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Sorry I was late. I had some stuff come up, and I've had a couple more artists who asked for the job. Hopefully, by Monday, I will have my answer made up. So, this is basically a recap of the three artists that impressed me the most, and now that Patreon supports polls, you don't have to leave comments to tell me who you would rather see (copypasta warning, dead ahead!)

First is an artist named KARNxJiro ( http://karnxjiro.deviantart.com/); I think he would be a perfect fit for the comic, and the sketch I've seen of one of the characters (which I have attached to the post), I think he would be the right guy for the job! 

The only con with this person is that he is wanting $60 per page, which is obviously double what Atari charged, and I don't think I would be able to afford the pages, especially with the current amount the Patreon has at the moment. HOWEVER, he has agreed he would start charging $30 per page and progressively raise it to $60 once I'm able to afford it (which will hopefully be in a few months, regardless if the Patreon starts doing well again or not)!


Next is an artist from Spain,named Nana-Bid ( nana-bid.deviantart.com ).  All I can say about her is that she impressed me right off the gate and made a sketch of Lydia and Sam without even asking! And the craziest part? She replicated Ataribetch's style almost completely DEAD-ON: http://fav.me/dbbmv8e 

She would also be a good fit for the comic, though she has said it's not her usual art style, though she can adapt to it. Hopefully it won't pose as a problem later down the line. If she's able to draw those characters the same way she did with those sketches, she will be a shoe-in.

Last but not least, here's a female artist from Brazil under the name "KarolyneRocha" ( http://karolynerocha.deviantart.com/ )

Her gallery impressed me, and her interpretation of the Main 3 impressed me : http://sta.sh/01qgpe9ipj7h

She wants $45 per page, which is fair, and she is also offering to make a test page, which I will add if I receive it. :)

What do you guys think? Leave a comment if you think she would also be right for the job. If I hear back from the other artist, I will make another post showing off their stuff as well. : )

Now that we have this in poll form, it should be a lot easier to recieve feedback, and who knows? Maybe you folks have changed your opinion since the last time I mentioned these cool people. ;)

I'll make an announcement on either Monday or Tuesday night, so that you guys have plenty of time to vote!



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