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Big thanks to Hiros53 for helping me proof this scaly story.


Naofumi examined small leaves in the ground before he put them back. It had been some time since the last series of Waves, and it wouldn’t be long before the next set came in. He had broken off from Raphtalia and Filo to explore the area. If any of them were to have trouble, they were to alert the others by sending out a signal. So far, there wasn’t too much in terms of items for smithing, but he had found plenty of herbs he could use for potions. Even a few fruits as well, which he could use to make his potions better.

Fresh specks of blood on the leaves caught his attention and put him on high alert. Naofumi followed the trail, raising his shield just in case. The blood droplets got larger the more he followed. All of the tension got into knots as he tried to figure out what it could be.

‘There hadn’t been any word of larger monsters in the area. It could have been some thieves, but then again, the lack of a heavy trail counters it. But do I really want to risk checking it out?’

The blood splotches kept getting bigger. Yet the general vicinity and size of them became more erratic and wild. Naofumi stopped when he came upon a large clearing filled with people.

Numerous thugs were surrounding a dragon girl who held her shoulder. Like a cornered animal, her eyes darted around, frightened. Some of them chuckled at her and moved in, only to be forced back by random swings of fire magic.

Yet behind them, all was an uncomfortable Motoyasu with a smug Myne. Her arms were crossed, and she had made Naofumi want to knock it off her face. Seeing her here didn't make Naofumi's decision about what to do next hard.

“Ah! Can it be? Is that really… Ah! MY SAVIOR!” Just as he was about to leave, he heard the cry of the young dragon girl. ”Please help me, Shield Hero! I’m a citizen of Shiltvelt and a proud follower of your religion. Please stop them! I beg of you!”

She reached out to him, her wings flapping. The guards tightened their hold on her, trying to prevent her from leaving. One of them stabbed her wing, drawing blood from it. Yet still, she struggled against the restraints. Snapping noises came from the rope as they gave way.

“Would you look at that. If it isn't everyone's favorite raping hero.” Myne cackled in her for Naofumi's unbearable voice before making her demands. “I will make this very clear: Keep out of our business Shield guy and we will leave you alone. Now buzz off before I change my mind on that.”

“Please! Shield hero, don’t listen to her!” The young dragon girl then cried out, trumping even the shrill voice of Myne, which honestly made her already very sympathetic in Naofumi's eyes. “I have come a long way to deliver my family's most prized possession to you. It is something that shall boost your shields power enough to save all of Siltvelt!”

Now that was something that caught Naofumi's interest. But still grimaced. The dragon girl's scream resounded as he pondered what he should do. Swiftly, he changed his shield into the air shield, sending a massive gust of power at them. He knocked over most of the grunts with wind magic from his shield. Now that they were out of the picture, he turned to Motoyasu. “Shield Prison!”

Bangs came from it as Motoyasu struggled to break free from it. ‘It won’t hold him for too long, but it will give her a chance to get away.’

Thankfully, the girl saw the opportunity he had given her. With one mighty whack of her tail, she sent a guard tumbling down to the ground. The girl flew over to him, her wings struggling to remain in the air.

“Thank you for saving me my lord!”

Naofumi glared. “What are you doing? Don’t stop now you idiot! You need to get out of here!”

The girl looked up at him with big pleading eyes. “My lord! Please let me assist you! I would like to lend you what little strength I can!”

Naofumi saw Myne cast a spell from the corner of his eyes, so he shouted. “Move!”

The spell crashed into his shield, forcing him back somewhat. Myne got up, glaring hatefully at them. Motoyasu broke through the prison.

“There isn’t anything you can do for me in your current state.”

“No! Listen to me, my lord! I still have the artifact with me. My family's heirloom, meant to strengthen the shield hero!”

Before Naofumi could say anything, the dragon girl grabbed her tail and tore it off with ease. Yet no cries of pain came out of her mouth. A horrified gasp came from Motoyasu while Myne looked on in disgust. Naofumi stepped back, wide-eyed. The dragon girl presented her tail to him as if she was presenting it to a deity. “To lend you even something as small as this would be an honor!”

Naofumi could only stare in shock at the sudden thing. “D-D-Didn’t you want to give me an artifact?!? Why the heck did you tear off your tail?!?”

"My tail IS the artifact, my Lord! Please take it and use the power my family has preserved as it is rightfully yours!”

On instinct, he reached out and grabbed the torn tail. The shield glowed bright green and absorbed the material into it. It transformed into a large heater shield with two dragon heads on the sides of it with large horns and golden eyes. It was like two wings folded over each other down the shield's center. A notification appeared from it, telling him he had unlocked a new power.

