mist twitched slightly as bright red beams of energy lanced out of the blizzard and struck him in the face, thankfully they were either fire or lightning based so his immunities and durability took care of the attack. “Okay, that’s rude.” He activated his absorption eye and directed it at the blizzard and absorbed every type of magic other than his own and his watch’s magic. He smiled coldly as the blizzard cleared up leaving a muscle bound version of Trickster dressed like the Joker in a purple suit complete with a flower in his breast pocket. “How the hell did you find me?”

Trickster smirked. “Not everyone likes you. I’m going to kill you!”

“It wasn’t my fault Noelle found you pathetic-” Mist trailed off as Trickster blurred forward and slammed his fist into his head hard enough to liquify a vault door. He tumbled more than a few times on the frozen ground then pulled himself back to an upright position with flight. ‘Fuck, I actually felt that.’ He glared at Trickster as he silently cast his mana shield. “Fuck this, you want to die, I can make that work.”

Trickster shouted, “I’m a god!”

Mist tossed four ultima spells with each hand at Trickster then stared in shock as the bastard parried them with his sword. “What the fuck?” He reached out and tried teleporting the blade away then scowled as he managed to avoid that by slashing sideways as he charged at him. He pulled his sword out of his inventory as he blocked the man’s lightning quick string of attacks.

“I’m going to kill you!” Trickster shouted as he used a charm and powered through Mist’s eye defense with a perfect strike.

Mist brought his blade up and blocked the strike then kicked Trickster in the chest which caused him to fly backwards but didn’t look to have actually damaged him. He scowled as his blade vanished from his hand as Trickster jumped back at him. He teleported out of the way of the strike then pulled out his watch and pushed the button only for Trickster to slash the air and cause the effect to dispel. “That’s annoying as hell.” He quickly stuck the watch back in his inventory before Trickster could teleport it then tried to teleported a rock into Trickster’s head only for the rock to appear next to his head instead. ‘Damn it.’

“You stole her from me!” Trickster lashed out with a blast of order magic that would have destroyed a decent sized city and frowned as Mist was hovering completely unharmed in the air glaring at him. “Die!”

Mist scowled as he created five 20% powered avatars that quickly cast mana shields and flew out of the way. He teleported his blade back to his hand then teleported behind Trickster and slashed at him. He wasn’t surprised when the man countered his strike with his blade though he was surprised when Trickster started glowing brightly. He scowled as Trickster split into an army. He poured magic into a spell and sent a wave of flame washing over the entire field of battle which obliterated all of the clones and left the real Trickster glaring at him. “Shadow clones? You’re just a box of tricks, aren’t you?” He lashed out with a mental attack and scowled when Trickster didn’t even react. He smiled slightly as Trickster started twisting his sword around as the clones tried to teleport his equipment off of him. 

Trickster slashed his sword and sent a blast of magic out of the tip of his sword only for Mist to pull a shield out of thin air and block it. “Why won’t you die!” He started conjuring silver knives and tossing them at Mist as hard as he could as he created a large yellow construct hand to hold him in place.

Mist scowled as he dodged the first knife then got hit by the second and third when the large unexpected yellow hand grabbed him. It wasn’t that the knives did damage but they were still uncomfortable. He teleported out of the hand then cast a couple of flame wall spells on Trickster to cause him to move or at least serve as a distraction as he summoned his BFG9000 and took two popshots while Trickster was distracted. He wasn’t terribly surprised when the bastard parried them. 

“Fuck it, I’ll kill your friends first!” Trickster had barely finished his statement when Mist went berserk and started chain casting some type of blue and black vortex spell that managed to rip through his ring’s shield like tissue paper, thankfully his durability charm managed to soak some of the damage though it still felt like he was being ripped apart and electrocuted at the same time.

“Fucking die!” Mist continued the magical barrage of spells until one of the blasts finally managed to daze the bastard then pulled his watch out of his inventory and pushed the button. He tossed a couple more spells at him then sighed in relief as he realized that Trickster really was frozen in time. 

“Durable bastard.” He made a mental note to pick up some type of immunity to time stop the next chance he had. He looked over at his five avatars, “Chain him up and loot his equipment. I want to know what the hell turned a no talent hack into something that actually gave me a challenge.”

One of the avatars moved forward and worked on shackling the man with adamantium shackles while the other created a crystal funnel then walked over and stuck the funnel down his throat. He pulled out his container of endless boiling hot liquid adamantium and poured it down the funnel into Trickster’s throat. “This should suffocate him or at least keep him from talking.”

Another avatar pulled a glowing yellow ring off Trickster’s hand. “Looks like an actual yellow lantern ring or at least it has the right symbol.” He put the ring in Mist’s inventory.

“How the hell did he get that?” Mist asked with annoyance. 

“No clue but he has a decent number of trinkets,” the avatar replied as he happily looted everything Trickster was wearing other than his boxers and put them in Mist’s inventory. “A magical sorcerer helmet, an armlet that should help train everyone’s resistances and a bracelet that decreases the cost of magic by half. His tech based glasses are what let him see us which is rather weird considering we shouldn’t show up on tech unless we want to. His sword is the sword of Beowulf, it shoots energy.”

Mist frowned. “Great, how the fuck did he become a jumper?”

“No idea, an evil jumpchan?” He pulled Trickster’s arms behind him then started chaining his wrists to his ankles.

Mist looked at the other avatar. “Once you get done pouring liquid metal down his throat, pull his eyelids back and pour some in his eyes.”

The avatar turned to look at Mist. “I’ll get his ears too though I’m not sure how much it will help… actually, let’s just put a bag over his head then pour the liquid metal in, it should harden fairly quickly.”

“Just make sure you charm the bag with heat resistance. Actually, I think I have some adamantium needles that we can stick in his eyes so that he’s distracted when everything unfreezes.”

“I’d say that was overkill but I’m not sure what other abilities he has,” the avatar that had the container of endless metal agreed as he pulled his sewing kit out and grabbed several needles and went to work setting things up so that Trickster would be blind or at least very close to it when everything unfroze.

Mist would have felt worse about sticking needles in the guy’s eyes but honestly, he’d been willing to go after the girls and the guy needed to see things to teleport them which meant letting him see things was a bad idea. Besides, no one liked having things in their eyes, especially needles. He pulled his copy of Azura’s star out of his pocket then duplicated it three times while his avatars worked on making Trickster less and less combat effective. 

