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Peter was lounging in his room after a hard day at work. Everything about the events of today rushed to the forefront. From the students who tested to the small fantasies, he had on the trip over. Now that he was in his bed, all he wanted to do was just lay on his head and allow the rest of the day to pass him in a blur. The soft fabric of the bed was like a magnet to him and called out to him on a primal level. He couldn’t leave the wonderful softness of his sheets.

“Still need to go and grade the lessons for the day.”

Before that he wanted to take some time and relax before he went back to work. With how much it was, he should get back to work before it gets too late. Otherwise, he won’t get it done in time.

Still despite the need to get some work done, he couldn’t bring himself to leave his bed just yet. The covers felt magnetic with how they rubbed against his skin. Like a cloud they wrapped around him and soothed his worries.

Yet before he got back to work, he wanted to play a game, but couldn’t bring himself to work up the energy to leave his bed.

“Well good thing, there are a ton of options for that.”

Peter pulled out his phone and went through his apps. The various gacha games he had along with some of the other full games he had on it were valid options. Out of them all, Fire Emblem Heroes got his attention and tapped on the app.

He couldn’t recall the last time he had played the game. It had been months since the last time he had played, if not a full year. The last time he had quit playing after a disheartening sight of not getting Cordelia when she had been on a rate up. Immediately the banners of who were the latest rate up appeared, showing who was on the banner.

“Who do I have in my lineup anyway?”

Peter knew he had a few of his favorites, granted not in the highest rating, but they were still there. His eyes went through the list, memories of his favorite game characters coming to the forefront as he went through it. The strongest of those he had came to the forefront and what he could do.

A snort came out at the sight of the swimsuit summer team he had made. “Hard to resist having a team of beauties like this.”

He couldn’t help himself and looked at all of the girls on it. A grin formed at the sight of Corrin and her sister Camilla, the larter an old favorite of his. The art complimented her figure wonderfully and made him imagine seeing her running around.

He couldn’t recall who was the last girl on the team. Her skin tone and the color of her hair threw him off. Yet there was a nagging feeling on the back of his mind. The name was on the tip of his tongue, but no matter how hard he tried to recall it, it refused to come to the forefront of his mind.

Peter clicked on her, and a portrait came with her wrapped up in a tight black one piece swimsuit. In the middle it had her name, Laegjarn.

“Oh right, that’s her name.”

He felt like hitting himself for forgetting what it was. Part of the reason why she had been put on the team was her sex appeal. While she wasn’t his favorite girl, she certainly had her appeal. And she had helped om get through several matches as well. The reach and skills she had, proved to be a dealy costume. Plus she was dressed up in a stunning swimsuit that drew his attention. Seeing her animated or in a damaged state helped send the blood flowing, even if it could have been under better circumstances.

It was hard to deny her appeal. Not with how exotic she was. The dark skin, her large bust, abd respectable figure. It all adds up into a dynamite gal that would have gotten the blood flowing, even if he would have liked her to have longer hair.

Suddenly a flash came from his screen. The game crashed.

Peter immediately went back to the game, and saw it take a moment longer to boot back up. After the initial announcement, another pop up appeared, this time saying there is an update.

“Ok first time I was forced to exit out of the game because of an update like that.”

Peter watched as the game downloaded and the progress it made as it did. All of the events he hadn’t completed came forward, and he grimaced. “Wonder how many more there are now that I’m done. At least I’m not going to have to wait for the story line to continue for a bit.”

Right when the game finished updating a surge came from his phone that made him yelp. The phone slipped from his fingers and landed on the soft covers of the bed.

Peter picked it up and examined it, wondering why it had reacted the way it did. There weren’t any exposed wires or anything that indicated it could have shocked him. “This is so weird.”

He explored various apps, making sure they worked as they should. He clicked on the app again and watched as the opening took place. Suspicion gnawed at his gut, his mind wondering what the issue was. “Ok, seems like it should work as it should.”

An error message appeared on the screen. “What?”

Again an error message appeared and he gulped as a strange sensation came over him. It was as if he had stepped in front of a heater with how his body was reacting. Sweat appeared on his skin. Peter pulled on the collar of his shirt, trying to breathe better but it kept getting worse. The roaring heat forced him out of his bed, making him wince as the seat on his body builded.

It was then he noticed something was off about the tips of his fingers. They seemed darker than they should have been. He raised them to the light and saw they were darker, as if the lights in the room were dimming despite being as bright as they were.

“What the hell?”

Peter stared at his hands, and to his horror saw they were continuing to get darker. Panic set in and he quickly looked over the rest of his body, and to his horror saw it was happening everywhere. His white skin darkened as time passed. A mocha color appeared in it, and became more apparent with time passing.

He looked all over his body, and saw small little brown splotches on them. All of them kept getting larger, connecting together. Even down the front of his shirt and his pants he noticed the brown spots on them getting longer. With great reluctance, he opened the front of his pants and saw even his member was changing. It only came to an end when his entire fair white skin had been replaced with a light brown hue which gave him a tanned appearance.

“How did the rest of my body change so much?”

Peter looked over the rest of his body, trying to find if something else was happening to his body and immediately noticed his nails. Just the other day he had clipped them so they wouldn’t get too long, but now they are back to being even longer then they were before. Morbid curiosity urged him to test the tip of them. Right after he was done testing then, he noticed the new daintness they had.

Now his digits looked thinner. The calluses he had were smaller. He rubbed them and could feel softer skin as if someone

Small pops came from his wrists as they began to change as well. The pops kept getting louder as they adjusted to better fit what was happening.

Even when it finished changing, the rest of his forearms did as well. They gained the same slenderness. It went up his arms, his biceps hardening as they slimmed as if the mass there was being compacted. Peter’s fingers dug into them and he received more resistance there then what he was used to.

Another pop came from his shoulders as they moved together. He rubbed between his shoulder blades and could feel the difference in them.

Peter ran into the bathroom, and stared at his reflection in the mirror as it continued. The broad shoulders he had were smaller, giving him a more rounded appearance. Bile formed in his gut and he could feel it come to the surface. Tingling came over his eyes as he forced himself to remain conscious.

“How is this happening?”

Now he noticed there was a slight diminishing appearance to his frame. The clothes Peter wore began to hang on his frame, making him look as if he had taken a shirt from a larger family member.

Pressure formed on the sides of his waist, making him groan. With a fearful heart, he raised his shirt and saw his stomach was the same shade as the rest of his skin. A slight curve appeared on the sides of his waist as if someone had wrapped a corset around his body. The small but defined curve it had, become more pronounced with every second. Despite wanting to do anything else, Peter brought his hands, and trailers them down the sides of his body. Its diminishing form became more pronounced.

Peter whimpered. “Why is this happening to me?”

Peter pulled on his clothes as everything in the room began to look a little larger to him. The clothes he wore hung from his body, exposing parts of his collarbone and shoulder. If that wasn’t enough the same looseness invaded his shorts and he was forced to hold them up as they continued to loosen. As he adjusted his shorts, he noticed his legs were changing.

His toes wiggled, rolling up and down, faint little cracks coming from them that made him whimper as he struggled to resist the oncoming onslaught. The crackling noises got louder as his feet shrunk, making him whimper.

Even when his feet had finished changing, it continued up his legs. The back of his calves tightend ever so slightly. Despite the change in size, it proved to be a welcome one, and added an appeal to his legs, which wasn’t there before.

Unlike the rest of his diminishing form, his thighs ballooned. Peter prodded them, a light dust of pink appearing on his cheeks. Every little prod sent small little bolts of energy through his body that made his blood boil. They kept swelling, gaining a trimmed tone to them. A supple curve became apparent. A heavy breath came out his mouth. His throat tightened as his haw rattled, struggling to suppress his lewd wants. Gone were the flabby thighs he had before and now they were trimmed, fit thighs that would have

“This is a waking nightmare or something. Yeah that has to be it.”

