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Gonna keep it simple this week as it's been an insanely busy one for me. So let's get into it. 😁

Game / Dev related stuff:

- Strange but solid week. Ran into a few issues with Daz crashing on specific scenes constantly and some other random annoying stuff but it is what it is.

- Last week I mentioned my feelings on adding music to WVM. Which upset a few people so I just wanted to quickly clarify I was only talking about my specific situation with WVM. Of course there are games that absolutely kill it with its music and that's awesome. I just don't have the skill or the interest in learning the skill to make it a worthwhile time investment.

Renders made this prior week:

New - 73 renders and 1 animation
Week 1 redo - 65 renders and 0.5 animations
Renders per day - 19.7
(Coming just shy of the goal but I'm still happy with it because I did run into issues and I was more focused on script work this week.)

Personal related stuff:

- Not a very interesting week, just a busy one. So nothing to really share. 😊

Upcoming Content:

Birthday renders for Willow - (Soon after this post) Yellow - (October 5th) (Tiers 1-4, Discord only)

5 renders for Willow and 2 renders for Yellow.

Monthly render set - (Later tonight) (Tiers 2-4)

Had issues with some of the renders from the prior month's set. So it is coming out tonight and the poll for this month's will be sometime next week. As always feel free to send me suggestions on what you'd like to see as options.

Rachael client poll - 10/05 (Tiers 1-4)

So, we're working with a Norwegian black metal band's frontwoman. I've already started making her but she won't be ready for this week's poll so we'll start with polling her overall personality.

First beta - 10/12 (Tier 4) 10/19 (Tier 3) 10/22 (Tiers 1-2)

200-ish renders. Starting small but betas will be a common thing.

Random previous Birthday render:

I feel bad sometimes for not showing more content / renders. But I hate potentially spoiling things at the same time. So just to flare these up a bit I may incorporate some previous bday renders from time to time.
(Bday renders are just simple images of that specific character that usually incorporates some theme that goes along with the person.)

That's all for this week. I'm gonna go get back to work. 😁
As always, thank you all so much for everything.
Love you guys <3

Poll of the week:

Something I've been wondering about is how people feel about renaming characters in these types of games. Do you prefer when there's an option for each character or would you like all names to be set already? Or something in between?

(Poll will not decide anything on how I handle naming characters in WVM. I'm just curious on how people feel about it.)



Honestly I just like to change the MC name in most games I play but for other names it gets difficult like thinking of good names for the girls so I keep them default unless I don't like their name

Daniel Whittaker

Sometimes I feel default names don't fit their faces so I change main character names. Don't care about side characters though


If there are names given by the author, I don't usually change them unless they're obviously placeholders. There are multiple reasons for this, the most important one is I feel the author has spent some time and made up their mind on how to name characters to match what they think matches their characters. A more technical reason is: Once a game gets bigger, aduult game authors usually struggle with distinguishing where to put a variable and where not. It super bugs me when you read 100 passages with the name you entered and then out of nowhere the character is suddenly called by a completely different name (probably the default the author made up)


I'll usually keep default names, but I really like the option to change the names on characters for if a character ever has the same name as one of my IRL family members


MC is a must, I need the immersion factor. And I like the fact that girls use my name. What I'd really like to see is a check that the new MC name is not already used and automatically rename that other character. I know it'd be more coding. But I've had games before where I have used my name (Tom), only to have another character use it too and the girls say "Tom is a jerk, but Tom is great." Not a big problem, but as a coder, I always thought it'd be something that could be dealt with.


I usually just rename the MC. In the past when I have renamed other characters I almost always ended up using a same name as another NPC. That gets confusing and annoying.


Oh, and also, if someone asks for names for characters, they should have a picture, and relationship shown. I've picked names that I later regretted because I thought the character would be someone else in story.


When given a choice, I usually leave the name for anyone besides the MC alone (too much chance of name duplication), but sometimes you run into a name (and/or spelling) that you hate, so I like having the option.