He scowled as he focused on Trickster with his information eyes and they didn’t give him any information. “Cheating bastard.” He smiled slightly as one of his avatars basically turned him into a pretzel and covered his hands in liquid adamantium after bending his fingers in weird directions. He put his sword away then pulled out a full mana potion and drank it. He’d used a decent amount of mana in his rage and he didn’t know what other tricks the man had.

One of this avatars said, “I’m going to check on the girls.”

“Sounds good.” Mist pulled his copy of the Skull of Corruption out of his inventory and floated it next to him with his telekinesis as he watched Trickster. He checked on the staff’s charge then recharged it with an extra soul gem while he waited for the metal to harden and the various avatars to finish restraining the bastard so he’d have a nice shot at the man’s neck with his blade before he realized there was a problem. 

Fifteen minutes later to give the metal time to cool Mist pulled his blade out of his inventory then lined up his shot and unpaused time as he swung with all of his considerable might. Sadly, that was about the worst thing he could have done as multiple clones started growing out of the spilled blood as Trickster glowed with celestial light and regenerated before his eyes. He stared in shock as Trickster shape changed out of the bindings then stabbed him with a conjured silver blade that managed to cut through his defenses by some miracle or power. He stared down at the blade in his gut then grabbed it and put it in his inventory. 

Trickster scowled he raised his hand to point his ring at him and realized that he didn’t have it with him. “What?”

Mist blurred forward and slammed his shield into Trickster who took the hit rather than parry. He scowled as the bastard managed to parry his sword with a silver blade that his sword cut through, sadly it didn’t matter as the bastard seemed to be able to generate an infinite amount of the blades. He winced as two of the ankle biters managed to grab him and drag him toward the ground while the rest of the clones dogpiled him. He cast several ultimas which obliterated the clones and caused the real Trickster to parry. “You think you can parry anything? Parry this asshole!” He raised his hands and unleashed balefire on Trickster. He smiled as he watched Trickster parry then die and be ripped from the timestream as the unholy fire removed the blade from existence before he could actually block with it. “Fuck you Trickster or whoever the hell you were.”

One of the Avatars flew over. “Is he gone?”

“I fucking hope so,” Mist complained as he pulled a full mana potion out of his inventory and drank it just in case there were more enemies or he wasn’t dead. He blinked as he found himself back in the black stone room with Selena, Abby, an apologetic looking Genie and a pouting blue skinned green haired girl that looked like she could be Genie’s younger sister. She was ‘dressed’ in a sheer white halloween like nurse’s outfit that did very little to hide her rather impressive assets. He frowned as he realized that Genie had a rather firm grip on the other ‘girl’s pigtails. “What happened?”

Genie scowled as she tightened her grip on her sister’s hair. “My brat of a sister decided that you weren’t being entertaining enough.”

Genie’s sister pouted. “You had a chance to hunt gods and mages without compare and you wasted a year playing video games, reading through dusty old books when you could have been out there saving girls, exploring dungeons, fucking said random girls in distress like a proper hero and killing evil gods but nope, you were hiding! Can we say boring?!”

Mist glanced back and forth between Genie and her sister. “I had to take flaws to afford extra abilities. The agoraphobia flaw meant that my ability to travel around was rather limited. Besides, I couldn’t find a decent map for the world, nor was I all that sure where to go or who to avoid. The top tier mages could cast spells that changed the face of the world enough that maps would have to be redrawn, that seems like an easy way to die, hopefully the next jump will be more entertaining.”

Genie raised an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you be more upset by this?”

Mist shrugged. “I managed to steal his power ring and a couple of other things.”

“See, no hard feelings, right?” Genie’s sister asked hopefully.

Genie snorted. “You’re still in trouble Joy.”

Joy pouted then whined, “He was being boring.”

Mist sighed. “She has a point, it wasn’t exactly the most amusing jump, I’ll try harder next time.”

Joy brightened up, “Really?”


“Thank you! I’d hug you but my sister is being mean.”

“See you at home, sis.” Genie snorted as she sent her sister home. “Sorry about that, she’s a bit of a troublemaker.”

“It happens. I don’t suppose he had a warehouse filled with fantastic magical items or anything useful?” Mist asked hopefully.

Genie shook her head. “Not so much, most of the magical items he created are dangerously unstable, require essence or have other problems. He had a couple of invisible treasure chests that go with his sunglasses that detect invisible things. I’m going to make Joy sort through the entire mess to see if there is anything useful in it, unless you want to deal with all of the curses and traps on it?”

Mist considered trying to curse break everything then decided that he really didn’t want to hassle with a bunch of unknown heavily cursed magical items right now. “If it makes her feel better, that’s fine.”

“I’ll leave one of the invisible chests for you and she can stash the rest of the junk in them once she finishes.”

“I don’t suppose you know where the lantern part of the yellow power ring is?” Mist asked hopefully.

“Sorry, I’m not sure what happened to most of his stuff.”

“I guess having a working lantern was too much to ask,” Mist grumbled.

Abby snickered. “I’m sure you’ll survive.”

Genie grinned. “Most likely. Are you ready to get dropped into Skyrim?”

“Yeah, might as well get this done with,” Mist admitted.

“Have fun.” Genie snapped her fingers and teleported Mist, Abby and Selena to Skyrim. 


Mist blinked as he appeared outside of a blacksmith shop with Selena, Abby, James, Lily, Cordelia, Fred, Leet, Dennis, Laura, adorable Irish Wolfhound puppy and a girl he was guessing was Aisha because she was almost a foot taller and pale skinned. He tried to push back the memories of being an adventuring mage and traveling to Riverrun with Abby and Selena. “Aisha?”

Aisha looked down at her hands and noticed that they were pale rather than their normal dark color. “More or less. I need to find a mirror at some point.”

Dennis smirked as he looked at Aisha. “At least you finally look as scary as you are.”

Fred shook her head. “Not even close.” 

Lily looked down at the grey puppy sitting next to Mist’s feet. “Your puppy is rather adorable.”

Mist smiled as he bent down and lightly scratched the puppy’s head. “Meeko is an adorable puppy.”

Meeko wagged her tail as she looked up at Mist.

Fred glanced up at the sky and noticed that it was afternoon which meant they probably had at least a couple of hours of daylight left. “Why here?”