Peter pinched himself and pulled on his skin. No matter how hard he pulled, he was still experiencing this transformation.

Another heat ran through his midsection making him shake his head. Like a balloon being deflated, the slight pudgy gut he had reduced as a slight hardened exterior formed. He pawed and pulled on it as if it was a loaf of bread. Flesh escaped between his fingers and returned to its previous positon. With another jerk, he noticed there was only a faint ripple of his core. A shadow of abs formed that made him recoil in shock. Yet nothing was tere to deny the ton there now.

Peter ran his hand over it, and flinched at the shocking flatness it had. With a deep breath he pressed down his stomach as it would set off an explosive. Despite how hard he pressed into it, his finger barely went in an inch. The unnatural firmness of it, made his hands curl, his nails digging into stomach. Another repulsed shudder went through his spine.

Mixed feelings surged from his gut. On one hand, it further enhanced the feminine appeal his body had gained, but on the other, he had to deal with a pudgy stomach for a while.

Again he tried to pull and test it, trying to find the body that was there before, but no matter how much he investigated, there was none.

“This is not how I ever thought this would go away.”

Dull pain came from his cheeks, and already he knew what was about to happen. Peter stare at the mirror, holding the sides of his face as he braced himself. With every second that passed, more prickling came over him, making him groan. The bones in his face twitched as they moved. A feminine appeal appeared in his face. He ran his hands down his cheeks as it continued and shuddered at the altered cheekbones.

Burning overcame his eyes, forcing them shut. Tears welled up at the edges of them, preventing him from looking anymore. A crack came from his nose, and he whimpered as if someone had punched in the schnoz. His lips parted, and when they came back before, there was an added cushion there. Horrified curiosity got the better of him.

Peter finally moved his hands away and allowed himself to examine his new face. There wasn’t even a shadow of the man he had before. Now his face had a feminine visage that should have been on the front cover of a magazine. Yet the more Peter stared at her new face, the more she couldn’t help but feel odd. It looked familiar to her, as if she had seen this face before.

“Wait..why does this face look familiar?”

The glasses she wore slipped off her face. With her change to her new facial structure. Peter tried to put them back on, but they dropped on her face. No matter how little every jolt of movement, they moved a little further off before they slipped again.

“So much for trying to keep these on me.”

Heat erupted between his legs. His breathing picked out. It had a tenderness and need that called out to him. Even the stiff air felt like someone was playing with it. The feeling down there intensified and his breathing picked up the longer it went on.

Need called out to him, demanding he play with himself and experiences what it was like down there. Peter took a heavy breath. It was then he noticed his hand was inching closer to his privates, and he pulled his hand back. The tip of his nails was dragged across the side of his member. Despite the simple gesture, it was as if someone had pulled on it. Peter’s breathing picked up as he tried to get himself back under control. With one strong pull, the tip of his member entered his body.

Yet he never gained any respite. The heat between his loins had only increased from the surge. His balls trailed against his blower body, further fueling the fantasies and needs of someone playing around with his body. Again pleasure pulled him in all directions, making it impossible for him to react. They reached his new aching hole, and struggled to get through.

‘W-what should I do?’

There is no way he would be able to save his balls with how they were already pushing against his new needy entrance. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to press down or do anything. His fingers trembled in a mix of fear and sexual thrill. All he could do was close his eyes and brace himself for what would happen to him next.

Then euphoria went through his body as they entered his body. He could feel them shift and change into a pair of ovaries. Even when they finished changing, he could feel phantom sensations of them.

Peter was forced to lean against the counter as she struggled to fill his lungs with air. Still his body trembled. Again her fingers inched to her new hole, struggling to get themselves under control. The tip of them entered her, and thighs slammed together. She blinked rapidly, momentarily losing herself.

Right after the heat of it passed, her senses came back under control. Recollection of the past few seconds were no longer clouded in a heat induced haze. Cold Horror and fiery embarrassment zoomed through her body.

Peter launched herself off the counter, stumbling back into the door. The pounding of her heart was like music in a fog. It called her back and allowed her to focus. Yet her attention was drawn to what was between her legs.

For a moment, Peter could only stare at her new nether regions, her stomach twisting into knots as it struggled to balance itself out. The empty slit between them being the first time she had seen it in person.

Another shock went through her lower body, this time focused on her hips. It was as if someone was dragging their nails across them. Peter placed his hands on them, massaging them as the electric bolts worsened.

Popping noises came from her hips, making her gulp as they extended. They called out to his hands, begging to be rubbed and he did so, enjoying every little motion that came from them.

Gone were the plain thin hips, and now they were broader, adding a faint hourglass figure.

“This is only going to get worse for me isn’t it? How much more of a woman am I going to look like?”

Another pressure formed in her butt cheeks. Instinctively Peter grabbed her butt. Her fingers went in without any issue and retained their usual flabby form, and could feel the bones inside.

The firmness of her buttocks increased, making him yelp. Her fingers were pushed out by her ripening rear. Desire took over and made her squeeze her rump. Toned flesh formed between her fingers and pushed her hands out. Lust seized more control and made her knead her swelling rear.

Again she clenched her behind as her throat dried as a burst of heat went up her spine. With every little prod against her rear, it sent more heat through her. Weight kept pulling on her back, acting as a counter balance.

Peter moaned. “Oh thank god it’s finally stopped.”

The relief she had, only lasted for a moment. Never before had her behind looked so big to her. It never had the same tone and strength to it. Again it called out to her, demanding she explore it. Reluctantly, she rolled her hips and was surprised by the light bounce to it.

Peter blushed as her hands ran over the sculpted posterior she had. The wandering digits caressed every little curve and pressed into it, examining it for all its worth. With a dark blush, she swayed her butt from side to side.

Green strands appeared in her hair. Peter ran her hand through her hair, admiring the softer mane. More strands of hair brushed against her finger, making her yelp. A need came back to him, demanding she put his hands through his hair and feel them. Peter forced herself to look in the mirror and watched. The hair brushing the sides of her cheeks was as if they wre welcoming her to this new life.

Peter noticed something was off from the rest of her hair. The hair between his eyes wasn’t gaining the same shade of green. “Wait…”

Unlike the rest of her hair. Several bangs between her eyes brightened. Specks of orange appeared and became more prominent until they stood out like a fire. Lengthening changing locks brushed against her cheeks, making her yelp. Morbid curiosity made her grab handfuls of them and play with her hair as they changed. Horror filled her as the changing bits of hair entered her vision. They finished growing when they went past her neck, tickling between her shoulder blades.

Peter grabbed handfuls of her hair. The more her fingers played with them, the more her heart calmed. Every little brush of her hair, made her recoil, imagining it was someone brushing against her body.

Again, Peter forced herself to look into the mirror and stared at herself. There was nothing of her previous self. Not even a faint shadow of who she had remained. Ice spread throughout her veins.

“Am I even the same ethnicity?”

The name Largjarn made him think she was Danish, but it could just as easily be something else. With his skin color, he wasn’t quite sure what to make of his new appearance.

‘Something’s wrong.’

The more she stared at her reflection the more certain that something was wrong. Her eyes roamed her figure, trying to put together what she was missing. Thoughts about the character came to the forefront, from her cool demeanor, supple figure, and the large bust she had.

“Wait then!”

To Peter’s horror, her nipples erected. She brushed her hands against them and shuddered. Pulses came from them that egged her on. Tears formed in her eyes. Again she bit her lip, struggling not to give in to her impulses. Something poured down her lip and saw a thin trail of blood go down it. They stood out against her body like fresh erasers.

“And now here comes the big one.”

Peter stared at her flat pecs, bracing herself for the moment they grew. Fear invaded her being she touched her pecs, holding her breath. A low groan came out of her mouth, at the ease her finger went in.

“Please god don’t make this last too long.”

Despite the horrified disgust running through her, along with the heat through her body, she continued to examine them. They were flabbier there than they should have been. With every little motion, there was more of a bounce there, then there was years ago. With her shuddering, it made it easy to see her growth. Ripples came from her swollen bust which only became more pronounced by the second.

