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You're hearing it first! 'Heart of a Child' is Track 11 from Funeral For My Past (out 9.18.20).

Have you ever made a vision board? A vision board is a collage of images you put together to help visualize what you want your life to look like. You can come back to it whenever you feel a little bit off track and it helps you remember what you're striving toward. This song was my vision board. My love life was so off track and I needed to remind myself what I was looking for, and how I wanted to treat my future partner. I wrote this song right after what I'll call the "3 Crow" phase. You can tell from the lyrics of 3 Crow... that whole thing was a doozy.

A year & a half passed. I dated a little more but was certain I had not found the person this song was written about. Sure enough, when Patryk and I started dating, I woke up one day with an "aha" moment. This song was for him. I got out of bed, grabbed my guitar and sang him a scratchy early morning version of this song. We both cried. 

This song may have led me to my love story... but more importantly, it serves as a reminder to me on how to treat someone who I love so dearly. I think that's the whole point of Funeral For My Past. The more we can let go, and keep our hearts young and our gratitude growing, then the deeper we love and the brighter we shine light onto those around us.

Fun fact??? -> The first time I played this song was in Portland, OR, opening for Delta Rae. Two women in the crowd were just hearing the song for the first time, and they got engaged to it RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Doesn't get cooler than that. <3 






I love this song, &amp; your love story is so bitter sweet. One of the things I love most about your music is that it’s about real life experiences. So many of us can relate to the lyrics &amp; feel more connected to you...because we feel those emotions too. Be it a heartbreaking song or a love song, your music takes us on a journey. This song is such a good reminder not only for how we should treat the people we love, but also how we should be treated by them. Reading that both you and Patryk cried when you sang this to him, that is what true love is all about 💕.

Liz Longley

Thanks for going on the journey with me, Jen. And Amen... so important that we are treated the same &lt;3


Being probably the oldest fart here (based on Jan and I talking at the Bluebird that night with your dad...I had her by 6 months) ....this song brings me back to being a naive (never been kissed) 16 year old. If ever given the chance to go back to a period in my life, it would be then. Most would say, oh man, such a tough time of growing and learning. For me, the innocence of it is what made it ALL so magical and lives deep in my heart forever.