Mist glanced at Abby and Selena then back at Fred. It was a bit disconcerting to see Fred was almost a foot taller than normal or at least what passed for normal for any of them. “Because our alternates were heading for Embershard Mine.” 

“Is there anything in there worth recovering there?” Cordelia asked.

“Not that I know of,” Mist replied absently as he glanced around at the small town. “We should probably see what the general shop has for sale as well as the local blacksmith before we head to the city and then to the mage’s college.”

Abby asked, “What about the Dark Brotherhood that we’re supposed to kill?”

“I have a feeling they’ll find us,” Mist replied as he headed for the blacksmith’s shop to see what he could buy. He wasn’t all that worried about the Dark Brotherhood as he knew where to find the main guildhall or at least he had a fairly good idea where to start looking from playing the game. 

Laura asked as she followed Mist, “Do we have a plan after hitting the mage’s college?”

Mist walked up the steps and headed toward where he heard the smith working. “Yeah, I’m going to explore a couple of dungeons until I find an enchanting table that I can walk off with. I also want to grab some potion ingredients to see if I can start growing some of them.” He smiled at the smith as they walked up. “I was wondering if I could hire you to give me a couple of lessons on forging silver.”

Alvor looked up from grinding an edge on a new blade. “For the right price.”

“Excellent, where do we start?”

“Buy some silver ingots from my wife and I’ll show you the basics for a fair price,” Alvor replied seriously as he gestured toward the shop. 

“Sounds good.” Mist turned and headed for the door that Alvor had gestured toward.

Laura smiled as she scooped up the puppy. “Nope, you have to stay out here with me.”

Meeko turned her head and licked Laura’s face.

Aisha snickered as she reached out and scratched the dog behind her ears as Mist walked into the shop. “At least there are plenty of bandits to rob.”

Alvor looked over the group then nodded. “I’d check with Whiterun to see if there are any bounties for the various bandit camps. Speaking of bandits, did you hear about Helgen? A dragon attacked.”

Abby shook her head. “Any idea where it went?”

“I saw it fly north,” Alvor replied as he looked at the edge of the sword he’d been working on.

Cordelia made a mental note to work on her teleportation so that she could run at the first sign of a dragon attack. “Hopefully it doesn’t come back.”

Leet was looking forward to picking up more magic though he was going to have to ask Mist about jumping to a game world or at least a place where they could explore a game themed dungeon or something.


Aisha smirked as she walked back out of the bandit camp holding a book. “You know, for a bunch of bandits, they aren’t all that careful about keeping track of their stuff.”

“How many of them did you leave alive?” Mist asked in a whisper as he could see a bandit walking along the top of the wall.

Aisha smirked. “All of them, they’re just thieves working on a get rich quick scheme.”

“Seriously?” Mist asked in disbelief. 

“Well, I did steal their only copy of the spell they need to make their scheme work so I guess that’s some type of justice.”

“Fair enough,” Mist admitted.

“Besides, I’m sure the hero will come along and kill them at some point.” She wasn’t all that worried about the bandits as they hadn’t been talking about hurting people when she’d ghosted through on her way to collect the spellbook, just hunting mammoths and turning iron into gold which didn’t seem like a reason to kill them. It wasn’t like they were drug dealers or anything. “Where to next?” She asked quietly as they walked away from the bandit’s camp.

Mist turned and headed east and south. “This way, if the map I looked at was right, then the Lunar forge should be east and a little south of us.”

Aisha followed the sound of Mist’s voice as they headed away from the bandit camp. “We really should look into a way to see each other when we’re sneaking around.”

“I’ll see what I can figure out after I grab a Lunar weapon.”

“How much are your plans going to screw things up for the hero?” Aisha asked with some amusement.

“No idea, if the iron to silver spell is the only copy like in the game then a little bit, if it isn’t like the game and there are more copies around then probably not that much. Either way, if we ever meet the hero, I can give him or her a copy of the book before we leave.”

Aisha frowned slightly as she glanced around. “How far is the forge anyways?”

“A few miles?” Mist asked hopefully. Truth be told he wasn’t actually sure as there wasn’t a scale on the map that he’d looked at. The best he could do was guess based on how long it took them to get from Whiterun to the ‘bandit’ camp.

“Right… please tell me that we’re flying there.” Aisha would rather fly than walk if she had the choice.

“Might as well,” Mist replied as he pulled his fancloth flying carpet out of his inventory and spread it out. Technically they could both fly thanks to powers or Aisha’s magic ring but flying on a magic carpet was fun. 

Aisha smiled as she looked at the translucent piece of cloth floating two feet off the ground. “There is something a bit disturbing about having an invisible flying carpet.” She climbed onto the flying carpet.

Mist chuckled as he climbed onto the carpet next to Aisha. “It keeps the locals from freaking out and people from taking potshots at the carpet.” He focused on the carpet and brought it up into the air a hundred feet. Before he’d started jumping he’d had a healthy respect for heights, now he didn’t really have a problem with them, mostly because he could probably survive re-entry and the sudden stop at the end. He focused on his mental map and flew toward the Silent Moons camp where he knew the lunar forge was.

Aisha grinned as she watched the ground as they flew through the air. “Where are we going after we pick up a bunch of magical items and Hermione copies all of the books in the mage college?”

“I was thinking about going to the Generic Xianxia jump for some abilities and a magical printing press.”

“You’ve mentioned the printing press before, I’m just surprised that you think it’s worth risking going to a world where people can blow up mountains.”

“Not everyone is that powerful but yeah, it’s a concern,” Mist admitted.

“Still, I guess being able to pick up a book and read it in order to get two years of instruction in a subject isn’t a bad thing.”

“Nope, especially when we can break it into subjects. Two years here, two years there and suddenly you have a rather competent student. Not to mention there is a method of handing out immortality that doesn’t require completely redesigning the vampire ritual or turning people into undead monsters.”

“Yeah, I liked your workaround but I’d rather not have my immortality dependant on an ongoing spell if I can avoid it.” Aisha wasn’t all that worried about immortality while they were jumping but eventually it was a concern and she didn’t want to fall apart if someone cast a dispel magic on her or something.

“The other option is we hit the video game jump next so I can pick up a way to create a bunch of interesting minions.”

Aisha rolled her eyes. “You just want more people to steal powers from.”

