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Still in shock.

This morning I tested positive for the delta variant. 

Before visiting my very pregnant friend tomorrow, I tested to be sure I was not sick. On Saturday, I'd been to a family wedding, and had just visited a friend on Monday without masks... who had sniffles when we were saying our goodbyes. Late last night, my throat started to hurt. I thought it was allergies since I'd spent the night sitting in the grass. This morning the results came in and I was so upset to see POSITIVE SARS 2. More over, I'm worried that I may have gotten others sick before I knew. Fingers crossed so hard.

Right now all I feel is a sore throat and a headache. I'll be okay. Patryk and I are fully vaccinated, thank goodness. 

While in some ways this is good timing (no upcoming shows), I was just getting ready to film a bunch of cover videos for you all. Check out the gorgeous house we plan to film in!  Not sure when I can dive back into that, so I hope you'll understand that I might be a bit slow this month. Promise I'll make it up to you. 

Love you all. Stay safe. 

XO - LL 


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