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Having a affair with Natalie and Harper would be fun, and pervy/creepy.


Say what? And the so-called real sister? No option for her? That's so not fair :P Keep up the superb work. Loved this episode. WIll probably up the tier soon. You deserve it, sir ^^


As I said it would be fun. And Azel and the real sister would be even creepier, I suppose. Even though MC's relationship with Azel is quite creepy and disturbing as is, so yeah lol.


Come on, vote Natalie! Buttholes.... ;)


In one word....AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for more! All the women are fantastic! Great job! The MC's soon going to be too tired to play basketball. Lucky bastard!


*checks list* wth no nurse?!?!.....jk(kind of) but yea all the women are too good to pass up. Good work brotha!


I didn't want the poll to be drastically one sided. Everyone knows Nurse is best girl so I figured I'd give the others a shot. ;)


this was really a nice update and great work, i'll wait for more and gradually update my pledge (been burned too much with devs). Fighting! Also, one thing btw, my brother in law is actually an ex baskeball pro..and..well half the craziness in this game is actually true from what i've been told..lol

john calvin

awesome game, love the premise and story so far, character models look great, basketball works great as a hook, because most similar VNs the main character does nothing, shauna makes it unique as well, not a lot of games are willing to delve into trans or other lgbq stuff


The update was quite impressive, both in size and in quality, which is becoming rarer and rarer these days. I'm also really happy that MC will tell Jaimie about Shauna and I'm really hoping it will work out well for them. Jamie seems like the type that could be easily convinced, if the request was worded correctly. The cliffhanger at the end left me a little bothered, though. It seems like MC had some sort of psychosis or was somehow suddenly on drugs and then somehow woke up outside his home and assaulted some seemingly innocent dude. If that scene wasn't just in his head, then problems might start if people question if he is fit to even play basketball at all, which would obviously suck and be quite boring. Drugs would be weird, because he there was little to no opportunity for anyone to drug him, which would make mental illness/repressed memories much more likely. But sadly this scenario also seems rather cliché to be honest, so I'm hoping you have something else in store for us. I'd ask you to resolve this apparent subplot without too much drama, please. The main story as was already presented was plenty exciting and interesting enough to fully enjoy the game. I feel like there is no need to create more tension with possible drugs, amnesia or mental illness, if that is what you're going for. Looking forward to future builds.


The ending has nothing to do with mental illness, drugs, or amnesia. To sum it up in a word of what the cause of the dream was.. Stress.


Dreams are okay, used sparingly. Just be aware that too much "fake" stuff in dreams can start feeling like a writer's cheat. I'm not suggesting you've reached that point, merely throwing out a key safety tip.


It's not a re-occurring thing. And I was about to say, who said anything was fake? :p


hello my friend continue with this great work that you have been doing! just a doubt would not add romance in the tags? good at least I think you have romance in the game? A Question Will you have any more loving involvement with your landlady? I liked that the MC is not a wimpy but not a Douchebag either! he is very charismatic with the picks! I hope he keeps this up heheh! and keep up the great work with this game!