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Welcome to Beneos 3.0, our biggest update since we started! Just by the numbers, Beneos 3.0 is stunning. Over the past 8 months, we've made a whopping 74,481 changes across more than 2,000 scenes. And that's just the start.

We've added 32 new intro sequences to the releases. Get ready for a near-ASMR experience with 179 handcrafted ambience tracks for each battle map. Just wandering on the map is an experience in itself now.

For all you Curse of Strahd DMs, we've got some cool extra stuff. An animated landing page, a navigation menu that players can use themselves, a page showing ALL NPCs which can be revealed one after another, a journal page with active quests, a player journal for notes, and a special page documenting all discovered artifacts of Barovia. Plus, a page for DMs to collect the drawn tarokka reading cards for players. 

Here is also a 40 mins long full walkthrough of castle Ravenloft (Player Perspective) showcasing the dynamic sound and many more. 

Castle Ravenloft has received a lot of love too – we added DM overviews and flythrough videos for each floor of this massive castle. All NPCs and enemies are pre-placed on the maps and are part of the releases.

Every single one of our 2,000+ scenes has been adjusted, fixed, and improved. Key enhancements include:

  • Unified layout and navigation bar for DMs on all maps and sceneries.
  • Many battle maps have been reoriented for consistency and logic, reducing player confusion.
  • You can switch between static and animated maps with our Beneos Module to safe performance on low end machines.
  • Search and Install maps with our new Beneos Search Engine (you can even access it from the internet HERE)
  • Almost all releases now have their own new intro sequences.
  • Our new "Beneos Module" is a must-have. It lets you search all maps via our search engine and find them directly in Moulinette with a click – no more tedious searching.
  • Dynamic sound systems on each battle map for immersive movement – just check this out!
  • Individual icons for each release on our Escalia World Map, which will keep growing with each release.
  • Well-organized scenes and journals in a clear folder structure.
  • Maps with interactive content are now easily controlled with buttons.
  • Especially the older releases have been beautified with new effects in Foundry.
  • Overview scenes for easy DM navigation.
  • Lore journals for background information on each release.
  • Release numbers in Moulinette for easy identification.
  • Player intro sequences that can be paused and started for all players, always starting at the beginning of the video.
  • How-To journals with all the key info offline for every release, including direct links to new tutorial videos.
  • We've spent a ton of time fixing bugs, broken links, and issues reported by patrons. We're confident we've fixed almost everything.
  • An adapted map pipeline for quick fixes to any reported errors.

Overwhelmed? We've changed so much that we recommend deleting everything old and downloading the new versions. Trust me, it'll save you a lot of manual work and frustration. This update is so massive it's worth it. Today, we start a new era of Beneos. Forget the past – it's all about quality from here on.

How to get started with everything new and awesome?

All new and existing Online-Play Patrons using Foundry VTT must install our own Beneos Module via the Foundry Module Browser and ensure all dependencies are installed. This is a must! Delete all Beneos Scenes you want to update and (SUPER IMPORTANT) all Journals. To be safe, I recommend deleting all Beneos-specific stuff or starting a new world. Then download the new versions as usual via Moulinette.

The usage itself hasn’t changed. If you find anything still not right – and let's be honest, with over 2,000 scenes and nearly 15,000 assets, it can happen – just message me via PM on Patreon, Discord, or Mail, and I'll fix it in no time. This is Beneos 3.0 – now go impress your players, experience more immersive stories, and bring your game to life with...



BENEOS 3.0 - OUR BIGGEST RELEASE: 74.000 Changes !

The Beneos P&P Universe provides high quality animated assets for your Tabletop Roleplaying Game! Beneos Battlemaps creates next-gen animated Battlemaps and Beneos Tokens provides you with animated Tokens (Top-Down/Isometric with different animations) every week! Battlemaps: https://www.patreon.com/BeneosBattlemaps Tokens: https://www.patreon.com/BeneosTokens Music by Jon Rob https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0LoucMOj97Jiq-1uXvYGug All my Assets are compatible with Roll20, FoundryVTT, or Astral TableTop. How to use my stuff with Roll20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F-vPYbWHzU How to use my stuff with FoundryVTT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSC345n6edo Every fantasy/Sci-Fi/Cyberpunkt map comes with... - 4K, HD looped seamless Battlemap (top down) Version as .mp4 - Scenery Version (Cool shot from within the battlemap) - Isometric version (where it is possible). - Grid and Gridless .png and .psd (optimal on 40" TVs) - Full audio ambience background (included and as .mp3 file) - Bonus Content (Traps, secret doors, rooftop etc. as images and bonus sceneries) - fully prepared ready to play in FoundryVTT (Lighnting, walls, sounds) Can I use Beneos Battlemaps for my commercial stream? You are allowed to use Beneos Battlemaps for private games and commercial games on streaming platforms (max. 800 average concurent viewers). For redistribution or bigger productions please contact me via contact field in the youtube channel details or via patreon. What is FoundryVTT? FoundryVTT is in my oppinion the best and versatile online virtual tabletop you will ever need. More info on: https://foundryvtt.com/ (im not associate to them). Best regards from germany -Ben



How can I download the Foundry files locally as well? I like keeping everything on my own computer rather than relying on 3rd party services. Having the maps is great but I'd love to keep the Foundry files too so that everything is walled and the sound effects are all there and such.


Hi Serban, just follow the download link in your Tier 2 Download Post to find all source files for backus.


Error:Library Scene Packer required. Please install/enable this module. But I already have instaled it and enabled it

The Witty Bitty

Did you do the new 3.0.0 update for 5e? It's essentially broken a ton of modules until they catch up. I had to revert back to the 2.4.1 immediately.

Tony Marmolejo

I just wish you had these great maps for all modules!


this is a great quality of life update for foundry users, but ireena's skin should be a little darker to match her official art / minis :)

Austin Lippert

Will the news that WotC has partnered with Foundry affect these in the future? We're 3 sessions in to CoS and I'd hate to purchase Foundry for this amazing work and then have it obsolete. Thank you!