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Hello everyone! Mackenzie here.

We do apologize in the delay for this Mind Drop. We've spent some of these past few weeks dealing with an issue that we sadly can't speak on publicly.

Just to give the insight that we can give, it was an issue with Patreon but everything has been handled and it was all essentially a misunderstanding.

This did cause us to lose some time on development but we still fully intend to have the release out on the 19th.

Let's talk some about that upcoming release.

WVM Season 2, Chapter 1, Episode 4:
(Expected release date of November 19th)

As you all know, this next update will include the first basketball game (Even if it's just an exhibition.)
Though that's not all it will include, there's a few scenes leading up to the game and there will be a few scenes after. The update will go until they are boarding their flight to Florida for the charity event.

We do not have an exact render amount for the update as it's not fully finished yet. There's 2 scenes that are near finished and there are a few transition renders to be made.
Our estimation is that it will be slightly over 1000 renders long. (The exhibition game itself is around 350)

We will be talking more about what to expect for the future basketball games after this update is out and we can reference things for context without spoiling anything.

We'd also like to take this moment to say that due to there being a crowd for the game, there will technically be 100's of women introduced in this update, we're aware that the "roster" is already crowded so we want to make it clear that any girl that is not explicitly named will not be a "Main" character and for the vast majority of them, they will not even be considered as side characters.

Though due to this being a power fantasy sex game (This will be a bit controversial we think), we do intend on using a lot of the girls as quick hook ups.
Days are about to speed up quite a bit and we want to include a good amount of optional casual sex but it's not very feasible to include long sex scenes for minor characters.
So our plan is to use some of these girls as hookups for when the MC has free time. Think along the lines of a quick 15 render scenes with a few animations.
And as Braindrop likes to say, one of his optional paths planned for WVM is to become the "Consensual Genghis Khan".
So yes, "Finishing" inside will always be an option.

Side Content:

Birthday Renders (Bench Warmer+):
They will be out on the 21st and will include July-November.
We do apologize for the hold up, due to a variety of things these had to be put on the backburner for a bit but Braindrop intends to finish them in the days following the update.
(Will be including a spicier one at the bottom of this post as a peace offering.)

DITLO Poll (Sixth Man+):
We also apologize for this being a few days late but we weren't able to post for a bit, this first one will be held tomorrow the 12th.
The options will include Eden, Emiko, Jasmine, Kimmy, Mackenzie, Moon, Rachael, and Tia.
The first poll will be to select the top 4 options and then there will be a second poll on the 19th to select between the remaining 4. 

Rachael Client Poll (All Star+):
Our next client will be from the country of Colombia.
This first one will be to select her age and it will be held on the 14th.
The next poll will be held on the 21st and we'll be selecting a name. (We're doing name early on just so it's a little less confusing than always referring to it as just "Client polls")
(Please message or comment any name suggestions you may have, thank you.)

MVP Beta Updates (MVP+):
We intended to have our first beta already but due to the issues we once again were unable to push anything out.
Due to the time between the update and now, we will be making this release larger than initially planned and it will include everything up until the start of the exhibition game. (Exact render and animation count will be posted in the post's title.)

Our planned date for these beta builds are Thursdays but due to the situation this will be posted on a Wednesday. The 16th. 

Additional information post after the update (All tiers):
This should be posted on the 20th or 21st.
It will just be a post about how the update went and detailing some of our plans moving forward. Mainly about how the Mind Drops will be formatted in the future as well as our plans to keep you guys informed on how far along we are in the overall chapter.

Apologies for the small interruption in our plans, it was out of our hands and we dealt with it as quickly as we could.
Our focus is solely on the first beta build and the overall update.
We're excited to see how you all like it, Braindrop has been working his butt off and we hope the effort put in will equal you all having a fun time. That's always the goal.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask, we'll both be around for a bit after this post to answer.

Thanks for reading and thanks for playing. We appreciate the hell out of you.
See you all soon.

- Braindrop and Mackenzie.

Spicy Bday render that was promised above:



Oh nice, update on my birthday 😁


"consensual Genghis khan" love it


I'm waiting for the updates with high hopes but overall still have mixed feelings.

Jürgen Kellner

You both are doing a great job, especially Mackenzie as the teamspeaker👍😁 Therefore Braindrop can be fully concentrate on creating this amazing game. THX a lot😊


Renders are small, it's normal?


Sounds like a plan and I know how patreon can be. Make sure you both take time to breath and have fun. I'm excited to see pink hair join the harem.


For Christs sake, DO NOT add more characters. It is the source of your biggest problem. Just ask yourselves: when was the last time that MC even said hello to the two main girls? If I gave that much attention to my girl she would have already left me!

Friend of the Arts

Do you plan on adding a scene selection Feature? It works very well on similar Games and should be easy to implement.


I agree, more characters = less time for each character, a bunch of character don't have scenes yet, now I'm not saying to throw them in a random scene just like that, but more character = we have to wait more time to develop each character. They talk about "consensual Genghis khan" when we barely have anything about certain characters who have already been introduced in the game, for example the color girls. Plus he's supposed to be on the bench for the majority of this match the "potential hookups" won't see him play much anyway, if you make him a requirement for the team to play well and make him play more than he should as an injured, instead of the team doing decent/well and him being an added bonus for the team to play even better, that would be a bit disappointing too.


I trust your vision. When the game gets fully made in the end I'm sure each character will get what time they're allotted. You all worry too much. Just finish your vision, this is the best work out there. When done, it will definitely be well received in the annals of history! And inevitably produce millions of gallons of spunk...