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No time to waste, today's a biggie!

Beneos Battlemaps and Moulinette join forces!

We're continuously going on about improvements, quality of life and accessibility.
The time has come to get into the specifics. Strap in for the ride!
One of our main goals is to radically simplify downloading, installing and setting up our modules. We've got by just fine by using Moulinette Cloud, but by being able to just import scenes we only got so far. This is about to change. With the new Scene Packer Update over at Moulinette we're going to be able to install full releases with a single click - both locally and on the Forge. No more Beneos Battlemaps module. No more manual downloads, no more problems with Google Drive. With the update to Moulinette Scene Packer you can download single maps or full releases at once, ready to play, no questions asked. You won't even need to activate the map.

Beneos Battlemaps and Moulinette join forces! (continued)

We've decided to take the plunge and make Beneos a fixed part of Moulinette. By supporting Beneos Battlemaps you'll automatically get access to all Moulinette Features as if you were a regular Moulinette supporter. Your access wont be restricted to Beneos Battlemaps Content - the whole bouquet of Moulinette services and content will available to you. If you already support Moulinette, that won't be necessary any longer to gain access to Beneos Battlemaps.

Beneos and Moulinette - how does it work?

When those changes go live, this will happen: Nothing changes for you during the first month. I will pay every Tier 4 patreon's traffic and storage costs during this month. You'll be able to use all features, test out everything and get used to the changes. After this month, costs for the Tier 4 patronage pack will increase by $1.14 (1€). This is 60% less than paying for both Beneos Battlemaps and Moulinette separately as most of you probably did until now!


That was a lot to take in, so lets take a quick look at the benefits:

- You'll get full access to each and every Moulinette feature, as if you were a Moulinette Patron

- Everything will be downloaded via Moulinette. No separate downloads for POI-Teleporters, Multi-Level tokens, Lock View, anything! No activation needed.

- Easy and comfortable download of every fully prepared and battle-ready Beneos Battlemaps release.

- No more manual downloads.

- No more Beneos Battlemaps module.

- No more installations, updates, relocations. Every new release will immediately be available via Moulinette.

A short breather

Updates on when exactly those changes will be implemented are going to follow over the course of the next weeks. We are really excited for this step and are working really, really hard on ensuring that it will go over as smoothly as possible. Thank you for your patience!

What else is going on?

If you are asking yourself what the heck is going on with all those images of that creepy mansion, you are right on the money - that is a creepy mansion! Not any mansion, mind you - although it can be, but more on that later - this is Mordekainens Magnificent Mansion! We admit, it looks like it had some tough times but even this place got warped and twisted by the creeping influence of Barovia. Even though thats its primary purpose, feel free to to utilize it for your own nefarious needs! This spooky mansion can serve as a dubious noble's estate, the target of a heist or the centerpiece of a quest to clear Mordekainens Magnificent Mansion of looming danger and make it availabe to your players! There is a lot to uncover and if you are getting some major Resident Evil vibes, we did everything right! Get ready to populate this place with Arcane Incursors and a Mind Golem and traumatize your players!  

That is all for this week! If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us - either via the comment section of this post, a message or our Discord !
We can't wait to push Beneos Battlemaps to the next level, thank you for supporting us!

See you next week!



J.F. Sebastian

What's the time table for these changes to go into effect for Tier 4 patrons? The post is vague in saying "in the weeks ahead"....


It is still on the horizon. Be sure I won't rush the switch. At the moment both, Moulinette and Scene packer, are close to be ready. Once everything is set up, I will test it and update all Map packs to the new format. With the ones already supporting Moulinette I will make sure there are not any bugs left. If everything is green, I will approach step two, what is the complete switch. During all those phases, we can still go back to the current solution. Depending on the amount of potential issues, the switch date may change. As far as I can tell I would say 1-2 months, for a slow, bug free and controlled swap.


Hey Jon, thank you! That is super valuable feedback. Can you write me your exact setup (per mail, or PM), so I can understand your use case.