Peter jumped in place and to her horror, the bounce of her bust was undeniable. Their increasing weight pulled on her body, earning a sigh from her. They finished growing when they had become a DD-cup that rivaled softballs with ease.

“I look just like her now.”

Peter ran back to his room. There was a more feminine appeal to it. A vanity was in the corner of the room. Several pictures now lined the wall of her new self, her family was next to her. Thankfully some of the more personal stuff were still there. Her magic cards, her stuffed animals, and a few other things.

On the desk, all of the stuff was organized on it as it should be, with various folders, and a light next to it. She stared at where she kept her wallet and keys. There her wallet laid, with her keys onto of it now.

With trembling hands, she opened the wallet. As she expected, staring back at her was a picture of her new form with her information next to it. To her surprise, instead of seeing the Laegjarn next to it, the name her new self had was named Laetitia.

“Well…at least it's a little more normal than her original name. Still should talk to mom and the others, just to be sure.”

The newly named Laetitia went to the front door, bracing herself for the awkwardness, she was sure was going to make her want to crawl into a hole. A startled gasp escaped when she didn’t see her house’s hall. Now she was standing in the middle of a college dorm.

Several rooms lined the hall and she could see into the college bathroom. Basic furniture filled it, with little in the living room with nothing that showed any particular ownership. The kitchen was clean, but there were some small boxes in it, along with some candles.

Laetitia wondered. “Is this my old college?”

Laetitia rushed to the window and saw the English building across from the street. People walked across the street and showed one of the other apartment complexes on the campus.

“I’m back at college.”

She rushed back to her room and threw open her computer. In a mad rush she tried to log onto the website. Despite putting in her password, she received an error.

Again she tried to put it in but was met with the same error. This time she kept it slow, making sure she put in the right key with every press. When she had managed to get it in, again, she was denied access to her original account.

“Wait but then what is my account?”

It was her first initial and her last name, but she wouldn’t have been able to get into her account without the password.

To her shock, she saw her password book on the side. She went through the book she kept of passwords. Eventually, she stumbled onto one for the college website. With trembling fingers, she typed in the password for the account, bracing herself for the horror she would see.

All of the credits she had earned, along with her new schedule. Laetitia leaned back in her seat, struggling to comprehend all she had learned. “Fuck.”

There wasn’t much in terms of a degree there, but now there was room for her to go anywhere she wanted. “At the very least now I know what I want to do and can rush toward it if I want to.”

“First thing I gotta do is to try and get some information. Learn a little more about this new me and go from there.”

She stared at the schedule, trying to map out the schedule now that it was in front of her. Thankfully it was only four classes, and the schedule was easy to understand. She wouldn’t be rushing from one end of the campus to another in a mad dash.

‘Still, I need to try and figure out how I can change back.’ Laticia thought. ‘Think about what you can do and then go from there. You can figure out what to do later when you have a better idea of your current situation.’

Laeticia looked at her clothes and blinked. ‘I hadn’t been wearing these earlier.’

Gone were her pants. Thankfully she was still wearing a shirt for her new size, but now there was a small opening, exposing some of her cleavage. She pulled the front of her shirt, and saw underneath it was a black bra. Now she noticed as well, her underwear was far tighter then it had been a short while ago. Black panties hugged her crotch and rode up her behind.

“They must have transformed while I was looking around.”

She had been so focused on the changes and finding out where she was, she never noticed her attire had changed. Now with her mind a little more relaxed, she was able to think clearly.

If she was going to go anywhere, then he was going to need to get some new clothes on. ‘Might not be the worst outfit out there, but I refuse to let the whole student body see me like this. Last thing I want is to run the risk of some guy trying to hit on me or something.’

The sight of her new attire made her want to crawl into a hole, but she pushed herself. Every piece of conservative clothing she could find, she put at the forefront, while the more revealing clothes like the swimsuit and dresses she put in the back so they were out of sight.

The underwear made her sigh. ‘It’s going to take some getting used to, to wear underwear like this.’

When she found the clothes which looked the most natural and hid the most of her figure, she put them on. After doing so, Laeticia examined herself in her new wardrobe. Being dressed like this in girls' clothes made her feel as if she had stolen clothes from her mother. Yet she couldn’t deny she was a beauty. Even though she wasn’t trying to show off, her looks more than made up for it, especially with her hair and dark skin clashing with each other.

“Just ignore it for now. Think of this as a trail run to start getting used to them.”

A soft knock on the door made her jump as if an officer demanded she open the door.

The voice of a young woman came out from the other side of the door. “Hey are you in there Ticia?”

Laeticia considered opening the door. With how little she knew, she couldn’t afford to draw attention. She opened the door. Outside her door were a pair of girls. Behind them, she noticed that two of the other dorm rooms were open.

She said, “Hello?”

“Oh hey Ticia we’re just letting you know that we’ll be hosting a party tonight and some guys will be coming over.”

Laeticia wasn't sure what she could say at this moment, or even what would be the appropriate response. There was so mcu she was uncertain of that she wasn’t sure what would be the best moment. Now she was no longer Peter, a college professor, but Laeticia, a young woman who was still in college.

“Don’t worry so much, I bet it’s just Ticia being her usual reserved self.”

Inwardly, Laeticia sighed in relief. ‘At the very least it doesn’t seem like I’ll have to worry about drawing any unwanted attention.’

“Thanks for the heads up.” Again, Laeticia thought over her words and wondered what would be the right thing to say. Every usual response she had for this sort of situation seemed so far out of the norm, that she wasn’t sure if she would be stepping on a landmine or not.

“Do you want to come with us?”

Laeticia tried to think of a reason why she couldn’t come, but failed. “Fine…I guess I could come. At least for a little bit. Though I might have to leave a little into the party. I still want to get stuff done and all.”

One of them squealed. “Trust me you’re going to have a lot of fun.”

Her roommates rushed into the room. They bolted to her closet and began to look around its contents.

Laeticia gulped. “W-Wait. Slow down.”

“I didn't think you would have it in you to wear something like this.”

Laeticia’s face darkened as they pulled out some of her attire. The mere sight of them was enough to make her lower her head and wish a hole would devour her in one go.

“Well at least we won't have to go looking hard. Who knew you would have some wonderful clothes like these just hiding around in your clothes.”

“Yeah, you should wear more clothes like these all the time.”

Laticia couldn’t bring herself to answer. With all of her will, she forced herself not to look at them. The burning of her face became more intense as they awed over her attire.

“Wait hold on! I can get dressed on my own.”

“We can’t afford to waste. It’s going to take some time to get ready. Oh this dress would look real nice.”

Laeticia ran her hands down her face. ‘What did I sign myself up for?’

“Never got to see you get all dressed up and with the clothes you got in here, I’m dying to see what you look like with them on.”

“Alright now where do you keep your makeup?”

“My make up?”

“You do use some make don’t you?”

The silence dragged out and made LAeticia bite her lips. Envy rolled off her dorm mates and made her want

With her outfit set up, they dragged her to another one of the rooms.

Laeticia looked around the room as if she was expecting to be jumped by a monster. The room was lined with several posters and a cupboard. What caught her attention the most was her desk, which had been converted into a vanity. Makeup lined the sides of it in rows, reminding her of a storefront with how much was there.

Laeticia closed her eyes and let them work, praying it wouldn’t take long before they finished. Every little brush

“Alright then, time to take a look and gaze upon our work.”

Laeticia stared at herself in the full-body mirror. With her new dress and the makeup she wore, it looked as if she had stepped out of a fairy tail or video game with how she was dressed.

“Wow you really got to dress up a little more. With how your body looks it's a damn crime you cover it up like this.”

“Yeah I mean, I know we did good work, but we can’t take credit for all of this. You could get so much more attention from people if you just put some more effort into your looks.”

“I don’t want to get all of the attention, I just want to get through college and my courses without any issues.”

