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Mist frowned as he looked at the twos demons behind the counter in his Rosen Queen shop attachment that were dressed in garish clothes that were bright enough to make a tinker weep. “Do you have any local magic items in?”

One of the demons grinned as she reached below the counter and pulled out a blade. “I picked this beauty up this morning, are you interested?”

Mist looked over the power wrought sword. It wasn’t marked with a heron like the commander’s blades tended to be but he considered that a benefit rather than a flaw. “How much?”

“A thousand gold coins?” She asked hopefully.

“Sure. Anything else?” Mist asked as he started pulling bags of gold out of inventory and setting them on the counter. 

“Not unless forkroot counts?” The other demon asked.

“Not really but I’ll take some. I’d like to figure out why it affects channelers and if there is a cure.”

The demon tossed a bag of forkroot on the counter. “Ten gold.”

Mist added ten more gold coins to his bill then accepted the two items with a smile. “Thank you.” 

The girl smiled. “You’re welcome, come again.”

Mist put the sword and the forkroot sample in his inventory then turned and headed toward the door that would take him to Mistville. He wanted to do some exploring and check out some of the shops to see if any of them had something that would help make his purification devices work better. 

He opened the door and walked through to his city and promptly dodged an avada kedavra from an angry black robed wizard. He gestured and levitated the man into the air, pinning his arms to his side. “I tolerate this damned city’s spiralling escalation of stupid, that doesn’t mean you get a free pass to take pot shots at me with death spells.”

The man shouted, “Die muggleborn scum!”

Mist teleported the man’s wand to his hand then stuck it in his inventory. “No?” He teleported the man’s robe then stuffed it in his inventory leaving the man hanging in mid air in his underwear. “I suggest you rethink your insanity.”

“We will take over the city and rule the world!” the man exclaimed loudly.

‘It’s like they don’t even realize they’re trapped in a pocket dimension.’ He gestured and cast a sleep spell on the wizard then floated him along behind as he headed for the magical shopping district of his city. Thankfully or not, floating an underwear clad man down the street wasn’t an unusual enough occurrence to get more than a couple of laughs by people walking past. 

He was rather happy when he saw a new shop tucked in between a bookstore and an old fashioned pub. “Queen’s Ter’angreal, that looks promising.” He walked over to the shop and opened the door and glanced around it. He gave the old woman behind the counter a smile as he walked in and looked around at the strange odds and ends. It looked a bit like the collection of items he had packed away only less organized. 

The woman glanced at the floating wizard then back at the young man that had just entered her store. “What can I help you with today Sir?”

“I was curious if you had any Streith?”

The woman reached up and grabbed a silky looking white dress and set it on the table. “It changes colors based on your mood. I also have a loom for sale that creates a sheer silk like material that changes color randomly.”

“How often does the material change color?”

The woman shrugged. “Whenever it wants to or seems dramatic.”

“Right… how much?” Mist asked, curious if it was cheap enough to disenchant it.

“I’ll let it for 400 crowns.” Mist winced slightly as he made a mental note to visit another cow level for more gold. “Put it on the counter, do you have anything that protects against, corruption?”

“I have several-”

Mist cut her off before she could launch into a gypsy like speech, “Keep in mind I have a magical ability to check what an item actually does.”

“Ah, right in that case no,” the woman admitted.

“I don’t suppose you have any books on making ter’angreal?” Mist asked hopefully ignoring the fact that she’d just tried to cheat him.

“Sadly, not.”

“Figures.” Mist frowned slightly as he looked at the collection.

The woman asked, “Anything in particular that you’re looking for?”

“Do you have anything that can partially cloak a person’s ability to channel?”

“I have a ring that does just that though why you want it as it only works for females, I have no idea.”

“Because I have friends.”

The woman grabbed a silver ring with a black stone and set it on the counter. “In that case, you should pick up an illusion stone, I have one that creates flowers and the sound of waterfalls.”

“Add it to the stack.” Mist glanced around the shop, looking at various items, most did things he already had ter’angreal for though he found a rather neat looking crimson crystal bracelet with a naked woman embossed on it that was a seed for a sa’angreal. I wouldn’t mind the red crystal bracelet.” He pointed at the shelf where it was tucked away.

“Good eye, I’m sure your friend will love it.” She added it to the collection.

“Might as well ring me up, I might be back after I’ve dealt with the idiot wizard that attacked me.” He figured he’d drain the man until he could barely light a candle then toss him to the cops though he had a feeling he’d be out in less than an hour. He started pulling out bags of gold as the woman added up the various purchases. He was looking forward to seeing some of the girls in sheer color changing dresses and studying it should let him create boxes that created fabric, at least in theory. He was looking forward to working on crafting some ter’angreal once he figured out how. 


Egwene studied her counterpart, it was strange seeing her holding hands with Rand on the village green even though she’d wanted to do a lot more than that at one point. The strangeness came from the fact that her alternate had a three year old daughter who was currently riding on Rand’s shoulders without a care in the world even though the villagers were getting ready to ride forth to help repel an army of shadowspawn that would be attacking Taren Ferry in a week if the scouts were correct about the current pace of the shadowspawn army. The fact that they had scouts and the town had been fortified was strange though she’d gotten used to her version of Emond’s field being fortified, she wasn’t used to seeing quite so many people in the village. “How did you end up back here?”

The local Egwene asked, “Where else would we go? The world is falling apart, the Tower severed Rand, I left and we headed back here to make our last stand.”

Harry sighed as he realized that the local Egwene knew she wasn’t going to win and that they were all doomed but wanted to make a stand rather than die running. “I can’t believe they’d server the Dragon…”

Rand winced. “It saved me from madness but I don’t thank the Reds for damning the world. I knew what the odds of surviving without a cause were so I focused on my family.”

The local Egwene said, “I wasn’t staying in the Tower after they severed my husband so I intentionally failed my test and left. We heard that Tar Valon was burned to the ground two months later by an army of Shadowspawn. From there, everything started falling apart. Without Mat and Tam and the Band we would have already been crushed.”

Mat limped as he hobbled over. “The scouts just got back, the army is ten times what earlier scouts reported and they’re to the west, east, north and south of us. It might take them a while to get through the passes but it’s just a matter of time. Even with the river we can’t hold for long unless Elayne and Moiraine can pull off a miracle again.”

“How do you feel about jumping mirror worlds?” Harry asked.

Mat asked, “Can you take everyone?”

“My mother can open a portal large enough for everyone to flee.”

Egwene said, “Harry and I should be able to slow the army of Shadowspawn.”

The local Egwene asked, “How?”

