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Jory lounged on his bed, playing through the Trails series again, starting from the first game, Trails in the Sky. Every game had been a trip down memory road with how much it had come to him. All of the characters and memories, seeing what they were like at this point in the story and then where they would be later down the line in another game, had left him amazed.

“Man playing all of this again, after starting from the beginning, really does add something extra to the rest of the series.”

Seeing the build-up like this and where it would lead later down the line had left him reeling at all the details. Everything about it astounded him, and now he could see all the little threads and how they would come together later.

Jory noticed a mail car park outside his home and paused his game. The mailman stepped out of the car and went to the door.

When the mailman drove away, Jory ran to the front door and saw a large cardboard box the size of his head. The package was light, almost to the point it didn't feel as if anything was inside. He shook it from side to side and felt nothing move from side to side. To his surprise, he saw it for his friend Kyle.

“Why am I getting something he ordered?” Jory turned the box over, wondering what could be inside.

His phone buzzed, and he saw it was a text from Kyle. “Hope you like.”

Jory snorted. “Well at least now I know it is something meant for me.”

A grin formed. Jory zoomed into the kitchen and opened it. Inside was an oversized green jacket. It had a dragon head on it with fangs. There was a large tail attached to the base of it.

“This is a little different from what he gets me, but it does look nice.” Jory moved it around, getting a feel for it as he imagined himself wearing it. “Doesn’t seem like something I’ll be wearing in public. I don’t want something like this to get ruined.”

Jory considered when he could wear it. Sure, he could wear it when it was just them or when he was going around the house, but he didn't see it going well if he wore it outside. The article of clothing called out to him the more he studied it, especially due to its softness.

“Well it is a gift from Kyle, so might as well try it on.”

Jory tried it on, and it was far comfier than expected. The soft fabric brushed against his arms just right, making him feel as if he was wrapped up in a warm embrace.

The wondrous fabric of the jacket brushed against his body in just the right way to earn a content moan from him. He hugged himself and laughed as if he was a little kid. It was so lovely and comforting that he couldn’t help but relax. A brush of the tail against his thigh made him look and see the tail of the jacket brushing against his butt and the rest of his legs. Every piece of it made him wiggle his hips and snicker.

The hoodie caught his attention, and Jory pulled it up. It landed on his head and was just as soft and warm as he imagined it would be. He grabbed the sides of the hood and shuddered in childish glee.

Jory smiled. “It’s just like a head pat.”

He turned his head and rolled it back, allowing the soft top of it to rub against his scalp. Every little brush of the hood kept getting better, more enticing as if he was receiving head pats from Mythra while she was complimenting him at every turn.

He walked around, his exuberance growing as he walked around the house. “Its like a hug.”

With every slight movement of the hood, his red hair lightened. Small little streaks of blonde and green hair poked through. They kept getting brighter and more prevalent, subverting the rest of his hair's rusty color. Soon, his shaggy hair had become a bright blonde, which looked like it had been taken from the sun.

Once it finished changing color, his short, messy hair lengthened, reaching his chin before it ceased. It laid flat against his cheeks, tickling him as it did, as if someone was caressing his face. Locks of hair stroked the base of his chin while others continued downward.

Jory sighed. “Forget wearing this only around the house. With how comfy it is, I will wear this whenever I can kick back and relax. However, I might have to worry about the spikes on it and the tail. I don’t want those to get ruined.”

His skin cleaned up as he walked around the house, losing every slight imperfection. Every little strand of hair was gently removed as if it was plucked away. Not even a shadow of the hair on his body below remained until he was left with flawless, perfect skin.

Jory tugged on the sleeves and midsection of it more. “How can something this warm and cuddly not make me feel as if I’m being cooked alive by it? S the fabric just that goood or something?”

His hands thinned as Jory lost himself to the fluffy warmness of his new jacket. The masculine fingers softened as they filled with new life. Like an infection, the roughness of his hands had gradually disappeared. A dainty softness appeared in them that continued to become more prominent as if their hard exterior was slowly being destroyed.

Even when his hands had finished changing and taking on a delicate softness many would have liked, his forearms slimmed as they refined. His upper arms deflated, losing some of their mass and reducing the size of his biceps. They brushed against his body, filling him with life as they did. Despite the change to his arms, the jacket sleeves maintained the same level of comfort.