“Dragon Tamer’s Shield Unlocked!”

Another alert came from his shield. However, this one came from the cursed series to his shock.

“Eternal Draconic Servitude Shield Unlocked!”

Naofumi blinked. “Two shields?”

A crack resounded from the Shield Prison. Naofumi turned to see Motoyasu had broken free. Like a missile, Motoyasu launched himself at Naofumi, who blocked a strike aimed at his chest.

“Guess I’m going to have to do it as a field test.”

Naofumi poured his power into the shield, and it sent out a blast of power at them. To his shock, the shield glowed. Golden lights came out of the eyes of the dragon heads on it. The explosion of energy collided with Motoyasu and Myne, and a faint aura appeared around them.

Despite the chaos, Motoyasu and Myne weren’t harmed at all. At worst, the two only had light scratches from some debris.

Motoyasu demanded. “What the heck are you going to do to us, you bastard?”

“You didn’t exactly give me a chance to read up what that shield does, so I guess it was a surprise for all of us.” Naofumi scoffed with a smirk, but then returned to a battle ready stance. “If you wanna help me find out you are more than welcome to get another serving.”

The aura around the two became more pronounced. It made the image of wings and a tail around them momentarily. Just as quickly as the shape around them appeared, it vanished.

Myne glared at him, panting like she had just run a marathon. Tears formed in her eyes, yet she tried to remain defiant.

Motoyasu was in a similar position to Myne. With how he struggled to catch his breath, he would have thought he had been in the fight of his life.

“This is… unexpected.”Naofumi examined his shield again. “Does this inflict some sort of status effect…? There is no way the spear idiot or bitch would fake that.”

Another cry came from the pair, making him pause. He turned, wondering if a monster had revealed itself, only to see their faces change.

Scales formed on the sides of their cheeks. Tiny little green specks formed on Motoyasu’s cheeks, while red ones appeared on Myne’s. The growing patches continued and seemed to go a little down their chin.

Motoyasu forced himself to stand. Like twigs struggling against an ongoing hurricane, his legs quivered.

Naofumi couldn’t answer. The previous enjoyment he had before gone. Confusion warred as he stared at their new scaly features.

Myne’s lips seemed a little puffier. Some more refinement came to her features, making her look more mature. The somewhat altered shape of her admittedly beautiful face veiled the rotten nature she had better.

Motoyasu’s facial changes were far easier to notice. The roughness of his face vastly diminished. A softness appeared in them that contrasted with the scales on his cheeks. For a moment, Naofumi could visualize the shape of a heart rather than the angular, narrow shape he had. Bright ruby-red lips, which looked like they had swelled, contrasted with smaller nostrils. His nose looked like it had lost half its original size and gained an upturned feminine curve.

Naofumi rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was suffering from a hallucination. When he moved his hands, he saw that Motoyasu was smaller. Mere seconds ago, Motoyasu had a few inches over him now. Now though, it was the reverse. Motoyasu grabbed the hem of his pants and pulled them up.

He let go of his spear and tried to adjust his pants, but without the support of his weapon, he wound up toppling over. Before he did, the spear collided with his face, making him wince.

Myne cried. “Lord Motoyasu!”

Her gaze snapped back to Naofumi. Fury was in her eyes, and she tried to launch another spell but failed. “Why can’t I use my magic?”

Though all the writing around of Motoyasu and Myne really only caused Naofumi to start smirking. “Maybe instead of trying to ruin someone else, maybe you should instead focus on whatever my shield has just done to you. But what do I care? I am not the one affected by it.”

Motoyasu could finally force himself to stand back up, though it was clearly taking more strength from him than he would like to admit. “Shut up you bastard! I won’t let you insult her.”

“At least I’m not a dumb mutt going with whatever a snake like her says.”

“And you just use your power to torment others for fun!” Motoyasu retorted, looking more angry than before. “When I heard that this poor little misguided girl wanted to give a powerful artifact to you, I couldn’t help but try to stop her. I didn’t even want it for myself! I just didn’t want YOU to have it, cause look at what sort of havoc you cause!”

Naofumi scoffed. Motoyasu’s clothes draped against his frame. Even a part of his collar bone was poking through now how his clothes dropped on his body. It was as if he had thrown himself into someone else's wardrobe and put them on, despite how they were meant for someone more robust.

Motoyasu’s arms stood out. There was a slight softness to his arms. Small nails on thin digits trembled as they struggled to remain closed. His hands were no longer their average size.

Myne blinked as she noticed the alterations to his frame. “Lord Motoyasu? What is happening to your…”

It wasn’t just the lower half of his arms that had changed. Gone was the hardened muscle he had earned from his training and fighting. Only delicate hands attached to soft arms with small biceps remained.