“I’m going to sweep a line of balefire across the army. That should get a decent chunk of them and buy enough time to get away. After that, I’m going to light them on fire.”

The local Egwene’s eyes narrowed. “You have an angreal don’t you?”

“Several and I’m willing to share. We might not be able to save the Two Rivers in this world but we can certainly make the Shadowspawn die for every inch.”

Rand said, “I have to admit, I like that idea.”

Harry shook his head. “I have a better idea. I can move the town or at least a decent amount of it with my snow globes.”

“Snow globes? You can channel?” Mat asked warily.

“No, I have magic of a different sort. Don’t worry, I’m not going to go mad. Basically I can shrink things down and stick them in a pocket realm contained in crystal. The short answer is we can steal the villages and some of the farms so that there is nothing to destroy. If we call in some friends, we can make the army of Shadowspawn bleed for every inch.”

The local Egwene smiled at Harry. “If it wasn’t for your green eyes and accent, I’d say you grew up here.”

Egwene smiled as she pulled one of the Angreal out of her inventory and handed it to the other version of her. “Here.” She looked at Harry. “How well can Noelle fly a carpet?”

“Well enough, scouting?” Harry asked.

“We might as well.” Egwene looked at Mat. “We should get your injuries seen to.”

Mat sighed. “They’re old injuries, Moiraine and Nynaeve have already tried.”

Harry grinned at Mat. “Don’t worry, we have a healer that is better than Nynaeve. She’ll have you right as rain in a few seconds.”

“If it helps.” Mat wasn’t terribly happy about Aes Sedai at the best of times but if he was going to die he wanted it on his terms, with his spear in his hand. 

Rand asked, “Is there anything I can do to help?”

Harry pulled a Diablo staff of firebolts out of his bag of staffs. “I have a couple of ideas.” He pointed it at the dirt a few paces away and sent a bolt of fire at the ground.

Rand blinked. “You have a ter’angreal that creates fire?”

“No, it’s a magic staff and it doesn’t require challenging.”

Rand studied the mark on the ground the small ball of fire had left. “It doesn’t seem that impressive, no offense.”

“It’s not, it’s a piece of junk, my other staff sends large balls of fire at things but it only has a limited number of shots.”

Mat stared at Harry. “The things an army could do with that…”

“Yeah, let’s hit the practice yard.” Harry wanted to get them some experience with using a staff before he handed them staffs of fireballs.

Rand glanced at the inn. “Let’s drop Joiya off with her grandmother first.”

Joiya said, “Grandma!” enthusiastically. 

Egwene smiled as she followed the other Egwene and Rand. It made her wonder where Elayne, Aviendha and Min were. If nothing else it was nice to know that she would have done well with Rand or at least that a version of her could have. She wasn’t going to let the Two Rivers fall without a fight, maybe this world had been ‘meant’ to fall but she was drawing a line.


Selena snickered as she pushed the last iron sphere in place around the slightly smaller sphere then let it drop out of phase once it was perfectly lined up. “Much easier than trying to teleport them in place.”

Mist glanced over at the dozen failures that he’d lost trying to teleport the spheres into place before he’d simply asked Selena to help him phase them into place. “You were right, I was wrong, better?”

“Yep.” Selena stuck her tongue out at Mist. 

“This is because I didn’t take you with me when I went shopping, isn’t it?” Mist asked warily.

“Nah, I’m just having fun. Now that we’ve proven we can assemble them, where do you want to start?”

“Considering I duplicated the liquid adamantium container after I transferred the pure quality from a pure pearl and a copy of the golden statue and the runes were inscribed in the creation, the next step is doing the actual enchanting. Of course, after that, we need to figure out if Egwene can make the adamantium even more durable than it already is and what that does to the enchantments.”

Selena frowned slightly. “We’re going through a decent amount of effort in order to try to steal the Dark One’s power.”

“If we don’t destroy him he lies and gets put back in his prison so that he can just repeat the cycle again and again. If we can steal a decent chunk of his power, the world should improve. We probably can’t steal all of it but we can probably cripple him before we have Rand seal everything back up.”

“You really hated the last book didn’t you?” Selena asked with amusement.

Mist snorted. “I was hoping for a win, it wasn’t a win, my favorite character died, Mat got screwed over and stuck married to the Empress of the Seanchan who as a rule are crazy and think they have a right to the mainland because an ancestor claimed part of it then lost it over a thousand years ago. Then there is the fact that there are thousands of people that are willing to side with a dark god of lies and destruction for promises of rewards… I mean seriously people, why would the god ever pay out when he doesn’t need them anymore?”

Selena chuckled as she shook her head. “And this is why I only drink water from the warehouse.”

“Don’t get me wrong, there are things I like about this collection of worlds but honestly, the dark god being some necessary force isn’t one of them.”

“If everything works, then what?”

“You mean if the stars align and we can drain enough of his power to matter?” Mist asked with a touch of annoyance.

She nodded. “Yeah, assume for a minute that we can place enough of these around the blight to make a difference, what then?”

“Then we use my new holy flame wave after I tweak things so that someone with a sa’angreal can use it or I have Rand use a pensieve and see if he can remember how he created the storm that destroyed the shadowspawn in the Stone of Tear. If he had two female channelers to help control the sword and help with the energy cost, I think we could destroy a decent amount of the Dark One’s forces.”

“How long do you think it will take for you to mix and match the magic systems?”

“Weeks, months?” Mist shrugged. “I’m not sure. I should be able to mix it with magicka fairly easily as everything is just elemental power other than spirit magic which might be harder but I can probably come up with something if we don’t want to just pay the mana cost. Our test subject didn’t have a problem casting a few weaves using his mana pool which means that after a couple more tests, we’ll start hitting dungeons with magicite from Egwene’s evil clone.”

Selena grinned. “Cool, I’m looking forward to crafting some ter’angreal and figuring out how they created Whitebridge.”

“That reminds me, I should go work on creating enough housing for the families Egwene is bringing back.”

“What about the ones that can’t do magic?”

“Most of them should have decent magic heavy genetics, besides, we can give them the witch potion and then combine the magic if we really need to. Either that or we can send them to the Two Rivers to help hold the line in this world. I have a feeling that Mat or Perrin could use the backup.”

Selena nodded. “On that note, I should get some sleep so that I’m not a walking zombie when I have to give everyone a check up.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Mist admitted as he went back to looking at his notes.

Selena blinked. “Ah, no that was a request, you know, sex?”

“Oh, right.” Mist grinned as he followed her to the companion housing and her bedroom.


