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Yo, how's it going everyone?

I have some good and bad news.
The format is a bit screwed up as I haven't really had the chance to be a dev this week. 😁
So I'll just stick to a few bullet points of info that you guys should know

- Gonna get this in real quick since there's been a large increase in these two questions

If you're a patron and want to join the discord, all you have to do is connect your discord to your patreon account at https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps

And if you're looking for the most recent update (a few months ago):

- Incase you missed the previous post I will be pausing pledges for both March and April. Meaning if you're a patron you will not be charged on the 1st of April or the 1st of May. If you're an annual patron then you'll have an extra 2 months tacked on before you'd have to pay again.
(This is for anticipation of the new release schedule as well as another month since I wasn't able to deliver the update in the timeframe I had laid out due to the issue with my eyes)

- Speaking of my eyes I am doing very well. I'm pretty much back to normal with very few moments of pain / irritation. The only things that still fuck me up a bit is when it's too bright outside or when I use a screen / read.
I've "tested" myself a bit here and there by trying to work here and there and each time I do it sets me back. The first 10-15 minutes are fine, but anything past that and my eyes start getting irritated and they'll hurt for a few hours. I haven't tried to push it any further because I'm afraid of waking up how I did last Monday in a lot of pain.
Admittedly I'm super frustrated about it because I genuinely enjoy making the game and I haven't been able to do much of that at all these past two weeks. Especially since I feel fine until I do it, it's super annoying.

- So with that, the update remains in limbo. It has been 11 days since it was meant to be released and every day I grow a bit more frustrated and it's to a point where I feel it's interfering with me getting better since I've spent so much time stressing about it.
That's entirely my fault as I continue to promise a "few more days" as that is what I was really hopeful would happen. Especially when eye docs continually told me it "won't take long to heal".
It's to the point where the full day 9 release is only a few weeks away. And I'm left thinking if I should just take the time to heal up and focus on that update or if I should have this one out as soon as I can.
I haven't yet decided, and it'll  likely come down to how I feel in the next few days.

- The Alanah poll will be sometime tomorrow and will run until next Tuesday, and then that poll will run into the Monday after it to fix the schedule of it without having a short poll.

- And if you're curious who the winner of the nude render set poll was... well...

It's a three way tie for 5th! (5th place wins not 1st)
I originally was going to do a runoff poll for the three but I have another idea for the render set. It will be out probably a day or two after the full day 9 release.

- Gonna stuff this in here as I don't want to make a big deal of it. (Was originally going to put this in the "plan for the future" post that will be out soon... and maybe still will be included but idk)
But I've been keeping a secret for a few months and it's been tough and it's also what's fueled my decisions as of late but... I'm going to be a father. And while it's scary I'm super fucking pumped for it. It's why I've put such an emphasis on the future and my schedule. (Also another reason why I'm taking this eyesight thing super duper seriously) 😊

- I don't remember the exact number but the update would be around 592 renders and the Bailey redone scene had about 100 added on. But if I just focus on the rest of Day 9 update then that number hikes up a good bit 😊

- I'll likely have another unmarked post like the recent "yo" about what I decide to do regarding the update

I believe that's all I have to comment on right now. And I am truly sorry for the issues with delaying the update. I do feel shitty about the situation but I can't feel shitty about doing wat's best for my own health. If that makes sense. It's super frustrating for me and I'm sure it's frustrating for you as well.
I'm not here to try to fuck you over or anything like that, I'm trying to do best for myself, my family, and you guys. And I do understand the shittiness of the situation. I pause my pledges and I try to do things to make up for it but I know it doesn't change the situation.
And just because I think it needs to be said based off some recent messages I've received, you guys do not owe me a single thing. If you're not happy with how things are being handled or anything at all then please don't pledge until you are happy with things. I am not entitled to a single dollar of yours. You guys work fucking hard for your money and I know it and I'm not here to try and take it from you. I'm just here to make a fun game. 😊

And of course I'm fucking grateful for all of you, patrons or not. I'm still just stoked people like playing my game.
And I am still super overwhelmed by all of the support. In a way it makes these low moments harder because it never feels good to let people down but it is what it is and I'm lucky to have such an understanding and chill community.
So needless to say I fucking love you guys <3
And I'll talk to you soon. 😊

(Fuck I selected text post at the start instead of poll post and it fucks up the format of everything and my eyes are already irritated so sadly no poll this week. Oops)



Rigged... Also Jamie eating a giant donut! And congrats BrainPapa!