“Ahh!” Jory hummed and then let go. “I should get back to Trails. Can’t afford to let good time go to waste. Man, I got to think of a good way to pay Kyle back for this gift. Maybe I could get him a figure of one of his waifus or something. I’m sure he would love that, though who should it be.”

Jory entered his room and, as he was about to sit down, moved the tail so it wouldn't get crushed. It brushed against his leg, and he petted it as if it were a cat and took small glee in how it felt just as huggable as the rest of the shirt.

He unpaused the game and began focusing on the enemies on the screen, wondering how he would beat them this time. Already, dozens of ways he could destroy them with little issue came forward.

As Jory played the game, his face heated up. His lips swelled larger, gaining a delightful plumpness. A crack came from his nose as the shape of it altered. It became more upturned as it narrowed. Every part of his face twitched, his bones itching as they adjusted, highlighting his plumper limps and cuter nose.

Jory’s eyes burned slightly as his brown eyes gained a greenish tint. The green in his eyes expanded and grew larger, subverting his original eye color. With every second, the green became brighter and more apparent until they were a bright emerald green.

"You know what? I might as well send Kyle a pic, and let him know it arrived."

Jory pulled out his phone to take a selfie but stopped when he saw his altered self. For a moment, he thought it was a trick, as if he had opened up an app or something, but saw it was the lock screen.

“What the fuck?” Jory paused the game and pulled a little bit of his hair closer. To his shock, he saw his hair had become a matching shade of blonde like what he saw on his phone. Again, he tugged on the hair and winced at the jolt of pain.

Jory blinked at the face, staring back at him on his phone. A large smile formed as he let out a gasp of awe. "I look like Pikamee!"

After a moment, he noticed something was off. “Wait a minute. Something is missing. Doesn’t she have sharper teeth? ”

Suddenly, his teeth felt like he was biting on cotton balls. It intensified, forcing him to roll his mouth and bring his fingers to them. The tip of them sharpened against his fingers as he pressed down. Jory ran his finger over the top and bottom of them. With every tooth passed, it was to imagine his mouth was now comparable to a shark’s maw.

Jory removed his hand and opened and closed his mouth, giggling happily. The difference in his teeth shape threw him off, but he couldn’t help but be excited about it. “Ok, now everything is as it should be when it comes to the face and the teeth. What’s next?”

All of the possibilities made Jory wonder. He looked down at his chest and butt. “I hope they’re nice and big when they finish growing.”

A sudden pulling sensation on his throat made him wince for a moment. A rough hack came out of his throat as he raised his hands. He pawed at it and winced as if someone had wrapped their hands around his throat and tried to choke his life out.

Raucous coughs overcame Jory, sounding like a squeak toy in a blender. “Ok need a minute.”

Jory rushed to the kitchen and downed a large glass of water in a single go. Despite that, it kept getting worse. Again, he filled the glass and drank it in a single shot. Yet still, it did little to diminish the scratchiness of his throat. A groan came out as he pushed himself one more glass in a desperate bid, hoping this time it would be the one that would give him some much-needed relief.

“Couldn’t you have made that part any better? Especially after how nice the previous parts of the transformation were?” Jory blinked. Instead of his normal deep voice, the one coming out of his mouth was the higher tenor voice of Pikamee. “Oh, that’s why.”

Jory touched his slender throat and noticed his Adam’s apple was gone. “Oh wow, this is getting cool. I would have preferred to get something that would add a little more meat to my body but this is nice too. Though I hope the boobs and butt don’t keep me waiting too long. Maybe I should see what it would be like to read some of my favorite lines in her voice. Oh, I could try going for a dommy mommy voice with it or something!”

A pull between his legs made Jory shudder. An exhilarated groan came from him as his wood hardened. With every soft rub, his member shrunk a little. Hot arousal traveled deeper into his body. He shimmied from side to side, bouncing in his seat as if he was a little child.

“Oh looks like I spoke to soon. I need…I need to run back to my room.”

It was as if someone was massaging his balls, sucking them off, and teasing them. There were so many assaults happening at once down there that he could hardly make sense of them all. Every little move against his balls was like a slight flick to them, yet it made a burst of heat and need come from them. Jory jumped onto his bed and raised his butt while playing with his needy member. It was getting harder to hold it, but he refused to let it stop him.

“I…need…more. You…aren’t going anywhere…. until I get every last bit… of pleasure I can out of you!”