Motoyasu tried to get back into a fighting stance. A shudder overcame him as if he stood atop a sheet of ice. Before he fell, however, he managed to stab the bottom of his spear into the ground.

Again a snort came from Naofumi despite the situation.

“Fine. If magic doesn't work…” Myne forced herself to stand, stumbling as she did. Despite her situation, she remained defiant and glared at him. Again she tried to raise her weapon, but it slipped from her hand.

A lustful moan came from the pair as their thighs ballooned in size. Myne gulped as they swelled and patted them. Motoyasu grabbed handfuls of them and squirmed as if squirrels were in his pants. The sides of their legwear strained and were forced further out as they continued to change. An increasingly gentle curve became apparent the longer it went.

Yet while Myne’s finished transforming, Motoyasu’s legs continued to alter. His already loose pants became even looser as more tension in them vanished. Soon they were just as feminine and appealing as Myne’s altered legs. Now the two of them had long, sexy slender legs.

“I…I don’t know what you did to us, but I won’t let whatever evil scheme you came up with stop us!” Motoyasu stepped forward, and his boot slipped off, exposing his now dainty feet.

Fire formed around the Dragon girl’s body as the dragon girl cried. She tried to puff herself and look more intimidating. “As if you could ever beat the Shield Hero!”

Though despite her tough facade, Naofumi could tell that with every flap of her wings...

Naofumi sighed and turned to her. “Oi, don’t move around so much. The last thing you need to do is hurt yourself more than you already are. Speaking of which, didn't tearing your tail off hurt? Will it grow back?”

“Oh no! It doesn’t hurt Lord Shield Hero! And yes, given time I’ll have a new tail. In just a few days at ost.”

“Still, don’t do anything to agitate it until it's back. Last thing we need is for you to pass out or something.” Despite how he talked to her, the girl preened from his words, making him roll his eyes. “Once we’re safe I’m going to need to ask you some questions.”

“Of course whatever questions you have, I will answer them to the best of my abilities!”

Myne demanded. “Don’t ignore us as if we aren’t here!”

Naofumi scoffed. “As if I could with your damn screeching.”

Myne groaned while Motoyasu growled at him, making Naofumi smirk. The frustration was like a sweet wine to him. However, his amusement was cut short as gurgling noises erupted mid-sections. Their cheeks puffed out momentarily as if they were going to puke.

Both of their waists cinched inward. The armor and clothes they wore drooped even more in Motoyasu’s case, hanging off the sides of Motoyasu's body and exposing parts of his shoulders. Myne’s diminishing waist swiftly ended with her admittedly fit frame already being defined and womanly, while Motoyasu’s core continued to shrink. He rubbed his stomach, struggling to get himself under control. Like a drunkard, he raised what he wore and exposed his flat stomach and thin waist for all to see.

Naofumi said. “This is just getting freakier the longer this goes on.”

The dragon girl said. “This isn’t your divine punishment?”

Naofumi turned to the dragon girl with an open jaw. “No it isn’t! Why would I make them transform like this if I wanted to punish them?”

“I’ll admit my lord I didn’t understand why you were going this way, but I wasn’t going to question your decision. I thought it was part of some grand design of yours.”

“...What the hell kind of person do you take me for?”

“A just and wonderful god, who will do everything he can to protect the world and the innocent from those who would seek to harm the innocent!”

Out of all the things Naofumi expected to hear, he didn’t expect that. His jaw opened and closed, unable to say anything, as he struggled to respond.

A moan got their attention, and they turned to see it was Motoyasu who let out another. To the disgust of all, they could see his rigid member pushing against the confines of his pants. The flap on the front of his clothes was pushed further out.

Motoyasu panted, the blush on his face increasing. With no lust or care at all, he stroked it, and he moaned.

Naofumi said. “Oi bastard? What are you doing?

Motoyasu rubbed the front of his pants as if he hadn’t heard them. The derpy grin on his face made it clear what he was focusing on.

Myne demanded. “Lord Motoyasu, please stop!”

Again Motoyasu didn’t reply and continued to please himself, a glazed look in his eyes making it clear he was elsewhere. Naofumi and Myne could see the hill representing his manhood get smaller. He increased the pace as he rubbed the mountain between his legs.

Myne clenched her hands, her thighs rubbing together as her breathing picked up. “Lord Motoyasu control yourself!”

Naofumi recoiled in disgust at how the two of them were acting. A blush adorned his face as he tried to distract himself.

The dragon girl was as flustered as he was but didn’t look away. Instead, her hands were over her mouth, stifling fits of laughter that struggled not to come out.