It's fine I can't wait for the update and congrats on being a father


Take care of yourself. You’ve canceled April and May and there are plenty of creators that wouldn’t have even done April. Should just rest up. Everybody can see how much you put into this game, it shows so much. Just focus on getting better, we will live!


so either we get a threesome for the renders or you count them all as the 3rd place and we get a Mackenzie set, either way I'm happy, just get better first... and congratulations! :P


Congrats to you and your fiancée on the pregnancy. I hope you guys find as much enjoyment in this as so many others so. 😊


Congratulations my dude. Everyone here is more than fine waiting for good things. Don't stress.


Congratulation BD. Take care of yourself and your family first the update can wait until you aren't risking your eyes.


Congrats BD. My friend is actually having the same problem as you. He recently just moved from a house that was wetter than normal houses and moved to a dry area. He bought a humidifier and it has helped him a lot. I don't know if you've tried that.


First off, congrats on being an upcoming father! That being said, remember, your health and well being comes first before the game. How can any of us expect you to make the game when your eyes, one of the most important aspects of our lives, is messed up? Just get better and make it up to us by getting well and crushing day 9. You've already paused pledges out of respect and it's something I think we all appreciate and give you the respect back. Focus on your health, your family, friends, then whatever else is important to you and yours, then the game or work. Time is precious but so is our health. They intertwine so much without us realizing it until we feel robbed of one or the other or even both. Put both of them to good use Braindrop. You'll need them well beyond this game. You'll need it for your family even more than yourself. But don't fret. You've got this! Sorry for the long comment. I couldn't help myself and I haven't commented on any of your posts in a while. And this seemed like a good one to do it on. Have a good rest of your evening or day whenever you read this.


Congratulations on being a father!


Congrats Braindad! 🎉👶🙂


Congratulations man and take the time to heal we all can wait for the next update of the game, all we ask is you take care of yourself and your family get well soon.


First off, congrats! Secondly, at this point I am more than fine with waiting however much longer it ends up being to get the full day 9 release. Just take care of your health and your family, most of us will still be here when day 9 final is ready (if that’s the route you decide to take).

Richard salas

I can’t wait for the update to release I’ll stay pledged and just wait and congratulations on being a father I’m 31 and I hope some day I can be a father I’m happy for you and your family and stay safe as well


Congrats on being a father! You already know that some of the baby clothing has to have the WVM logo, right? :)


Congratulations on your upcoming fatherhood 🎉👶


Congrats. btw did you see an optometrist or an ophthalmologist? you might need an ophthalmologist. I hope your eyes get better soon.

Ray Provencher (Razor McBlade)

Congratulations! That's wonderful news. As for your eyes, I continue to wish you a speedy and healthy recovery. We all know that life happens and I am sure I speak for many when I say that we are absolutely fine waiting while you heal. We know the update will be out as soon as it's ready. No matter. How long it takes, we'll still be here. You get better first. Thank you for always updating us.


Congratulations! Fatherhood does add stresses, but the meaning and purpose it adds to your life will be the best thing that ever happens to you. Trust me. Also, never apologize for taking care of your health. As much as we love the girls, real life takes precedence.


U are probaly one of fee if not the ONLY ONE that ve ever never paised pledges on patreon and im gratufll of that, bcs it mean u re an honest one ac u care! There are other dev that dont even make a post in a year or an update of game thats frustrating! In any way u ve to apologize for ur healt even if its ur fault, bcs its ur life. If anyone say something agaisnt ur honesty and healt status its just a big villain and a douchebag. Ur recent healt stat is probably fault if ur workalcolich and the new weather where u ve moved. Stay away from pc untill u get ur health back. Since u love ur work and probably cant do the last if u want entrtratain ur self and us maybe u can made some pool quiz game 😁😄 just work text question on paper and then write it on monitor all at once. Last thing... In 90s there was those yellow panel filter to put on monitor to save eyes from screen brightness and tone upspike and downspike.... U ve probably to try one. Thanks for reading have a nice day &lt;3 Sky


Dude take as long as you need to get your eyes fixed! Without your eyes life is exponentially harder and this game, while excellent, is not worth doing permanent harm to them! Especially now with you being a soon to be father! Now rest up so you can be there for your Fiancé when she wants pickles and ice cream my guy! Also congrats on the pregnancy you seem like a genuine person so I believe you will be a great dad! Get better!


