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This is my 4th attempt at this post. My previous ones I rambled and tried to explain myself way too much and ended up deleting.

Long story short... reworking the timeline has been harder than I thought it would be.
It's a brand new style for me as I'm used to cramming days as full as I could possibly make them.
I'm having to find my own style in the new style and like anything else it's a skill that I have to hone and it takes a little bit of time to get it right.
This update has taken so long that the last thing I can do / want to do is put out a mid update that barely makes sense timeline wise.
A bad update is much worse than a delayed update at this point.

There's also an issue with switching to the new timeline as this is Day 10... but it's technically actually Day 31.
(Days 1-7 are becoming days 1-26 and Days 8-9 are becoming Days 27-30)
So this update is actually Days 31-35.
It's confusing, I know.

I'm moving forward with the new timeline. So all characters and events will refer to things as such. This includes events and everything.

But hey, it's not a major issue. Its only a matter of time until it's done and then I never have to touch it again. 😁

I have no reason to believe it won't be finished in March. It's sort of like a puzzle where you get stuck but as soon as you find where a piece goes everything quickly falls into place.
I'm just making this as a fail safe so I know the plan no matter what happens.

Day 10(31) is around 1400 renders long including the beta (It's by far the longest day after the redo, mainly due to me showing the process of a gameday so it can be assumed and not shown in future updates. It's also that long since I included scenes to make that gameday process more interesting 😎)
The rest (Days 32-35) are about 1000 renders long so the update in total is around 2200-2400 renders long.
I don't want to give exacts on the number of animations yet... but there's definitely a good amount of lewd things paced throughout it all.

Thank you guys so much for waiting. I truly am sorry but I honestly think this update will be worth the wait.  There's a lot of things that happen that have been being set up for a long time and I can't wait to show you guys.
I know many of you will be upset with me and I accept that. I've been far from perfect but my goal is to make this update be the best it can be because that matters more than a few days or weeks at this point. So I hope you can at least somewhat understand where I'm coming from.

But, just for my own sanity so I can turn the part of my brain off that stresses about this. I want to ask you guys something.
IN THE EVENT it isn't out in March. (like I said, it should be and I fully believe it will but incase it isn't.) Which update path should I take?
(Day 10(31) is finished. I'm happy with it, it's the rest of the update that's giving me some fits. Day 31 is about half of everything and is still a good sized update on its own.)
Once again, this is just so I have a failsafe plan in case anything goes wrong. Something I wish I would've had many times before.



I absolutely love this game. I know BD has gone through a lot over the last two years and he deserved all of the benefit of the doubt that was given to him. Now, though, I am afraid that this is beginning to feel a little Icstor-ey. There are some clear differences, of course. BD has paused payments several times, and we at least get some communication from him, but it feels like every step forward is followed by two steps back delaying the release for some reason or another. Even now, it has been nearly 10 days since we last heard from him. There have been times he has gone much, much longer. I'd feel better about the lack of updates if we had more consistent communication. Even the last line of this update said "Once again, this is just so I have a failsafe plan in case anything goes wrong." Well, March ends on Thursday. Has something gone wrong, or does he plan for it to come out in the coming days still? A small update like that would be beneficial. At some point, I feel like BD should just release what he has to stop himself from being his own worst enemy. So long as there isn't a crazy game breaking glitch, we're most likely going to love it regardless of the minor imperfections that only he notices or sees. Also, if the week-one redo is making so many changes as to impact the overall timeline of the game, maybe he should stop making future updates, following this one, and focus exclusively on week one to make the game coherent and flow as he wants to. It may make the future updates easier for him.


So I respect and understand the results of the poll, but I would feel remiss if I didn't explain my thoughts. I also recognize that it's too late to influence any change in the poll, but I didn't want to post a knee-jerk reaction. Normally I would agree with waiting for the complete update, but I think that the best option currently would be to release something before the end of the month. I could be wrong, but I think that that no one would be upset to have something to play. I think that it would also be a reassuring step after some understandable delays, and would help ease any growing pressure. Anyways, love the game, and do what you think is best.