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Hey there,

Thank you so much for donating me and I hope you will love the comics I'll make in the future!

If you get lost in all the comic pages I've made, here is the shared folder to overview them more better.

You also get access to shower time!

Added: 2024-02
Hey there,

Thank you so much for donating to me and I hope you will love the comics I'll make in the future!

If you get lost in all the comic pages I've made, here is the shared folder to overview them better: https://www.patreon.com/tgednathan?filters[tag]=share%20folder
Added: 2024-01
Hey there,

Thank you so much for donating me and I hope you will love the comics I'll make in the future!

If you get lost in all the comic pages I've made, here is the shared folder to overview them more better: https://www.patreon.com/tgednathan?filters[tag]=share%20folder
Added: 2023-02