Congrats on the baby man and be sure to take care of yourself.


Put the pc into nightlight to reduce blue light and that shouldn’t effect your eyes as much


That’s awesome news BD, congrats on becoming a dad, take all the time you need to get better and to get the update out.


Congratulations on becoming a father. As a dad of two kids I can definitly imagine how excited you are. Since you seem to be a great and honest Person I'm 100% sure you will be a great dad! Until then, enjoy the time with your fiancee, pregnancy is a nice time as well. As of the game: Take your time and get healthy first.


Congrats on the baby news... I do think it's hilarious how you throw that news into the middle of the post and then just move on.


Congrats! And I agree with everyone else. Your health and life comes first! Have you considered maybe hiring someone to help? Just someone that could help take some of the stress off you and your eyes and could help with the rendering or various other aspects?


Congratulations BD! that's big news indeed 😁 Don't worry about the updates, health and family come first so focus on getting better and hey if it fits better with just aiming for the full day 9 instead then go for it 🤗👍

Daniel M

Congrats on becoming a father!


First OMG...a baby brain? baby drop? baby braindrop? anyway congratulations on that. Second I was so looking forward to todays release, but health is way more important. Also just finish day 9 final no need to try and squeeze 2 updates in 3 weeks. I can wait tomorrow is April 1st .... trout season so I'll be busy fishing any way :) Anyway again congratulations on being a father.

The Curator

Congrats on becoming a father! Marvelous news!

Derp McDerp

Just my two cents, but I would rather you take a week or two break off to totally rehab your eyes rather than risk resetting the issue by dipping your toes back in. Your vision is not something you should fuck with. I don't care about deadlines, this isn't an organizational issue, it's a health one. Take the time writing structure down on paper maybe if that helps but rehab them peepers yo


I have to agree, your vision is way more important. You don't want this problem to turn chronic. you can lose months not a couple of weeks. Your eyes are weak right now, don't push it. if you have to get a bigger screen so you sit back farther then do it. You will be away from the radiation and you will have a different focal point. I have had a big screen TV as my monitor for the last several years, it works great and I sit across the room with no eyestrain.


Congrats about the fatherhood and don´t worry about us internet pervs. Your health is so much more important. Take care :D


If your vision don't come back, it can be worse and lose the game. I do prefer that you heal instead. Have you try to use a blue screen setting not too bright ? Might help you adjusting a little by little.

Dreamlab Studio

OMG, congrats to you and your lady on the news of the little one. That's some really incredible news and while I can only imagine the fear and joy you must be feeling (I'm not a Dad myself) I know it's going to be a wonderful addition to your life. Make sure to take care of yourself and you lady.




Congrats! Hope your eyes keep on improving. If it takes some time then so be it, you have to put your health first!

Michael Michelsen

Congrats on fatherhood :) I'm so happy for you.


Congrats on fatherhood! As my Mom used to say, "I hope you have a kid just like you." LOL


Congrats mate, to you both

Richard salas

Am I still pledged if you pause pledges because when I check your page it says become a member but it doesn’t say that with other creators I’m pledged with?


I love the game, but seriously, the "5th place wins not first" is a real kick in the balls. Its like saying "thanks for telling me who you guys really want to see, but fuck you I'm gonna do someone else that no one really wants and who you've probably already seen naked anyway, because you voted for someone whos never been shown nude and I'm not gonna give you that." I am usually the first to say, hey, its the dev's game, he can do what he wants, but If you don't really give a damn about what we vote, and are just going to do your own thing anyway, then don't toy with us, just stop doing polls.




LMAO, "5th place wins not first" is a real kick in your ego's balls.... what that says, is the Dev wants to see which of the lesser characters is rising in popularity, so he'll let the stats to determine the winner, not your EGO (or manipulating statement)