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Zoro leaned forward, glaring at Sanji. He said. “What was that you said you shitty cook?”

“Oh, you want to go again you damn moss head,” Sanji said.

The two glared at each other. They bashed their skulls against each other and glared at each other like blood-hungry animals. Zoro’s hand inched to his sword while Sanji’s leg pulled back, ready to deliver a devastating kick to his stomach. The two of them glared at each other, waiting to see who would make the first move.

Nami knocked the two of them upside the head. She groaned and held her head, glaring at them. “Hey knock it off you too! The last thing we need is for the two of you to break the ship if you two get into a fight! And more importantly I’m dealing with a headache that feels like its trying to split my skull open. And I don’t need the two of you making it worse than it already is!”

Zoro held the lump on his head and glared at her. “Hey! Don’t hit me just because you couldn’t handle how much booze you drank!”

“Of course! Anything you say Nami-swan!” Sanji bowed to her, his eyes filled with hearts. Not at all bothered by the recent bout of pain she had inflicted.

Zoro hissed. “Love sick weirdo.”

Again Sanji glared at him, but one look from Nami was enough to make him stop. A grin formed on his face at the pleased look she had. He giggled as he took the time to admire her bodacious figure and looks.

Nami fluttered her eyes at him and sent a dazzling smile at him. “Sanji, why don’t you go find something else to do to get your mind off things? It would mean a lot to me.”

“Whatever you say Nami-swan!” Sanji zoomed merrily to another part of the ship. He didn’t know where he was going or cared. The only thing on his mind was fulfilling Nami’s wishes.

When he was on the other side of the ship, Sanji realized his beloved Nami was nowhere in sight. His smile and lovey-dovey expression soured immediately. He grumbled as he stumbled away. His fist clenched. No matter how hard he tried to think of Nami, his mind returned to Zoro and how things had escalated.

Sanji’s nostrils flared. “What I wouldn’t give to show that damn moss head what’s for. Whatever you got better things to do then let him bring your mood down. Maybe I can do something to help Nami-swan relax.”

Sanji stopped when he noticed a crown. He picked it up. It was a simple thing for the most part. Just a golden circlet with a pair of wings and an emerald gemstone in the center of it. “Where the heck did this come from?”

He picked it up and tried to determine where it could have come from. There hadn’t been any recent battles he could think of, and it had been at least a week since they had stopped at a port.

“Did one of the others pick this up and didn’t let us know about it…Maybe Nami-swan did when we made it to port. No, knowing her she would have been bragging about it the moment we landed if she did steal this. Got to admit, it does look nice.”

He imagined Nami or Robin wearing it and grinned. In his mind, they looked like a regal princess who had finally adorned her crown. A blush adorned his face. His imagination went wild, imagining then wearing it and other alluring outfits from elegant dresses, bikinis, and more. Blood trailed down his nose as he imagined them posing in lewd ways. The bounce of their busts, beautiful smiles, and their supple rear. It all filled him with glee. Then, a perverse giggle came from him as he imagined their breasts swaying.

“Heh I’m sure Nami-swan, or Robin-swan of the girls would love it!” He could already imagine how happy she would be when she got her hands on the crown. “Maybe they’ll even give me a reward in that case.”

He considered just rushing off and giving it to one of them for a moment but stopped. Sanji looked back down at the ground. The gem glowed as light reflected off it. A smile blossomed. “If one of them didn’t bring it then maybe I could surprise them. Make it the centerpiece for one of the dishes.”

Sanji shook his head and tried to get his thoughts in order. “Can admire and hope for more wonderful stuff like that later. Right now, think about what you can do without running into that damn moss head.”

He didn’t feel like chatting it up with Franky. If he tried to do anything with Luffy, he was sure it would end up with his sweet Nami getting angry. Franky would probably land him in the same boat. As for Ussop and Chopper, he had better things to do, and they were probably busy. He looked at the sun and thought about the time.

“How long has it been since lunch?” Sanji thought long and hard, trying to think about the timing. It would be sunset soon, and by the time he finished making everything, it would probably be nighttime.

“Better start making dinner if there is going to be enough food for the rest of us. Between Luffy and moss head the two of them won’t leave enough for the rest of us, especially for Nami-swan and Robin-swan. Oh maybe I could use the crown and as a show piece for the meal and if either of them want it they could have it.”