Jory increased the rate of his stroking and could feel the front of his pants wetted in his juices. The harder his rod got, the more his underwear clung tighter to him, but all he did was let out a happy, perverse giggle.

With a loud wet slurp, the tip of his wang entered his body. A dopey grin formed as his balls followed after it, trailing against his thighs. He jolted on the bed as if someone had taken a Taser and zapped him. They entered his body one by one, making him groan in delight as another wet wave came over his lower body.

“Thank you god!”

The heat in her body rose higher and called out to him, demanding he explore her new hole. Her fingers brushed against the outer edges of it, enjoying how her fingers sparked in glee, and her cootchie screamed for attention.

A husky sigh came from his lips as the pressure on his head settled. “Oh man, whoever made this thing, knows how to make everything feel good. I almost creamed my pants there. Now c’mon what’s going to be the next part, make it just as nice if not better please! Give me some nice big honkers or a bubble butt to bounce!”

A sudden heat went through her hips, making Jory squeal. “Ohh! There we go!”

She put her hands on them and rolled her fingers, admiring the delightful bolts they radiated. Her fingers dug slightly into her hips, playing with them. The little bolts of heat increased in tune with her fingers. It was as if every little tap caused them to widen more and increase the warmth she felt.

Her hips broadened, making her giggle as she massaged them. Every bud of arousal made her roll her widening hips, paying rapt attention to how her flat butt moved behind her. There was hardly any bounce, but their delicious roll made her shudder.

Jory could feel the pressure on her hips slow as they stopped widening. The pleasing heat died, and her developing figure’s growth stopped. Right when they stopped, she frowned. “C’mon, couldn’t you have made this last for a little while longer? It feels nice! Or at least start up some of the more intense stuff. I want some big boobs or butt damn it!”

She swung her hips, moving her butt like she would whack someone. It took a moment longer for her butt to finish moving despite how small it was in comparison to awe-inducing hips. “Well I can’t complain about how nice and wide they are, it's going to make shaking my butt real fun.”

A slight tingle from her feet made her blink. She stopped and grabbed her feet to get a better look at them. A prickly sensation came over them as if they had fallen asleep on her. Still, she could feel her toes diminished and gain the same diminutive appearance.

“Oh wow, they’re not as small as I thought they would be. Now what are the rest of my legs going to be like?”

Jory watched her legs intently, running her hands over her calves, and grinned as they tingled. A slight tingle went through them as he prodded his calves, admiring the slight plush they were getting, yet they still maintained a defined tone. With delight, he watched how his finger moved and made what fat and muscle there move.

“Now if all goes as it should, then the next thing up is these girls.” Jory padded her thighs, watching how they changed.

The prickly feeling finally hit them, and she laughed. She squeezed her thighs and watched them ripple and wiggle on the bed. Both of them swelled against her hands. Again, bolts of electric fire heat went through her body and shot up her spine. A pleased sigh escaped her lips.

Jory squeezed them again and groaned, her hand inching close to her needy crotch. “I guess I can forgive the wait since you made this so nice.”

“I’m running out of things to change. You can’t hold off from giving me boobs and butt forever. So what is it going to be now?”

Suddenly, pressure overcame her behind, making it tingle. The legs of her shorts were hugging her body tighter. She laid on her flat chest and raised her butt into the air. With her behind in the air, Jory could see the increasing roundness of her ballooning cheeks.

“Hold on, let's see if I can pull off that pose.” Jory adjusted her legs as much as possible to pull off the Jacko pose. “If there was someone else here I would have asked them to take a picture. I’ll get Kyle to do it when he shows up.”

Eagerly, Jory smushed her buttocks together and played with it, savoring the growing cushion. Electric shocks resonated through her body, making her laugh in delight. With every sway of her growing behind like a symphony to her and made her preen with pride. She stood up and used her phone to understand better how much more prominent her buttocks had become.

Jory's new engorged booty stood out behind her like a shelf. Unbridled curiosity took over, and she grabbed a hearty handful of it, loving the feeling of her incredible ass. Her fingers dug into her fingers, and she moaned. “I got a big booty and I'm loving it.”

Her nipples perked. A shudder went through her body, making her giggle like a mad scientist. “C’mon, don’t keep me waiting like this. Make me a very happy girl!”

