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So, I see Patreon has received a complete redesign, and one of the new features they've added is you can now do polls! That's going to be very handy in the future, and I might do another as a recap/recount of the artists I've received as soon as tomorrow.

Anyway, this particular poll is pretty simple: Two of the three artists I'm interested in hiring are wanting more than $30 per page (Specifically, one is wanting $45 while the other is wanting $60). 

I was thinking, to help cover the raised costs of making a page, I could raise the $1 early access tier to $3, while raising the $3 tier to $5; it's not a huge jump, but the extra money would help out a lot! 

On the other hand, I want to make sure the majority of you would be perfectly fine with this, because the last time I did something similar, a couple years ago, a ton of people dropped out, and I was in panic mode for a while. My hope is that it won't happen again because it wouldn't be a dramatic increase, as I mentioned earlier.

I'll make another poll tomorrow, where you can weigh in on your opinion on who the new MB artist should be, and I'll make my decision by Sunday! Until then, let me hear from you on this one!


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