“And you don’t?” Mist asked curiously. 

Aisha grinned. “I’m a villain, what do you expect?”

“Sarcasm and a warped sense of humor?” Mist snickered as he spotted the camp in the distance.

“So, what’s the plan once we get to the bandit camp?”

“I was just planning on grabbing one of the lunar weapons then heading north to meet up with Hermione at the mage college so we can start copying books.”

“What about the dark brotherhood?” Aisha asked.

“I guess we could swing by on the way and kill them.” Mist used his scrying power to look at the bandit camp then teleported one of the lunar weapons to his hand. 

Aisha twitched and almost fell off the carpet as a sword appeared out of thin air before vanishing. “What the fuck?”

“Sorry about that, I just realized that we didn’t have to actually get all that close to the bandit camp.” He put the sword into his inventory then searched the camp for the smithing book that should be there if the world was like the game. He smiled as he spotted the light armor crafting book then teleported it to his hand. “Okay, we’re good to go.”

Aisha shook her head. “That takes some of the fun out of sneaking through the camp.”

“I’ll stop if you want and you can sneak around the camp and loot it to the ground but I’d rather loot the dark brotherhood headquarters for unique and interesting stealth gear.” He stuck the book into his inventory. 

“Fine, does this mean you’ll let me sneak in and stab them?” Aisha asked hopefully.

“Let’s give Hermione a day to finish copying all of the books in the college. I wouldn’t mind making the rounds and getting some skill training before I leave.”

“Aren’t you already a master in everything?”

“Not really, I can make a lot of things out of metal but I’m not an expert with some of the esoteric material they have here.” He turned the flying carpet and headed north east. “Besides, there are dozens of alchemy recipes that I wouldn’t mind learning.”

“That’s going to require gold.”

Mist snorted. “If we need gold we’ll just hit a Diablo cow portal. I have a feeling we’ll be doing a lot of that once I get my training idea going.”

“Training idea?” Aisha asked warily.

“Yep, I’m going to enchant gear to boost my sword skill then I’m going to teach my increased skill to someone then hand them the gear and have them teach me.”

Aisha winced as she remembered reading the perk and what it said about the cost of training. “That’s going to get expensive really quickly, especially if you keep swapping back and forth.”

“Which is why we’re going to be spending money between party members. We can probably do the same with acrobatics, alchemy and the rest of our magic skills.”

“Assuming that the enchant actually boosts your skill rather than just the results,” Aisha pointed out.

“It shouldn’t take all that long to test.” He wanted everyone to get at least a couple of steps past grand master in hand to hand combat and edged weapons if nothing else before they stepped foot in the generic Xianxia jump. 

Aisha smiled as she watched the land as they headed north. 


Ancano glared at Hermione and Xander. “What are you doing in here?”

Hermione looked away from the book she was reading and over at the white haired elf. She’d already walked through the library and copied all of the books while time was frozen so she was just relaxing until Mist got there. “Reading.”

“You’re not a real mage so why bother?” Ancano asked snidely.

Xander snorted. “Right, not a real mage. Let me guess you think anyone that isn’t an Altmer isn’t a decent magic user, right?”

“We were using magic when your ancestors were banging rocks together.”

Hermione quickly pulled out her wand then flicked it at the mage and turned him into a newt almost before the mage could blink using her vampire like speed. “You shouldn’t shout in the library.” She twisted her wand and conjured a cage on the table then flicked her wand and levitated the newt up into the air and over to the cage.

Xander asked, “Not that I’m objecting to turning the annoying man into a newt but you’re usually a bit more even tempered than that, what’s up?”

“His name is Ancano, he’s a racist piece of crap that wanted to use a magical artifact to rule the world.” Hermione dropped him into the cage then closed it.

“Ah, right. So, drain and toss?” Xander asked curiously. He was just glad that Hermione and the rest of the magic users weren’t as bad as Buffy about dealing with evil humans.

“I wouldn’t mind looking through his mind for Altmer secrets and the location of various hidden libraries first but no, I don’t have a problem soul trapping him then killing him.” Hermione frowned slightly as she glared at the Altmer turned newt. She wasn’t sure if she should blame the Death Eaters or her time as a telepath for destroying the last of her faith that broken people were fixable but somewhere along the line she’d lost her desire to fix everyone.

“In that case, I’m going to talk to the cat guy, he wanted me to test a flame shield spell for him.”

“Sounds good, I’ll be here unless you need help with the project?” Hermione asked curiously.

“Nah, he just wants me to go test the spell against some undead. It shouldn’t take more than half an hour to fly there, test things out then apparate back.”

“In that case, best of luck,” Hermione replied as she went back reading the library book.

Xander turned and headed out of the mage college’s library to find the cat person that wanted him to test a new spell.


Hermione looked up from her book as Mist walked into the library. “Any luck?”

MIst smiled slightly as he walked over. “Yes and no, Aisha killed all of the brotherhood assassins at their headquarters but they have a team of assassins after the dragonborn which means that we’ll be done with the world in a couple of days.”

“You’re assuming that the hero is going to win.”

“She’s the dragonborn and she single handedly killed a dragon according to the rumors at the shop we stopped at. The guy just couldn’t stop talking about her.”

“Did you manage to get a blood sample?” Hermione asked hopefully.

“No and I’m not sure cloning dragons from this world is a good idea. They’re divine beasts that can’t really die unless a dragonborn eats their soul. That might not hold true on other worlds but I’m not willing to risk it.”

“I guess you have a point, does that mean we’re ready to go?”

“I wouldn’t mind taking a couple of hours to make copies of everything here and I still need to track down an enchanting table...” Mist trailed off as Xander walked into the library. “You look slightly charred, what happened?”

“I was testing a spell for the local cat demon,” Xander complained as he walked over.

“Let me guess, the zombies blew up in your face?” Mist asked with a touch of amusement.

“Why didn’t you warn me about it?”

“I thought you’d played the game enough to remember?” Mist replied with some amusement.

Xander shook his head. “I was mostly working on the warrior quests.”

“Ah well, no harm no foul I guess. Do you still have any of the scrolls left?”

“Yeah, why? They don’t work or rather they work too well.”

Mist grinned. “I wouldn’t mind mixing the spell with holy fire so that only undead took damage from the fire aura. Besides, we have fire eating gear so it’s not really a big deal if we’re healing each other in certain situations.”

