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Yo, a bit of a weird mind drop this week. If you missed my other post I've been dealing with some issue with my eyes. I had originally planned to have a long mind drop where I talked about my perspective on the update schedule change and some other cool stuff but since I can only look at a screen for a few minutes at a time I'll save that for next week when I'm hopefully feeling better.
I'll update on my eyes down below but first the normal mind drop structure.

Game / dev related stuff:

- Turns out you need working eyes to be a game dev. 😁

- Update will be out ASAP but it will be a few more days. No exact timeline as I had honestly hoped my eyes would be back to normal by now. Check out the earlier post to see why the update isn't ready yet.

- Due to the additional days I'll pull another homie move and bump the update to 600 renders mainly because I feel shitty about this situation, especially since it was easily avoidable. (The pause for April is still a thing if things take any longer)

Renders made this prior week:

(Since my eyes were fucked for almost all of last week I didn't get to render much. But I did have some animations already made that I've been rendering through)
New - 24 renders and 4 animations
Week 1 redo - 10 renders and 7 animations

Personal related stuff:

- Well, since the update on my eyes is pretty much going over my week then I'll just use this section for that.
I'll just start from Friday, I spent most of my day just laying in bed with my eyes closed. Sadly I'm a bit addicted to screens, it's where I get 95% of my entertainment from. So I have slipped up a bit and I've used discord or watched twitch streams in small increments. I've used my eye drops as often as I'm supposed to and I've followed all the other things the doc told me but things weren't getting much better.
I've noticed my eyes slightly get better throughout the day and just turn to shit after I wake up and reset everything.
And Saturday was pretty much the same thing.
Same goes for Sunday... except Sunday night I was feeling considerably better and I tried to get some work done. I worked pretty well for around 2-3 hours while taking breaks where I needed them. I worked until my eyes started to get pretty irritated so I went to bed and... Monday morning was by far the worst it's been yet. I could do nothing but lay in bed with my eyes shut and it still hurt a fuck ton. My eyes were so dry and they burned so much. It was bad enough to where my fiancee took the day off of work to make sure I was okay.
Luckily I already had an appointment with a new eye doc at 3pm that day so I just waited until then.
This eye doc was much more professional and actually listened to me 😁
It was a much better experience but sadly he didn't tell me much that I didn't already know.
He said the reason my eyes fucked up could be pretty much anything. He said he didn't think it was anything the other eye doc did except maybe the eye exam irritated my eyes further, which is possible because I do remember my eyes being pretty strained after I had lights shined in them a bunch. I also came home after the dilation and tried to work through the blurriness which probably strained them further.
He told me since my eyes are worse in the morning that I should use this lubricative eye drop before bed and wake up after 4 hours and use them again. And the obvious which is to not do anything that irritates my eyes.  
So my plan is to not look at a screen for the next two days. I'm just going to chill in a dark room and do the minimum I have to do because I don't really like the idea of this becoming a normal thing.
If things aren't better after two days I'd probably schedule another appointment.
I'll probably just start a fresh rewatch... I mean relisten of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and lay in bed and listen to it since I've seen it so many times through that I can think of what it looks like as I hear it. 😁
So yeah... I'll be silent for a few days. I'll update on discord after the two days and let you guys know how I'm doing.
Oh and I also bought a pair of blue light glasses that I'll use from here on out after I feel better.

But yep, that's it for me. Once again shout outs to my fiancee and speech to text programs.
Talk to you all soon. Love you guys <3

Poll: Which of the current or former cheerleaders do you think could beat the rest of the cheerleaders in a fist fight? 



since Elizabeth was kind of a mean girl in high school i think she would put on a good fight

Karolis Kupetys

Drop pic in Discord of your glasses man :)


If it was about who would get in a fist fight I would of said emiko... But sadly it's not


You can also listen to audio books, to rest your eyes


I voted for Bailey (duh) not because I think she would win but because BB and I apparently exist in the WVM game world I would send her to fight in her mommy's place and she'd wipe the floor with every last one of the squad.... Meta FTW :D


Focus on your health man, don't worry about the update. We need you to be able to see more than an update. Thrilled to see a Stacy teaser pic, I can't wait to see her in the suit.

Kenneth Campbell

I was mixed. I saw Jasmine and thought yeah she could and then I thought Liz had the same sort of physical size and I went damn. Eventually I picked Liz over Jasmine and Zoe because they was too much of a lover over the fighter. That said I think all the girls would rip anyone that hurt the MC to shreds.


With SB sat giggling maniacally in the corner freaking everyone else out! 😉😜


I hope you start to get better with your eyes, sucks there messing GG up and your not able to look at a screen for to long


Yeah probably ur doc have right, u need to lube ur eyes periodiclly like a gear n oil 🤣 and stay in dark side of the drop😅😁 anyway u re a bit too mutch work addicted and we like it but as other said.. take ur time and rest, i also may suggest to keep the lube liquid around for future, i also suggest when u ll be at work to make 15min pause every x time of work to avoid similar situation in future. Take care of ur self! 😊♥️

Wild Bill

The blue-light glasses sound like a good idea, just don't forget to take them off while rendering. They'll be fine for writing and coding, but we don't want all your renders coming out blue, now do we? 😉


( Wow, didn't expect that ), I pretty much had a hunch that it was either going to be Elizabeth or Jasmine, so, instead of choosing just one of the two, I'll pick both Elizabeth AND Jasmine.

Dreamlab Studio

I feel like a parent saying "Take care of yourself and don't push to hard to soon!!!" :D Checking out a good audio book is an excellent way to rest your eyes so you aren't even tempted to look at a screen. My suggestion is The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Amazing story and the readers for the audio book are excellent and do the entire series of books. I hope you get well soon!


I went with Liz simply because her family history. She may be soft and submissive to the MC, but I think she could kick ass with other.


Not sure if they would help, but might want to check out those new blue light screen glasses. Could ask your optometrist about them.


Physically, Elizabeth would take them all out, but really, Bailey would win because she'd just make puppy dog eyes and no one could throw a punch at her.


He says he got some right at the bottom of the post..."Oh and I also bought a pair of blue light glasses that I'll use from here on out after I feel better."


I am truely sorry. I supported through everything but another push back is giving me way to many flashbacks of M City. I Supported through personal issues and what not, was even okay with changing the schedule yet again, but yet another push back for another reason? I just can not spend money with no return. I wish you the best and hope everything goes well for you and this VN as it is/was one of the best out there.

justin van mierlo

i get you man, life though and we all have to work for our honest pay. but to be fair, he said he won`t charge anybody if it is not out. so your not paying again. because he pauses it if it aint out. and no bad feelings if you dont want to anymore. but do you really want to lose acces to this game? because i sure as hell want to play the second its out.


Jasmine's a softy. She barely even got mad at her BF neglecting her, just got sad. She's a sweetie like Bailey that needs TLC.


Dev - Did anyone test your blood sugar?


Just mind blue-light glasses, since officially ophthalmologists associations state there are no scientifically proven benefits in such glasses. They do even say that eyes are not irritated or tired strictly because of blue light, but simply because of digital devices/displays overuse.


This. The only real benefit to blue light filtering is more to lessen the effect it has on the brain's sleep processes. Blue light is the most inhibitive of the brain's ability to produce melatonin. So basically blue light breaks your brain, not your eyes.