Sanji marched to the kitchen, pulling out a fresh cigarette. He lit it and took a deep huff of it. Immediately he gagged as if someone had shoved a piece of crap down his throat. He coughed and huffed. He grabbed a glass of water and tried to drown out the flavor, yet it remained.

“Eww.” Sanji snuffed out the cigarette. He looked it over, wondering why the taste of it seemed so wrong. “Did someone mess with my cigarettes?”

No matter how hard he examined it, he couldn’t find anything wrong. He tossed it to the side and opened the pack again. His hand went to pull out another cigarette but stopped. He looked over the pack of cigarettes. Just like with the cigarette, there didn’t seem to be anything off about them, yet something in his gut made him stop. After a moment, he tossed them to the side. “I’m not going to run the risk of having another taste of that.”

Seconds later, they shimmered before disappearing moments later as if they weren’t there. The slight smokey stench Sanji had disappeared.

A thousand recipes rushed forward, and he tried to sort them out, wondering what would be the best one to start with for the night. “Now then, let’s get get ready.”

Sanji washed his hands, and as he did, all the body hair and slight imperfections disappeared. The hair on his knuckles and arms vanished as if he had taken a razor and cut it off. Yet it wasn't just there. The hair on his legs was also erased from existence, along with what body hair he had on his chest and back. Every bit of hair he had vanished, even the patches above his privates. The facial hair, which he had paid careful attention to, thinned until it was gone. With how smooth and soft his face was now, he looked as if he had a baby face.

With it gone, any hair he had on his eyebrows disappeared. All of the blackheads on his body vanished as well. The scars he had earned from the various battles shrunk as well. His skin softened and lost all of the haphazard messes. Their edges eased up and relaxed as a healthier shine appeared to them.

Sanji pulled out his tools and ensured no one had touched them. They all shined with a fresh new shine that made him smile. He cracked his knuckles and his neck.

“Now we can begin.” Sanji pulled out all the ingredients he would need and placed them to the side. Then, with the skill befitting a master chef, he cut through them without any issue.

As he cut the ingredients into smaller portions, his hands altered. The nails he had paid little attention to lengthened. Any uneven edges they might have had disappeared as a small singular point became more apparent. They grew somewhat longer, adding further to the feminine grace they had. His fingers shrunk, losing excess fat like sausages being cut in half. A softness appeared on them that became more apparent. The calluses from the years of training eased slightly as they softened with new vigor.

Sanji hissed as he quickly adjusted his grip. The smaller they got, the more he was forced to adjust how he held it. Again he was forced to change how he held the knife. The grip he had on the blade broke moments later. An annoyed growl came out of his throat.

“What's up with my grip?” Sanji sighed and gripped it tighter, ensuring he wouldn’t have any surprises. His dainty digits struggled slightly with how much more they changed.

When he was finished cutting the food, Sanji cleaned the knife and put it to the side for later use. He poured the cut ingredients into the pot and stirred them around. With every little stir, his forearms lost more of their mass. Nevertheless, it gained the same slender grace his hands had.

Yet the changes to arms didn’t cease. They continued to gain the same slender grace, the musculature they had trimmed and refined to where they would have easily rivaled Nami’s and Robin’s.

He filled the spoon and tasted the soup. A frown formed as the flavors danced on his tongue. “I'll need a little more, then it will be perfect.”

Sanji placed his spoon down and went to where he kept the spices, the room looking a little larger as he walked. With every step he took, the room grew to Sanji. He looked through the cabinets, trying to find where he had placed them. Despite his decreasing stature, his clothes adjusted to his altering frame. Inches disappeared from his frame. His body finished shrinking when it became a tiny 5’4.

Sanji reached up to the top cabinet to get what he needed, but he couldn’t quite reach it. He stood on the tips of his toes, but even then, it stood out of his reach. “Oh damn it, why did Franky have to design the ship so it was so big.”

A stool off to the side caught his attention, and he grabbed it. With it, he pulled out all of the spices and smiled.

“Probably should move these to a lower level. I can’t keep asking for help from others every time this happens.” Sanji’s face darkened at the thought of Zoro. “Damn mosshead. You think he would know better then to taunt the guy who makes your damn food. He’s damn lucky it goes against everything I know as a chef to mess with his food.”

Sanji grabbed all of his spices and went back over to the stove. This time his strong muscular frame appeared in his mind, and it darkened further. The powerful muscles he had, his dark, ominous charisma that made every word seemed like law, but the soft heart he had towards those he cherished that he hid like a precious treasure. The fantastic way he fought in the last fight they had. It all rushed forward and made him grin at how amazing he was.