A wet slurp came from Motoyasu, followed by a loud lustful scream, gaining the attention of all. Motoyasu didn’t look at all disturbed by the sudden loss of her manhood. She looked like she had never been happier with how she bit her lips. Despite her manhood being long gone, she continued to rub her new entrance.

Myne began to rub her nether regions. “Ohhh!”

Naofumi looked down at his shield again, questioning everything right now. "What the hell is up with that relic you had?"

The dragon girl said. “I…I didn’t think the relic in my tail would lead to something like this either, my lord. It must be your magnificent power changing them into a form far more fitting to your tastes!”

“Don’t pin this on me!”

A sudden snap came from Myne and Motoyasu as their hips widened. More snapping noises filled the area as their lower frames continued to extend. Rips formed on the side of Motoyasu’s pants. The straps on Myne’s leather strained against her wider hips. Naofumi couldn’t tell whose were larger, but it was plain to see they were struggling to remain. Myne struggled to undo hers while Motoyasu pulled, making the rips on them larger.

More tearing noises filled the area, and to Naofumi’s shock, reptilian tails appeared. Myne's tail was a dark crimson, while Motoyasu’s tail was a bright emerald green. They could only stare at the new appendages they had in shock.

Again Naofumi looked down at the shield, then back at his two transforming enemies. “They’re turning into dragon girls.’

The girl next to him beamed, sparkles in her eyes practically visible. “I see. As punishment for their attack, and their clear hatred of demi humans you decided they should become what they hate. Truly it is a fitting punishment!”

“I told you, I wasn’t trying to do anything like that!”

Myne shuddered and ran her hands over her nail tail. A scream came out of her throat as she grabbed it. A shudder went down her spine. Her hands went up and down her new appendage, horror in her eye, but her lips trembled as they struggled not to quirk upward. It was clear she tried not to smile the more her hands went over it.

Motoyasu’s tail moved back and forth as if she was a dog. Despite the new appendage, she continued to play with her new entrance.

Another gasp came from Myne, one that was followed by another from Motoyasu as well. However, these lacked the arousal those before did.

Motoyasu cried. “Ahh my back!”

Myne pawed at her back like a ravenous beast. Panic and annoyance were evident on her face as she struggled to reach a spot on it. With every failed attempt, her desperation grew as she attempted to touch it.

At first, Naofumi didn’t want to help, but with how the two were acting, he couldn’t help but watch. The desperate mewls got to him. He marched over to Motoyasu. ‘Can’t believe I’m doing this.’

Naofumi ordered. “Hold still. I’m going to take a look at your back”

Motoyasu trembled. “O-Ok!”

Naofumi pulled down the back of Motoyasu’s struggling attire and saw two small knubs poking out against her shoulder blades. The points were growing larger, rivaling his thumb and getting bigger. Intrigued awe took over as he stared at them. After a minute, he let go of Motoyasu's shirt, unable to stand the sight of it anymore.

Motoyasu whimpered. “What’s happening to me…master?”

“The fuck…Nevermind.” Naofumi touched them, and Motoyasu jumped. “Do they hurt?”


Naofumi stepped back as they continued to expand. They pushed against the back of her shirt and continued to grow. Small horns poked out from the stretching cloth, tiny rips resounding through the room. A glance was spared as Myne got louder, and he saw the same thing happening to her back. Protrusion tore through their shirts, revealing the new growths in their entirety. Both protrusions were covered in matching scales to their tales and features.

They got bigger even when they had become the size of his arm. Small little bony protrusions appeared on them as they got bigger. Leathery skin formed between them and expanded like the rest of their clothes. When they reached the apex of their growth, their wings unfurled, revealing large draconic wings as big as them. Every strap of their shirts and armor broke, no longer able to support their body with such large holes in them.

Naofumi covered his eyes with his shield as Myne and Motoyasu screamed, the former covering herself. ‘No way am I going to let my mind suffer by seeing either of their breasts. Those two might take it as a compliment.’

The dragon girl said. “My lord! Their clothes are changing now!”

“Let me know when it's over.”

“Understood, my lord~”

Myne and Motoyasu's clothes and armor altered, every piece of armor they wore shifted as it lost its metallic shine. It seeped onto their clothes as they changed color, red in Motoyasu's case and purple in Mynes. Every scrap of clothing on their upper bodies formed into a red and purple apron in Motoyasu's and Myne's cases. The remains of their pants softened and merged, creating soft white stockings that went up to their mid-thighs.

“It is done, my lord!”

Naofumi lowered his shield and was surprised by Myne and Motoyasu’s new clothes. ‘Dragon maids.’

