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Hey guys, just a quick update to let you guys know that I won't be able to finish the update this month.

To put it frank, working on the timeline has been a much harder process than I thought it would be.
I've also added a few more animations to fluff up some of the shorter scenes as well.

It's embarrassing to delay again but I know that I only have the intention of making a good update. There's no ulterior motive.
There are some other reasons that have delayed my progress but they are not things I'm comfortable talking about on here anymore.

Render work (besides the new animations) has been done for this update for some time now and I've been working on the renders for days 36-42. I already had a large head start on it due to moving scenes around but I'm happy to say the wait between days 31-35 and 36-42 will be drastically shorter.

I do not intend to pause since I have honestly worked every single moment that was possible this month and that was almost always the case in other months that I've paused but now that I have a wife and kid and a house... I can't pour this amount of time into something and not have income for it anymore. Before having a kid I honestly didn't care about money at all. I personally still don't but it's now a necessity.
That's something I hate to say but it's just the complete transparent truth.

I spend as much time as possible with my wife and kid and grandpa and I do think I achieve a healthy balance between work and home life. (Though March has definitely been more work than family time.)
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love doing what I do but I also love being a dad and I can't mentally justify spending this much time away if there isn't a monetary gain that will directly benefit them.
I grew up poor as shit and homeless at times. I'll never make my kid have to go through that.
This isn't to say I'm here to relax and "milk". If there's ever a month that I don't work an adequate amount I'll pause without a second thought.
It sucks and it hurts to do it, but it is what it is.

I completely understand if you're upset with me. I would be too if I was on the other end.
I have to be vague with my reasonings to protect myself and family and it's very frustrating for me to not be able to talk about things. I've been very open in the past but I'm unable to now as it involves more than just myself.
There's also a vagueness as to not spoil things and it all ends up making me feel like some lifeless corporation sending out these delay messages that feel like AI generated responses.
I absolutely hate it.

I'm just a dude trying to make a fun game that I care a fuck ton about.
I'm not here to dupe you or scam you, if you feel like I am then please stop pledging and spend the money on something you're more comfortable spending it on.
I'm not here for the money, I put as much effort and time as I do into it because it's my job but the truth is that if I didn't make a single penny from this, I'd continue making it just for myself. I love doing it.

I think this update will be very nice. There's a good mix of progression in all elements. Basketball, plot, lewdness.
There's just been a lot of tweaking and testing after going through everything and re-planning out the events of each day so far and how they tie into the next week or so.
My excuse for things earlier was that my intention was to redo things later on so if something wasn't as nice as I wanted it to be later on, no biggie.
But since I'm committing to starting from the end of the redo... there's no more "Oh, I'll fix it later". It has to work now as I don't envision any more redos.

I'm not sure exactly how long it's taken so far, but the timeline is essentially the foundation of the story. Turns out, you can't rush a foundation without building a shitty, unstable house.
It's taken more time than I wanted it to but once it's where it needs to be. It's set in stone and that'll be that for it.

There's no one that wants this update out more than me.
It's large, it's fun, and once it's out I won't have this constant feeling of pressure on me.
The whole situation has been a mess. So much has happened in my life since the last update that has caused it to take it as long as it has but I know it isn't acceptable.
It doesn't matter if the update is 2400 renders long and the biggest I've ever put out. The wait has been entirely too long and I completely understand where the frustration has come from.
I've been shitty at communicating clearly and I also completely underestimated how much effort the timeline would take to sort out.

For the most part, you guys have been perfect and rooting me on at every point even with the fuck ups and broken promises along the way and it hurts to not have it ready for you guys yet. I'm letting you down and that's a shitty thing to admit.
Like I've said, I care about my players and the experience you have and every part of me wants you to play this update as soon as possible.
But I don't want to be right back in this spot in a couple of months having to redo things again so I have to do it right this time.

I'm sorry for the book.
Same idea as before. Mind drop #43 will be posted a few days before the update so be on the lookout for it.
Thank you guys so much for the patience and understanding. You've been awesome even when I've felt I didn't deserve it.
Love you guys and I'll talk to you soon

(Also, feel free to vent about the situation in the comments. You can complain about me, just try to keep it constructive and please don't insult other patrons, keep it about me and the game or I'll have to remove your post.)
(The update will be available to all tiers here on patreon and SS. As well as all former patrons through discord)




He's not going to release until his patreons go down lol. It was probably done in December 2021 when he first gave us a date of release. .. Gottta love capitalism.


BD do what u gotta go man. look after ur family and release it when its ready. dont worry about those haters who cant wait for an update. life is unpredictable so of course u may not meet ur deadlines. at least u let us know whats happening