Nynaeve smiled as a version of Egwene walked out of the door with her doppelganger and a version of Elayne, Min, Aviendha and a Rand that looked far more relaxed than the Rand she’d left to help this version even if he looked thinner and more haggard than he should be. She opened her mouth then closed it as she saw her alternate. “That is going to take some getting used to.”

The other Nynaeve gripped her braid. “We’re going to have to get used to a lot.”

Nynaeve said, “You’re welcome to my house in Emond’s Field if you don’t end up staying here.”

“Thank you but I need some time to process losing everything and jumping worlds to escape.”

Rand looked at the other Nynaeve. “Nice to meet you.”

Nynaeve stepped forward, reached up and grabbed his head and delved him. “Light blinded fools.”

Rand snorted. “No one accused Aes Sedai of having sense. Can I have my head back, there’s nothing to heal.”

Nynaeve embraced the source then channeled and fixed Rand’s severing. “Now you can have your head back.”

Rand’s eyes went wide as he realized he could channel again. He opened himself up to the source and gasped and almost lost his connection when he found that it was clean. “What happened, it’s clean?”

Nynaeve smirked. “Rand and I cleansed it.”

Elayne spoke up, “That’s impossible.”

The other Egwene asked, “Why didn’t you warn us?”

Egwene sighed. “Between the battle and evacuation, I didn’t really have time. Besides, I didn’t want to get your hopes up and get you killed because you were distracted.”

Mist gestured toward the tables set up with a banquet. “Feel free to get something to eat while the rest of the people come through the door, have as much as you want there is more.”

Aviendha looked at Egwene. “I think you have some explaining to do.”

Egwene smiled. “There will be enough time for that after we’ve eaten.”

Harry followed the last villager through carrying a couple of conjured bags filled with stuff. “I could sleep for a week.”

Lily walked through then closed the door behind her. “At least you managed to get most of the three towns and a few of the farms and barns.”

“Yeah.” Harry yawned as he headed over to get something to eat. He had a feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time he had to move entire towns.

Mist made a mental note to talk to Rand about grabbing a copy of his crystal sa’angreal sword once things calmed down a bit. He’d love a copy of the blade so he could transfer the quirk that kept the Dark One from just cutting off the flow of power to his purification spheres.


Mist blinked as he found himself back in the black stone chamber with Genie and the rest of the group. “Nice to see you Genie.”

Genie snickered as she walked over and gave him a hug. “I’m just glad that you didn’t get splattered.”

Mist smiled as he returned her hug then let go. “Nature of the world, there are only certain times and places that the dark god could actually pull out all of the stops and the Dull Knife made sure I wasn’t on his radar. Besides, he was more than a couple of quarts low on fuel by the end of the trip thanks to the power taps.”

Genie let go of Mist. “You realize that you basically screwed up the cycle for that world by crippling the dark god and giving Rand a mental defense ring, right?”

“Eh, I just made sure the dark god couldn’t lie to him this time around and purified a chunk of the Dark One’s energy.”

“Try a lot of his energy,” Genie replied with amusement.

Xander snorted. “If he didn’t want to get drained to almost nothing he shouldn’t have given people the ability to draw on his essence.”

Genie snickered. “I think my favorite part was when Sin snuck a copy of the golden statue into the chamber at the end of Demandred’s quest after using a confusion charm on his friend to suggest meditating on the statue. Less corruption, less twisted thoughts and less rage meant that he wasn’t willing to fight for the dark god anymore when he could retire and be a king.”

“Not to mention it was easy to nudge him into thinking of Lews Therin and al’Thor being two different people with a little magic.” Sin frowned as she didn’t see Egwene in the group. “Do we get to keep Egwene?”

Genie looked at Mist. “Do you want to keep her?”

“Assuming I have enough points, sure,” Mist agreed.

Genie laughed. “You crippled a dark god, you have plenty of points.”

“In that case, sure,” Mist agreed.

Egwene blinked as she appeared in a black stone room with Mist’s group. “You weren’t lying…”

Genie snickered. “Nope, they weren’t. Welcome aboard.”

Egwene turned to look at Genie. “Thank you. You must be Genie.”

Genie snickered as she looked down at her blue arms and hands. “It’s the blue isn’t it?”

“You’re certainly distinctive,” Piper pointed out.

“Sorry,” Egwene replied hoping she hadn’t offended her.

Dennis spoke up, “Nothing wrong with blue skin on a genie.”

Genie grinned at Egwene. “Don’t worry about it, I happen to like blue.” She turned to look at Mist. “Did you want to spend points before your next jump?”

“There isn’t anything I want from the Wheel of Time right now and I want to figure out where I’m jumping before I worry about getting Egwene some upgrades from various jumps.” Mist might have picked up the stone bracelet and the bloodknives but he’d found both in the jump so he figured he’d save the points as the versions you could buy weren’t any better than the versions you could find and there was always a chance that he’d want to pick up the wolf brother stuff later though he doubted it.

“In that case, where are you going next?”

Mist glanced around the room. “That depends, we could take the Harry Potter jump now and get it over with or we can try to grab a couple more jumps before we go so we can pull off even more impressive shenanigans.”

Albus spoke up, “I’m not in a hurry.”

Dennis shrugged. “I’m not in a hurry to go there, we already have magic which means we can afford to take things slow. What we don’t have is a way to teach people magic in a reasonable time period.”

Taylor said, “We also don’t have any way to mass produce magic items.”

Piper said, “Or create magic spaceships which we’ll have to figure out if we want to pretend to be a magic space faring race.”

Riley spoke up, “We have the flying ship from the Masters of Magic world.”

“Which isn’t sealed and we’re still working on figuring out how to recreate it,” Lily pointed out.

Egwene asked, “If you had flying ships, why didn’t we use them for traveling around the island?”

Mist shrugged. “Because we only had one ship and no ship builders. Besides, your world’s magic has issues moving something that large or lifting yourself up in the air.”

Rose said, “I don’t have a problem waiting before he do the Harry Potter jump.”

James looked at Genie as he asked, “Are there any jumps with magic assembly lines?”

“Sure, Mushoku Tensei,” Genie replied with amusement as she tossed the jump on the screen.

Mist frowned slightly as the jump name sounded familiar. “That sounds familiar.”

“It should, it’s also the jump that has Leaky Limiter and lets you create magical dungeons with the right perk.”

Egwene shivered as she thought about the dungeon in the Tower. “Why would you want to create magical dungeons?”

“Not the type of dungeon you’re thinking of, more like magical ruins with loot and monsters from bygone ages.”

“So more like item worlds?”

“Something like that, yeah.” Mist smiled as he looked over the jump.