“I guess we will have to drag you to more parties or stuff so you will put in the effort for it.”

“Well then maybe this time will be what it takes for you to come out of your shell at last.”

Laeticia deadpanned. “There’s no way that’s going to happen.”

“Never say never. Life likes to throw plenty of curve balls at people. I’m sure you would make a nice lucky guy. And with how you look, you’re going to get a lot of attention.”

Laeticia’s face burned at the idea of getting with anyone, especially a boy. “It's not going to.”

Laeticia watched as they ran around the room to set things up. With how clean it already was, there was little they needed to do regarding clean up. They put a bowl to the side and filled it with chips.

Soft pop music filled the room. It got louder, sounding like it was trying to scrap against the walls.

Laeticia frowned at the music, wishing it was something else, but didn’t dare comment on it. ‘I’m going to hate every moment of this aren’t I?’

One by one, more people entered the room. They gave her a moment’s greetings before they talked with her roommates.

The first were a group of boys which made her heart fall. The second group seemed to be a mix of the two, but did little to calm her worrisome heart. Laeticia could only watch the door as if she was a security guard keeping watch for any troublesome stragglers.

Some of them looked like sports players while others seemed to be just young men who had snuck in, and were looking for a good time to be had.

More people filled the room and formed into small groups, laughing and talking with each other about an assortment of things.

Laeticia watched them talk. All of the interactions made her feel as if she had crashed the party rather then stay here. Occasionally she looked at the clock, taking note of the time.

“I should just go back to hiding in my room or explore the campus. At least then I might figure something out.”

Laeticia placed her empty drink on the counter. The door to her room called out to her like a siren. Sanctuary resounded through her mind, calling out to her. Again her eyes roamed the crowd, looking for any sign she could this would be

Someone tapped her shoulder, making her jump. She saw it was her roommate Carly doing so.

Laeticia sighed. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I just wanted to see how your were doing and find out if you see you’re making a good impression of being a wallflower.”

“Just not much of a partygoer. Prefer to just do my own thing than to just go and have some fun.”

“You should learn to relax and enjoy yourself. Maybe you’ll be able to find that special someone out on the dance floor.”

Laeticia looked over the crowd and imagined herself in the middle of the mosh pit. Few of the people grinding p against each other in ways that made her stomach twist.

“Yeah, I don’t think getting in the middle of that is for me if I’m being honest. Besides, I don't know how to dance.”

Carly grabbed her hand. “Well I think you might need to go out and live a little. And what better way to learn than to go out and do stuff.”

Laeticia gulped as she pulled into the crowd. “Wait, hold on!”

“Now then just relax, dance around, and try to have some.”

Laeticia looked around, holding her breath. The people around her made her feel like she was in the middle of a shark tank. Some of the people brushed against her body, making her yelp.

Someone’s hip brushed against her butt, making her yelp as if someone had cupped her buttocks and grabbed her with all her might.

“Look, just breathe, dance for a few minutes and if you still want to crawl into a hole, then you’re free to do so.”

Again Laeticia looked around the room, trying to think of what would be the best thing to do. She raised her arms and wiggled her hips as she threw her arms. Heat rushed to her face as she tried everything she could to suppress them. The slight bounce of her bust made her close eyes as she continued to move her body in an almost robotic manner.

Every brush against someone made her want to barrel the people in front of her down in a mad dash to the door. Yet she restrained herself. ‘Just wait a little longer, and then you can run back into your room and hide out there until all of this is over. This way you can say you at least made the attempt and that you did. Then Carly and the rest of the girls won’t be able to bother her about it.

To her shame, heat pooled into her core. A mixture of shame and embarrassment went through her. Her eyes went to the clock hanging over the door. Despite the distance and annoying music  she could hear the clock. Every little tick and tock of the clock sounded like a countdown to a guillotine.

The way people grinded against her became more intense, as if they were hungry and demanded from her. Every brush, and caress seemed to last a little longer then before.

Her eyes went to the clock and saw several minutes had passed. Shock went through her as she stared at it. ‘How much longer am I going to have to do this?’

Laeticia eyed Carly, wondering what she was thinking about all of this and saw she was lost in her world. Unlike her, she proudly grinded against a young woman.

Her body didn’t feel hot despite how much she moved. There was no strain on her limbs. All of her muscles still moved with an ease she hadn’t felt. With how long and hard she had moved before, she would

‘It’s weird that I’m so fit.’

It wasn’t like she was fat or anything before, but she had gained a bit of pudge over the years. Despite the efforts he had gone through to try and maintain some form of fitness over the years.

‘Wonder how much of it is youth, and just how much of it is because it's just fitter.’

Yet she couldn’t ignore the bounce of her body. The way her bottom swayed, and the bounce of her bust, it all drew her attention to her, making her pay more attention. Were it not for the people grinding against her, she might have been able to deal with it. Yet with how it was brushed and moved against, she could only notice how much more arousing it was. No matter what else she tried to think of, the way the people moved against her and brought attention to her altered curves.

With every little brush, her heart pounded in her head. The beating of her heart resounded through her head as if it was on a loop. It drowned the music and took over her mind. No noise from the outside world pierced his mind. Every drop of sweat traveled down her body, making her itch. Her nails dragged across her body and did little to bring her out of her stupor or distract her from her worries.

When she looked up, she saw more time had passed than expected. Instead of a few minutes like she had expected, another ten minutes had passed.


She tried to comprehend how much time could have passed since she had began. A groan came out.

“Alright, I danced for a while to run.”

Laeticia went to get out of the crowd, heading straight to the front door as if it was the gates of heaven. Someone’s hand brushed against her butt, and she struggled to hold back a squeal that wanted to come out of her mouth.

However before she could, she bumped into another guy. His lips collided with hers and she froze, her mind unable to process what happened. She recoiled as if she had been struck with a wet fish. She pulled her lips off of his mouth and dashed past him. Any sense of not trying to make a scene gone.

It was all her mind could think about. ‘I gotta get out of here.’

The moment she was out of the crowd she sighed. Relief came over her and all of the trouble she had gone through seemed so far away now, as if it was off in a distant world. She looked back at them, and shuddered again. Even though she was no longer in it, she swore it was getting closer, as if it would try to consume her.

Again she let out a sigh, A migraine came over as she struggled to get herself under control. “Good god I need a drink. Never again am I going to be dragged to a party like this.”

Laeticia grabbed a drink, the cold beverage going down her throat easily. With every sip, her thoughts cleared up. ‘Now is there anywhere on campus I could go at this time?’


Laeticia took a breath as she struggled not to latch out. Despite her building frustration, she forced a calm smile on her face as she looked at the newest person to speak with her.

She studied him, he was a guy who seemed to be around her age. It was easy to admit he was handsome. The muscular build he had made it plain to see he was an athlete of some kind, even with the loose clothes he had. The broad shoulders he had only served to further show his build, along with his exposed arms.

“Ouch I can tell from the tone I’m bothering someone right now. Not too much of a party goer?”

“No, would rather be anywhere else.”

Laeticia took a sip of her drink. Slight guilt gnawed at her gut for taking that sort of tone with him. ‘Not as if he’s the one I should be pissed out. I should be mad at whatever had been the one to cause this.’

“Then if I may know what would a nice pretty woman like yourself be doing here in a place you don’t like.”

“I unfortunately live here so it's either this and get some food, or be trapped in my room. And unfortunately I was forced to go with the first option.”

“Dare I ask how you got stuck with that option?”

“I got some…persuasive roommates shall we say. And it was going to happen either way so my options were rather limited in that regard.”

A light chuckle came from him, as she took another sip of her drink. “You never stood a chance against them did you.”

“Didn’t put up too much of a fight, but it probably wouldn’t have counted for too much if I’m being honest.”

Laetica tried to think of anything else she could say. With everything that had happened, there was no way she could talk about her past. There was too much she wasn’t sure about, didn’t want to say, even if they would never meet each other again.