“That’s a good point,” Xander admitted.

Hermione closed the book carefully. “If we only have a couple of days or hours left I wouldn’t mind dealing with the rest of the Thalmor in Skyrim.“

Mist blinked. “Rest?”

Hermione pointed to the cage. “Ancano was planning on gathering enough power to rule the world, I objected.”

“That would explain why he’s an extremely angry newt. What’s the plan?”

“I was planning on having you walk outside the embassy and proclaim loudly about Talos’s divinity.”

“Me?” Mist curious why she wanted him to do it.

“You’re the one that is almost indestructible, arrows might actually get through my armor.”

Mist frowned slightly. “They might have some Bosmer scouts so it’s possible though unlikely. Still, I don’t mind having some fun.”

Xander shook his head. “This is going to end badly.”

Hermione said, “They stole credit for something a hero and the Emperor did and used that to imprison people that worship Talos because of a grudge from centuries ago. They’re racists that want to rule the world, I’d rather not let that slide.”

Mist said, “I don’t have a problem heading to the embassy after I make copies of all of the various magical items in the college and town. I figure shouting ‘Down with the Thalmor!’ should get their attention.”

“Then what? Someone else will just have to clean up the mess once we leave,” Xander pointed out.

“Nothing says we have to deal with it right now. There is a perk in the Creepypasta jump that helps with getting people to believe the truth, as in if it’s the truth people will believe you as long as it’s the truth and you know it’s the truth.”

Hermione said, “That would certainly help convince the elven civilians that the Thalmor are full of shit.”

“Not to mention various other groups,” Xander agreed.

“In that case, let’s head to the Hall of Countenance and buy some ingredients and recipes and such things before we head out.”

Xander asked, “You’re not going to just copy everything?”

“Nah, that would take a while and Nirn is a bit weird when it comes to time travel and manipulation. You probably already did a fair bit of it with the library and people’s notes, no need to stress the world out.”

Xander winced. “That would be bad.”

Hermione stood up then picked up the newt cage. “Let’s go.”

“Sure.” Mist turned and headed for the stairs.

Xander asked, “Where did you leave Aisha?”

“She used a town portal and jumped to Whiterun to do some shopping.” Mist frowned as his phone rang. He reached down and pulled it out of his pocket and opened it as he walked through the doors into the stairwell. “Hello?”

“Hopefully she’s staying out of trouble.” Hermione had a feeling that several of the group were out looking for trouble, thankfully everyone had agreed not to travel alone or she might have been more worried. 

Xander kept an eye on the newt as he followed Hermione and Mist. He really didn’t want the dangerous magic user changing back and launching a surprise attack or anything on the off chance the spell failed.

Dawn’s voice came over Mist’s phone, “I picked up the quest for the White Phial, we’re at the last part of the dungeon if you want to drop by to kill the legendary alchemist to get all of his memories.”

Mist asked, “Legendary alchemist? I guess I can grab the various alchemy supplies in the shop later. Can you open a town portal to the college?”.

“No, but I can open one to Whiterun and you could do the same then step through mine,” Dawn replied as she cast shock at one of the undead corpses charging her. 

“We’ll be there in a minute.” Mist ended the call then put his phone in his pocket. “Change of plans, we’re going to see the legendary alchemist that Dawn found.”

Xander grinned. “I wouldn’t mind picking up that particular skill.”

“Same.” Hermione was looking forward to learning what she could from the alchemist.


Noelle hacked two undead humanoid figures down with her sword then turned to look at Dawn. “They better not have life drain.”

“They shouldn’t, these are draugr not D&D monsters.” Dawn smiled as the draugr she was blasting ‘died’ and dropped to the ground. 

Mist stepped out of Dawn’s portal followed by Xander and Hermione. “Where is the alchemist and why are we in a dungeon?”

“Because the alchemist is currently undead which means we probably need to kill him then bring him back to life with revive or resurrect so that we can make some type of deal with him so that he’ll train us.”

“Sure, it’s worth a try.” Mist glanced at the other end of the large chamber where there was a dragon wall. “It almost makes me regret not taking the voice.”

Noelle shrugged. “I’m sure we can find magical methods to duplicate all of the shouts eventually.”

Mist pulled his sword out as he walked toward the coffin.

The coffin lid moved to the side and a creepy looking undead humanoid in robes stood up then screamed something incoherent at them and blasted Mist with a lightning blast. 

Mist smiled as he absorbed the spell. “Curalmil?”

The creature blasted him with a ball of fire.

Mist blurred forward and hacked the lich/dragon priest’s head off. “Alas poor Yorick, I knew him well.”

“I’m fairly sure you didn’t and I don’t think his name was Yorick,” Xander pointed out with amusement.

Mist cast resurrect on the corpse which caused the skeleton to reassemble and flesh out in a flash of light. He looked at the rather old and very confused Altmer. “Curamil?”

The alchemist glanced around then looked down at his hands. “What happened?”

Noelle piped up, “You turned yourself into a lich rather than whatever you were trying for or something went wrong.”

“But don’t worry, we brought you back to life.” Mist was just relieved that the alchemist didn’t fly into a rage or something about being brought back to life which was just as well.

Curamil sighed. “Damn, I knew that root a bit old but I wasn’t able to find a better source and I was dying anyways.”

Mist pulled a youth potion out of his inventory. “I have a youth potion that I’ll trade for training.”

“Youth potion?” He asked hopefully.

Mist handed him the youth potion. “It should restore you to the prime of your life which will give you plenty of time to figure out a better method for immortality than turning yourself into a lich.”

Curamil sighed. “Not my finest moment. I’ll trade a couple of weeks for the potion if that’s agreeable?”

“Deal,” Mist agreed, he doubted it would take more than a couple of weeks to learn everything the man knew about alchemy thanks to his various learning perks. 

Dawn frowned. “We should probably get him some better clothes and a shower before we start working on training.”

Curamil drank the potion and sighed in relief as the all too familiar pain vanished as his body was restored. “I’m going to want the formula for that potion.”

“I’ll trade you for the secret to making your phial.”

Curamil opened his mouth to disagree then realized that he’d just been brought back from the dead, healed and regenerated to the prime of youth, he could have his phial for all he cared, it was the least he owed him. “I’ll write out the process. Some of the ingredients might be hard to acquire but that’s part of the trade.”