“That would certainly help with training people.” Egwene had a feeling most of the novices and accepted would have put more effort into learning various weaves if they knew they’d have to fight monsters every so often.

Fred asked, “Can you scroll down to the assembly line stuff?”

Mist scrolled down to the section on magical arrays and read it out loud for the group, “Summoning and Magic Arrays: The name is a bit of a misnomer. While the most conspicuous use of this magic is the summoning and binding of spirits, what you are truly skilled at is the most subtle of magic this world possesses. You can, with magic circles and diagrams, gather magic from the environment and craft it into incredibly complex spells and constructs. This can include but is not limited to, teleportation circles, monster creation, magical traps, flying castles and the creation of magic items. With time you could even create something to rival the Fighting God’s Golden Armor. You’ll begin the jump with a solid grounding in the basics and will find the rest easy to learn.”

Hermione asked, “Does that mean we can create assembly lines?”

“You should be able to with a bit of work,” Genie agreed.

Victoria spoke up, “How much do you actually know about the world?”

“Bits and pieces but I have a laptop with internet so I can do research,” Mist pointed out.

“Provided that it existed in my world where you got your laptop and I don’t remember it,” Selena pointed out.

Mist frowned. “Okay, that might be a problem but worse case, we can hide out in the warehouse for a year working on various projects.”

“Boring!” Genie exclaimed.

Harry nodded. “Agreed, if we’re finally going somewhere with magic that scales up to needing to update the map, I want the chance to actually learn said magic.”

“Not to mention the sword skills look broken as hell,” Xander pointed out.

“Agreed.” Buffy was looking forward to picking up a couple more tricks.

Mist nodded. “I can import eight companions, not having someone pick up the sword techniques would be crazy.”

Xander raised his right hand slightly. “I volunteer.”

“Sure, other than Egwene grabbing Leaky Limiter to make up for the fact that she doesn’t have siphoning, I’m not all that worried who grabs what.” He turned to look at the jump and started selecting what he wanted.

Egwene asked, “Leaky Limiter?”

“Basically your mana capacity never caps which means that eventually you can build up truly staggering amounts of mana.”

“Oh, yeah, I want that.”

“Figured,” Mist replied as he started worked on his build while everyone else discussed what they wanted to grab and who would get imported.


Mushoku Tensei:

Drop In:

Race: Supard [+100]

Location: Wind Port, Magic Continent:

Leaky Limiter: [200]

Grounded in Reality: [Free] You have a basic understanding of science, tactics, history, and literature from your original reality.

Invasive Culture: [100] You are able to smoothly introduce anachronistic and foreign ideas and technology to new societies. While you may not be able to upend trends and persistent memes, you’re words will always carry weight. You’ll be considered a brilliant revolutionary instead of a dangerous lunatic when introducing technologies like the railroad, and at the very least they’ll consider your calls for the emancipation of slaves.

Summoning and Magic Arrays: [300]

Dungeoneering: [300] Can use magic to create Labyrinths.

Jumper Empress of Jumper Eyes: [600] Give people magic eyes.

Silent Casting: [400] Silent and quick casting

Companions: [300] = 8 companions each gets 500 cp


50 Bag of Small Magic Crystals [Free Drop-in]: This bag contains magic crystals no larger than a child’s thumb. They’re useful in the construction of wands and small magic items.

Item: Soul Spear [Free Supard]: This weapon is crafted from your very soul. It will grow sharper and stronger as you use it and will never break so long as your soul and spirit remain intact. Importing enchanted adamantium magic boosting blade.


Agoraphobia: [100] Fear of the outside.

NEET PTSD: [200] Stuck with crippling fear of the outside.

Glass Cannon: [100] You can’t seem to use any of the internal magic and body strengthening required to excel at the martial arts of this world.

Green Hair: [200] You have green hair, which, in this world, means that everyone associates you with genocide and terror. Expect discrimination. No matter what you do it seems to grow back in hours, nor will any dyes stick. On the plus side, it’s very pretty.

Crusade: [300] The Holy Milis Kingdom believes that you are a demon and a threat to all life and

have widely denounced you. They will ruthlessly hunt you down; going so far as to go to war

should another nation shelter you.

Hitogami: [300] The Human God, Hitogami, who rests in the void, has determined that you must be eliminated.

Curse of Hatred: [300] Your presence inspires intense enmity in all living beings. Regardless of your actions there will always be a palpable feeling of dread evil about you.

Overloaded Metastasis Event: [600] People randomly scattered by a massive teleportation event.

Genie stared as she looked over Mist’s list. “That’s crazy… why the hell are you taking those particular flaws?”

Mist shrugged. “Two reasons, I needed the points and I needed something that would cause people to attack me with spells they wouldn’t otherwise use so that I could use copycat on a lot of combat magic.”

“Oh, I can see where that would be useful. How are you going to deal with the agoraphobia drawback?”

“Basically stay inside and use doors to get around when I have to leave.”

“In that case, I’m assuming you don’t want to import any of your buildings because of your curse of hatred drawback?” Genie asked curious how he planned to handle his businesses if he imported them.

“Yeah, I’d rather not have any of my buildings ruined if I can help it.”

“Probably for the best.” Genie looked at the rest of the group’s lists.


Drop In:

Race: Supard: [+100]

Grounded in Reality: [Free] You have a basic understanding of science, tactics, history, and literature from your original reality.

Invasive Culture: [100]

Item: Soul Spear [Free Supard]: Importing enchanted adamantium magic boosting blade.



Race: Elf

Fighting Spirit [Free]: You can channel your mana into your body, both instinctively and on purpose. This allows for lightning fast reaction times, incredible speed and strength, and unbelievable martial techniques.

Well Rounded: [100] You’ve received training in North, Sword and Water God sword styles and can be considered Advanced in all three.

Party Face: [100] You’re more than just a meat-shield, you’re the archetypical party leader. This means that you are both classically handsome/beautiful and charismatic enough to lead a team of adventurers.

King Ranked: [300] Exceptionally skilled at North, Sword and Water God styles.


Adventurers Guild Registration Card [Free]: This card can be any Rank you choose from F through A. By choosing a higher rank you can skip the tedium of doing lower ranked work to climb the Guild ladder.


Team Battle: [Free].

Elemental Magic: [100] These are the most common types of magic and those most associated with combat. These include: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. The elements can also be mixed to create new effects like steam or mud. You are skilled in Advanced Ranked magic in each.

Silent Casting: [200] Normally magic spells require lengthy incantations and occasionally conjoining magic arrays. Some talented practitioners can shorten the length to a few phrases. You have taken this to the next level and can manipulate mana by feel, allowing you to cast silently and quickly, though this does require more concentration in general.

