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Sorry for this being up so late... it's been a busy day. But here it is! On another Wednesday.
Not a lot to share this week so not a super long post by any means.😊

Game related stuff:

- I won't be setting a public release date for either of the releases this month.
I'd like to tweak some things with the scenes in these updates that I've grown unhappy with. (Mainly lighting)
It's hard to judge time frames for touch up content so updates will be somewhat random this month but there should still be two... just closer to the end of the month than I'd like them to be.

- Updated / New character sheets are almost finished. (Will include things excluded last time like age and birthdays)

- Teasers for the week 1 redo will be shown in early March. (15-20 teasers mainly from days 1-3)

Dev related stuff:

- Computers / Daz continue to be nightmares
It's been a week plagued by constant crashing... which is a huge bummer when the scenes I'm working on take 15-20+ minutes to load. But hey, it's part of the job. 🤷‍♂️

- It's about time to start looking for someone to help out with some artwork... namely logos for other teams and a few other things. As this is definitely not where my skill set shines brightest. 😁

Personal related stuff:

- Not a lot to add from the personal side of things. I've been rather reserved this week and haven't done a lot outside of spending time with family and working on WVM. I've been in one of those funks where I haven't been very sociable outside of family for some reason... but at least it leads to a lot of work getting done.

- Updated WPM progress:
(Base) Two fingers: 71 WPM
Properly: 60 WPM (Started at 49)

Ruby and Moon:

I said I'd give you an update last week. This is where Ruby and Moon currently stand.
I haven't messed with them much this week as I felt I was falling behind by spending too much time on it so they aren't final yet. But it's nearing that point.

So I guess that does it for this week!
As always thank you guys for all you do for me. None of this is possible without you guys.
I'll hopefully have more to share next week. 😊
Love you guys <3

POLL: At this current point in the story, which of these characters do you trust the LEAST?
p.s. if you need a reminder check out the character sheets from Day 6: https://www.patreon.com/posts/character-sheet-37412486



I need an all of the above choice for this poll. I don't trust any of them. Katie wins my vote but the rest are very close. If I have to be told by multiple characters to trust someone that just makes me trust them even less looking at you Belle and Katie. Tia seems to show up at the wrong times to make me think she is up to something. Lauren could have used the information she learned about the MC in their sessions to help build trust for Belle, but hey I look way past what is in front of me in the story. Lee and Mackey I kind of trust but hey they were on the team last year so maybe they are in on whatever Ryker was doing too.


If you need someone to help you run your renders I would be happy to help. I'm currently building out a new render computer. but my current one is not bad. A 1080ti and 2080ti used to run Ptolemy's stuff. when he was making 4 games a month. The crashing is just part of Daz's "charm"

Red Claw

This poll is quite difficult to aswer. My gut feeling always says, that I always trust the girls as they are harem potential. At the same time Mackey / Lee aren't really good choices either. We can't any more teammates go awol, because MC needs to do succesfull in the games and that only works with a functioning team. To many traitors among the team would significantly harm the teams success. So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Willabelle seems genuine, although she might have other intentions. But her intentions aren't malicious I think. No reasonb to distrust Tia. She's eager, but that's it. Lauren seems a bit conservative, but not malicious. Only her being in this poll might me question her intentions a bit. So I voted Katie for the sole rerason she is part of Rykers family. Although I trust her, there's a little doubt about her, which is more than with the others.

Juan Vasquez

I can honestly say, ruby and moon look fake af. 100% cartoon looking.

Echo CT-1409

Tia seems genuine, she shows up at odd times though. We don't need more traitors in the team so that rules out Mackey and Lee. Belle seems genuine enough, Rachael isn't stupid she wouldn't just trust anybody. Lauren has done nothing but help Cedey and MC so far. Katie is the obvious choice purely based on her being related to Charles and Ryker but I can see her being loyal to MC.


I feel ya. But to be honest, makeup does that to chicks in general. Regardless, this version does look better than the previous ones imo.


Think if Ruby's hair looked more natural then it'd be good to go. Feel like Lee could be relative somehow to Kenji or tie in with Damien somehow, my vote went to him.

Kenneth Campbell

Willabelle but only because she is the shortest term character so far.

Crab Shack

Ruby and Moon look great, good job


Oh Willow Oh Willow. How I wish to climb your tree and into your forest.


How could anyone vote for Willabelle here shes a doll


Trust the least I had to go with Katie. Let's just say guilt by association. Mackey, he's just a rich boy trying to skate by until he gets his money. Lee is just trying to find a good man to partner with and a bit of a slut. Not a fan of Ruby's new look, just off to me, maybe the shape of her face. Still better than I can/could do.


Regarding changes to Ruby, as Sir Mix Alot once said "Please don't lose that butt!".


I like all the character on the poll. I don't distrust any of them. Even if some of them might have their own purposes, I doubt they'd mean to harm another. Voted on Lauren based purely on her looks. I didn't vote on Mackey/Lee just to support the basketball team that is already side content.


Hard to pick one from that list, since at this point I do trust ALL of them, at least to some degree. We'll see what shakes out, though.


why is tia in the poll? tia is great &lt;3

colin r


colin r

Even looking at the character sheets I don't remember who Tia is...


I just have to ask why? I am truly wondering, I see her finally getting more life and freedom thanks much to Ethan, I don't see her intentionally trying to cause trouble to him or those around him, I could see her being naive and causing trouble but only if fooled.


I voted for Katie just because I feel like Mackey/Lee are being voted for just because they're the only guys on the list. I would hope if Ayden was an option he would have the lowest percent, but I doubt it.


think going to prison with the guy should earn some trust lol