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Yo! It's been an insanely busy week and today has been no exception so this will be a quick and easy mind drop.

Game / Dev related stuff:

- This week was the first time in a while I had to remake a scene and it is one that will be in the beta. It was a simple issue of me just not being happy with the lighting in a scene so luckily it was an easy fix.

Renders made this prior week:

New - 41 renders and 0 animations
New (remade) - 61 renders and 0 animations
Week 1 redo - 79 renders and 0 animations
Renders per day - 30.1
(Only 6 days have passed since the last mind drop. Very good rpd this week but it is helped by the remade renders not requiring a ton of new posing.)

Personal related stuff:

- I've been stressing really hard about the big upcoming thing in my life. While it's not super close yet... It's getting closer and closer. And I'm making the decision to not talk about it anymore after this post. It's a part of my life that I don't really want to share on here.
In a way I wish I was more open to talking about it because I could go further in depth with a lot of my recent decision making but it is what it is.

Change to first beta date:

- It's moving from October 12th to October 15th at 3pm EST.
There's a reason that I sadly can't share until later but it's not an issue concerning the game itself. It's just a date that works much better for me. This date won't move again. I promise.

And just as another reminder. This will be a smaller BETA release, meaning everything in it is subject to change and it isn't meant to be consumed as a normal game update. The stop times aren't clean and it likely won't be a super satisfying play all the time.
It's simply for those that want to see that immediate progression and for those that also like to help test for the game. These releases are liable to be buggy although I'll do what I can to prevent it.
If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea then I would advise to either wait for a few betas to pile up as they will be a common thing or wait for the full game update which will be days 10-14.

10/15 (Tier 4) 10/22 (Tier 3) 10/25 (Tiers 1-2)

Random previous Birthday render:

Okay, apologies for the short mind drop!
Thank you all so much for everything.
Love you guys <3



I definitely understand your choice to keep private regarding this new change in your life. As for the change of the beta, no problem there. That day will have affected you anyway if you were working in a shop or office.


How do I take part in the beta? Or will it be a post here like an update?

Sol The Destroyer

A great TLDR mind drop. Effective and to the point. No need to apologise. Keep up the good work. We are with you bud. Solidarity.


Good stuff BD, take care of yourself

Wild Bill

I think I recognise the girl behind Penny there, she's the one from TV isn't she? She's going to get her wish to meet our dude, eh? I'm really looking forward to when we meet Yellow too, she's gorgeous.

Crowangel Gaming

I'm really impressed and happy with this games progression, i'll be honest (because thats what you need) the early opinion wasnt great when i first started playing.. mostly due to the girl's faces.. however at the point im at now (Mc Gf and Shauna's 'chill time' in Rachaels office) my opinion has been 180'd.. i hope this is a project that can go for many many years as the story is pretty dam great and its good to see a avn actually follow through on the set up of a sports team for a change instead of glossing over it.. as said before id love to see more intimacy shots where you can feel the passion between mc and the choosen girl by seeing them together (give the mc a voted on face that everyone can somewhat agree on) to allow you to give scenes many have come to expect but also potential scenes that will elevate the emotional depth of a simple kiss between two characters instead of just feeling that your having a tongue stuck out at you lol..

Crowangel Gaming

this might have already been answered or asked but will you ever be doing any 'away from campus' style stories such as spring break or any of the other college life stuff.. im from the uk so my knowledge is limited to movies lol but regardless it might be fun to see those care free mini breaks especially with a group of characters that you could say yay or noy as to who wants to come along

Crowangel Gaming

Sorry if this seems like spam posting but ive just reached the night of the bowling event.. Holy Shit!! my 180 turn around on this from my initial opinion has been blown so far outta the water.. You truly TRULY have a great project here.. one i hope that will go long term.. It took me so long to give this avn a chance based on my opinions on early work BUT if ANYBODY even doubts the work of this avn like i did then your a fool.. Its not as shiny as being a dik.. its not as as cinematic as summer gone But you know what.. GOOD.. it doesnt need to be as it is clearly writing its own well deserved legacy..and FK me this guy and his team can craft a gripping story.. If your in doubt.. DONT.. you will be truly amazed if you give this avn the chance.. and for the love of progress.. Be a sub.. dont cheat this developer out of much deserved funds to further this Original and Worthwhile story


Trust me when I say that i feel strongly about this game it's the only one I've joined here and to be clear I'm 61, disabled, and on medicare and I'm a member! Keep in mind the game is still only 11 days into the start of collage for MC and his extended family I'm sure there's still a lot of content to go before spring break comes. I wouldn't be surprised if the MC doesn't join the game and make a huge last minute save at great risk to himself and the team's standing he's just that sort of guy. Besides, I'd say the pool party is a good way to say he's got his own "spring break" 24/7 lol. I've recently acquired a 3D printer and I would love to be able to print out models of the main characters once I've learned how to use it well ;)

Luca Zipfel

so... should be online, right?

Ploot Ploot

I was wondering the same, if the beta was announced or anything...


It will be uploaded later tonight :)

Ploot Ploot

Thanks BD for all of your hard work!!