Counterspells: [200] You’ve mastered Ran Ma, an all-purpose counterspell. This means more than just being able to cast the spell; you can anticipate an enemy caster’s actions and possess the uncanny ability and reaction time necessary to disrupt spells both as they’re being cast and mid-flight.



Race: Elf

Team Battle: [Free]

Silent Casting: [200]

Counterspells: [200] 

Healing Magic: [100] Whether through tutoring by the church or some rare books, you’ve come to gain a grasp over the Healing Magic. Healing Magic consists of the standard 7 ranks of this world and 4 systems: Healing, Barrier, Antidote, and Divine Attack. You have progressed to Advanced Rank in each.


Wand [Free Magician]: This small magical focus lends a little bit of a boost to your spell casting and is also the unofficial badge of a magician.



Race: Elf

Team Battle: [Free].

Elemental Magic: [100] 

Silent Casting: [200]


Wand [Free Magician]:

Fire Attuned Staff [150 Discounted Magician]: This staff is made from the body of a rare magical beast and a large magic crystal. It is attuned to an element of your choice. While it significantly increases your ability with all magic, its effects are tripled with the chosen element.

Adventurers Guild Registration Card [50]:



Race: Elf

Team Battle: [Free].

Elemental Magic: [100] 

Silent Casting: [200] 


Wand: [Free Magician]

King Ranked Spellbook: [200 Discounted Magician] This large tome contains the instructions and chants to all the major known King Ranked spells in each specialty. After this jump, the tome will update to include a similar series of powerful spells in whatever magic system exists in that world, usually one or two in that world’s various magic specialties. The book has effectively infinite pages, adding more as needed and opening to the desired one with a thought.


Race: Elf


Leaky Limiter: [200]

Fighting Spirit: [Free]

Jumper Empress of Jumper Eyes: [300]




Race: Elf

Team Battle: [Free].

Leaky Limiter: [200]

Elemental Magic: [100] 

Silent Casting: [200] 


Wand [Free Magician]: This small magical focus lends a little bit of a boost to your spell casting and is also the unofficial badge of a magician



Race: Elf


Leaky Limiter: [200]

Team Battle: [Free] Good at fitting into an adventuring party.

Silent Casting: [200]

Counterspells: [200]

Genie grinned as she read Egwene’s list of abilities. “Not taking any of the basic spells?”

Egwene frowned slightly. “The elemental and healing magic didn’t seem to offer anything that I couldn’t just pick up, am I wrong?”

“It’s probably a good thing that someone picked up the various spells and abilities but they’re nothing you can’t learn given time.”

Mist said, “In that case, can we drop into Worm and PS238 so that I can give Egwene abilities?”

“Considering you have slots left, I don’t care if you just assign stuff, standard deal for PS238 for both Albus and Egwene then?”

“Sure, enhanced mastery and some magic wouldn’t go amiss.”

“That works, let’s see, random powers.” Genie brought up the Worm document then hit the random buttons for Egwene and Albus. “Contractor for Albus and Ballistic Transmission for Egwene. If you don’t want your powers, you can pick for 300 points which eats up your points.” She scrolled down to the Ballistic Transmission power so that Egwene could read it.

Albus smiled as he realized that he’d lucked out. “I don’t have any objections to the contactor power.”

“In that case do you want better powers or the ability to boost more people?” 

“I think I’ll take the version that grants better powers.”

Egwene frowned slightly as she read the description of her new power a second time. “While useful, I’d rather something less lethal and more interesting. I already have plenty of ways to destroy things.” 

Harry asked, “If she took reverse engineering, would that let her fix the systems on the city ship so they worked in multiple worlds?”

“It wouldn’t be all that useful if it didn’t,” Genie admitted. She would have objected if Egwene hadn’t picked up enhanced mastery but between the two powers, it shouldn’t be all that hard for her to upgrade the city ship though it was going to take a while.

Mist shrugged. “It would help but it’s up to you Egwene.”

“If it would help the group, I don’t mind picking up the ability.” Egwene knew that she wouldn’t even be alive anymore if it wasn’t for Mist so if the group needed her to pick a specific ability that wasn’t bad, she wasn’t going to object.

Hermione asked, “Are you sure?”

Egwene shifted uncomfortably. “From what you’ve said when you were talking about powers, we don’t really need anything else from the list.”

“Awesome.” Genie looked at Albus. “What type of background do you want?”

“I was thinking rogue so I could pick up the ability to have all of my employees pick up skill and ability quickly. I had to scrape the bottom of the barrel far too often for the Defense position to pass up on that perk.”

Harry snorted. “That would have been nice.”

Hermione shook her head. “Harry.”

“What? It would have been awesome.” Harry would have loved to have competent professors and staff while going to school.

Genie looked at Egwene as she asked, “In that case, drop in hero, rogue or villain?”

Egwene frowned as she mentally debated between hero and rogue. “Considering, my lack of understanding of parts of your culture, let’s go with rogue.”

Hermione frowned at Genie. “I thought you didn’t want to backtrack things.”

“I don’t have any problems giving her memories of growing up in Earth Bet without actually having a background there. I’ll just have her parents own a bed and breakfast.” Genie snapped her fingers and gave Egwene about twelve years of memories of growing up in Washington as the daughter of the owner of a bed and breakfast. 

Egwene twitched as she found herself back in the black stone room. “That was creepy, do you go through that every time?”

Harry frowned slightly. “Just about, how bad was it?”

“I grew up in Fairhaven, near the Canadian border. It was rather peaceful, all things considered.”

“How did you end up with powers if you don’t mind sharing?” Leet knew that tinkers usually didn’t have that horrible of triggers.

Vista scowled. “You shouldn’t ask that.”

Egwene shrugged. “It’s fine, I worked for a small electronics repair company. I got so obsessed trying to figure out how a tinkertech circuit board worked that I ended up triggering. After that, repairing stuff got a lot easier. I’ve only been a tinker for about a month.”

Riley spoke up, “Welcome to the club.”

Leet grinned. “It’s always nice to have another tech around, Mist doesn’t tinker enough.”

Mist frowned as he looked at his collection of flaws. “I’ve been working on other things, I have a feeling I’ll be working on a couple of projects this trip.”

Genie snickered. “Probably for the best. I’m going to be nice and drop you off in the sewers of Windy Port.”

Mist scowled. “Gee thanks.”

“If you’d rather I drop you in the middle of the courtyard, I can do that. That way you can freak out because of your fear of open spaces.”

“On second thought, can I spend some points from Ranma?”

“Are you going to complain about being dropped off in a sewer?” Genie asked innocently.

