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Hello sweet friends, 

THANK YOU for your words of encouragement after I shared that I tested positive for COVID. The past week has been rougher than expected, but today I feel GOOD and I am so grateful to (hopefully!!!!!!) be done with this thing. We shall see. Seems to peak and valley.

The symptoms hit Patryk a few days after me but he's back to the grind today! His first ever feature film The Fable of A Song is premiering at the Nashville Film Festival on October 2nd. It is a work of art full of a heart and I am so so proud of him!! Check out the trailer!


How are you doing? How is your head? How is your heart? Is it just me or have you been feeling a little bit like a punching bag with all that's going on in the world? Afghanistan. Global warming & all our planet is facing. The Delta variant. UGH. I'll stop but I've struggled recently with feeling like everything is a mess. Though this month's Unreleased Song was written back in 2017, it resonates with me these days. I can't get it out of my head, so I'm sharing it with you!

Hell of A Life was written with Sarah Troy and Frank Romano, who were my co-writers on "I'll Take My Chances"! You guys seemed to like that one.... it tied as #1 Unreleased Song shared on Patreon when you all voted last month! Hope you enjoy this one, too.

WARNING: This song has an accordion solo!  You're probably thinking... first an accordion part in Old Familiar, and now this?! Rest assured, I'm not starting a polka band anytime soon. If I do, you'll know it's REALLY the end of times! ;) 

Thanks for listening! 

XO - LL 



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