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Hello everyone, I (Mackenzie) am back.

Our goal with this Mind Drop is to announce the release date for the remainder of Day 32 as well as go over a few things.

We will also be quickly explaining what transpired over the past 1.5 months.

Let's start with the release date.

This will be a tiered release but it will be sped up due to the amount of delays.
(Available to all tiers as well as former patrons via Discord due to earlier promises)

HoF/MVP tier: January 26th 2PM EST 

All Star: January 26th 6PM EST

Starter: January 26th 10PM EST

Sixth Man: January 27th 10AM EST

Bench Warmer: January 27th 2PM EST

Fan: January 27th 6PM EST

Former Patrons: January 27th 10PM EST

(We have chosen these days and times due to our personal schedules for this month.)

Side Content will resume after the update and after any potentially necessary bug fixes.

Though Rachael's Client polls will be resuming starting this upcoming Monday.

Dates for further side content will be published in the next Mind Drop that is planned for January 25th.

For those curious about the communication breakdown...

Before Braindrop hired me I had made it clear that I needed to have time off for Thanksgiving as well as Christmas. I had not been able to see most of my family since before Covid and this was my first opportunity to see them.

We had planned around this, I intended to work when I could by remote connecting into my home computer from my laptop, sadly not very long after I left my home town had really bad storms that knocked my power out long enough to drain my UPS. There was no one that I trusted enough to give access to my house when I wasn't there so there was no way for me to connect in.
(Due to how we have things set up, there was no way to log in via other devices without Braindrop being at home.)

I also received very few updates about Braindrop's condition, when I said I was going to return home for a week or two between Thanksgiving and Christmas he told me to go ahead and stay since we would be unable to accomplish much with the state he was in.
(For those unaware, Braindrop caught the flu then had an appendectomy that had complications. He is still recovering from the appendectomy as well as having pneumonia though he is doing much better and is mostly back to his normal life.)

When I returned we instantly started picking up the pieces together and planning out what we would do next.
We decided to wait a little and make sure the dates we picked would be completely solid for both of us.
We have also planned out a lot of what is to come. Things will be changing after this release but that will be talked about after the update.

One more thing we'd like to address is people being upset that we delete posts.

We only delete unscheduled out of ordinary posts such as the last few posted by Braindrop because they're usually delay announcements that we let go mostly unmoderated.
Their information is usually out of date by the recent posts and they caused confusion in the past by being left up.
We do not delete scheduled posts like Mind Drops and Side content.

That is all we have to share for today.
We will see you guys on Monday for the client poll and the next Mind Drop will be on the 25th.

Thanks for reading and thank you for the continued patience.
- Braindrop & Mackenzie



unfortunately there is no reason for me to come off of the 1 dollar a month for BD pateron, it would be 1 thing if updates took 3 to 6 months at a time and i could play for hours and not run out of content, then id pay 30 a month even if its a month delayed but with 5 to 10 min play threw for heavily delayed updates not worth it, it use to it be back in the day.


hey so that release should be today right


i just signed up and im reading all these updates and the most shocking is that WE WILL SEE THE MCS FACE??? which would be pretty cool altho i understand the whole pov put yourself in their place but i cant wait for the game and the briars (i forgot the actual teams name) to get owned and (just a theory) the mc jump in last quarter and school them all


Guy has to be the unluckiest person alive(for now) healthwise...


I'm up there when it comes to the luck part of it. Health things seem to pop up at the worst of times. Overall though I'm young and don't have any permanent health conditions. I'd actually say I'm a pretty healthy person. I eat right and exercise but when things go bad I have to announce it out and this most recent one just so happened to be by far the worst thing I've been through health wise lol I feel like I got many colds and stuff from always taking my grandpa to his doctor and having to wait in the lobbies with all the sick peeps. Now I'm around kids a lot due to being around family and that means I get all the seasonal shit that goes around but I've heard it mellows out after the first year. But hey, you can only lose your appendix once so I got that out of the way. 😁 -Braindrop