“Just as long as you don’t drop us in shit.”

“Nah, that’s just nasty. What do you want to buy?”

“I’d like to grab Copycat for Hermione, Egwene, Harry, Lily and James.”

Genie grinned. “I was wondering when you were going to get around to that. Considering you get double discounts for drop ins and everyone is basically a drop in, that comes to 750 points.”

“Thanks, between having more people able to copy spells and techniques and the spell books from magicka, I think this should be a profitable jump.”

Victoria grinned. “Let’s hope so. I’m looking forward to smashing some monsters.”

James said, “Thanks, that should help make up for the fact that we don’t have enhanced mastery.”

“That was the idea, yeah,” Mist admitted.

“Ready to go?” Genie asked.

Mist glanced around then gave her a thumbs up when no one objected.

“Good.” Genie snapped her fingers and sent the group to a section of the sewers that wasn’t flooded.


Mist glanced around the stone chamber the group found themselves in. Thankfully it looked more like a storm drain than an actual sewer or at least this part did. “I’m going to start working on creating an ascendant so we can jump to a pocket world and avoid having people try to kill us.”

Selena glanced up at the ceiling then reached up and grabbed a lock of her green hair and looked at it. “I should grab some dye and a headband.”

Abby sighed. “I sort of like my hair.”

Hermione said, “Green hair isn’t a good thing to have around here.”

James held out his hand. “Can I check your genetics? I want to see what gene is responsible for green hair.”

“Sure.” Abby held out her hand absently as she glanced around the stone chamber they were in. “I think I’ll just skip the dye and swap forms.”

James reached out and touched Abby’s fingers and let his power map her genetics. “Interesting.”

Mist swapped back to his normal form. “It’s still green isn’t it?”

Laura snickered. “Yes, what were you expecting?”

“Nothing considering my green hair is a flaw.” He swapped back to his Supard form so that he could play with his magic sense.

James pulled his hand back. “Some of your genetics don’t really make sense but I could give someone green hair if I wanted.”

Hermione shook her head. “You really shouldn’t, at least not in this world.”

“I know, I remember growing up in this world.” James wasn’t sure if the extra memories were a blessing or not but at least he had a decent idea what the surrounding area was like.

Selena glanced down at the sword she was wearing on her belt. “I’m just glad that our weapons got a boost.”

“Same.” Mist opened a door to his warehouse. “I’m going to grab my magic supplies and start working. Feel free to head up top and copy any spells and techniques you see.” He headed into his warehouse.

Lily looked at Hermione. “X-ray vision?”

Hermione smiled at Lily. “Sounds like a plan. Someone should call Tiffany and Sin to come help.”

“I’ll do it,” Xander turned and headed into the warehouse to talk to the girls.


Mist smiled as he finished enchanting the ascendant and everyone in the chamber vanished. He winced as his mana pool took a rather large hit. He muttered to himself. “That’s one way to use mana.”

Ranma watched Mist vanish then focused on his friend and opened a door against the wall to the pocket realm that he’d created with his ascendant. “Did that work?”

Mist smiled as he saw the door against the wall that looked out into the other chamber. “Looks like it.”

Ranma walked through the door. “I’m still not sure how safe leaving a permanent door between the worlds is but we can probably ward the area and it doesn’t look like all that many people come down here.”

Mist stood up and stretched his arms over his head. “Probably the smell.”

Ranma shrugged. “Now that you’ve created a pocket world with a duplicate of everything, what’s next on the list?”

“I want to play around with the spell altar to see if I can figure out a spell to duplicate certain parts of my curses.”

“You want a spell to make people hate and fear you?” Ranma asked.

“While that might be useful to cast on certain enemies, I was actually thinking about a spell that would regrow hair and keep people from dying it or changing its color.”

Ranma stared at Mist. “Seriously?”

Mist grinned. “It’s a magical effect and I can’t really go exploring thanks to my agoraphobia flaw, I have to do something to entertain myself.”

“Not to mention the fact that you’re cursed so just about everyone in the world will either ruin screaming or try to kill you.”

“There is that. Part of me wants to curl up with a couple of good books in my warehouse and wait out the year quietly while the rest of me wants to create a couple of avatars, have them turn invisible then teleport to the adventurer’s guild with one avatar visible and then have the rest copycat all of the various techniques they use to kill him.”

Ranma snorted. “Or you could just send a rather durable avatar with anti magic gear and see how long it takes the adventurers to kill him.”

“That might increase the quality of spell they use to kill my avatar.” Mist opened a portal to his warehouse. “On that note, I’m going to see about creating some spells while everyone else explores.” 

“I’m going to wander around town.” Ranma turned and walked back through his door.

“Have fun.” Mist turned and walked into his warehouse. He kept his eyes on the ground as he made his way between the various shelves and suits of magitek armor that he still hadn’t taken apart for parts. The warehouse wasn’t actually large enough to trigger his agoraphobia but it was closer than he’d like. He walked over to the spell altar and did his best to avoid thinking about the ceiling as he started working on creating a spell to regenerate hair.


Mist wasn’t sure if he should feel guilty or not as he collapsed the timeline where he’d jumped through a portal into the adventurer’s guild and shouted, “Bring it!” then copied every technique he could while they did their level best to kill him. Normally he wouldn’t have bothered resetting things but there had been a lot of collateral damage as people had either run screaming or launched their most powerful techniques at him in an attempt to kill him as quickly as possible never mind any ‘innocents’ in the way or behind him that got caught in the various blasts. “So much for that plan.”

Tara looked up from her poker hand as she asked, “What happened?”

“Everyone opened fire, it was a bit of a bloodbath.” Mist looked at Taylor as he moved the rest of his chips to the middle of the table. “Call.”

Taylor showed her cards revealing a straight. “At least we know you’re not using your powers to cheat.”

“Eh, I wouldn’t cheat in a friendly game,” Mist defended himself as he set his cards on the table showing that he only had a pair of fours.

“If you’re that bored of playing, we can always see what books Hermione has managed to round up from the various pocket world libraries,” Taylor replied as she moved the pile of chips in the middle of the table to her side of the table.

Mist pushed his chair back then stood up with a smile on his face. “It’s better than losing at cards.”

“How do you lose at cards with your luck?” Tara asked suspiciously.

“I’m guessing because Taylor was cheating with her bugs.”

Taylor pouted as she sent her spies flying out of the room. “Hey now, where’s your proof?”

“The fact that you can’t even keep a straight face?” Mist asked with amusement.

“Okay fine, I might have peeked a couple of times,” Taylor admitted.

Tara shook her finger at Mist and Taylor. “You’re both horrible.”

