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What up guys, currently i'm paying like 500 a month or something like that to host these videos.  If anyone knows of a cheaper video hosting site that allows pornographic content let me know!  **PORNHUB WON'T WORK BC YOU CAN'T LINK PORN ON PATREON** Thanks.

Anyways, this week we have a disturbingly detailed prison experience unlike any you've ever seen, enjoy!





Josh Wilkerson

Google drive is very cheap and since google's partnered with youtube, it basically runs off their architecture. I cloud most of my porn there, it's great for it, like $3/month for 200gb


Its all white, no video is showing only audio

Victor Huff

Google Drive or Dropbox are both decent places for them.

Victor Huff

Really? I've seen plenty of people putting sexual and nude photos/videos on Dropbox for their Patreons.


You may as well go to Pornhub dude. I know it sounds like I’m being funny but...idk. I didn’t know Google Drive didn’t allow pornographic material. It’s where I store my own.


Sexual and nude photos are allowed but actual penetration and sex aka pornography isn't.


Google drive 100% allows porn. Where did you get that info? I have gotten porn dumps from Google drive for years. Also 500 bucks a month is outrageous for a few videos to host. That shit sounds illegal.


Patreon doesn't allow linking to porn sites. And I think you can get away with it because you're not sharing it anyone else.


Just upload to PornHub. It sounds weird, I know, but at least it's free^^


It's in their terms of service under sexually explicit material: <a href="https://support.google.com/docs/answer/148505?hl=en" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://support.google.com/docs/answer/148505?hl=en</a>

Micah Middleton

MxR mods, the most entertaining mods youtuber❤ 500 a month is a God damn crime against humanity. I'll report back here if I find a site that meets your criteria.


Is Mega still a thing? Idk if they allow this kind of content, but they used to let you use 100GB free.


The only other option I can think of is Mega. And torrenting. Although people are always scared of torrenting, it's the most stable and safe way to "host" the videos. And I'd infinitely seed all of them.

Victor Huff

I'm looking into Mega's policies but so far I don't see any rules against porn.


I lost the conversation

Victor Huff

All I see in the terms and policies is that it has to be legal content and not harmful to anyone or someone else's content that you don't own.


This is the kind of community involvement I love to see on patreon.


Just have a link to the link to pornhun


Try HostGator, idk it’s what popped up after searching for “best pornacraphic content file hosting site”

Rick Hound

I mean studioFOW got kicked out of Patreon for having a animated video involving a anthro wolf and a rimjob


I wish I was rich enough to buy out Youtube AND Bethesda. That would be an awesome score right now!


Is there any way we could get a link to download the video? My computer, for whatever reason, refuses to load it.


I don't think it's terribly difficult to host them on a cloud server. They range from 5-15/month depending on the provider and, with a little technical knowhow, pretty easy to set up. Storage costs more, but no where near 500/month for a healthy amount of space. No idea how much the bandwidth will cost though (I like digital ocean but aws, azure, and google are also contenders <a href="https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing/)</a>


Can't open the video at all


studioFOW handled their ban in a really unprofessional way. They got banned and didn't appeal it, and is making it a point to not deal with any payment processors now. We don't know the context. Incest is usually the only thing that gets banned. They probably could have gotten unbanned if they appealed it.


Deadass the cheapest way is just pornhub bro


My name isn't on the list of hall of immersion what's up with that what do I have to do?


Dude just use Pornhub/Xvideos. $500 a month is ridiculous, plus you might actually make money on Pornhub lmao


DailyMotion? i see a lot of lewd content on that site


You might try linking to a Dropbox, just have the thumbnail here on Patreon. It may be a less expensive option. Personally, I'm fine with the extra click.


Thanks for continuing in the face of the issues


One if the best yet


I agree Pornhub is not an option. However, I do also agree that Google Drive/Dropbox works for many a Patreon. Just a matter of encrypting your stuff so only people who get the password via Patreon can view it. Just start a new Google Drive/Dropbox account only for this Patreon and any other non-family friendly content you might do in the future. That way if it does get shut down for any reason you still have your personal account. Or even just getting a webpage with storage attached would be a lot cheaper than 500 a month. Though I personally would be fine with torrents. You would still have to keep it seeded, which can be a red flag for some ISPs depending on who your home internet is with.


You know when Hmm


Hello henry. I see you leave some of your language censored. Is it possible to have no censoring at all on these videos? Thanks!

Ettore Zanin

Definitely the kind I was waiting for. Though some parts look creepy as fuck.


ok, what did i just watch Edit: what is the song at the end?

Joshua Mcewin

he has 6000+ patreons thats 6000 a month on lowest tier, most people have the $5 so he's on at least $15000+ a month


Awesome mods!


Sounds like login theme from World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King.

Ray Overton

UMMM How many hours does it take to make a mod!? I can't believe someone would spend all that time to do this mod. smdh. It looked pretty cool, tho. LOL Keep em coming MXR.


Oh man... I must have missed the hall of immersion update :'( my name wasn't on it D':


Guess I'll just up my pledge :/


I keep getting "Network Error An error occurred while loading a level manifest" while streaming this...


Dailymotion? I don't know if it's supposed to be allowed but there's... err a friend of mine who often finds pornographic content posted there. Also why is this video still partially censored?

Crab Jr

MxR, what happens if you make followers take the drugs? Does it make them do druggy shit?


Onean's pretty cute, too bad her nips are about a kilometer too high... But man I lost it when you said "You know maybe this won't be that bad."! Keep up the good work!


Wait a second. Isn't Onean the Tanker girl Neisa's sister? The one that keeps talking about how she wants you to meet Onean? Or is this just a coincidence? Both have broken english and one gave you breast milk,...


You should hit up floatplane.com and see if you could join them when they're ready to expand -- they're basically Patreon but newer and more user/content creator friendly.


Wouldn't Google drive or something work for uploading the videos?


Is this pedophilia? *insert is this a butterfly meme here*

Sural Argonus

Gdrive will purge your entire storage if someone reports it. An acquaintance had everything nuked because he had some adult visual novels on his.


That scream legit scared tf out of me too. I was not looking at the screen and I have in headphones.


Dont host the videos and just make them downloadable?