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A rare Wednesday mind drop! I accidentally slept for way longer than intended yesterday and that's why this post is a bit behind.  I don't have a whole lot to talk about but there are a few things I should mention, so let's get into it. 😊

Game related stuff:

- Managed to get both releases out last month and that was cool but ideally they wouldn't have been both at the end of the month. The most ideal scenario is a release towards the first 7-10 days a month and a second around the 21st-23rd of the month.

- I'm working my way towards ideal but this will be another stepping stone month. The target for the next release is mid Feb with another one near the end of Feb.

- I'm considering putting out a few teaser images from the Week 1 redo soon. 

Dev related stuff:

- I have both a ton and nothing to talk about at the same time. Most of the in-progress things aren't ready to be publicly discussed yet and the other things I want to talk about I go more into down below! So, onto personal stuff.

Personal related stuff:

- It was awesome being able to take the time to spend with my grandpa without it being detrimental to the game. I love the new work system. It feels really nice when everything works, my life feels a lot less robotic and I feel more rejuvenated and creative than ever before.

- A fun fact about me is that I still type like a child. I only type with my index fingers. And it's not a big deal but I type a lot... and I've been having some hand pain and it's pretty obvious it's coming from typing with two fingers.
So I've been working on how to type properly and it's been tough to fight the muscle memory and I still catch myself trying to type with two all the time but I'm getting better about it.
I've been playing some typing games in my free time (It's fun to learn a skill that will help with productivity without it feeling like a chore) and I think it'll be fun to add my average WPM to these weekly posts to see how I improve over time.
Two fingers: 71 WPM
Properly: 49 WPM (It'd be a lot faster but I make a ton of mistakes still)

Okay... time for the other topic of this post. Changes:

(WIP, NOT FINAL)(1st before, 2nd after) (Ruby is more finalized than Moon)

Ruby and Moon are the most recent to be hit with the update bat.
Ruby was one of the first characters I made for WVM and I made it work for a while but with the upcoming pool party scene it made it very apparent that something had to change. She stood out and not in a positive way.
(Not the first instance of this happening but I tweaked other scenes for her)
At first I tried to tweak her a bit and fix some of the issues but the more I tweaked the more I realized it was time for a new model... and with Moon being her sister and having similar issues she needs changed as well.
It's hard to say exactly why but I think these new models fit the respective characters / personalities way more so than the previous as well.
(Another reminder, these are not final but they are the direction they're headed in. I'll tweak throughout the week and have an update for you in the next mind drop 😊)

Changes always bring up interesting topics and causes some to panic about more characters getting the update bat. So I want to be fully transparent and say that there are only two characters that may have some large changes in the future. Lauren (possible rework) and Katie (possible tweaks, not rework)(These are for similar reasons as Ruby and Moon) the other girls are safe.

If you hate the changes I'd say give it some time. There'll be tweaks and I think it'll grow on you.

That's all for this week! Thank you guys for everything.😊
I hope you all have amazing weeks and I'll see you soon, love you guys. <3

POLL: At this point in the story, who is your favorite classmate? (excluding those that live with the MC and cheerleaders)


Juan Vasquez

Come on guys, big girls need love too.

Juan Vasquez

The before looks more realistic than the after


Nice update. I like Ruby and I'm sure when Moon is finally reworked she will be just as great. I'm glad for you that you are doing better with the updates. Well, good work and keep it up. :)


In my opinion i think the old ruby just needs a retexure with a lighter skin and some freckles (kinda similar treatment of what you've done with moon, keep face shape, lips etc.). The new model looks too similar to Stacy and would mistake them being siblings not ruby and moon. Personally one of my favourite things of (old) ruby was her looks (mainly facial structure so it would be nice if that could remain or at least be similar).


I thought the old Ruby looked like an Olsen twin. When they were kids that is 😄


Imo, the new Ruby looks better, but the new Moon looks weirder. As for the poll, for me it's a tie between Tia and Ruby. Isn't Jasmine a cheerleader?

