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EDIT: Fallout 4 Adult Mods 1 and a bunch of others available now down below

Hey all, 

today I got a community guidelines strike for an unlisted video.  3 of these can cause my entire channel to be deleted.  I had no idea unlisted videos were strikeable and so for the safety of the channel I will be removing all videos off YT for the time being while I find somehwere else to upload them and post to Patreon. 

I thank you all for your patience and understanding.



Has the time finally come for you to make the great move to pornhub?

Billius Bilarbre

Maybe it's time to utilize your pornhub account!


Please put them on PornHub!


Cant get demonetized on pornhub chief


Please make a pornhub account


Good luck! I hear pornhub is a fun place you can even monetize your videos on


If he puts them on ph then there’s no need you others to buy his partreon


Oh lawd here comes Phub, just dont make me sign in please i really dont want an account on there


I rather it didn't go on pornhub but if it's just the sex one then I can understand that


I've seen some questionable content on Daily Motion. Just an idea.


Damn, sorry to hear that.

Ettore Zanin

Sorry to hear that fella, hope you can figure that out without further problems.


It sucks because I was halfway through the unlisted video when it got taken down. Am sad :/


It's all good, MxR. You do what you've got to do, and we'll support you. For the sloots, man, for the sloots.

Greg Dougherty

Well that's shit but you need to do what's best for your channel dude hope to see a video soon tho


You could use something like Google drive are just share the link to us. I don't know how well that works, or if there are too many people here for Google drive to handle but you could use similar services to double up on if that's the case.


Hang in there man. We're behind you all the way!


use vimeo, you can set a password on the video and throw a password here, then no one will delete it from the hosting


I got the notification when I left for work and was waiting until I got home to see it. Now it's gone...


Damn, that's harsh of YouTube. The weedtube is big amongst the weed influencers atm.


YouTube is seriously trying to destroy themselves. Do they think they'll keep going like this?


This is absolute garbage. Hobestly youtube is slowly turning into a joke


Bitchute maybe worth looking into?


They will keep going because they're blind to their mistakes.


the fuck....

Andrew Brown

Holy shit that's fucked up.... must have been someone on the inside...... Not saying any investigation on whose responsible would be fruitful or even worthwhile, but it's just a deduction..... Do what you need to do man.


They is Kazy! And I mean KAzY! Like...even with a capitol "K" howboutit?!


Hate how dumb YouTube is getting. Hopefully they'll be more lenient to creators and actually help creators fix copyright problems instead of just this vague punishment system


Use cocoscope.com it's free and you can monetize it there

Clyde Machine

That means either someone who is a patron put in the report, or someone is sharing out the unlisted videos' links. Either way, the suggestion ages ago to upload to your Pornhub account may not be so crazy an idea after all. Keep your head up, we're here for you!

Zachary Fluke

Screw YouTube honestly. Striking a dudes channel for an unlisted video.


Yeah it seems it's as I suspected. Good move removing the other videos, you were very lucky whatever cunt is in here reporting your videos didn't get your channel insta-shut down. Be very careful from here on out, on your channel.


hi to everyone, I just became patron few seconds ago and this is my first message here, I have a lot to look here, this was my first game when I was just a little girl and I really love it more than any other game !! my most sincere congratulations to the creator of this page! 👏👏🎉

Juha Linna

I think best alterative platform is Vimeo or Pornhub. One Band used Vimeo after YT banned their musicvideo and they did new censored+trolling video to YT and released original in Vimeo. Edit: Good you find another host for videos


Looks like you will actually have to start posting to Pornhub lol


You know a video was good stuff when its unlisted and gets deleted within minutes! But Seriously dude, if you want to move anywhere else away from youtube, I'll follow you. They don't deserve hard workers like you.


This is absolute buggers. You shouldn't get any strikes on your unlisted or any other non-open videos. It just doesn't make sense to me. It's good that you took those down for the time being. Be careful Mxr, this is only going to get worse.


YouTube can go suck a big one with their family friendly bs the platform wasn't built around that and shouldn't try to hold all of its creators to such stringent standards especially when it's an unlisted video


pornhub next?


Upload to pornhub?


Pornhub is the best idea, my dude. But if you don't want to post there, you can try vimeo. Just saying what others have. Also, F&&K Youtube. Sorry to hear.


Best of luck, dude!


I hate what YouTube has become. We're here for you dude.

Alexander Johnson

Pornhub will pull in the big bucks my guy.


That PornHub account is getting less and less of a joke....unless you want to unearth Vimeo lmao


I would recommend posting them to your own website. Cinemassicare posts to his website and you tube. There are many tools to help you build your own website and frankly, I think it would be much better than pornhub.


I'll follow you to PornHub.


YT is a real cunt for sure. My vote for Vimeo or self-hosting. PH is also fine by me.


Let us know where you go, and we shall follow. Also we need to vote for net neutrality and get the FCC out of the hands of corporate shills (of either political party), and stop them either telling us what we as adults can see, or using us as a product to make money


Youtube has lost its mind if they ever had one.


One time I've seen a video pop up called something like sex sex, I was able ch to watch upwards of 5 minutes of it before it disappeared. Maybe its because of things like that? (On my subscription feed) I'd also suggest something like dropbox or many vids, although it might be hard to avoid distribution.

Xavier Hyrul

Hopefully you'll read this Henry. Unlisted videos should be fine, otherwise you would've been striked long ago already. That video got you a strike because you made it public for a few minutes, which made it strikeable

David Minton

I would check out something like Vimeo, as long as your content falls within their ToS. I assume you are making money off your Patreon. Why risk your income relying on a free service like YouTube. And, while your content is risqué, I would rather it not be on a pro service.


Yikes! Thanks for the heads up about unlisted videos being strikable... I didn't know that either. Meanwhile, I use Vimeo and BitChute as backup/alternatives for my YouTube Channel... in your case PornHub does Kinda make sense for the Adult Mods though.

Rick Hound

Thanks for the update


I know initial reception wasn't the best, but are you gonna re host the other video you made? Feel like you should get more opinions on it... And besides, I didn't get to see it 👀

Red Star Alchemy Designs

the fuck do they care if its private? that isnt hitting advertisers and you *DONT* get advert on it...


Ya big websites are going to shit now. Was what happened with tumblr and YouTube is just as bad


It's not like it's taking space on Youtube's hard drives or anything (if it's not hitting advertiser it's not paying for its space on their server) but getting a strike for it is bs.


Youtube is becoming bullshit


Any possibility of someone porting the Driinkiin race and start to the Xbox one Skyrim?


try posting them to mega


All I want is sex mods


So do u bro


i would like to see more nudity in the videos. the whole reason im here


I know of some thots who use cocoscope, seems to work for them.


there are mods for the male characters of the game and their intimate parts are seen?

Dan K

Schlongs of Skyrim is what most people use I believe.