Mist gestured and opened a portal to his warehouse. “Let’s find you some clothes and a shower.”

Curamil stared at the door to somewhere else then back at Mist. “I don’t suppose you can teach me how to do that?”

“I might be able to come up with something similar but my ability isn’t a spell I can just teach.” Mist walked through the portal. 

Xander grinned at the alchemist. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you where to clean up and grab some clothes.”

Curamil said, “Something to eat would be helpful as well.”

“I’ll see what I can find,” Hermione replied as she walked through the portal and headed for the kitchen.

Curamil decided to hell with it and followed the strange people into what very well might be an oblivion realm or at least something like it. He had feeling the next couple of days were going to be strange.

Mist was looking forward to working with the alchemist at least for a couple of days until he figured out everything the man knew.

Noelle said, “I’m going to take Dawn’s portal and step into Winterhold then teleport back to the companion housing so I can open a portal to Winterhold if I need to.”

“Good idea.” Dawn followed Noelle through the portal.

Xander gestured toward the pool area. “This way.” He figured he’d show him the showers then grab him some clothes, there wasn’t anything by the pool area he could damage and nowhere to hide anything anyways. 


Ranma stepped out of his portal and looked down at the magical circlet that was lying next to the chopping block behind the old shack. “Dawn owes me twenty gold...” He trailed off as the circlet jumped off the ground and over to a woman’s hand. He looked at the rather attractive and tall Nord that was wearing black robes. “I sort of need that.”

“So do I,” the female replied.

“Do you even know what it is?” 

“A Diadem of the Savant, it helps with casting spells.”

“I’m Ranma, I don’t suppose you’d be up for a trade?” Ranma asked hopefully. 

“Bellatrix, what type of trade?” she asked curiously.

“My friend can upgrade magic items and copy them or I have gold.”

“He can upgrade magical items?” she frowned at Ranma half suspecting that he was lying though willing to hear him out given the nature of his strange arrival. “I’m a magic user but I’m not all that good at enchanting yet. I’ll let him look at it as long as he doesn’t break it.”

Ranma frowned as he looked at the people trying to sneak up on them. “Wow, you guys are worse than Akane at that.”

One of the brotherhood assassins jumped at Ranma as he shouted, “Sithis take you!”

Ranma dodged the first strike then stole the guy’s weapon out of his hand. “You know that’s sharp right?” He dodged the man’s haymaker. “Your feet need to be a little further apart, you won’t get any power like that. Here let me show you.” He adjusted his feet then slammed his fist into the man’s face, shattering his skull and tossing the broken assassin twenty feet much to the shock of the second assassin.

The second man stopped and stared at Ranma in shock. “What are you?”

“A martial artist.”

Bellatrix pulled her shocked gaze off Ranma and back onto the assassin. “You might want to surrender.”

The assassin jumped at Bellatrix with his sword raised high.

Bellatrix raised her hand and blasted the man with lightning which tossed him backward and caused him to twitch on the ground. “Bad idea assassin.”

Ranma cast a paralysis spell on the third assassin. “So, are you interested in making some trades?”

Bellatrix glanced back and forth between the dead assassins and Ranma then decided that if he wanted her dead, he had a decent chance at killing her and no reason not to just take the diadem and leave. “Sure, just let me strip the dead guy’s gear, waste not want not.”

“Sure, just don’t kill the paralyzed guy, I need him alive, at least for now.” He wanted to finish trading before they finished the jump and he wasn’t sure how many more dark brotherhood members there were so killing what might very well be the last of them wasn’t a good idea until they were ready to leave.


Lily frowned slightly as she carefully used a pair of tongs to lift the strange crystal and metal artifact dagger out of the dungeon chest. “This would be a lot easier if I could just grab it.”

Uber snorted. “Considering it’s an artifact and you aren’t the dragonborn, you’re better off grabbing it with tongs.”

“I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just saying that it’s a pain in the ass,” Lily complained as it slipped a touch before she tightened her hold on it. “If it’s so dangerous how is Mist supposed to grab it long enough to duplicate it?”

Leet called back from where he was guarding the hallway against anymore draugr showing up, “He’s damn near immune to magic, he’ll be wearing dragonhide gloves and he has dragon break in case something goes horribly wrong.” 

Uber held out the linen filled leather bag they were going to use to carry the artifact. “That and he has avatars to grab it.”

Lily carefully put the dagger into the bag then pulled the tongs away from the dagger’s handle. “That should do it.”

Uber grinned. “Hopefully Mist can copy it and disenchant the copy so we can get a health, stamina and magic draining enchantment from it.”

Leet sent a fireball down the hallway at several draugr that were coming their way. He frowned as he noticed that undead monsters hadn’t been severely damaged by his fireball. “Shit!”

Lily opened a door back to the inn room they’d rented at Winterhold so they could give the dagger to Mist then followed Uber through the door.

Leet tossed another fireball then ran for the door. “Incoming!”

Lily waited until Leet stepped through then closed the door behind him. “That was fun.”

Selena looked away from her laptop that was sitting on the table and at the group. “Any luck?”

“We picked up the blade that Uber wanted to grab.” Lily glanced over at the portal that opened into the warehouse that was placed against one of the walls.”Is he still training with the alchemist?”

“Yeah, Laura grabbed Beth, Tiffany and Sin and went hunting the ingredients to fix the broken magical flask while Mist learns everything he can from the legendary alchemist.”

Leet set his staff against the wall. “Hopefully he can copy the blank version of the phial because the versions in the game sucked.”

Uber carefully set the leather bag on the table. “I don’t know, the one that gave the hero better damage with a sword might be nice but yeah, some of them are really lacking in utility.”

Lily asked, “Was there anywhere else you wanted to go?”

Leet glanced at Uber then back at Lily. “Mist said to leave the dragon priests for the dragonborn so not particularly.”

Uber shrugged. “I wouldn’t mind seeing some ruins and grabbing an enchanting altar for the companion housing but other than that, I’m good.”

Selena grinned as she held up a list of enchantments they still hadn’t found. ”There are still a couple of enchants we haven’t found.”

Lily reached out and plucked the list from Selena’s fingers and looked it over. “Some of these shouldn’t be too hard to find, at least in theory. Can you bring up pictures of the various dungeons?”

Selena snickered as she pulled up one of the electronic strategy guide’s she’d found. “Sure.”