Dreamlab Studio

Good luck learning typing. I was lucky I guess. I took a typing class a long long time ago in High School (mid 80's). My friend and I figured it was a good way to meet girls. LOL No luck with girls but I learned how to type 'the right way' and it's something that's been a great help over the years. Keep up the work, it will not only help prevent injury but should speed up your work. If you haven't done it I suggest testing your current typing speed so you can gauge your improvement in speed.

Derp McDerp

I got lucky with typing, they forced us to learn it in 7th grade. Otherwise I'd still be two finger typing. Mavis Beacon and persistence is all it takes, you'll get there. What helped me start getting faster too was not looking at my hands while typing even if I made a mistake, I'd try to delete and fix while looking at the monitor the whole time.


BD as I said on f95 I think Ruby's base should stay the same only changing the eyes, hair and skintone! I like Moon the way she was. Regardless, I;m ok with what ever makes you happy! :)

Florida Man

The key to learning how to type is practice. Im hardly on a computer but ive been on enough and practiced so i can type fairly quickly. Once you start to remember where keys are and get your hand placement right it will get a lot better. Like I said im not on a computer all that much you just have to try it and it will come to you.


I cant vote i dont remember them😂😂 I dont usually like changes but ne honest this two was really uggly before and now i could make at least a thing on both! :3


I had a typing class back in my middle school years, it didn't stick with me. So I learned to type one handed by playing role-playing MMOs.


It was a toss up for me, I had to choose between Rainn, Jasmine and Penelope. But I would to also have Rainn purely with Bailey and the MC is Bailey's side thing. I picture the MC giving Jasmine what she wants.

Wild Bill

I really prefer Ruby and Moon's original models. I don't think you should change existing characters models unless there's something wrong with them.


she quit the team a few days into the game believe her spot was filled by Nat


Rainn is amazing but hard tonchoose between her and tia


I recommend The Typing of The Dead if you want a fun way to improve typing. It's a modified version of the rail shooter The House of The Dead. The most recent one is The Typing of The Dead: Overkill from 2013

Red Claw

Isn't Kimmy also a classmate and should be on the poll list? She would get my vote.


I think Lauren and Katie both look great.


More Azel love please.


Entirely unrelated but genuine question: Are the outfits all the girls are wearing (first Belle/Rachael/Harper at the station and then the rest of the girls at the house) after Ethan gets out of prison intended to be placeholders? I don't dislike them or anything, but it feels kind of jarring for everyone to suddenly be dressed exactly the same, and having the B/R/H group be barefoot seemed weird.


If Jasmine hadn't left the cheerleading squad, I would have voted Penny, but Jasmine is no longer a cheerleader, so she gets my vote. As for Ruby and Moon, They are similar, but better, Go with the changes. As for typing, try Typing of the Dead. It is House of the Dead but instead of a light gun, you have to type words to shoot the zombies. It really helps speed up your typing and will get you away from using one finger.

Aaron Bishop

Hey guys I have a question i played the v.9.4 chapter 8-9 but for some reason It didn't do the pool party after millie's part is it a bug or do I need to download the version


Jasmine got dat a$$


Jasmine for sure lol


jasmine for the win


v9.4 (v9.42 is just a save fix) ends just before the pool party. Need to wait for the next update for the party..


Jasmine is/was a cheerleader and she now is [possibly] staying with MC. I can't wait for some Rainn in the forecast!!


Hey finally played the update and the Ruby model you have planned looks good, also love that drama bit with the mom Lol 😁 keep up the good work 👍

Romen Martin

I'm looking forward to seeing some Rainnn/Bailey content if only to see how she reacts to the player letting Bailey date both


I was wondering the same. With the first scene, it looks like the girls were the ones in prison, and the identical yellow things look... cult-ish. =/

Kitty Black

I'm curious to get to know Rainn, she has an interesting aesthetic, and I would like to see how the MC's relationship with Bailey evolves. I think being the two in relationship who dating multiple partners may deepen their connection.




Rainn ❤️


Jasmine is perfect. She's honestly my favorite girl besides the main two.


Jasmine is fantastic but younger me just really loves Rainn's emo look.


i like the second ruby