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I'm officially getting old... because I have officially hired a TikTok coach!! Who am I? Learning and creating content for all the social media platforms can feel like a full time job... so I needed a youngen to show me the ropes. Much to my chagrin (word choice = proof of aging), I am enjoying it. It's surprisingly fun to "duet" with anyone around the world. 

If you're on TikTok, find me here: https://www.tiktok.com/@lizlongley

Lately I've been spending a lot more time writing new music. Remember when I offered "custom songs" for a Kickstarter reward? I had 3 takers, but one collaborator named Lezli ended up having a collection of beautiful poems that she wanted set to music. We're now working on our 5th song together!!!! It has been SO fun and SO inspiring. She sends me her poetry, and I turn it into a song. It's such a new way of writing for me, and it's been a highlight of my year at home

Things have started to feel like they'll turn around this year, and I am hopeful that shows will resume. I've got my first outdoor show on March 20 in GA & I am thrilled. Stay tuned for a Patreon only online show for you all in June with a super singer/songstress. I'll keep her name a secret for a little while longer.

I've saved the wildest news for last...

There are now TWO LIZARD TATTOOS in existence!!! This is the best thing EVER. MaryLou got her tattoo last year, and Lindsey just got hers! They happen to both live in MN - so maybe there's something in the water? I LOVE IT. Who is next? ;) 




The tattoos are awesome! Especially love your permanent "autograph"! Looking forward to hearing your new songs, although we will never tire of the old ones. We are SO ready for another Liz concert! Yes, things are turning around - hey, you are getting married! ❤️ 🦎

Liz Longley

Lots to look forward to!!! <3 That permanent autograph was so special... she came to Nashville, I signed her arm in sharpie, and she got it tattooed onto her an hour later!!


I just got a Tik Tok account and I am firmly feeling my age. I find myself getting lost in scrolling all of the content but I don't think you will ever find me posting anyting...I am not smart enough to figure it all out! Love seeing your face on my FYP though!! ❤