Jory’s chest pushed out, and quickly, small breasts formed on her chest. Despite her jacket, the outline of the breasts formed and became more prominent. Even through the coat, she could make out the round shape of her breasts. They swelled as if they were balloons attached to an air pump. Every part of her inflating bust was caressed and held in just the right way to make her beam in joy.

“C’mon keep the boing boing coming.”

They kept getting bigger, and her back muscles ached, but she didn’t care. Even though the increasing weight kept pulling on her back muscles as if someone had tied a pair of milk jugs around her chest. With every added centimeter, they kept getting rounder, looking more like two balls were wrapped around her chest. Only when they seemed to have become a sizeable E-cup rivaling even the ripest honeydews.

Jory smushed her boobs together, giggling like a silly child. “Ohh! Wow with how heavy you are you think you would be bigger. Well I’m not going to question boobs. Just happy I got some nice knockers to squeeze!”

She went to the bathroom and looked herself over. A happy smile blossomed at how pretty and cute she was. "You know what, while I’m like this, I will call myself Pikamee. I look just like her, so I might as well get into character with it.”

Another buzz from her phone got her attention, and she saw it from Kyle. Pika ran through the house, her jacket’s tail wagging and her boobs bouncing as she did. When she reached the front door, she was greeted by the sight of her fabulous best friend, Kyle.

Pikamee raised her arms as if she were an adorable dinosaur and cried. “Gao!”

Kyle blinked. “What the? Who are you?”

“Hey, Kyle, why didn’t you tell me that TG jackets were a thing? I know you wanted to surprise me with a gift like this, but c’mon I wanted to have big booba sooner!”

Kyle stared at her as if he was questioning what was reality right now. “Jory?”

Pikamee pouted. “Of course it's me! Who else would could possible be a real Pikamee! Wait, you didn’t know the jackets could do this?”

“No! I didn’t think it would result in something like this. I just thought it was a cute jacket you would like the aesthetic off. Especially with how often you go crazy about them.”

Pika looked down at her figure. “Oh…Well, I guess we can say this is a happy little accident because I love every moment of this.”

“Glad you are, though you might want to take that jacket off. Aren’t you uncomfortable?”

“No this is the best damn thing you have ever given me! I love it! Its soft and gave me big boobs.”

“Which it shouldn’t do.”

“You say that like it's a problem. Here, try it on, or at least feel the sleeve!”

Kyle rubbed the sleeve. “I would rather not run the risk of getting transformed. Oh wow, it’s soft, but I’m still not wearing it!”

“C’mon, just give it a shot!”

Pikamee took off her jacket, and the girl froze when she saw her bust had exploded in size and was much larger than she had given it credit for. The massive knockers were far too big for her to ignore and looked like they had doubled in size. Now, they rivaled beach balls with ease. "Wow, I didn't think the jacket could make these titanic boobs look normal."

“Oh wow, you would think I was trying to suppress these girls with how different they were. Man you would think I had some wrappings around these or something. This day just keeps getting better and better.” Pika smushed her boobs together and let them go, only to caress them and grab the bottom of them moments later.

Kyle immediately went hard at seeing her immense bust being played with. The minuscule cleavage on display called out to him as if all her boobs were on display instead. A primal, perverted part of him wanted to smother his face between those pale mountains.

Pika stepped forward with a playful saunter, grinning. “You like my new boing boing don’t you?”

She jumped up and down, and her immense boobs bounced. Every time she landed, she stumbled as the weight of her massive milkers pulled her down, but she continued to jump in glee like a small child.

“Please stop!” Kyle cried, unable to tear himself away.

Pika continued to jump. “Hey, it's perfectly fine if you want to look. I know I will be having all sorts of fun with these new giant boobs. Since you got me this wonderful jacket that made it possible for me to have them, you can play and fondle with them as well!”

Kyle’s jaw dropped, and his face darkened further. “I think I'll pass on that.”

Pika stomped the ground and glared at him with all the threatening presence of a cute puppy. “C’mon! I know you want to! Besides I want to know what it's like if someone else were to play with these boobs and I wouldn’t trust anyone else but you. It's a win for the both of us!”

Kyle ran his hands down his face as he struggled to keep calm. “I never should have bought you that jacket.”

Jory squealed. “And I couldn’t be happier that you did! Now c’mon how about you take some pictures of me. I want to get a lot of them with this new body of mine. Now, c’mon, say it.”

“...I guess I can do that.”


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