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This is an important post so I'll go straight to the point and give more explanations in the end.

Patreon striked down a few of my random animations for not being in accordance with their Terms of Service. As I still want to keep this platform up and running I have decided to remove EVERY random animation from both this page and the discord.
You can still find them publicly on my other platforms but I'll keep them unrelated to Patreon.
With this I hope we stay in the clear and this page can keep on existing.
IF HOWEVER, for any kind of reason, this page ends up disappearing, I'll be migrating to SubscribeStar as fast as possible and maybe find another alternative too.

Now a bit more explanation as to why the reluctance to use another platform :
- In terms of ToS, there's basically only SubscribeStar that is more permissive than Patreon and it has a very bad and limited user interface + only accept payment through cards and doesn't even work for everyone.
While being so close to working full time on the game I would rather avoid cutting my earnings and barely being able to survive off of SubscribeStar.
This remains as a backup solution in case something goes wrong but I'd rather not have to go that far. Which is why I'll try to keep the content on this page clean from Patreon standards.



I would recommend opening a SubscribeStar now if you can. I know for some people it can take awhile to get approved so it's better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it


It is already up and running. However, I'm using it to share scene data for my random animations and take commissions. With how messy the interface is, I also figured it would be problematic to also use it to share info about the game. But I might still do that to prepare for the worst and to give people an alternative.


Also I know a lot of cases where it's been real hard for people to open a SubscribeStar page. In my case, it took barely a week. Probably cuz at the time my patreon page was making decent money.


Their Terms of Service are even more restrictive than Patreon. Which is why it's a no go for a lot of h-game devs


Their ToS are even worse than patreon, which is why it's a no go for a lot of h-game dev. (Sorry about the dupe response, I fucked up with the old one xD)

Tyler Richard

Which other platforms will your videos be on?


Sorry can't answer that here. Since I want to entirely dissociate them from Patreon. Better be extra safe than sorry


Boooo who is the joykill reporting all the time

vore fan

Why not post them on your discord


I used to. But by patreon rules, the content on discord also has to respect the terms of services.


What’s the subscribestar link