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This month's unreleased song is here!

The message of "Home is Where You Are" really resonates with me right now (more on that in a minute), but the only recording I had of it was a rough iPhone recording. Not to mention, it was played on an out of tune piano. So I only wanted to share this song if I could re-record it... 

This morning I set up my home studio equipment & hit record - - RIGHT AFTER the neighborhood train honked through, and RIGHT BEFORE the neighbor's weed whacker revved up. Ah... home recording. :) 

Why I chose to share this song

With the US opening back up, I am super excited about getting back to a sense of normalcy. Yet, I feel more like a homebody than ever. Just me? 

At home there is comfort, routine, pajamas on at all times... etc

In getting back out, I feel like I'm learning how to be social again (HEY - I said some awkward stuff on stage my first tour back. OHBOY!) and how to address people after they've been through one of the most challenging years of their lives. There's just a lot to it. 

So this song reminds me that peace can be found within.

Home is within.

Home is where you are

I wrote "Home is Where You Are" in 2018 with one of my absolute dearest collaborators, Kait Weston. She kindly gave me permission to share this song with you. If you'd like to follow her and/or hear her incredible voice, check her out here: 

Kait Weston's YouTubeKait Weston's Instagram 

Give her a hello. She's the sweetest!

Up next is The Circle Game Concert on ZOOM with Rebecca Loebe & Heather Maloney on Sunday June 27 @ 3PM ET

In case you missed it, RSVP for your show link here: www.subscribepage.com/circlegame

Love you all!

XO - LL 



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