Leet grinned as he looked over the collection of enchants they still needed to grab before they jumped to the next world.


Mist sighed as he walked out of the inn and ran straight into a heavily armored knight. “Sorry about that…” He trailed off as the knight pulled out an ebony blade. “Right, I don’t suppose we can talk about this?” He pulled his own blade out of his inventory and blocked the man’s attack.

“Die!” The ebony warrior slashed at Mist as he screamed at him.

“Nope!” Mist blocked the strike then dashed toward the bridge that headed toward the college. He really didn’t want to give the guards an excuse to attack him for defending himself. He spun around and brought his blade up and blocked the warrior’s attack. “This isn’t going to end in glorious fight, there will be no heroic,’ he blocked another strike, ‘death for you. You might as well stop attacking me.”

“Never!” The knight charged Mist with his blade raised high then shouted at him.

Mist’s eyes widened as he was knocked off his feet from the force of the warrior’s shout. He reached into his pocket and pushed the button on his stopwatch. He scowled as he floated up so that he could get his feet back under him. The attack hadn’t hurt but it had startled him enough to knock him off his feet. “At least there weren’t any witnesses to that part.”

He sighed as he looked at the ‘frozen’ knight. “I’d feel dishonorable over this if he hadn’t attacked me and if I had all that much to start with.” He put his sword back in his inventory then worked on stripping the knight using his teleportation ability and inventory until the dark skinned knight was in nothing more than normal pants and a shirt. He pushed the button and unpaused everything. “Surrender and I’ll spare your life.”

The warrior blinked then looked down at his feet that were suddenly cold and realized that he didn’t have his armor or his weapon. “What did you do?”

“Magic, you can’t win, give up and live to fight another day,” Mist pushed the button as the unarmored warrior lunged at him. “Right, damned idiot.” He walked over and spun the man so that he was facing the edge of the bridge then unpaused time and watched him stumble and fall off the ledge toward the water far below. “Idiot.”

Mist blinked as he found himself in the black stone chamber with genie and everyone else. “Hey, I thought I had to destroy the Brotherhood to leave?”

Genie shrugged. “You did, Sin took care of the last of them at the alchemist’s shop but pulling you out of the middle of a fight didn’t seem all that nice either.”

“I gave him more than a couple of chances to walk away, some people are just insane.”

“It happens.”

“How many points did he get?” Dennis asked curiously.

“3500, I think the dice roller is broken,” Genie complained.

Mist frowned as he thought about where to spend the large number of points. “I’m not sure what what to spend the points on honestly. We picked up samples of all of the weird metal and glass which means that we don’t need the ore vein and I don’t really see a point in grabbing most of the artifact weapons as they aren’t that impressive.”

James said, “You could always grab the training abilities.”

Harry spoke up, “Or the shield breaker, being able to block the killing curse would be nice.”

Mist looked down at Meeku who was walking over to sniff Genie’s leg. “If I go with the shield breaker will I be able to move the enchantment to a different shield?”

“Good question.” Genie reached down and picked up the puppy then smiled at it. “You’re a cute puppy.” She looked at Mist. “You should be fine as long as you cast your spell at the back of the shield.”

“In that case, it sounds useful.” Mist worked on spending points.

Master of Arcane: [1500] Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Alteration or Illusion

Aetherial Crown: [200] (The Lover, learns all skills faster than they otherwise would.

Skeleton Key: [400] Unlock any door with a physical or magical lock.

Knapsack: [100] Wide collection of various ingredients, refills every day.

Spellbreaker: [600] Shield that blocks all spells fired upon it.

Genie looked at Mist’s list. “That leaves you with 800 points for later.”

“That’s fine,” Mist agreed as there really wasn’t anything else he really wanted right then.

Lily asked, “How much does that actually boost his skills?”

Genie looked away from the puppy and over at Lily. “Not all that much in destruction, restoration or conjuration but a fair amount in alteration and illusion. Still, it boosts his ability to train people a great deal.”

“Speaking of training, any luck sorting through the junk in the revenge jumper’s warehouse?” Mist asked hopefully.

“He had lots of cursed items and junk but I recovered a fist sized chunk of Nth metal, a transmogrification machine that can change the look of armor, a handheld device that contains the Great Labyrinth Mobile Game, an Adventurer Bag which is basically a bag of holding, a black debit card you can stick money on that is untraceable and a device that can add floors to buildings with the push of a button.”

Mist raised his eyebrows. “A device that can add floors to a building with the push of a button?”

“Yep, it’s pretty neat. It has a notice me not effect which means that no one should question why the building suddenly has extra floors.” 

“That’s cool. Any luck finding his personal lantern?” He asked hopefully.

“Sadly, not so much which means the ring is basically useless, sorry.”

“Nah, it’s still a computer and weapon. It just needs a decent magicite power supply. I mean I doubt it will be nearly as powerful as it would be running on pure fear but it should still be useful for something, probably.” Mist wasn’t all that broken up about not having a yellow lantern ring as the green lanterns had never really been his favorite heroes.

Egwene spoke up, “I might be able to help reverse engineer it eventually.”

Mist turned and flashed Egwene a smile. “Thanks. Either way, it’s a project for a rainy day.” He had a couple of projects that he wanted some help with. 

Genie grinned. “Speaking of projects, where do you want to go next?”

“I was thinking generic Xianxia for the ability to basically wave my hand and grant people immortality but I wouldn’t mind looking through the jumper folders to see if there is anything new and more interesting than exploring a primitive world.”

Genie gestured and brought up the list of jumps and a short description of each one on the various walls. “Sure, that gives me a chance to catch up with everyone and play with the puppy.”

Mist smiled at his puppy who was enjoying the attention. “Sounds good.” He headed over to the wall to look through the various jumps. 

Riley spoke up, “I wouldn’t mind finding a jump with a medical lab.”

“I sort of like having your experiments somewhere other than my warehouse.”

Riley stuck her tongue out at Mist playfully as she flipped him off.

Selena snickered as she hugged Riley from behind. “Promises, promises.”

Lily asked, “Can you suggest any jumps that would help us build a decent lab or create a pocket dimension to store our various workrooms?”

“The Generic Builder can do both of those,” Genie replied with amusement.

Mist blinked in surprise as he spun to look at Genie. “There’s a Builder jump?”

“Yep.” She brought it up on the screen knowing that he’d want to see it.