‘Better to play it safe and not reveal anything too deep. If any of the others hear about it then it might come back to bite me in the butt later.’ Laeticia looked him over, trying to think of what would be a good thing to discuss. ‘With how he’s built, I doubt he would care about magic or any other card games.’

Silence filled the air between them as they struggled to think of anything they could say. The loud pop music filled the air, but it did nothing to alleviate their awkwardness. All of the conversations going around them, did nothing at all to help deal with them either.

Laetica focused on her drink, scrambling to think of anything. Yet no matter what she thought of, it was shot down in her head for one reason or another. Even stuff like her favorite shows came to the forefront, but she worried it would turn him off.

“So what are you here for?”

Laeticia said. “Define here for?”

“You know what you are going to college for? Do you have an idea of what you want to do, or are you still trying to figure it out.”

“I…I would like to go into teaching.”

The words tasted like ash in her mouth. Her time as a professor came forward and she scowled. It might not have been perfect, but it was her job and she took pride in doing it.

‘The only good thing is, I already know what I need to do to get there.’ It did little to help her temper, but the thought did bring some comfort for her. ‘Maybe I can get things done a little quicker and get a few more scholarships while I’m at it.’

“Oh cool, do you have a subject in mind you’re willing to teach or anything in particular.”

“A little bit of everything, though astronomy and math will be my main aspects for teaching. There are already some things I can do. Soon as I get my degree then depending on the school I can apply and go for a substitute position.”

“Well thats a good idea, and no offense, but I think you might have a hard time keeping their attention with how beautiful you are.”

Laeticia’s mind darkened to his words, any response she might have had become little more than smoke. A bright crimson blush formed on her face. The grip on her cup tightened. She took another sip of her drink and felt it travel through her body.


“You're cute when you have a blush on your face.”

Laeticia took another sip of her beverage as she attempted to school her features. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

Her beverage went through her body, and her breathing picked up. The blush on her face darkened a little. A slight tingle came over her fingertips, and she flexed her fingers, trying to knock out some of the strangeness they had.

“You alright?”

“I’m fine. Just not used to drinking so much so quickly.”

“Might want to take it a little slower then. Last thing you want is to find yourself getting drunk and dealing with a hangover.”

Laeticia looked down at her beverage. It had been some time since she had drank alcohol. Still she felt like she had control of herself. Every movement of her body seemed to have a little lag to it. A slight tingle came over her fingers, as if they were being pricked.

She tried with her toes and felt the same tingle come over them. Again she tested it with small movements of her body. Once more the lag her body came over her and she frowned as tried to adjust for it.

Laeticia frowned. ‘Looks like I’m being a bit more affected than I thought.’

“Hey are you alright? How many fingers am I holding up?”

“Three. I might not be used to it, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be hammered already.”

“Sorry, I just want to make sure. You never quite know how people are sometimes.”

Laeticia thought as she took another sip. ‘Well at least he’s nice about it.’

Again she tried to think of something to say, but again her thoughts were thrown all over the place. There was little she could think of. Even with the music and how focused people were on others around them, she couldn’t help but notice how focused the people were.

“Not a people person at all.”

“I wouldn’t say at all. Just not fully happy with the situation.

“So anti party then?”

“More not the biggest fan of parties when it involves a bunch of people who I don’t know the name of and have to be in this kind of situation.” More heat than expected filled her voice as she talked about her part. Still it would be a lie to say it hadn’t felt good to vent out her frustrations, even in a subdued manner like this. Some of the weight on her mind and heart disappeared at getting it out.

“Okay that makes a lot more sense. Still getting free food at these sorts of things is always good.”

“You got me there. Beats having to go and try to find some food to eat.”

‘When this is over I’m going to need to find a new way to blow off some steam. Maybe some exercise. I don’t think just running or walking around will be enough with how I'm feeling right now.’

It would be hard for her to find people into card games. She doubted any of her dorm mates would be interested in playing card games. Another sigh came out as she struggled, wondering how she would be able to do any of her usual past times without having anyone question.

“So how is the food? Does that make up for it at least?”

“It fills the stomach, but I would like something a little more filling then just chips and chips.”

“I think I heard pizza and some other stuff is getting delivered. Maybe some wings too.”

“Well that is something to look forward to at least.”

“Guess you just have to hold out until it is over. Though they better make sure to order enough for everybody or else it might lead to more of a brawl.”

Laetica snarked. “That would be a wonderful way to end the night I’m sure, with campus security interrogating everyone about what had happened.”

“No offense but you are kinda easy to read. I’m not sure how much of it is the alcohol making it easy, or if its just how naturally expressive you are.”

Laeticia tried to think of something she could in response, but her min couldn’t get any of her thoughts in order. They warred with each other, crossing out and conflicting with the other. It was as if they were crashing into each other before a popper thought could form.

“I’m making things weird, aren’t I?”

“I will admit its a little weird, but then again not sure if thats me or not.”

Derek shrugged. “Fair enough so want to keep things to more sane and normal conversations. Like favorite movies and such.”

“That would be better way to keep things going I feel.”

“Well that I can answer without any worries.”

The two of them discussed whatever else they could think. Like a damn being released they were able to discuss something now. It was as if a burden had been taken off her shoulders.

‘At least I can talk to him without having a previous connection.’

Laeticia looked in the crowd and tried to find her former roommates, who were now grinding against a person who had gotten their interest. Both of them looked like cougars who had found their prey. The men they were with looked pleased for the attention they were getting. Pride and joy beamed from them in waves. What stood most of all was how real the two of them seemed.

Laeticia thought. ‘Both of them look like they belong here with they’re acting.’

It was easy to see how the two of them flourished in this as if they had entered an old hm.

The two of them like this remind her of an old classmate of hers back in her original life. Back then, he had been envious of how carefree and acted what she did. Now she felt as if she had stumbled into a spider’s nest and was stuck in another world. If her old classmate was here, she was sure she would have belonged just as well.

‘Wonder how she’s doing now and if she’s happy.’

Again she watched them and the rest of the crowd. All of the joy they had became more prevalent. It stood out to her like a sign. Almost as if she could feel it dance across her skin. With how happy they were she was tempted to join the fray, but couldn’t bring herself to do anything more.

‘Wish I could say that I felt the same about this whole thing as they did. I could get hammered and I wouldn’t be able to feel even a fragment of the joy they do.’

Someone grabbed her hands, and she jumped. Laeticia turned and was surprised to see it was from Derek. Every muscle in her body was tensed, and braced herself for anything that might happen next.

Her body warmed a little more at the feel of him. Despite the fact she had never been close to a man like this before, it was like. Every nerve in her fingers twitched, wishing to do more, and yet her sense of control through for control of what she should do.

‘What the hell is going on with my body? Why does this feel as good as it does?’

Images went through her mind that made her close her thighs. Like an unrelenting tide, they continued to come forward. Every image that came after the previous was more vivid then the last with new details that came to her.

“For someone who said they weren’t a fan of parties you seem to be interested in joining the group.”

“Just how nice it seems to be. Wondering what they find in it that's drawing them in.”

“Well then why don’t we try to take things a little slow and enjoy ourselves. I’m sure if we try it that way you might feel a little more at ease.”

Again Laeticia looked over the crowd, wondering what she should do in this situation. Uncertainty ate away at her mind as she tried to figure out what would be the best course of action.

The oddity of dancing with a man made her wince for a moment as she imagined her old self doing it with him, considering she had never danced with anyone before in her life. Still considering this would be her first dance in both of her lies why shouldn’t she try to enjoy it.

“You know what? Why not, let’s try giving it a shot. Though I never danced before in my life with someone like this, so sorry in advance for any feet I step on in the process.”

“Meh, I think I’ll be able to get through it in one piece. Especially if it's a pretty thing like you stepping on then.”

Laeticia rolled her eyes, yet a part of her adored the compliment he gave her. “Have you ever danced with someone?”

