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I made a book-sized report last week, this one isn't short but it's smaller. 😁

As I mentioned in the last report, I will not be sharing any release dates until things are compiled and ready to be uploaded.
My current plan is to finish this scene I've been working on for Episode 14 before making any final decisions for the ending of Episode 13 where I'll then re-evaluate how I feel about it and make any changes I deem necessary before uploading it for all of you to play.

The update will be available to all tiers upon release, no tier timings.
It's shaping up to be 800+ renders and 20+ animations. (400 renders from the end of Episode 13, and 400 renders from the start of Episode 14.)
I do not plan on including all of Episode 14 in the upcoming update but Episode 14 will be the last update of Chapter 1 of Season 2. Meaning Episode 14 will include all of Days 37 and 38.
The plan is for Episode 14 to be around 900-1000 renders long so I'd say it's somewhere between 40%-50% complete.

It has been a very productive week, I was able to make 124 new renders and 3 new animations and another 70 renders for the redo. I added Armani, Aubrey, and Azel to the character sheets channel on discord, I made a lot of progress on finishing the basement and other rooms in the main home (Won't be seen in the upcoming update but they will be needed for the one following it), and I've almost finished writing for all of the scenes in Chapter 2.
(And just a quick heads up that chapter 2 will be quite a bit shorter than chapter 1 was in terms of render length but Chapter 2 will take us from Day 39 to Day 52. As mentioned before, there will be little time skips where the MC focuses on training so these days won't be giga-packed like Day 32 was.)

So, I'm afraid there's still nothing concrete to share right now, I should finish this scene for Episode 14 this week and I hope that gives me the ability to speak with a little more certainty in the next report.
And as far as pausing pledges go, I'm currently unsure if I will be this month or not. I want to, but after pausing 5 of the last 6 months I'm getting to a point where I'm not comfortably able to. Every month that was paused I continued to work, I was mainly pausing because I set goals that I was unable to meet.
In the event that I do unpause, everything that will be released in April will be made available to all former patrons via the discord so there is no pressure to have to keep your pledge active. You won't miss any posts as long as you join the discord by linking your discord to your patreon or subscribestar account.

That's all I have to share for now, I'm going to go get back to work!
Once again thank you all for your patience and understanding. I truly appreciate it. Have a wonderful week and I'll talk to all of you soon!



Caesar X

No need to pause. You need to live too.


I have to agree with the others. We choose to support your work so no need to pause. I am just as anxious for the the next update, but you keep us informed and the updates are fairly regular. Keep up the good work!!

treasure whitney

i will be sticking with you through all of the issues i love your work BD hope when WVM ends you will make another game cos i would keep pledging through that game as well especially since this one is sooooooo good <3