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Greetings and salutations! Get some news, get them fresh!

Vallaki Vistani Camp released!
Check out this atmospheric trailer or have a more detailed look at the scenery via a corresponding DM Overview! What's next, you ask? Well there aren't that many iconic locations left to visit, so maybe the one you are wishing for is next! Maybe you'll get a first look next week, who knows? Pssst, you probably will!

Tokens overhaul!
Our tokens module is getting a pretty impressive overhaul! We are developing more and more ways to have the monsters truly come alive in your games. With options to freely choose a display mode for each individual token (see below), force token animations without having to trigger the respective abilities or just swap one token for another one visually while still keeping the stats, you are gaining more and more control over your minions! There is even more in the works - like enabling you to have a bunch of guards, a minotaur or a freaking dragon patrol your dungeon on fixed routes! There is still much to do and the coolest features will take their sweet time to implement, but they are just the icing on an already pretty delicious cake!

Foundry showcase!
But enough about future releases, this one is already out: A new video showcasing some of the coolest stuff you can do with our maps on FoundryVTT! Learn how to effortlessly stroll through Valllaki and have a pint in the Bluewater Inn! Take in the detailed world map packed with the points of interests you know and love and get a sense of how interconnected and alive your slice of Barovia feels! Have a look - it's great!

That's it for this week - grab your free stuff over at Beneos Tokens and put a piece of parchment with your wish for the next map release under your pillow - it might just come true this way! If it doesn't you can still head over to our Discord server and voice your desires or concerns.

Thank's for your support and see you next week!



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