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Yo! And Happy Easter!

Going to start this off by saying that pledges will not be paused this month, please adjust your pledges accordingly. All content that would be posted in April will be available to all former patrons via the discord so you won't have to miss anything.
I want to pause but after doing so for 5 out of the last 6 months, things are getting to a point where I just sorta cant.
I've continued working for all of these months, but I have been pausing due to me being stuck on a scene and missing many goals because of that and I will continue to pause whenever I can if things don't improve.

Now to talk about this week,
I managed to finish the scene I was working on for Episode 14 and as of yesterday I've started to go through Episode 13 again and alter what I feel needs to be changed.
There is a plan in place, I know exactly what I want from it and whenever I feel it's in a good spot then things will be released.
(Update should be 800+ renders and 20+ animations. 400 renders from the end of Episode 13 and 400 renders from the start of Episode 14)

This week I managed to make 121 new renders and 3 new animations for Episode 14, I'm also about 20 renders deep into alterations for Episode 13. I also managed to make 62 more renders for the redo.
I only managed to add Bailey to the character sheets this week, but I do plan on posting a few more in the next couple of days.
I also finished up all of the writing for Chapter 2 and made more progress on a couple of sets.
It was a solid week of work.

This upcoming week I plan on continuing to make progress on Episode 13, on my other machine I do plan on working on Scene 4 of Episode 14. (Just because I don't really want to work on Episode 13 from multiple points, feels like it may cause more trouble than good.)
And I plan to continue rendering out some already made scenes for the redo.
Those are my main focuses but I do intend on posting a few character sheets whenever I have some downtime. (Such as loading different scenes)

A couple of reports ago I mentioned that I felt stuck and like I was just spinning the tires with no traction.
Well, while it sucks that it has taken as long as it has, working ahead and letting myself cool off has made revisiting Episode 13 much easier. I feel like I have a very clear path to follow. Lots of traction.
But once again, there will not be any set release dates or targets until things are finished and compiled.
I'm continuing to post the daily tracker on discord, I also plan to start posting a few additional teasers there as well. And I'll be letting you guys know of any news or whatever regarding the update as things continue to progress.
With all this said, I'm going to get back to work! 😁

Once again thank you all for your patience and understanding. I truly appreciate it. Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to all of you soon!




It's always better to have the work split between machines, that way you can still work while the other is rendering.


Just go at your own pace and don't push your self to far

Ethan Cox

Quick question I can’t seem to find a way into the discord can anyone help me out?


Click on membership at the top and scroll down.