Mist broke into giggles as he looked over the jump and noticed the portal option that would let him travel to various worlds during the jump. ‘This could be amusing.’

Willow frowned as she stared at Mist. “Is he okay?”

Genie laughed. “Yeah, he’ll be fine.”

Riley asked, “I’ll bite, what’s a Builder?”

“They’re basically a tinker that can scan things for blueprints then quickly create them based on the blueprint. It’s also an excellent jump for companions as it only costs him 200 points to import everyone as Ex-Minions.”

Laura asked, “Ex-Minions?”

“Basically think minions in a real time strategy game. You can customize your appearance for free and pick up some supernatural traits and a class if you want to buy one with your 400 points.”

Mist smiled as he continued reading through the jump. He stopped as he saw the option to pick up a Journeyman Builder. “Okay, the Journeyman Builder looks awesome.”

Genie scratched between the puppy’s ears. “They should be able to show you the ropes and get you started.”

Selena grinned as she hugged Abby with her right hand and looked over the options. “This is going to be awesome.”

Abby laughed. “Oh yeah, Builders.”

Leet rubbed his hands together. “This is going to be awesome.”

Noelle shook her head. “I think you broke him.”

“Nah, I’m just thinking of all of the video games I’d like to visit.” Leet was looking forward to actually getting to see some of the places that he’d only visited in games.

Taylor spoke up, “I wouldn’t mind visiting a couple of old stories.”

Lily looked at James. “I wouldn’t mind meeting Merlin or doing something crazy with flying ships.”

“I’d be up for that,” James agreed.

Vista said, “I wouldn’t mind going to a generic fantasy world and exploring.”

“Or spaceships,” Dennis pointed out with amusement as he thought about flying around.

Amelia spoke up, “Or Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”

Selena shook her head. “I’m not sure that’s remotely safe.”

Riley pouted. “Please, I could totally get the formula right.”

“That’s sort of what I’m afraid of,” Selena replied warily.

Genie said, “All interesting suggestions, figure out your build and we’ll see how things go.”

“I’m working on it, I’m thinking drop in and I want to pick up a Builder mentor because they get a decent collection of blueprints and some help would be nice.”

“I have just the girl in mind.” Genie grinned at Mist.

Mist blinked. “Wait, don’t I get to pick her?”

“Technically it says that you get one, don’t worry you’ll have fun.” Genie’s grin was perhaps a touch wider than a human really should be able to grin which didn’t fill him with confidence. 

Mist frowned slightly as he considered all of the various people she could stick him with. He trusted her not to screw him over but her sense of humor was a little twisted at times so he was keeping his fingers crossed. “I trust you.”

Genie stuck her tongue out at Mist as he started filling his build out. 

Leet asked, “Can you toss our options up on one of the other walls so that we can discuss things and figure out what we want to take?”

“You’re taking the companion import, right?” Genie asked Mist as she tossed up the companion options on the other walls so the group could look things over.

“Of course,” Mist replied as he continued selecting his options.

“In that case, enjoy.” Genie smiled as she conjured a la-z-boy behind her the and sat down. She scratched Meeku between her ears as she watched the group try to figure out what they wanted to take.

Victoria said, “Okay, we get a free alt form out of this that we can customize, I think we should do a group theme.”

Dennis raised his eyebrows. “What are you thinking?”

Riley piped up, “Sexy alien girls, blue of course.”

Leet looked at Uber then over at James and Xander. “You do realize that we have guys in the group, right?”

“It’s not like you’ll have that many memories of being a girl,” Laura suggested with amusement.

Cordelia snorted. “I happen to like Xander as a guy, no dice.”

Faith snickered. “What she said.”

“What’s wrong with them going as blue guys?” Dawn asked curiously.

Riley smiled innocently. “Nothing, I just think Asari are awesome.”

“I happen to like hair,” Mist pointed out as he continued working on his build for the jump.

Dennis blinked as he connected the dots. “Oh, hell no. I’m not getting knocked up by having sex with a girl, not happening.”

Riley pouted as she held up her index finger and thumb an inch apart. “I was this close.”

Fred shook her finger at Riley. “That’s at least a dollar into your mad science jar.”

“Totally worth it to see the look on his face.”

Genie spoke up, “Don’t worry, that was never really an option anyways.”

Dennis shook his head. “Good, so what’s the actual plan?”

Piper said, “I wouldn’t mind picking up a magic using class or maybe the beast tamer. I think we should grab the supernatural toughness ability and maybe tireless.”

“I think we could all benefit from the tireless ability,” Albus agreed.

Tiffany asked, “What about purple or red hair with glowing eyes?”

Beth snickered. “What about purple skin and blue hair?”

Leet said, “We could go as ninja turtles.”

Noelle snorted. “Not happening.”

Xander laughed at the look of disgust on Noelle’s face. “Yeah, I’d rather go as an alien space girl than that.”

Cordelia looked at Genie. “Do the boosts stick around in other forms?”

Genie smiled at Cordelia. “Yeah, just not the appearance.”

“In that case, let’s just go with purple skinned hot magical elf types with glowing green eyes and dark blue hair.”

Tiffany spoke up, “I can always tweak people’s hair later.”

“Fine with me.” Rose walked over and pulled up the various class options. “Any idea what we should grab?”

Vista grinned as she saw the beast tamer class. “I think I might try the beast tamer.”

Piper looked over at Genie. “Do any of the classes have animal summoning?”

“A couple of the magic user and druid like options have animal summoning spells,” Genie replied.

“Thanks.” Piper grinned as she started looking through the magic user options.

Xander brought up the generic paladin class and looked over the abilities they got. “Holy sword, holy aura, exorcism, a touch ranged healing spell and a holy blast ability, not bad.”

Cordelia looked over at the class Xander was looking at. “Paladin? I could see that.”

Egwene brought up the generic thief class. “Trap detection, backstabbing and pickpocketing, doesn’t really seem that impressive compared to being a magic user.”

Aisha asked, “No ability to steal items from monsters?”

“Not on that list,” Egwene admitted as she continued looking through the various types of thieves.

Fred grinned as she saw a magic user option that she liked. “Oh, we can pick up a spellpoint Dungeons and Dragons magic user, awesome.”

Mist made a mental note to pick that class up or figure out if he could learn it later as he continued sorting through various choices. 


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