He slapped himself and focused on his breathing, trying to get himself under control again. “Get a grip over yourself. You have to focus on cooking, or else you could ruin everything. Then you’ll have to start all over again and Luffy won’t leave anything for anyone.”

As Sanji cooked, his firm, powerful legs lost some of their mass. His feet dwindled, the large size they had diminishing. The powerful, refined calves, which brimmed with strength, dwindled, gaining the same minor defined femininity the rest of his body gained. His thighs swelled like ripening loaves of bread. A slight welcoming curve appeared to them, which continued to expand. His pants dug a little tighter against his body as they swelled. Like two sky-piercing pillars, they stood out on his body, his pants struggling to contain them.

After a minute, he took another small spoonful of the soup and tested it. He rolled it around on his tongue and was pleased by the taste of it. Sanji smiled. “There we go.”

With the soup ready, Sanji examined the meat. He cut a small portion of the tenderloin off and studied how tender it was. A grin formed. However, he didn't relax and went from one spot in the kitchen to another, checking everything and ensuring it would result in the best flavor.

As Sanji shuffled around the room, his legs changed. He stumbled as his feet shrank but quickly recovered. The rest of his calves got smaller, despite how much they had already transformed. Like his hands, they gained the same slenderness they had but maintained their definition. Only a slight ripple came from them as he walked around the room.

Unlike the rest of his legs, his thighs fattened. More mass appeared on them, yet despite that, they had a slight curve that added more to his developing figure. The plumpness of his new thighs pushed his member against his pants. A delightful jiggle in them only fueled the fire in his crotch. His body heated as his thighs ballooned without abandon. The zipper strained slightly as they altered, thickening into delicious plush legs people could have used as pillows.

“As if I need a clothing malfunction when I’m working on dinner.” Sanji adjusted his pants, wincing at how awkward it was. A slight heat erupted from his member. His breathing picked up as a light layer of sweat appeared on them. He shook his head and focused on the task ahead. “Alright now I need to figure out what the girls would like to eat.”

Sanji tapped his chin as he pondered what would be best. Dozens of recipes came forward of what he could make that would complement the main courses. Suddenly it struck him.

“I know  he girls will want to have a nice salad to go with this.” Sanji ran to the fridge and gathered everything to make the best salad possible. He grabbed the lettuce and bowls filled with strawberries, blueberries, and tomatoes. "This should do the trick."

His waist altered as he cut the rest of the vegetables and fruits that would go into it. It shrunk down, losing some of its mass. With every little cut, more of his midsection’s mass disappeared. Instead, it went to his hips and butt like it was being forced to go in two different directions. His trim stomach strengthened the more it changed, the muscle it had, gaining prominence. With how fit it was, the hourglass figure he had became more eye-catching, even if he lacked a fine pair of breasts or a butt worth anything.

“There we go, now then let’s check on that soup. It should be about ready with how long it has been setting.”

Sanji went back to the stove and pulled off the lid. A tiny trail of steam came forward and made him recoil for a moment.

The steam gently brushed his face, and he leaned back so he wouldn’t be in a direct path with it. His sharp, handsome features softened and lost some of their roughness. A softer appearance appeared as if it cleaning his features. His bones shifted and gained a slightly rounded appearance. A roundness appeared in his cheeks while his chin softened as well. His lips plumped in size, becoming softer as they acquired a brighter red shine. He bit them as his nose diminished and became a smaller diminutive size.

“You think with all we have been through a little cooking steam wouldn’t throw me off like this.” Sanji wiped his now beautiful feminine face. Despite the chaos of it all, he felt at peace. A serene smile appeared on his face. When the steam died a little, he tested the soup and hummed. “Oh boy, there we go, it's coming along nicely. It just needs to sit for a little while longer.”

Sanji put the lid back on and continued working around the kitchen as his hips let out low pops. The tightness of his pants kept increasing, straining his slender waist. His pants struggled as the button and the seams did everything they could to try and hold on. They dug between his cheeks, the outline of his butt becoming more prominent with every second.

“There we go, now let’s check on the meat and make sure that is going well.” Sanji looked at the meat cooking on the grill and grinned. Then, he took a heavy breath and smiled. “Let’s get the sauce ready for that. Luffy might not care too much, but I’m sure the others would like something to go with it.”

