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***UPDATE*** Heya! A massive thanks to everyone who's purchased items off of the wishlist so far. Also, stay tuned for some more pretty nifty content over the holiday break. I'm not going anywhere, so what else am I gonna do?


As in years past, I’ve had a few Patrons (and friends) asking about an updated Amazon wishlist of needed equipment, as well as just fun holiday requests. (Which, beyond just being a Patron and how much I appreciate your support, as always, thank you for thinking of me for things like this, as well.)

So here, then, is the wishlist link, which will allow you to view the list and place orders (if you are so inclined). Your assistance and support is *immensely* appreciated, and seriously - if you do happen to purchase anything for me, PLEASE let me know it was you, as I’d like to send a thank you. (And an awful drawing of your choice, if that’s your thing! 😉)


Many, many thanks, and here's to a happy and healthy holiday season for all...




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