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Due to my update getting leaked out by a patron and me accidentally forgetting to lock the patron only poll to only one vote. I'm going to go ahead and open up a public poll.



Everything about this game is great so far with the exception of the size of MC's dick. It looks like you made the conscious decision to make it the largest in any game out there. It tends to make the sex scenes look ridiculous,


Wait, where is the dog..choice..? (yes i was the one voting for it..)




I would say don’t worry about the dick size dude people complain about everything on Patreon and other fucking websites like F95! Keep up the great work man!


You're right, it's going to stay at the size it was at the end of Day 2. While there's obviously nothing wrong with criticism, some of it's a little.. Eeeh. I'm just going to put my head down and keep making the game I love to make and hopefully the ones that do enjoy it continue to enjoy it. <3


one of the best games ive played. keep up the good work


Seems like the best approach, looking forward to your work continuing dude! Best of luck!

Wild Bill

What, no option for the nurse? :P


decisions decisions


is your discord only for patrons?


I support about a dozen games so since your game is new and because MC's dick was too big, I only pledged $1/month. I swear if you do a survey on this page on what MC's dick size should be I'll go to $10/month (sorry, like I said I support about a dozen games and I am not wealthy.) I don't care if the result does not go my way. I am more curious at how the voting would go. Imagine the interest you would generate, I'll go into multiple forums myself to announce the survey, it would be hilarious.


P.S.: I'll go to $5 after the first of the month otherwise I get billed $5 now and then another $5 on Tuesday.


Thank you for your support. I'm leaving the MC's dick as it was at the end of Day 2. If that isn't your thing then I'm sorry. At the end of the day I'm happy with where it is. It's easy enough to work with and I wouldn't want to go any smaller. I'm just pretty tired of talking about the MC's dick tbh. I just want to focus on making Day 3.


It's good, I just thought the idea was amusing.


I'm sorry if I came off kind of rude or blunt earlier. It's just been a long day and after my update got leaked there was a ton I had to do to get things fixed for that. Also doing my best to pose and render in between it all. Outside of that thread I had like 8 personal conversations about the penis size. I was just tired and I was also tired of talking about it lol. It still stands that I want to continue with it how it is now, maybe that will change in the future who knows. But yeah, my bad for coming off the way I did. That's not how I usually am and not the kind of mood I like to give off.


Hey really like what you are doing! Great renders and the girls look cute. (hard to pull off the cuteness sometimes) Couldn't imagine having to do 20 renders a day though. Don't know how you do it! Make sure you don't burn yourself out (I really want to play the other days as well. ;-) ). Don't stress yourself out about the leaks. tbh I think most/nearly all games in our niche leak unfortunately. I mean somebody can easily get access to the download. Only thing small deterrent you can use is to ask for the pledge up front (though this may deter new patrons as well so it's a trade off). Don't worry to much about the feedback about dick size. A lot of games are guilty of overestimating the size shall we say. Just place it into context. A lot of people played your game and a lot of people liked it (from what I've seen). Giving negative feedback means here means people like your game overall (otherwise they wouldn't have taken the time to go to your patreon and give this feedback here). Anyways keep up the good work :)

Markus Hlastec

Hey keep up the good work i liked your game from the first time i saw it at F95 and came to support you for this as a pantreon.And do not worry about the leaking that can not be avoided it happens to every game.About the penis size ... it kind of takes the shock moment away now when the mc shows his thing to the girls im afraid.It was kind of funny to read the dialoges when the mc showed his thing to the girls but hey you are the dev of this game and when you think its better this way... it is your game after all.

Markus Hlastec

And one more thing: you should not give a shit to negative feedback on a side like F95.There will always be people complaning about everything but still playing your game so just ignore the negative shit from them there.What matters is that most of the guys likes it and considering supporting you for your work. All the negative shit posters should try to make a game by themself if they are so smart ;)

loknath karmakar

You know Dev i love specially all milfs you made and still want to stick with them,keep it up also with apk too👍😍


I love this game I picked being a donor for these milfs I liked it I hope Rachael is one of them as well

Wild Bill

I wonder if there's any chance of Jamie being OK with him sleeping with other girls? They're great but it would be even better without the guilt. Like when she talks about other girls going after him in the gym, rather than just saying he's with her he would say that he'd never do that without her blessing. That would introduce her to the idea that some girls are into their boyfriend being a stud.


I just loved this game. And the story!


But I have one small request! I like the big dick. But make a little bulge in the girls stomach when it's all in would be a hot and nice detail.


Keep up the good work Braindrop. Thank you for being so good about your weekly / monthly updates and communication. You deserve every patron you get and many more.

Jill Valentine

Shauna is my favourite XD 💗


Why is "all of them" not an option?