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Hey everybody!

Here is a special rarity for you…

As I've been going through some old cassettes that I have, from the various things that I've done over the years, one of the things that I ran across was the Planet Hollywood donation of one of the bots in promotion of the release of Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie at the New York City Planet Hollywood. I was there, reporting for my college newspaper, the NYU Washington Square News. I had a tape recorder with me, and I recorded that donation, which I've talked about before in other places.

What a weird time that was.

This is from April 9, 1996… almost 30 years ago, which is ridiculous to think. But within this recording, you will hear Trace Beaulieu, Kevin Murphy, Mike Nelson, and Jim Mallon. And this all took place in a tiny little corner of the Planet Hollywood in midtown Manhattan. Again, it was a weird time. Below, you’ll find some photographs I took on that day, so you can see what was going on while everyone in the restaurant ate lunch and largely ignored this thing that was happening over to the side. But, I hope you enjoy this rarity. This is a Patron exclusive for you, which also comes with a THANK YOU for your continued support. 

NOTE: As this is a Patron exclusive, *please* refrain from sharing the file - As it's available to $1+ patrons, it's a pretty low threshold for anyone who wants to get it (and it allows me to make more exclusives like this available)!

The audio has been cleaned up to the best of my ability, but please forgive the effects of age and medium in regards to quality. Regardless, it's a fun little pieces of MST3K ephemera that I thought fans would get a kick out of hearing, nearly 30 years later.

(BTW, if you haven't looked it over yet, you can find ALL of my exclusives on the handy-dandy EXCLUSIVES page HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ken-plume-club-15754537)

But for now, let's hop back in the Wayback Machine, go back all those years ago, and listen to this little footnote in history.




Stephen Cooke

I always hold out hope that I will find the obscure bits of Tupperware that make up Crow's torso, but so far, no dice. At least I have the bubble gum machine for a Tom Servo, should a barrel bank ever show itself. I'm sure any creepy doll hands will do the trick.