Derek’s hand went over her arm, and she shuddered in delight. Before she could react, his other arm went around her waist. It went lower and she braced herself for him to squeeze her butt, but thankfully he didn’t do that. He pulled her close, mushing her breasts against him.

“I like to think I know my way around a dance floor in a few ways. Whether it be something faster paced or slower.”

Laeticia’s face burned, her eyes focused on her cleavage. Again her mind came to an empty crawl as she struggled to wonder what she should do. The first action her body wanted to take was to push him away, but she forced herself not to. Heat went through her body and her breathing picked up.

‘No way am I going to make a scene, no matter how weird it would be.’

It would be so easy for things to turn into a disaster. With all of the people around it would be like knocking over a set of dominos with how many there are. Her fingers and toes curled of their own, despite how much she tried to control herself.

Their weren’t any others around them, grinding against her, yet she could feel them going aainst her frame as if they were. It made her hold him a little tighter, hoping it would distract her, but no matter how much she focused on him, or thought about something else, it still felt as if someone was doing so now.

Still being held like this and taking in his embrace did assuage her discomfort and help her relax. The slow

Whatever enjoyment she got from this was dulled as another pop music broke resounded through her ears. The music was atrocious and made her want to go back to her room to hide in. With how loud it was, sure was sure it would fail.

‘Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone will try to cancel the party.’

Derek said. “Yeah not a fan of the music either. Anything would be better then pop.”

“We can agree on that.”

“Do you think death metal would be a better choice for people to dance to then this?”

“No not that. I don’t think that has a beat a person can dance to.”

“Listen, a person can dance to anything, you just need to have some fun with it. Well that and ignore all of the screams in t.”

Laeticia tried to imagine herself dancing to anything like that and gigged. ‘Well that would be a way to break up the party I’m sure. Either that or get them all to leave.’

“Enjoyed the thought I see.”

“More as in, I enjoyed the chaos it would bring if that would.”

Derek looked over the crowd and then burst into mischievous giggles at the reaction it would get from the crowd if they were to happen.

Again the tension became easier for her to handle and she relaxed in his arms. She was able to block out the terrible music, and focused on her heartbeat.

Derek moved to kiss her, and it all returned. The world moved in slow motion for her as his lips got closer to her. All of the wetness in her tongue disappeared in seconds as she wondered what she should do with how close it was.

Laeticia thought. ‘Should I turn my head, put my finger on his lips? Or should I just say no?’

Before she could put any of them into effect, the two of them locked lips and her body froze.

Laetica’s mind stalled, unable to react to her first kiss, in both of her lives. All her mind could focus on was the feeling of his body against hers. How her body was mushed against him. The way his arms were wrapped around her delicate frame. What stood out the most to her was the heat erupting from her loins which begged for attention.

‘Oh god. What should I do? Why am I not doing anything? Should I do something?’

A war went on her mind as she tried to think of something she could do. Her body took over and made her hands roam over his body.

After a moment, her mouth opened, needing to get air in her lungs. Derek used the opportunity she had given him to slip his tongue inside, making her squeal. Their tongues warred with each other for dominance.

A tingle came over her lips that she couldn’t bring herself to resist. She brought up one of her hands and marveled at how her digits felt pressed against them. Another burst came from that made her want to press down. Yet it was nothing like when they had kissed.

‘How were his lips able to make them feel like that? Damn it, I wish I could compare it to a previous one or something.’

If every kiss felt like that then she understood why people would kiss so much.

“This was my…first kiss.”

Laeticia wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Again a spark went through her lips that went down her spine like a electric shock.

“Do you want to tey and fo dor another one again?”

The more she focused on the kiss, the more Laetica lost herself in the sensations assaulting her body. Everything around her dulled except the feelings coursing through her body. Instinct came over her as a glazed look appeared in her gaze. Her hands wrapped around him tighter, as to trap him against her private.

Eventually the need for air became too much for the pair and they let go of the other. Still their arms didn’t move, and they remained in the other's embrace. Laeticia could feel and hear her beat pound in her chest as if it was trying to break free from it’s prison. Despite that she had never felt so at ease then she ever had before. All of the energy she had seemed sapped from her body, leaving her unable to do anything else.

Her mind had been drowned in a sea of emotions and thoughts. The weightlessness of ehr limbs stopping her from even thinking of what to do next.

“Do you want to go somewhere a little more private?”

Laeticia’s mind was still in a sprawl. With no awareness, she numbly pointed to her room. The music and everyone around them vaguely returned to her, but were little more than blurred her figurea in her mind.

Like a gentleman, he gently led her to the room. They cut through the crowd like a pair of serpents. None of the people they passed grinded against her or made a pass for her. Were she in a better state of mind, she might have been able to fight back, but now she followed like a dog. If she were, she might have realized where it was going by where she was leaving

“May I?”

Laetica pulled out her keys. Slight gibberish came out of her mouth as she fumbled with her keys. Laeticia tried to put them in the lock, but they slipped from her fingers.

Derek said. “I’ll get it.”

Only when the door shut behind them, did she finally gain some awareness of what was going on.

The two of them entered her room, but unlike before, Laeticia no longer seemed like a sanctuary from the crowd. Now the room seemed like it was a steel cage kept out of sight of any would-be viewers.

Sweet formed on her face as she stared at Derek, unsure what to say or do now. He seemed almost like a hungry tiger with how he eyed her up. Laeticia knew his eyes were roaming every small aspect of her body, though his eyes seemed to focus on her bust the most.

“I have to admit, I expected things a little more. I’m guessing you're rather utilitarian if I’m using that word correctly.”

“Yes…I don’t need too much since this isn’t my home or anything. But there’s enough here to keep me busy and entertained.”

“Hey, it's not a bad thing. You had an easier time setting up stuff than me I bet. I couldn’t help myself and had too much stuff I wanted to bring in.”

“Yeah, I didn't realize how much quieter it is here. Thank god the walls are thick enough to drown out the music.”

“True, now we can hear ourselves think instead of suffering from the latest pop sound.”

His hand continued to roam her body, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop him from doing so. The light spark roaming over her body built. It continued to increase and gain her attention, her hands curled, as she tried to distract herself from what was happening.

Laeticia tried to get herself under control, but it was proving to be harder to do. Every breath of her lungs, again brought attention to her curves. The gentle bounce of her curves and the way her curves traced against her body. With no intention of her own, her thighs moved closer together, as she struggled not to give in to her hunger.

Warm need came from her crotch, which called out to her. Even her butt wished to be filled in some way, anyway that would alleviate the tension from it.

Even though she wore a jacket and a shirt, she knew her nipples were perked underneath her top and ready to go. Laeticia’s loins burned and her hands ached to explore her thrown.

Laetica moved over to the bed, and he followed. A dark blush adorned her face as she did. More heat erupted from her plump buttocks as she sat. Again the urge made her want to roll her hips and see if she could make more appealing to her.

Derek sat across from her, and she stilled for a moment. With a heavy breath, Laeticia went to take off her jacket, but Derek placed his hands over her’s, making her stop.

“If you don’t mind, would you like help getting that jacket off?”

“If you are willing to take your time.”

Laetica tried to remember the last time, she had gone through something like this, but couldn't. His fingers went over her frame, and the clothes going over her frame made her body sweat. The longer his fingers went over her frame, the more her lungs tightened. Despite no one forcing her, she held her breath, as if letting it out would cause an explosion.

Derek grabbed the sides of her shirt, making her hold her breath. Derek’s hands went down the side of her pants and pulled them down. Laeticia’s toes curled as much as they could, struggling to hold them there, yet unable to move them from their previous position.

‘Keep calm, just relax. This isn’t something you need to get all coiled up over. You’re just going to try and have some fun.’

Derek’s grin grew at the sight of her underwear, and Laeticia bit her lips. They trailed down her legs and she kicked them off.

“Have to admit you have a nice choice in underwear. Always did like the simpler stuff then all of the frills and lace some people have when it comes to it.”