Wild Bill

I was going to say that myself lol. It's pretty trivial to do, but I don't think I've ever actually seen it done.

Wild Bill

I only ever rename the MC, use default names for the girls if there are any. The biggest thing I have to say about default names is don't forget to use the default keyword on the input function. It's there for a reason.

Gary Hempel

I like to change the mc name. And sometimes the main LI names but at least mc

Romen Martin

I change the MC name and if theres like 3 girls that get renamed then them as well but considering the number of possible girls in your game I think it would be best to leave as are


I like to be called by my actual name. I may change others (given the chance) if they clash with real people I know.


I never use my own name in these games, and hate having to come up with an alternative name if there's no default. It really breaks the immersion for me. It's also a pain if there's already another character with the same name I've chosen for the MC who gets introduced 2 hours into the game!


I have the same name for the MC in all games, not mine, but it's an alter ego I used on some (adult) sites as username. This as my real name always get censored, btw officially Dick69 today. So I want a name change on MC as a possibility. For the others is it not important, even if one of my daughters name is so common that it's used in many games. Don't react to that.


I have to say, the main is a must, but it's fun to be able to name a couple of the main side characters like Jamie or Shawna. But the MC is a must and since this is a solo act by you, I say keep like it is or just the MC. Don't make more work for yourself.


How about renaming for all, either you will like the name of some character or you will set your own... But the change of name for MC is a must be 😋 All the best Braindrop 💪😘


It's always a toss up for me personally MC is a big yes &amp; usually if I can name the main characters that's always a Bonus but if I cant it oh well. also makes it easier not to forget names and makes me want to be in there lives more

Crab Shack

The big issue with names is.. it limits what you can do with it. You can't rhyme the name, make puns on the name, have people misspell or mispronounce the name. It can be limiting

Derp McDerp

I think it creates a weird issue if you can rename the non-MC characters because the creator obviously has names in mind for each of them. How do you do updates on characters if my name I typed in is different? I might remember one or two original names before I changed them but definitely not more than that.


I prefer to rename the MC. I think it makes the game more personal. As for other characters, I like the option. For example (I know she was your first char. and this may be blasphemy) I renamed Azel, Paula. I just couldn't live with name and thought she looked like a Paula.. Usually I keep the original name's (other than MC) but It's nice to have the option.


I’d like to have the option to rename the characters, I usually only change the names when I can think of the a name that suits the characters otherwise I just use the default name


I think a nice down the middle option is to offer a change screen in game or in the options while playing. It should show default names at minimum but preferably pictures too. Then people could rename characters based on preference, appearance, taste, etc. I can understand how this would detract from the purpose of the polls and your original creative story. The way the current game is, works for me and I'm happy with it. However I usually think having the option as being a good thing.

Daniel M

Renaming the MC is a must for me. I will not even play a VN if the MC has a set name. Renaming the rest of the characters is optional. Nice to have but if not it is no big deal.


Yes for MC and the main characters.

Crowangel Gaming

i think everyone playing a male mc names it after themselves\or a pseudonym anyway so a male mc in these games having a custom name we choose is a must.. for females playing as the male mc i wouldnt assume to guess but there is always a personal fav name many would give a haracter there using be it in a console rpg game like fallout or a avn featuring a female lead.. i think everyone more or less likes having things they can personally make their own but its non essential for me to have the sub characters and interactive characters nameable.. only as a potential way to increase the personal feel to the project as your replaying it for a multiple time for a different outcome

Crowangel Gaming

i know its not on topic and I'll be honest at the point of writing this im still early into the game/avn so my opinion may be changed or answered at a later date further into the story.. But Are there any plans, if not already implemented to give the MC a face.. it would mean better scenes when considering interaction with the girls and sometimes the girl puckering up shots just feel bad.. where as showing the full emotion of the impact of the kiss between the two individuals would add to the feel and depth of the moment.. especially when its a passionate embrace moment