As Sanji prepared the barbecue sauce, his blonde hair grew longer. It brushed past his ears and traveled down his body. The soft silky splendor of it shined like polished gold. He shuddered as the soft locks of hair brushed against him, tickling him. His hair finished growing when it rested of his butt. Sanji moved the bang in his face away behind his ear.

He dipped his finger into it and was pleased by the creaminess of the taste and the texture. A slight maple flavor came over it, and a slightly fruity taste would go a long way.

“Now then is there anything else the crew would like. Ussop  will eat just about anything and Choppr is going to want some of the salad as well. If we have any sweets he’s going to eat all of them. The girls are handled and Luffy will have enough meat to last him for a while. The only one left would be…Zoro.”

A sudden pull between his legs made Sanji shudder and lean against the counter. His legs trembled. His eyes darted to the door as he rubbed himself against the counter. The pulling grew, and the hardness of his member increased. His hand moved and rubbed the front of his member. With every slight rub and down them, the bolt of electric glee that coursed from it grew in strength, more addicting.

His throat burned, getting drier by the second. It was as if someone was choking him. The grunting and groans sounded higher, becoming more effeminate. With every slight rise, the tension in his throat became more intense, his throat scratchy. He gulped down every little drop of saliva in his mouth, trying to ease his burning throat. Yet, despite it, a content smile formed that only widened with every second and little pleasing bud.

A thin trail of juices went down her legs. She leaned against the counter. Her breathing hastened as her knees trembled. She gripped the counter, trying to prevent herself from falling it like a ragdoll. The dry patch in her throat disappeared as if he had drank a large barrel and chugged it down.

“Oh Mythra you naughty girl.” Mythra’s hand inched closer to her crotch to go for another round, yet she restrained herself. “W-Why now of all times? What if someone comes barging in?”

‘But if Zoro were to come in then…,’ her mind trailed off. She could imagine his shock about her current state. He would be worried and then notice the smell. Then he would come over, and he would…

Another groan came out before her thought could finish. She swayed her hips from side to side and licked her lips. Her hands pressed down on her privates, earning a slight squeal of glee. “Please….let it happen.”

Her butt pushed off against the counter. It kept swelling larger as if it was a protective cushion. It lost none of its strong tone as it gained a rounder appearance. A small rip came from the back of her pants while the zipper went down, unable to handle all the padding her backside was gaining.

Mythra’s free hand went to the side of her cheek and gently caressed her expanding cheek. Butt flesh escaped between her fingers, but she hardly cared. She roughly squeezed and massaged her ass, reaching a new plateau of sexual arousal, filling her with delight. Her booty kept getting larger, pushing back against her hands, making her press down and grope it with greater vigor.

Only when it stopped growing did she push off her pillowy rear end. Her lovely bubble butt swayed and bounced slightly as she did. The slight warm breeze brushed against her buttocks, making her shudder. She reached between the hole, about to put one of her digits inside, but a sudden burst of heat from her chest made her stop.

It called out to her, and she placed her hands on her breasts. Her nipples poked against her hands like tiny knives. She flinched momentarily from the contact and then hardened her resolve as she played with herself more. With every light tug and pull on them, her nipples somehow hardened even more, the heat rising from all of her pleasure points multiplied, and the pleasure she gained from them intensified. One of her hands went to her chest and played with one of her nipples, gently tugging and twisting it like a knob.

Small orbs formed against her top and grew with every second. She forwent playing with one of her nips and played with the developing fat there. The soft, delightful cushions made her feel as if she was touching paradise. Her smile dropped and became dopier. A thin trail of drool poked out of the side of her mouth as her mind imagined a lovely round of rutting between her and Zoro. Her breathing hastened.

Small little boobs formed on her chest but quickly swelled. Her dress shirt strained against her breasts. One by one, the buttons on her shirt zoomed across the room like bullet shells. Pale creamy cleavage poked through them all. Her nipples strained against her top, poking through them. The outer edges of her fair mountains became exposed as they fell freely on her chest. With every little bit of freedom they gained, they rested in a natural bell shape as they continued their struggle against her attire. Their growth slowed and slowly stopped when they had a plump E-cup that would have put some baseballs to shame.

The smell of the food hit her nose again, and the fantasy she was experiencing crumbled instantly. A slight bubbling noise caught her attention, breaking through the apex of her imagination like a mighty sword.

“Oh no, the food!” Mythra acted quickly and began taking the food off. She checked the soup, praying she hadn’t wound up burning it.