“Not as if I was trying to show anything off or get someone's attention. I just wanted to wear something comfortable and it was this.”

Derek giggled. “Hey, not knocking you or anything. I’m just saying I like it.”

He continued pulling off her clothes and she struggled not to react, as it came off. When her pants were off, he pulled off her socks. She wiggled her toes and he massaged them. A slight moan of relief came from her and she lounged on her bed.

“Figure I would treat you to a little something nice before we get things going. You looked like you needed a little something with how your feet were. Feel any better now?”

Laeticia sighed, enjoying how his fingers dug into her feet. “Yeah, that was good.”

Derek smiled and continued to massage her feet.

“I worked at a salon, so I know how to do this sort of thing. Was a nice way to make some cash.”

“If your hands are anything to go by then I imagine this made you pretty popular with all of the people working there.”

“Quite a few of the girls did , but you gotta know when to separate business and pleasure. Still get asked quite a bit to perform my services for people, my cousin especially.”

Laeticia giggled. “I imagine you make sure to get a fair price from them for all of your hard work.”

“Hey I might do it for a job, but I gotta make sure my services are paid for fairly. And they make a good backup gift, if I don’t remember to get something or if I want to enhance what I’m giving them. I might not be able to give you the full treatment, but from the smile on your face and the moans you made that wasn’t an issue.”

Laetiica hummed. “Think you can do massages as well?”

Derek chuckled. “Oh I certainly could, and I must say, you are far more appealing than some of the patrons.”

Laetica smiled, giggling.

Derek went to reach for her bra, and Laeticia rose her upper body and allowed him to grab her bra. He unclipped it and tossed it with the rest of her garments. The subtle bounce of her bust threw her off.

She looked down and her jaw dropped slightly at the freedom her bust had now. The darker tips of her mountain stood out to her, especially with how perked the pair of them were now. One of her hands caressed the tip of them and she shuddered at the bolt coming from them.

Derek said. “Mighty fine sight I got to say.”

Laeticia blushed. For a moment, she considered playing with herself again and see if she could enhance her feelings from them, but having someone in front of her gave her a sense of dignity she wasn’t quite used to having.

“Hey if you want to play with yourself then god knows I’m going to stop you. Would be a shame to see a sight like that.”

Laeticia’s face darkened further at his words, unable to form a proper response to them. Despite it all she bought one of her hands up and massaged her left breast, her thumb playing with her nipple.

Derek’s hand reached out and played with her other breast. A moan escaped her lips as her body felt light as a feather.

Laetica’s heart pounded faster, excitement surging through her. Yet the first time experiencing this made her heart and insides twist as if they were going to explode out of her body. Seeing herself like this and with someone else watching her made her feel as if she was a show.

‘Just stay strong. This isn't the first time someone has seen you naked. Even if this is the first time, someone outside of your family has. This is also the first time you’re going to be doing anything romantic with someone

Again her blush overwhelmed her face. It radiated heat, despite not touching it herself. The first instinct she had was to grab her clothes and leap into her closet until she was fully clothed.

“You’re going to kill me if you keep blushing like that.”

Laeticia’s face burned brighter at the compliment. With a deep breath she tried to calm herself, but it proved to be a fruitless endeavor. A slight yelp came from her as his hands explored her frame once more. They rested on her

‘What do I do now?’

Derek said. “This is your first time isn’t it?”

Laetica’s face burned as she struggled to respond, wondering what she should do. Again her mind imagined what could happen and tried to calm down her beating heart. Some possibilities such as him mocking her came forward, making her frown. “This is.”

“Well don’t worry. We can just take things slow. Cuddle, and relax. I think we can both agree that being in here is a lot better than being out in the open. If you want to go the full way then I would be happy to do so, but hey.”


All of the worst conclusions her mind had conjured vanished in an instant. Again her mind relaxed and the smile on her lips returned with greater glee. Anything else she might have said was thrown off by a wave of confusion.

‘Why is it that things go well I’m thrown off but when things turn out ok, I don’t know how to deal with that. Fuck I wish I could blame someone or something else for this!’

It would be weird to just pull out like this after things had progressed this far. Yet she couldn’t deny a part of her was interested in just letting it play out. There was so little she knew about it outside of what porn she had seen, a part of her was interested, at the very least to see what sex would be like in its entirety.

‘I won’t be able to use the masculine side as a comparison, since all I got is those sessions. Still I can at least see what this is like.’

Again Derek wrapped his arms around her, and she jumped as if a pair of serpents had wrapped themselves around. She stood there slowly following his example. The shape of his body was prominent in her mind, along with the bulk of his arms. Even the feelings of his legs against her own and the package he had between his legs didn’t go unnoticed by her. All of it stood out to her, and her mind went wild as it took in every small little piece about him.

Her breathing deepened and the smell of cologne hit her nose. With every breath she could feel it settle in her gut like a weight. Confusion overwhelmed her mind for a moment as she struggled to figure out her next action.

‘I read about being in this sort of situation, but what do I do now in the heat of the moment? Do I go and play with his dick? Do I explore the rest of his body? Or should I kiss him?’

Laeticia moved his arms and had them exploring his body. The main thing she noticed was the sternness his body had. It hardly rippled as her hands roamed against him. When it reached his pecs, and biceps, she squeezed them and her fingers only went in a little slightly.

“Got a thing for muscles do you?”

What stood out to her most was the piece of meat that only dug further between her thighs, and further fueling her lustful hunger. For a moment she considered seeing what it would feel like to explore that part now that she didn’t have it, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. The mere thought made her tremble. Instead, her hands went to her shoulders. With her dainty digits they looked far broader than they already were.

She massaged the muscles there, surprised by the strength hidden in them. Memories of her self explanation came forward and she tried to think of if her’s had been any different. Immediately she recalled the difference between them. The flab and way her arms would have moved as she performed various activities made her bite her lip.

Her hands felt strong defined abs, hidden underneath his shirt. Curiosity made her press them harder and she could only admire them more. It was stronger than anything she had felt before. This was the first time she has felt a pair of defined abs before.

‘I didn’t think a person’s body could feel this hard.’

Laeticia’s hands went to his arms and explored them as well. The powerful biceps didn’t give into her fingers no matter how hard she pressed them. Her thoughts went to his legs and studied the muscle they had.

Derek chuckled. “Feel free to take it off. I don’t mind you exploring my body.”

Her hands forced his shirt off. It was tossed to the side and thrown to where the rest of the clothes were.

When it came to his pants, she touched the hem of them. Carefully, she pulled the button after the other off, holding her breath as she did. Her finger inched toward the center, unsure what to do. With the tip of her nail she managed to make it stand, making it easier to grab, With the tip of her fingers she was able latch on to it.

There was little she could do as she pulled down his pants. His underwear was pulled down as well and she stalled for a moment. After a moment, she adjusted her grip so that only his pants would go down. Yet she found herself staring at the noticeable mound. The bright red boxer shorts strained against a tower on them that she knew was his member.

“You feel like dragging things out a little bit don’t you beautiful?”

Laeticia’s face burned at the insinuation. Nothing came out of her mouth, or went through her kind. All she could focus on was how his pants moved. The relentless pounding of her heart only increased as she struggled to form a proper response. ‘No I just need some time to try and brace myself before we do the next big thing.’

“Well if you want to do it, then take your time. It doesn’t do anyone any good if we try to force it. Besides, I can be quite the patient man. Feel free to explore as much as you want.”

Laeticia grinned, relaxing a little from his words. He kicked off his shoes, and they fell to the ground.

With them off, she pulled down his pnts and they fell to the wayside as well. Laetica slowly pulled off his socks and tossed them to the side. His large feet wiggled as they moved around. She pressed her hands into his feet, and massaged them.

“Well if you want to give me a foot rub then I wouldn’t be against it, but I think there are more fun ways to pass the time.”

