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Hey everyone !

There is one big big thing I want to mention today.
But let's start with the progress of the update. Nothing crazy on that aspect, it's still advancing steadily. I'm done with the 4th scene and I've done the animations for a fifth one + worked on a pretty annoying map. So far Chapter 4 has mostly been talk to people and get scenes and only the Lucy content was a bit moer complex and refined. I'm still thinking on how to develop that a bit more outside of just the mission with Lucy.
It's interesting to note that my first idea for this chapter involved an adventurer ranking with milestone mission that made you go with different girls depending on the mission. And then I realized it would make the chapter ridiculously big and that's not the point.

I'm still working on that animation I somehow teased last week. Progress was halted a bit to make the Mother Day special animation + I've been having a bit more commissions than usual lately. But it should be done soon, along with another commission.

Now let's talk about the annoying thing. Patreon just got rid of one of my animation lately (the FF7 one) for violating the guidelines. Whether I agree with this or not is not the point. However this can be a very bad omen for the future. If this happens to more animations, I'll start migrating the different tiers to Subscribestar as a backup. I'll make a public announcement if it ever comes to that.
In the meantime, if you're reading that : avoid suscribing to this patreon for more than one month at a time.

Now as usual : Thank you all for the continued support !


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