It was surreal how he would have adored this sight months ago, but now he didn’t care about it. 'Considering it’s those two, it kills whatever fantasies I might have had. Especially since one of them was a guy.’

Motoyasu looked at Naofumi, and her face darkened. “Do you like our new uniforms, master?”

She turned, her tail rising and exposing her naked butt.

Naofumi felt a blush forming and snapped. “Stop it damn it!”

Naofumi and the dragon girl could see Motoyasu's butt expanding as well. It rounded out and grew larger, forcing the skirt to drape around their butts, acting almost like a veil. A groan from Myne caught their attention, and they could see she was massaging her's with a massive lecherous smile.

“It seems your power has removed their previous shame. Truly to add onto their punishment, but making them act like this as well is something else. This can only be your divine power at work, knowing what it must do."

Naofumi pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, waiting for the two to finish pleasing themselves. With every moan, his frown deepened as his annoyance spiked. When the sultry moans died, he raised his head and saw they no longer played with themselves as if they were sluts.

Naofumi said. “Is it finally over?”

“...It seems like it is my lord.”

Immediately, Motoyasu and Myne stood up. Myne tried to get the wrinkles out of her attire while Motoyasu stood there, her uniform a mess but beaming with childish delight.

Naofumi looked at his shield and saw the eyes on it were still glowing. ‘Out of all the things you could do, you fo this?’

Another set of vapid moans broke Naofumi’s trail of thoughts. A sigh came out as he forced himself to look at Motouyasu and Myne. To his shock, he saw their breasts growing bigger. His eyes went to the dragon girl to see her staring in amazement. Again they moaned, and Naofumi looked at them, unable to ignore them and pay attention to their growth.

Their new uniforms strained against their growing bustlines. Motoyausu leaned forward, exposing more of her cleavage. Myne leaned back, making her bust look larger as her orbs expanded. With every second, more of an outline to their busts appeared and looked more appetizing.

Naofumi’s face scrunched in disgust. Seeing their breasts and flirting with him made him want to vomit. “Could you two cut it out? I have had enough of your constant asset flaunting..”

Despite his orders, the girls continued to play with their enhancing bossoms. They leaned forward and struggled to adjust to their weight. Thankfully for him, their breasts finished growing when they had become large round spheres that looked like they had shoved honeydews down their clothes.

Myne cried as she rubbed her forehead. “Master told you to stop, you buffoon!”

Motoyasu giggled. “There we go. Now I am ready to serve you Master!”

The Dragon girl next to Naofumi patted her flat chest and frowned. A slight cute growl came from him. Suddenly she got into a praying position before him, her head almost touching his feet.

“Lord Shield Hero. I beseech you. Please use your divine power to give me a bigger bust.”

Naofumi couldn’t take it anymore. With no hesitation, he walked away from them all.

Motoyasu cried. “Wait master! Where are you going?”

The small dragon girl said. “My lord?!? Wait for meeeeeee!”

Naofumi ignored them as he continued to walk forward, refusing to turn his head. A migraine formed. Despite focusing on his breathing, the headache didn't stop. “Need to get some medicine from the cart for this level of crazy.”

Off in the distance, he could see Raphtalia and Filo. The two seemed to be arguing, but he couldn’t hear them.

At once, the two noticed his approach, and they beamed. Confusion immediately seeped into the two, which also caused his headache to worsen. “How the heck am I going to explain this madness to those two…? Guess I have to wing it…”

Raphtalia narrowed her eyes at Motoyasu and Myne. “Lord Naofumi, who are these three? Where do you find them?”

Bewilderment seeped into Filo’s features. “Why do they smell like spear guy and that bad lady?”

“Wait what? Filo now that you mention it, they do look like the spear hero and the princess.”

The dragon girl smiled. Laughter came out of the petite dragon girl. She bawled over, her wings flapping in the air as if she was trying to take flight. “Wait, is that who they were? I thought they were just some random nobles. This is one of the heroes and the princess!”

Naofumi continued past them, heading straight for the cart. “They were. Raph, Filo, I guess these two are our new maids.”

Raphtalia looked at him with large eyes, demanding an answer. “Naofumi-sama, please explain.”

Naofumi ran his hand down his face. “I will when I wake up and this turns out to be nothing more than a bad dream. I’m going to take a nap until I feel better.”

Motoyasu and Myne cried at the same time. “Allow us to help set your bedding up!”

Myne and Motoyasu rushed forward into the wagon, eager to help them. They worked on setting up the bed and cleaning everything, much to Naofumi’s annoyance.

“What the hell am I going to do with these two? As amusing as it is, I'm sure they’ll only being trouble.”


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