She pulled the meat off the grill and moved the pot off the stove. When everything was no longer over a heat source, she examined them all intently. She cut a little off the bone and checked the viscosity of the soup.

“Oh thank God, everything’s ok. Can’t believe I almost wasted food because I had gotten lost in fantasies. Zeff would have killed me if he ever learned about this.”

Mythra observed her work and smiled at how nice the food turned out. The aroma of smells assaulted her nose like a wondrous symphony. Her mouth watered at the sight of it all. A low gurgle came from her stomach, demanding she stuff her mouth right this second.

“Not just yet, I need to put the finishing touches on most of them.” First, Mythra lightly drizzled the meat in the sauce, ensuring not to put too much on it. Next, she put a light dressing on the salad that would make the flavors of the fruit surge to the forefront. The moment she finished, she placed her utensils down and placed her hands on her hips. “Finally, everything is perfect.”

Mythra took off the apron she had on and checked her appearance. She frowned at the ruffled state of her attire.

“I need to clean myself up, or else they might start asking questions.” She brushed down the ruffled parts of her attire, gently pressing them against her body to fix them.

With every slight, delicate brush of her hands, Mythra’s suit changed. As if she was removing soot from her suit, the blackness of her suit jacket disappeared with every swipe. White and black lines formed on the edges of her attire. Green and gold ornaments appeared on her body, which matched her longer, breathtaking blonde hair.

The pants of her legs converged and moved closer together and formed the bottom half of a skirt. With every touch of her hands, the bottom half of her shirt merged with her new dress. The line between them gradually dissipated until they were one large piece of clothing. Yet the legs of her pants broke off and became long black stockings. They tightened and caressed her supple curves. Her jacket top hardened as two symmetrical green crosses formed on it. The buttons and pockets had disappeared as symmetrical green crosses took their place. When she was finished cleaning her appearance, she was clad in a white minidress with black accents and numerous golden and green ornaments.

Mythra beamed. “There we go, much better.”

She ran her hand through her butt-length hair, pride going through her. A frown formed as she realized something was missing from her outfit. Again she ran her fingers through her hair, trying to figure out what was wrong. Suddenly it hit her like a thunderstrike.

“Where is my tiara?” Mythra’s eyes darted across the room. They stopped when they saw her crown on the counter.

“Oh what is it doing there!” Mythra picked up her tiara and slipped it on her head. The weight of her crown made her beam in pride and delight. “Everything is perfect. Now let’s get to serving.” Mythra grabbed all the food and skipped out of the kitchen, carrying everything easily. “Everything is ready now!”


Mythra held back a sigh but smiled at his reaction as the others began crowding around her. Ussop grabbed some of the trays and began placing them on the table. Luffy grabbed the tray she had made just for him and swallowed it as if it was little more than water. In one bite, he had devoured the entirety of a chicken leg, and in another, he wound up eating another piece whole. His face extended, and his throat grew and adjusted for his ravenous appetite.

“Hopefully that is enough to hold him over for now. With how he’s eating, he seems to be extra hungry today.”

“I’m sure it is.”

Mythra’s eyes roamed the ship until they landed on Zoro, and her face immediately darkened. He was getting closer. His upper body was fully exposed and covered in a light sweat, just like in her fantasies. She paid rapt attention to the bounce of his pecs and rippling muscles.

“This is your meal.” Mythra said, hoping she was keeping her lust and desire to run his hands over his bulging biceps. Even now, her mouth watered at the thought of getting a feel for his prime muscles.

“Thanks for the meal Mythra.” With no hesitation, Zoro took a spot at the table and began munching down on his food.

She watched him eat. There was still the same hungry vigor and lack of manners as Luffy, but something about how he was eating resonated with her. Someone dug their elbow into her side and saw Nami and Robin smirking at her.

Nami laughed. “You better take a seat already if you want to eat next to him. ”

Mythra immediately grabbed her food and sat in the empty seat beside him. She scooted a little closer to Zoro, basking in his presence.

Zoro shot her a look for a moment before shrugging and going back to devouring his food like a feral beast. It was mystifying, and she couldn’t tear her eyes away, even as she ate her meal.

‘I wonder if he would eat me out like that.’ Mythra thought as she picked at her meal, eyeing Zoro like he was a prime rib steak. ‘I wonder if your fourth sword would be just as impressive as the rest of your muscles are.’