Taylor said, “Sorry.”

Mist shook his head. “Oh please, I can sense magic, you were using my spell to look down at the world so that you could see our cards.”

Tara blushed as Taylor looked at her with a mock stern look on her face. “I was just trying to even the odds.”

“We should probably stick to video games,” Taylor agreed.

“On that note, I’ll leave you to your fun. I’m going to see if anyone recovered any tunneling spells so I can work on increasing my mana pool and skill with earth magic.” Mist turned and headed for the door. 

“Have fun, I’m going to look through our movie collection,” Taylor replied as she stood up and walked over to the shelf to look through the group’s collection of movies.

“Have fun.” Tara followed Mist out of the entertainment center and toward the warehouse door. “How long do you think it will take to master the new spells?”

Mist frowned slightly as they headed toward the warehouse door. “No clue, between enhanced mastery and best witch ever, probably not all that long at all. Either way, I’m not all that worried about it. Ranma and Aisha are hunting down Kefka, Mikael, Finn and Apocalypse which means most of the dangerous enemies should be dealt with.”

Tara sighed as they walked into the warehouse and she noticed him tense up. “You could always set up tarps and such things so that it’s less open.”

Mist forced himself to ignore the space above him. “It’s right on the edge of being too large, if I ignore it, I can deal with it. That said, I’m probably going to move the spell altar to the basement just so I don’t have to deal with it.”

“Probably a good idea,” Tara agreed. 

Mist smiled as he walked over to a rather large pile of books that Hermione was sorting. “Any luck?”

Hermione looked up from sorting the books into piles of similar subjects. “We found a couple of different spells that are interesting so far.”

“Any spells to create tunnels?” Mist asked hopefully.

“Not yet but there should be something in one of the books on Earth Magic, feel free to start looking. Why tunnels?”

“I can’t exactly go outside so I figured I’d dig tunnels to waste mana and practice my spells. Besides, I like the idea of being able to bury the railroad in Fantastic Beasts.”

Hermione blinked. “I’m not sure how well that would work but it could be interesting. If nothing else, creating vast heartstone domes would make for rather interesting magical towns, especially if you increased the size of them with your expansion power. That’s certainly something to talk to Umy about.”

“It would certainly help the wizarding world’s population.” Mist smiled as he started looking through the books, using his Vizjerei Research ability to touch a book and figure out what it was about just by touching it. He set the book on the table that Hermione had stuck a note on that said ‘Water’ then grabbed another book off the pile. 

Tara picked up a book on healing magic and started reading so that she could see how different it was and if any of it was useful for her.


Ranma scowled as he spotted Apocalypse standing on a patch of stone looking out over the sea laughing. ‘No idea why he’s so amused but to hell with that.’ He opened a door under the insane mutant’s feet and dropped him a hundred miles from the sun then quickly closed the door. “Goodbye.”

“At least that was the last enemy on the list.” Aisha was fairly sure there were more enemies scattered around but they’d taken out the major villains and the world had some rather powerful people in it so any villains they missed shouldn’t be able to cause too many problems or at least she hoped they wouldn’t be able to cause massive issues.

Ranma frowned slightly. “Maybe we should go back through the list of jumps with Mist, I feel like we’re missing something.”

“Open a door and we can head back.” Aisha was looking forward to eggos and a shower. 

Ranma opened a door then stepped through after Aisha. He let it close once he was through. He scowled as the stench hit him. “We really should have grabbed a better base.”

Aisha plugged her nose. “It’s going on the list of things to work on.”

Harry spoke up from where he was sitting in a chair ‘guarding’ the warehouse portal. “Or you could just use a bubblehead charm like the rest of us.”

Aisha jumped slightly as she spun around at the voice that had come out of thin air. “Damn it, don’t do that.”

Harry laughed as he dropped his invisibility spell. “You have no cause to object to invisibility considering your power.”

“Fuck off, we just spent an hour tracking down enemies and monsters and killing them, I’m a little jumpy.”

Ranma said, “Hit the showers, grab some ice cream and try to relax.”

Aisha mock glared at Harry then headed into the warehouse to catch a shower and loot the pool’s fridge for an ice cream bar.

Harry asked, “Did you catch everyone?”

“Everyone on the list,” Ranma replied as he pulled his wand out of his inventory and cast a bubblehead charm so that he didn’t have to deal with the stench. “That’s better.” He put his wand away. “Did you find anything interesting?”

Harry shrugged. “We have a couple of libraries, we looted a few of them as well as a large supply of crystals that we can probably use to create magical items if we can find a decent guide book.”

“That would be nice. I’m going to give my report to Hermione and grab some food.”

“Have fun.” Harry recast his invisibility spell then went back to reading.


Cordelia smiled as she watched Xander skywrite, “Cordelia is a Goddess!” in five hundred foot tall burning letters the air. “Can you make them multicolored?”

Xander mock pouted at Cordelia. “Fine, let’s see what I can do.” He turned his attention back to the sky and poured mana into the crazy spell that Mist had created to basically waste mana and give everyone practice with their detail work.

She snorted as she read the massive glowing words, “Cordelia is being picky!” that was written in various colors. “I don’t think you’re concentrating enough. Besides, the letters should be glowing and a thousand feet high like Egwene’s.”

Xander scowled as he cast his spell again.

Cordelia laughed at the multi-colored glowing writing that spelled out, “Bitch!”

“Like that?” Xander asked innocently.

“Yeah, like that,” she replied with amusement.

Dawn gestured and created a massive illusion of a dragon then a dozen smaller dragons until her mana pool ran dry. She smiled as her mana pool started quickly refilling thanks to the various enchantments that boosted her mana regen. “I could get used to this.”

“Hopefully, Mist can copy someone’s magic potential at the end of the jump to a minion then duplicate them and hand out this world’s magic to the rest of us,” Cordelia complained.

Dawn glanced over at Cordelia. “I don’t see why he couldn’t.”

Xander smiled as he hugged Cordelia with one arm. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure out something.”

Dawn grinned as she mentally scaled up her new fireball spell to the maximum amount of mana she currently had then sent the basketball sized ball of flame hundreds of feet up into the air where it exploded into a massive ball of flame. “If we’d had spells that scaled better we could have done a lot more to the Blight.”

Cordelia said, “All things considered, we did enough damage with that holy wave of a flame spell that Mist taught Egwene.”

“It would be nice if sa’angreal worked for the rest of us.” Xander let go of Cordelia and worked on casting their new fireball spell to see if he could create one larger than Dawn’s fireball. He frowned slightly as he watched his fireball explode with less force and fire than Dawn’s spell. “I’m going to need to work on that.”

