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I'll admit peeps, this week was a slower one. I experimented a bit with some transparent images for a dual stat tracking start bar- And it came out okay. Not *quite* what I wanted, but I'll figure something out.

But, the rest of the week was devoted to writing, scrapping what I was writing, trying to write again, and then switching over to drawn brainstorming.

I've found that I'm struggling to choose an idea to pursue. That the pressure of working so hard to have the time and funding to make games has brought out my perfectionist trappings again. And I'm trying to find "the perfect" idea- one that won't be too big, but also be immediately grabbing. Torn between making stuff I think will resonate with my current audience, stuff just for me, and stuff that might resonate with audiences beyond. I'm stumbling a bit, I'll admit.

But! I've still got some fun pics to show off. And why not, I'll let y'all check out my Game Dev "sketchbook" since it's a small update this week. This is just a little renpy game that contains all the mechanics I've been experimenting with so far- as well as a goofy little meta story.

Thanks for the support everyone!




Ooooh the milk corp stuff looks really good! I hope to see more of that idea.

The Producer

Milk corp is such a mood. Love that idea.