Laeticia snorted and let go as she continued to do so. Despite how her hands focused on it, her mind wondered what she should do now. ‘Where can we go, and what will happen next once this is over with?’

Nervous excitement nipped at her pounding heart, the rate she was digging into his feet increasing. Again her curious mind pushed her forward and she tried to imagine what it would be like to explore and get a feel for what it would be like to move on to the next and final step of the process.

After a little bit of time, she crawled on his body, again admiring the muscle he had. Thousands of thoughts and actions rushed forward. From stories she had read, to scenes of a screen, and how the ones on the receiving end reacted when they were put in that position. Now she wondered what it would feel like.

‘How many times has someone screamed out in pain when they first did it? The way they screamed afterwards. It has to be somewhere in between, but even so, it doesn’t help me relax at all.’

His hands trailed under her shirt, gliding across her thin stomach. She raised her arms, allowing him ease of use.

When it was pulled over her head, her body spiked from the heat. Instinct made her want to cover herself, but she restrained herself. Lust was plain in his eyes and a thrill went through her body. A tentative smile formed.

“That’s a bit more of a daring bra then I thought it would be.”

“It just felt comfortable.”

The words slipped out of her mouth, easier than she anticipated. Again another thrill spiked and her breathing picked up more.

Laeticia thought. ‘This is the first time anyone looked at me like that.’

Being the attention of his eyes, one with all of the attention focused on her sent a surge of excitement through her body that she couldn’t deny.

‘Can I continue to live up to that, or am I going to fuck it up once we get a little more into it? Will some other people look at me like that too, or what?’

The moment after her mind thought that it stilled. With a deep breath, she went back to focusing on Derek, trying to act as if she wasn't flustered by anything.

A slight chuckle came from him at the response she as getting, but she still made sure to focus on them.

The feeling of her body moving across his, sent more sparks through her. They ached to get to the next part, the more exciting part. Her throat tightened, scratchy and needful, as her tongue felt like it had welled to become a brick in her mouth.

She stopped when her face was inches away from his.

Everything about her body locked up. Her fingers were tight and curled along with her toes. Again her breathing stalled. Seconds later they began to tighten, but still, she didnt move to fill. Anxiety gripped her heart in a vice grip yet her loins burned for attention.

Derek moved one of his arms behind her back, but she stared ahead focussing on his face as if he might disappear. Laeticia felt him grab the claps of her bra and pulled it off with one easy swoop. In an instant her breasts droop.

With it gone, he moved up and now was over her. Laetica gripped the bed sheets and focused on her breathing. Anxiety eased as she watched and took in his strong form. Again the slight redness of his cheeks and the excitement his body exuded caught her off guard. Any action she might have taken next had stooped in its tracks as she tried to figure out what she should do.

He grabbed the sides of her underwear and puled them down. Another thrill shot through her body as they did. As they lowered he moved his body down her’s, his head stopping just above her crotch.

When they wre off, Derek kept his head there, as if he was going to do something more. For a moment, she froze, wondering if she was going to be eaten out right then and there. Laeticia’s toes curled and her breathing as she braced herself for the moment his face would dig nto her rose garden and begin licking her down. Instead after a moment, he looked at her face, and the spell over her ended.

They stared into their eyes. Every subtle curve of their faces stood out in their mind. All of the freckles on his face stood out to Laeticia like small stars, especially with how they were spread all over his face and cheeks.

Laeitica looked away, and was again reminded of his body. The mage of her hold one appeared and she took stock of how much stronger it was. Jealousy welled within her as she thought about her past self, wondering what she could have done to try and earn a body like his.

Thousands of emotions and feelings went through her like lightning holts. Every little touch numbed her mind to anything else that was going on around her. All she could focus on was the spark of emotions going through her body.

‘If my life is going to be thrown out of order in such a way, I guess I can enjoy myself at least for tonight. Tomorrow I’ll worry about trying to get everything sorted out and figure out what to do next.’

They kissed again, and this time she allowed herself to be lost within it. All of the tension with her body dispersed somewhat. Still the thoughts of what it might be like came forward. For a moment, her hands stopped, anxiety gnawed at her heart as she tried to imagine where it would go next.

Suddenly, his hands stopped exploring her body and gaining a feel for what was happening. Confusion hit her like a truck and she forced herself to stop. She looked into his eyes, staring at him in confusion.

Derek said. “If you don’t want this, we could stop it right now?”

The thought of trying to stop now, was an idea in another realm. Something she couldn’t even conceive at that moment with how lost in the throes of pleasure she was.

Again his hands roamed her body, making her feel alive. Lustful groans came from her, that she couldn’t suppress at all. They settled on her hands and gently caressed the tips of her dark mountains.

Laeticia groaned a she teased and gently pulled on them.

“Before we get to the main part, let’s take the time to have a little foreplay before we do anything else.”

His other hand went around and trailed down her back, massaging every little inch of it. It reached her butt, and Derek’s hand slowed. Just like with her breasts, he seemed to pinch and caress every part of it, as if he was looking for something in particular. Every action he did to them made her squirm, shuddering in delight. She squeezed her thighs tighter against the sides of her body, ensuring she would be able to stay on, and enjoy his body more while he did as he pleased with her.

The rest of the night passed through in a blur she could hardly make any sense of. All either of them could focus on was the other and how they could bring more pleasure into the throes of their meeting.


Laeticia put on her swimsuit. It hugged every supple curve while showing them off in the best possible way. Even her breasts were almost on full display. The top of her chocolate brown bust was fully exposed to the world while at the same time being raised in the proper way.

She wrapped the sarong around her lower body and smiled. It did a perfect job of veiling her legs and adding more of a slight sensual appeal to them.

‘Hard to believe how long it had been since I first transformed and that I’m wearing something like this now?’

“Alright then, time to go out and have some fun.”

Laeticia stepped out of the room. A jaunty tune came from her as she walked.

Once she was down, she removed all traces of her smile. Eyes were on her as she did, but she paid them little thought. Some of them seemed put off, but others continued to admire her. Yet she paid them not even a moment's thought as she continued.

‘There is only one man I have any interest in and you are not him.’

She wandered through the halls, the feeling of her swimsuit brushing against her body fueled her desires to an extent. Yet none of it could compare to how it felt the previous nights, and was sure it would only get better.

When she reached the pool, her eyes darted around. “He said he would be here.”

More of the people eyed her up, but she didn’t even pay them a moment’s thought as she looked around for Derek. She saw him by the pool in his trunks. Derek’s chiseled upper body exposed and making her hunger, wishing to run her hands over it and examine every part of his body again in sexual detail. There mere thought of what it might be like filled her with lust and need to explore.

Laeticia grinned, glee exploding through her chest. Again the previous night of adventure they had came rushing forward and she beamed with childish glee.

She walked forward, swaying her hips. A thtrill shot through her that only became more intense at the feeling of her butt swayed from side to side. The bikini bottom rubbed into her crotch and buttocks exciting her. Thoughts of last night and the night from before rushed forward, filling her mind with lewd thoughts.

‘I wonder if tonight will be another rendition of those events.’

Derek grinned and watched like a hungry cougar. For a moment a contemplative look flashed across his face as he struggled to decide what to do. A hearty giggle left her lips, the glee in her heart swelled.

Before he could go through with any action, Laeticia was already upon him. She pressed her body against his, adoring the feeling of his muscles and how her breasts were pushed against his body. Heat went through her body.

“Hello beautiful.”

She could feel something of his press against her leg. It further fueled her excitement. Memories of last night came to the forefront of her mind and her body warmed.

Laeticia smirked. “It seems like someone is happy to see me.”

Derek lifted her off the ground and held her by her thighs. “Well who wouldn’t be happy to see a beauty such as yourself, especially one that is hanging off of them like this. And luckily for me, I get to experience this feeling every day.”

Laeticia couldn’t help herself and kissed him on the lips again. Warmth resounded through their body, making her relax further in his strong broad arms. Only when their lungs felt like they were screaming did they break away from each other.


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