Dawn shrugged. “Give it a couple of days and you’ll be an expert and a week and you’ll be a master.”

Xander cast the spell again then again and again until he ran out of mana. “That’s enough casting for a while, I’m going to see about training Buffy in a couple of sword styles, care to watch?”

Cordelia grinned. “It’s always nice watching Buffy get her ass handed to her.”

“I’m going to enjoy it while I can.” He looked at Dawn. “You’re welcome to join.” 

Dawn briefly considered staying and blasting things but figured she could do that on her own time. “Sure, I wouldn’t mind picking up the various styles.”

Cordelia was just glad that she had still had spells from Egwene’s world to work on otherwise it would be rather annoying watching them play with a new type of magic she didn’t have and wouldn’t get until they finished running some tests.


The group spent the next several months looting the various cities and strongholds around the pocket world while the gang practiced as much magic as they could so that their magic would increase. 

By the end of the second month Mist’s spell created caverns were large enough that they were starting to give him issues because of his agoraphobia which was both good and bad as it made it harder to practice. After that he started pointing his tunnel spell at a steep angle so that he could slide down them on an adamantium disk. It was wicked fun except the sudden stop at the end but that was what durability was for and going back up the ramp was nice practice for his wind spells. Okay, mostly it was just him having fun but not being able to get out and enjoy walking around outside was making him a little stir crazy or as Dawn said, nucking futz.

By the end of the seventh month the group had done a lot of cross training and were working on taking pop shots at a various mountains to increase their mana reserves and skill or at least everyone other than Mist, he mostly worked on writing various stories when he wasn’t testing out all of the various spells they’d picked up or hanging out with the group. 

Mist spent most of the last four months mixing and matching their magic system to include some of the more useful features of the Mushoku Tensei magic system such as the ability to scale spells up. 


Genie snickered as the group reappeared. “Welcome back.”

Mist stepped forward and hugged Genie. “It’s good to see you.”

Genie snickered as she returned Mist’s hug. “Did you have fun?”

Dawn spoke up, “Hell yeah.”

“You never really miss the ability to run around outside until you don’t have it,” Mist pointed out as he let her go.

Sin said, “I’m fairly sure having to stay inside drove him crazy considering some of the crap he got up to.”

Mist stuck his tongue out at Sin.

Abby snickered. “How many points did Mist get?”

Genie shrugged. “2950.”

“More than I was expecting,” Mist admitted.

“What are you going to grab?”

“I was thinking some of the demon eye powers so that I can hand them out to the group.” Mist walked over and looked at the demonic eye section of the jump document and made his selection. While he could have grabbed more powerful eye powers, he didn’t need to be able to scour the entire world at once so the most expensive eye was out. He also didn’t need to create a large barrier that might drain him to death which left the rest of the eyes.

Magic Power Eye: [250] The most common of Demon Eyes. This eye will allow you to see mana. After this jump you’ll be able to see all forms of magic and inner energy like Ki.

Identification Eye: [500] These show descriptions and definitions of anything you look at. During the jump this will only show you things that you and the Great Demon Empress know of. Post jump this will act as a visual HUD and show you descriptors for all but the most esoteric. Regulating the amount of mana you funnel into the Identification Eye will result in more or less detailed descriptors.

X-Ray Eye: [500] Not actually x-rays, but rather the comic book style of x-ray vision. You can see through opaque objects including walls and clothes. Normally this wouldn’t let you see through people and dense objects, however if bought here you’ll be able to push past those limits by regulating the amount magic power used.

Clairvoyant Eye: [500] The Clairvoyant Eye lets you see far away. Regulating the amount of magic you use will determine how far you can see. Unlike a scope the Eye moves your perspective, meaning that while walls and clothes will stop your vision you can maneuver around obstacles.

Foresight Eye: [500] This Eye allows you to see into the future. How much further into the future is determined by the amount of mana used. The further you see the more possibilities and outcomes are presented until eventually blurring together. These are some of the most difficult eyes to master.

Absorption Eye: [500] This eye absorbs magic. Normally the eye would absorb magic indiscriminately, meaning that it would absorb any magic you cast as well, however if purchased here you can use select what magic the eye absorbs. After this jump this will include any type of magic. The magic does not enter your body, instead disappearing entirely. The range of the eye is quite short, less than a hundred meters. The eye acts as an area-of-effect counterspell, so while it can counter spells, sword techniques, and the use of magic items, it can’t drain someone to death.

“I don’t suppose there is a better method than ripping out people’s eyes to get the magic eyes?” Cordelia asked hopefully.

Genie shook her head. “Sorry, not without other powers or abilities to modify his ability.”

Amelia spoke up, “On the upside, we can block your nerves so you can’t feel it.”

Amy shook her head. “Or you know, knock you unconscious.”

“That’s not nearly as much fun,” Amelia replied.

Riley shook her finger at Amelia. “Bad medic.”

Victoria shook her head. “There are entire weeks that I forget that she’s the daughter of a villain then she opens her mouth and reminds me.”

Amelia playfully flipped Victoria off. 

Dawn said, “I’m looking forward to getting my eyes upgraded so I can hand out copies to the troops.”

“I’ll work on setting you up with everything next jump,” Mist promised.

Willow asked, “Speaking of, where is the next jump and can it please be somewhere the rest of us can get imported?”

“I was thinking a quick stop in Skyrim for more alchemy recipes and different spells first.”

Genie pouted. “Please tell me that you’re not just going to jump in and kill the dragon then leave.”

“Nope,” Mist popped the p just to be a little annoying.

“Good, because if you had attempted such I might have gotten upset,” Genie admitted.

Harry asked, “What’s the plan?”

Mist smirked at Genie. “We jump in there and kill a bunch of assassins then leave after we go shopping.”

Genie sighed. “That’s slightly better, why not the dragon?”

“Because I don’t want to have to deal with hunting him down and I don’t really care about the dragon shouts. I can duplicate most of the shouts with spells and I’ll eventually have the rest of the effects.”

“That makes sense.”

Buffy asked, “We still get to kill the dragon right?”

“We’ll see. I wouldn’t mind DNA from a dragon,” Mist admitted.

Genie blinked. “Ah, why would you need that?”

“For upgrading the dragons in the Fantastic Beasts world?” Mist asked innocently.

Genie rubbed her face with her hand in frustration. “You’re trying to cause me paperwork, aren’t you?”

“Not really, I just don’t like the idea of stupid dragons.”

“I guess I can see that, have fun making your build.” Genie brought up the jump document for Skyrim.

“Thanks,” Mist replied as he started reading over the jump document.